What the chapter entails:
Meiosis is a type of cell division whereby a diploid cell (somatic cell) undergoes two cell divisions, and divides to form four dissimilar haploid cells (sex cells). Diploid cells have two sets of chromosomes, where each chromosome has a homologous partner. Haploid cells only have one set of chromosomes. Chromosomes in haploid cells have no homologous
Before meiosis begins (during interphase), DNA replication takes place. The result is two sets of chromosomes consisting of two identical chromatids joined together with a centromere. This is shown in Figure 2.1 (below).
Meiosis is the type of cell division used to produce gametes or sex cells (sperm and egg cells). A cell undergoing meiosis will divide twice - the first division is meiosis I and the second is meiosis II. | ![]() |
Prophase 1
| |
Metaphase 1
| |
Anaphase 1
| |
Telophase 1
Prophase 2
| |
Metaphase 2
| |
Anaphase 2
| |
Telophase 2
An easy way to remember the events of meiosis is to use the word mnemonic IPMAT.
Letter | Phase | Event |
I | Interphase | I for in between: The part of the life cycle of the cell that is in between cell divisions. |
P | Prophase | P for preparation: The chromosomes prepare for meiosis by untangling and becoming clearly visible. Crossing over also takes place. |
M | Metaphase | M for middle: The chromosomes move to the ‘middle’ (equator). |
A | Anaphase | A for apart: The chromosomes/chromatids move apart/move to the poles. |
T | Telophase | T for terminal: The final phase of meiosis I/ meiosis II. |
There are two reasons why meiosis is important.
Meiosis I | Meiosis II |
The chromosomes arrange at the equator of the cell in homologous pairs. | Chromosomes line up at the equator of the cell individually. |
Whole chromosomes move to opposite poles of the cell. | Daughter chromosomes/chromatids move to opposite poles of the cell. |
Two cells form at the end of this division. | Four cells are formed at the end of this division. |
The chromosome number is halved during meiosis I. | The chromosome number remains the same during meiosis II. |
Crossing over takes place. | Crossing over does not take place. |
Table 2.1 The differences between meiosis I and meiosis II
Study the diagrams below of two stages of meiosis then answer the questions that follow.
Figure 2.11 Two stages of meiosis
Answers to worked example
Diagram I (metaphase 1) | Diagram II (metaphase 2) |
1. Chromosomes are lined up at the equator in homologous pairs.✔ | 1. Chromosomes are lined up at the equator individually.✔ |
2. Four chromosomes are present✔ | 2. Two chromosomes are present✔ |
Question 1
Give the correct word or term for each of the statements or definitions provided below.
1.1 | The structure that joins the two halves of a double-stranded chromosome (1) |
1.2 | A pair of chromosomes, one inherited from each parent, that have the same genes at the same locus (1) |
1.3 | A single-stranded chromosome formed during Anaphase 2 (1) |
1.4 | The point of contact between two chromosomes of a homologous pair during crossing over (1) |
1.5 | One half of a double-stranded chromosome (1) |
1.6 | The phase in meiosis where crossing over occurs (1) [6] |
Answers to question 1
1.1 Centromere✔(1)
1.2 Homologous chromosomes✔ (1)
1.3 Daughter chromosome/chromatid✔ (1)
1.4 Chiasma✔/chiasmata✔ (1)
1.5 Chromatid✔ (1)
1.6 Prophase 1✔ (1) [6]
Question 2
Figure 2.12 (right) represents a process taking place during meiosis. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow.
2.1 Provide labels for parts A, B, C and D. (4)
2.2 Name the process in meiosis that is illustrated in Figure 2.12. (1)
2.3 State ONE importance of the process you named in question 2.2. (2)
2.4 Draw a diagram of the structure labelled A to show its appearance immediately after the process you named in question 2.2. (2) [9]
Answers to question 2
A - Chromosome✔
B - Centromere✔
C - Chromatid✔
D - Chiasma✔/chiasmata (4)
2.2 Crossing over✔ (1)
2.3 It introduces genetic✔ variation✔ (2)
Question 3
Figure 2.13 (below) represents an animal cell in a phase of meiosis. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow.
3.1 State whether the phase of meiosis shown in Figure 2.13 is meiosis I or meiosis II. (1)
3.2 Give ONE visible reason for your answer in question 3.1. (1)
3.3 Identify the parts labelled A and B. (2)
3.4 How many chromosomes:
3.5 State ONE place in a human female where meiosis would take place. (1)
3.6 Could the cell represented in Figure 2.13 be that of a human? (1)
3.7 Explain your answer to question 3.6. (2)
3.8 Give TWO reasons why meiosis is biologically important. (2)
3.9 Give the term for the situation when some of the chromosomes do not separate correctly during the phase shown in Figure 2.13. (1) [13]
Answers to question 3
3.1 Meiosis II✔ (1)
3.2 Daughter chromosomes/chromatids are being pulled to the opposite poles✔ (1)
A - Spindle fibre✔
B - Cell membrane✔ (2)
a) 8✔
b) 4✔ (2)
3.5 Ovaries✔ (1)
3.6 No✔ (1)
3.7 There are only 4 chromosomes present3 instead of 23.✔ (2)
3.9 Non-disjunction✔ (1) [13]
Question 4
The diagram below shows the nuclei of the four cells that resulted from meiosis of chromosome pair 21 in a woman.
Figure 2.14: Diagram that shows the nuclei of four cells resulted from meiosis
4.1 Explain why nucleus N does NOT have a chromosome pair 21. (2)
4.2 Name and explain the disorder that will result if diagram M represents an egg cell that fuses with a normal sperm cell. (3) [5]
Answers to question 4
4.1 During Anaphase 1 the chromosome pair 21 does not separate✔/ non-disjunction. Gamete M will have an extra copy of chromosome number 21 and therefore gamete N does not have a copy of chromosome 21✔ (2)
4.2 Down syndrome✔/Trisomy 21 if gamete M fuses with normal sperm having 1 copy of chromosome 21 ✔ the resulting zygote will have 3 copies of chromosome 21✔ (3) [5]
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