The chlor-alkali industry is a large worldwide multimillion industry which produces compounds that are essential to human existence. The industry is based on the electrolysis of sodium chloride solutions.
The processes involved are electrolysis, oxidation and reduction. Electrolysis:
is an endothermic reaction
involves a process during which electric energy is converted to chemical energy or brings about a chemical change
involves a non-spontaneous redox reaction.
takes place when electrons are given off
at the anode.
takes place when electrons are received
at the cathode.
Corrosive: Substance that damages and destroys substances (including living matter) it comes into contact with (touches).
Leaching: Movement of a substance (like NaOH (aq), pesticides or fertilisers) that are carried by water, down through soil (ground) to the underground water table. The water table is the level below which the ground is saturated with water.
Carbon footprint: The amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere due to the activities of a person, organisation or process.
Brine: A concentrated solution of NaCℓ(aq) You must know how to:
Identify the processes involved
Give a description of the concept or term
Give the correct definition
Describe the process and chemicals involved/ produced
The chlor-alkali industry products can be produced by using a:
membrane cell
mercury cell
diaphragm cell
Membrane Cell
Diaphragm Cell
Mercury Cell
Purity and yield of Cℓ2 (g) produced
Produces relatively pure Cℓ2(g) that is mixed with very small amount of O2(g).
Produces Cℓ2(g) that is mixed with O2(g) so the product is less pure.
Low yield of Cℓ2(g) and of NaOH(aq).
Purity of NaOH (aq) produced
NaOH (aq) is mixed with NaCℓ (aq)
Energy consumption (Affects costs)
Relatively low
Very high
Environmental impact
Non-toxic, reusable components - low setup costs.
Lowest energy consumption therefore small carbon footprint.
Diaphragm is made from asbestos.
Mercury reacts with the NaCℓ (aq) and leaches into the groundwater.
Health risks
No potential health risks / environmental risks due to components.
H2(g) is explosive and Cℓ2(g) is poisonous.
Diaphragm is made from asbestos – health risk for workers – asbestosis and cancer.
H2(g) is explosive and Cℓ2(g) is poisonous.
Mercury is toxic.
Risks due to contamination of groundwater. (Fish, animals and humans use the water.
H2(g) is explosive and Cℓ2(g) is poisonous.
Very few companies still use mercury cells but many still use diaphragm cells. When new industrial sites are set up today, membrane cells are mostly used.
e.g. Worked example 1 1. Chlorine is produced industrially by electrolysis in an electrolytic cell and can be represented as follows:
2NaCℓ(aq) + 2H2O(ℓ) → H2(g) + Cℓ2(g) + 2NaOH(aq)
The correct statement(s) is/are:
I and III
I only
II and IV
III only
2. Chlorine is a poisonous gas commonly used as a bleaching agent. Chlorine is produced in industry by _____________.
Electrolysis of brine
Activity 1
The electrolysis of saturated sodium chloride can be illustrated as follows: Hydrogen and chlorine bubble off at the electrodes.
Give an equation to show how chlorine bubbles are formed at the electrode. (2)
At which electrode are the chlorine bubbles formed? (1)
At which electrode does hydrogen gas form? (1)
What is the name of the product which leaves the cell? (1)
Give TWO applications of the product formed in 2.4. (2)
What purpose does the porous diaphragm serve? (2)
The chlorine gas produced, dissolves in water to form chlorine water. Write down a balanced equation for the reaction that takes place. (2) [11]
2Cℓ–(aq) → Cℓ2(g) + 2e– (2)
Anode (1)
Cathode (1)
Sodium hydroxide (1)
Making soap and detergents; paper; rayon and other fibres; dyeing textiles (any 2) (2)
Stops chlorine passing through; helps to separate sodium hydroxide from NaCℓ(aq). (2)
Cℓ2 + H2O → HCℓ + HOCℓ (2) [11]
e.g.Worked example 2 The diagram below shows a type of membrane cell used in the chlor-alkali industry.
Name the gases A and B
Why is the membrane called a cationic membrane?
Write down the half-reaction that takes place at electrode N.
Apart from its use in household products, name ONE industrial use of chlorine.
Explain why this electrolytic process cannot be done in one large container without a membrane.
A: Chlorine B: Hydrogen
Allows only the positive ions (cations) to pass through it.
2H2O + 2e– → H2 + 2OH–
Manufacture of PVC, paper, drugs, etc Disinfectant for water
In a single pot the chlorine will react with water to form chlorine water/or the chlorine will react with the OH– ions to form bleach OR the products formed will be contaminated
Activity 2
The simplified diagram of a cell used in the chlor-alkali industry is shown below.
Write down the CHEMICAL FORMULA of brine. (1)
At which electrode, X or Y is chlorine gas formed? (1)
Write down a half-reaction that explains the formation of hydrogen gas at one of the electrodes. (4)
The purity of the sodium hydroxide produced in the chlor-alkali industry depends on the extent to which it is separated from the chlorine gas produced by this cell. Briefly describe how chlorine gas and sodium hydroxide are prevented from mixing in this cell. (2)
Apart from the advantages and disadvantages of products produced, write down for this process: 5.1 ONE positive impact on humans. (1) 5.2 ONE negative impact on humans (1) [10]
NaCℓ (aq) (1)
Y (1)
2H2O + 2e– →H2+2OH – (4)
The membrane prevents chloride ions from moving to the cathode, only allows positive ions through. (2)
5.1 Job creation resulting in more people having a better life. (1) 5.2 Uses huge amounts of electricity resulting in load shedding. OR Chemical plant uses a lot of space that could have been used for housing/gardens, etc. (any one) (1)
Last modified on Wednesday, 29 September 2021 12:49