JUNE 2016

Symbol Explanation
M Method
A Accuracy
CA Consistent accuracy
RT/RG/RM Reading from a table/Reading from a graph/Read from map
SF Substitution in a formula
P Penalty, e.g. for no units, incorrect rounding off etc.
S Simplification
R Rounding/Reason


QUESTION 1 (Answer only FULL marks)
Quest Solution Explanation Marks
1.1 Total in Grades 8–9 = (39 + 35) = 74
Jan. fees = 74 × 300 = R22 200 ✓ MA
Total paying learners in Grades 10–12
= 167 – (74 + 8) = 85 ✓
Jan Fees = 85 × 450 = R38 250 ✓ MA
Total school fees for Jan = 22 200 + 38 250
= R60 450 ✓ CA
1MA amount
R22 200
1 S
1MA amount
R38 250
1CA amount
1.2 Boys: Girls = 1 : 3
Girls = 3/4 ×8 = 6✓M
Girls would have paid = 6 × 450
=?2700 ✓CA
1M for 6
1CA amount
1.3 Gr 8 and 9 will pay = 1,05 × 300 ✓ MA
= R315 ✓ ?A
Grades 10 and12 will pay = 0.975 ×450 ✓ M
=R438,75 ?✓
Increase = 5100×300=?15 ✓ M
New fees = 300 + 15
= R315 ✓ A
Decrease = 2.5/100 ×450 = R11.25✓ M
New fees = 450 – 11,25 = R438,75 ?✓
1MA multiply by 1,05
1M multiplying by 0,975
1A amount
1MA 5% OF 300
1A amount
1M 2,5% of 450
1.4 Fees for Jan–April = 60 450×4
= R241 800 ✓ CA
Fees for May-Nov
7 × 315 ×74 + 7×438,75× 85
✓ ?? ✓??
163 170 + 261 056,25 = 424 226,25
Total for the year = 424 226,25 + 241 800
R666 026,25✓ CA
1CA from 1.1 Multiplying value from 1.1 by 4 months
1CA from 1.3 for 7 × 315 ×74
For 7 × 438,75 × 85
1CA amount
1.5 Amount after the year Jan–Dec 2016:
= 150 000 ×1.095 ×1=?164 250 ✓A
Interest = 164 250 -150 000 = R14250 √A
Interest for one year = 150 000 ×(9.5/100)×1
= R14 250 ✓A
1A amount end of 2016
1A amount
1MA Multiplication with correct values
1A amount
1.6 Number in Gr 11
= 167 – (42 + 20 + 35 + 39)
= 31 ✓M (Value of B)
No. of Boys = 31 – 19 = 12 √A
1.7 P(learner in gr 11)= 32/167 ✓MA
CA from 1.6
1 CA


QUESTION 2 (Answer only FULL marks)
2.1  2.1.1   Cardboard package to make the cylinder Surface area SF
= 2 × 3,142 ×(90/2)2✓+ 2 × 3,142 × 270 × 90
= 12 725,10 +76 350,60 ✓ S
= 89 075,7 ✓??2 ✓CA
1 A unit
   2.1.2  Area of the cardboard
= 120 × 60✓?X100 ✓ C
= 720 000 ??2✓A
Area of Cardboard = 1 200 × 600 ✓✓ M & C
= 720 000 ??2 ✓A
1C to ??2
1A in ??2

 No. of the cylindrical containers
=720 000/ 89 075,7 ✓M =8,08✓
= 8 ✓ CA
∴No mark for rounding if answer is a whole.

