
PAT 2021



As the world faces the devastating consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, the tourism  sector is among those severely affected. Travel is down, fear is up and the future is uncertain. 
Tourism in South Africa can be a platform for overcoming the economic challenges of the  Covid-19 pandemic. Tourism can promote peace and trust by bringing people together – key  elements in overcoming global challenges.  
There are many ways in which to rebuild the South African tourism industry. One way would  be to encourage and support young entrepreneurs to start their own businesses (start-ups). 
The 2021 PAT focuses on how you, as a young entrepreneur can play a role to ReigniteRejuvenate, Rebuild and Reposition South Africa's tourism industry. Through collaboration  (working together), start-ups and innovative tourism projects will contribute to transformation  in the tourism sector.

What is a start-up? 

A start-up is a young company with a limited budget, founded by one or more entrepreneurs to  develop a unique product or service. Start-ups use their own funding and also source (get)  additional funding from public and private investors.  
Examples of start-ups: Uber, Airbnb, etc. Innovative start-ups are changing the way in which  we travel, how we plan our trip, where we stay, how we move around, what we do, what we  read and what we eat.



You, as a Grade 12 Tourism learner, have come up with a new business idea, called the 2021 AgriGames. The 2021 AgriGames is the fusion of agriculture tourism with either events  tourism, adventure tourism or sports tourism to create a new, unique tourism experience.  
Your start-up business will be in partnership with the farm owners, Nozizwe Mbanjwa* and  Roy Crowden* of the iZintaba Farm* and the local community near Mbombela (Nelspruit) in  Mpumalanga.
Your start-up business will be responsible for organising the 2021 AgriGames and your  partners, the farm owners, have provided the venue and infrastructure on the iZintaba farm.  
The 2021 AgriGames  
The 2021 AgriGames is an event that focusses on unusual, innovative games and activities  taking place on a working farm in the Mpumalanga province over 4 days. The 2021 AgriGames will challenge participants' stamina, strength and sense of adventure.  
The 2021 AgriGames will use a central area on the farm, called the AgriGames BarnYard for  registration, ticket sales, entertainment, evening programmes, media, big screen live  streaming of the activities and for food and beverage facilities. 
The target market is aimed at multi-generational visitors and participants from all over South  Africa and through live streaming, will reach a wider audience.  
The local community are the preferred service providers for the event. Visitors will be  encouraged to support the local community.  

*Fictitious (does not exist)

TIME: 4 hours (2 hours + 2 hours) 


For the 2021 PAT you are required to develop a planning portfolio where you expand on the 2021 AgriGames business idea.  

  • This section of the PAT contains ONE question with THREE subsections to be completed  on Day 2.
  • Study the background information and the scenario to answer QUESTIONS 3.1 to 3.3.
  • Refer to the relevant resources for each question in the Resource Pack. 
  • The fact sheet (ADDENDUM A) in the Resource Pack gives an overview of the iZintaba  Farm. 
  • The glossary in the Resource Pack will help you to understand the concepts and terms used  in the PAT. The underlined words appear in the glossary on pages 5–7.
  • Refer to the assessment criteria for each question at the end of this PAT. This will help you  to structure your responses accordingly.  

The table on the next page shows the suggested times and references to be used for each  question.







Suggested  time


Page no.


Action Plan of the 2021 AgriGames (continued)


The 2021 AgriGames activity 


1½ hours 




Souvenirs for the 2021  AgriGames 


1 hour 





The 2021 AgriGames  BarnYard 


1½ hours 





4 hours




(50 marks)


In the action plan for the 2021 AgriGames you need to consider each of the following  elements:  

QUESTION 3.1: The 2021 AgriGames activity  
QUESTION 3.2: Souvenirs for the 2021 AgriGames 
QUESTION 3.3: The 2021 AgriGames BarnYard



The 2021 AgriGames activity  (20 marks)
Refer to ADDENDA A and F of the RESOURCE PACK to answer this question.


The activities at the event aim to challenge the participants' stamina (strength) and their sense  of adventure. 


Design a competitive activity that will include one or more farm activities, e.g. the picking of  nuts, bird spotting, at the 2021 AgriGames. The activity/activities may include the use of farm  equipment (wheelbarrow, tractor, spade, etc.) 
The example given in ADDENDUM F (harvesting of pumpkins) may NOT be used.   
The activity must include: 

  • The name of the activity
  • The duration of the activity
  • The age/weight restriction for participation 
  • The details of the activity
  • The safety regulations for participating in the activity
  • The rules for responsible tourist behaviour




Souvenirs for the 2021 AgriGames  (10 marks)
Refer to ADDENDA A and G of the RESOURCE PACK to answer this question.


As part of branding for the 2021 AgriGames, the local community will be involved in  manufacturing souvenirs for the event. 


On an A4-page, design an eco-friendly, branded product for the 2021 AgriGames. When  designing the product, keep in mind it must be something that visitors will want to buy as a  reminder of the event. 
Include the following: 

  • A logo for the 2021 AgriGames (design your own logo)
  • A simple, clear drawing of the product which includes the logo
  • An explanation why the product can be considered eco-friendly
  • An explanation of the suitability of the product as a souvenir




The 2021 AgriGames BarnYard  (20 marks)

Refer to ADDENDA A and H of the RESOURCE PACK to answer this question.


The 2021 AgriGames will use a central area on the farm, called the AgriGames BarnYard, for  registration, ticket sales, entertainment, evening programmes, media, big screen live  streaming of the activities and food and beverage facilities. 
A media launch will be held at the AgriGames BarnYard on the day before the event. The  media would like to interview you about the business idea for the 2021 AgriGames. The media  has sent the questions in advance so that you can prepare for the interview. 


In a dialogue format, prepare your responses to the questions received from the media. 
NOTE: You are given the opportunity to promote your event in the media. Be creative and original by providing detailed responses to market your event.


Media question 

When and where will the 2021 AgriGames be held?

Your response 

The 2021 AgriGames will be held from 23–26 September 2021 on the  iZintaba Farm near Mbombela in Mpumalanga. 

Questions received from the media: 

  1. What is the purpose of the AgriGames BarnYard
  2. What can visitors expect from the evening programmes/entertainment at the AgriGames BarnYard
  3. Why did you decide to use big screen live streaming at the AgriGames BarnYard?
  4. How is drone technology going to be beneficial to the 2021 AgriGames
  5. Covid-19 has had a negative impact on the local tourism industry. 
    How will the 2021 AgriGames help to Reignite, Rejuvenate, Rebuild and Reposition South Africa's tourism industry?


                                                                                                                                                                          TOTAL DAY 2 : 


Refer to the assessment criteria for each question below, which will help you to structure  your responses. 

ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT FOR DAY 2 (For use by the teacher and moderator) 

Name of learner: 


Grade 12


Your answer will be assessed using the assessment criteria below. Use the criteria to plan your responses accordingly. 


THE 2021 AGRIGAMES ACTIVITY                                       

                                       (20 marks)






1. Design a competitive  activity that includes one or  more farm activities. 
(Teacher or moderator must  assess the final product.)

No attempt was made  to design a competitive  activity that includes one or more farm activities.

A superficial competitive  activity that includes one or  more farm activities has  been designed but contains very little substance.  
Insufficient information is  given. 

An acceptable competitive  activity that will include one or  more farm activities has been designed with moderate  substance. The details may  leave the reader with some  questions about the activity. 

An excellent, well-structured, competitive activity with sufficient  information was designed. The  activity creates a sense of  excitement and anticipation.





2. Details of the activity,  name, duration, age, weight, etc. 

No details of the  activity, such as name,  duration, age, weight, etc. is given.

Very little details of the  activity are given. Some  essential information, such  as name, duration, age,  weight, etc. is omitted. The  details may leave the reader  with some questions that  need to be clarified. 

Most of the details of the activity  are given. Essential information, such as name, duration, age,  weight, etc. is included. 

All details of the activity are given.  Essential information, such as  name, duration, age, weight, etc.  is included. Additional detailed  information is given that leaves no  room for misinterpretation.





3. Safety regulations for  participation in the activity

Unable to explain the  safety regulations for  participation in the  activity.

A superficial, incomplete  explanation of safety regulations for participation  in the activity is given. The  explanation has very little  substance.

An acceptable explanation of the  safety regulations for  participation in the activity is  given. The explanation may  leave the reader with questions  that need to be clarified. 

An excellent, outstanding,  innovative explanation of the  safety regulations for participation  in the activity is given. All  applicable safety aspects are  included, e.g. Covid-19 safety  protocols.




4. Rules for responsible  tourist behaviour 

Unable to explain the  rules for responsible  tourist behaviour.

A superficial, incomplete  explanation of the rules for  responsible tourist behaviour  is given. Explanation has  very little substance.

An acceptable explanation of the  rules for responsible tourist  behaviour is given. The  explanation may leave the reader  with questions that need to be  clarified. 

An excellent, outstanding,  innovative explanation of the rules  for responsible tourist behaviour is  given. Additional information to  strengthen the explanation is  given.




QUESTION 3.2: SOUVENIRS FOR THE 2021 AGRIGAMES                                                                                                                       

(10 marks)

Your answer will be assessed using the assessment criteria below. Use the criteria to plan your responses accordingly. 




1. Design an eco-friendly, branded product for the 2021 AgriGames. Logo, clear drawing with  logo

No attempt was made  to design an eco friendly, branded  product for the 2021  AgriGames. 

A product was designed.  The product is unsuitable,
is not branded, 
is not eco-friendly, 
the logo was omitted, 
a combination of the above.

An acceptable eco-friendly, branded product with a logo was designed. The product is suitable  to be sold as a souvenir of the  event. 
The product may appeal to most  participants and visitors.

An excellent, branded, eco-friendly product was designed  that most visitors and participants  will want to buy as a reminder of  the event. The product is  attractive, innovative and  interesting and has a unique  selling point that makes it stand  out from other souvenirs.




2. Explain why the product can be considered eco-friendly

No attempt was made  to explain why the product can be  considered  eco-friendly.

A short, superficial explanation why the product  can be considered  eco-friendly, is given. The  explanation is incomplete.

An acceptable explanation with  information why the product can  be considered eco-friendly, is  given. The explanation may leave  the reader with some questions  that need to be clarified. 

An excellent, well-structured  explanation with sufficient reasons  why the product can be considered  eco-friendly, is given. Additional  information is included that  strengthens the explanation.




3. Explain the suitability  of the product as a  souvenir.

No attempt was made to  explain why the product  is suitable to be sold as  a souvenir at the event.

A short, superficial  explanation why the product  is suitable to be sold as a  souvenir at the event, is  given. The explanation is  incomplete.

An acceptable explanation why  the product is suitable to be sold  as a souvenir at the event, is  given. The explanation may leave  the reader with questions that  need to be clarified.

An excellent, well-structured  explanation with sufficient reasons  why the product is suitable to be  sold as a souvenir at the event, is  given. Additional information is  included that strengthens the  explanation.


QUESTION 3.3: THE 2021 AGRIGAMES BARNYARD                                                                                                                                

(20 marks)

Your answer will be assessed using the assessment criteria below. Use the criteria to plan your responses accordingly. 




Explanation of:  1. The purpose of the  AgriGames BarnYard

Unable to explain the  purpose of the AgriGames BarnYard.

A short, superficial  explanation is given without  much substance. Very little  reference to the purpose.  Very little information is  provided that will be useful  to the media. 

An acceptable, complete  explanation is given that will be  useful to the media. The purpose  is stated clearly. 

An excellent, enthusiastic explanation is given with enough  elaboration on the purpose to be  useful to the media. The  explanation can be used verbatim  by the media with little or no  additions. 





2. What visitors can  expect from the evening programmes/  entertainment in the  AgriGames BarnYard 

Unable to explain what  visitors can expect  from the evening  programmes/  entertainment. 

An average explanation is  given. The response does  not evoke excitement, nor  will visitors be enticed to visit  the event.

An acceptable explanation was  given that will be useful to the  media. Some information was  omitted.

A detailed, enthusiastic  explanation is given with enough  interesting facts on the evening  programmes to be useful to the  media. The responses create a  sense of excitement.





3. Why big screen live  streaming will be used  at the AgriGames  BarnYard

Unable to explain why  big screen live streaming  will be used at the  AgriGames BarnYard.

The reasons given are  unconvincing or incomplete  or do not give a clear  understanding.

The reasons given are acceptable  and give a fair understanding.  The reasons may leave the  reader with some questions that  need to be clarified. 

The reasons given are complete  with an excellent explanation why  big screen live streaming will be  used at the AgriGames BarnYard.  The responses create a sense of  excitement.





4. How drone technology is going to  be beneficial for the  AgriGames BarnYard

Unable to explain how  drone technology is  going to be beneficial  for the AgriGames  BarnYard.

The explanation given is vague or  incomplete or does not give a clear  understanding of how drone technology is going to be beneficial  for the AgriGames BarnYard.

The explanation given is  acceptable and gives a fair  understanding of how drone technology is going to be  beneficial for the AgriGames  BarnYard.

The explanation given is  complete and gives excellent understanding of how dronetechnology is going to be  beneficial for the AgriGames  BarnYard. The responses  create a sense of excitement.





5. Covid-19: How the  2021 AgriGames will  help to reignite, rejuvenate, rebuild and  reposition South  Africa's tourism  industry

Unable to explain how the 2021 AgriGames  will help to reignite, rejuvenate, rebuild and  reposition South  Africa's tourism  industry.

The explanation is vague or incomplete or does not give a clear  understanding of how the 2021  AgriGames will help to reignite, rejuvenate, rebuild and reposition  South Africa's tourism industry.

The explanation given is  acceptable and gives a fair  understanding of how the 2021  AgriGames will help reignite, rejuvenate, rebuild and  reposition South Africa's  tourism industry.

The explanation given is  complete and gives excellent  understanding of how the 2021  AgriGames will help to reignite;  rejuvenate; rebuild and  reposition South Africa's  tourism industry.




______________________________________                    ______________________________________
                 Signature: Teacher                                                                          Date:

______________________________________                      ______________________________________
                Signature: Moderator                                                                          Date:

Last modified on Friday, 03 September 2021 07:41