1M Division
1CA from 2.1.1 and 2.1.2
1CA whole number rounding down
 2.2  2.2.1  No. of drops = (60×60×4)/2✓ ??=7200 ????? ✓A 1MA Substitution
   2.2.2  7200 drops = 1000 000 ???????????=1?
One drop = 1000000✓/7200✓? =138,89 ???????????✓??
 2M Division
   2.2.3  Water wasted = 152 days✓ ?×244 ✓ M
= 912 l✓CA
 2M Multiplication
Values152 and 6 l
1CA in litres


QUESTION 3 (Answer only FULL marks)
3.1  3.1.1  ✓✓?
18 (this number excludes wardrobe doors)
Accept 21 doors (this number includes wardrobe doors) 1 mark
Accept 26 doors for learners that see a double door as two doors 1 mark) 
2A for 18 doors
1A for 21
1AS for 26 
   3.1.2  North West ✓✓ A 2A (2)
   3.1.3 11'×30.48 cm = 335,28 cm ✓ ??
Length = 335.28
= 3.3528 m ✓ C?
10 ' =10×30.48 cm
= 304,8 cm 8′′=8×2,54
=20,32 ?? ✓ MA
Total length = 20,32+304,8
= 325,12 cm
= 3,2512 m ✓ A
Dimensions are: 3,3528 m by 3,2512 m
1MA multiplying by 30,48
1MA Multiplying by 2,54 cm
   3.1.4 1,5cm diagram represents 3.375m on the building

1M for same units
1M dividing 1,5
1M for same units
1M dividing 0,015
 3.2   3.2.1  East London 09:00 ✓ ?
OR 9 in the morning✓ OR 9 am✓
Johannesburg 05:00 ✓ A
OR 5 in the morning✓ OR 5 am✓
   3.2.2 Burgersdorp: ✓✓ A 2A  (2)
   3.2.3 Average speed = ????? ????????
                             ????? ????
Total time = (24:00-9: 00 +5:00)-3hrs 33min
= 20h – 3h 33min
=16h 27min ✓ A
✓ ? ✓ SF
16ℎ? 27
= 60,30 Km/h✓
1A value for time
16h 27 min
1A Value for
distance –
1 CA 



QUESTION 4(Answer only FULL marks)
4.1 4.1.1 This means that 15% of the babies weigh more than the baby and 85% weigh less than the baby. ✓✓ 2A Explanation (2)
  4.1.2 9,4 kg. ✓ RD
Accept (9,3–9,5) kg
2A RD (2)
  4.1.3 (a) 50th Percentile ✓✓ RD  2A RD  (2)
    (b) BMI = Weight (in kilogram)
                 (Height in metres )2
✓ SF
11 ??
✓ SF
=17,19 ??
✓ CA
2SF substitution
11 kg and 0,8 m
4.2  4.2.1 Learners achieved NSC In 2014
= learners achieved in 2015 –117 798 ✓ M
= 455 825-117 798 = 338 027 ✓ A
1M Subtraction
  4.2.2 Total learners not achieving NSC
= 644 536-455 825 ✓ M
= 188 711✓ A
1M subtraction
  4.2.3 ✓M
% achieved Bachelor = (166 263/644 536)×100
= 25.8%✓ CA
1M adding Bachelor passes 166 263
  4.2.4 NSC Diploma achievement for EC
= (20055/87090)×100=23,03 ✓CA
= 23,0% ✓A
1M dividing 20 055 by the total 87 090
1A use of within the context (3)
  4.2.5 Ascending order of the % achievements
56,8%; 60,7%; 65,9%; 69,4%; 78,6%; 81,5%; 81,6%; 84,2%; 84,7%. ✓✓MA
Median 78,6% and province: Mpumalanga ✓CA
2MA correct arrangement
If descending order only 1 Mark
1CA Province not %
  4.2.6 P( Learner achieved NSC
in Gauteng in 2015) = 84,2% ✓M
= 0.842✓ A
(91327/108442) ×100 = 0,84217% ✓
= 0,842 ✓
1M Value of 84,2%
1A decimal form to 3 decimal places


QUESTION 5 (Answer only FULL marks)
5.1 5.1.1 Variable cost =
0.70 + 0.75 + 0,05 + 0,20 + 0.05 + 0,50 + 0,25 MA = R2,50 ✓A
1MA adding cost of ingredients and labour
1A amount


    Plotting 3 points correctly 1 Mark ×2= 2.
Drawing the line ✓A
2MA Plotting correctly
1CA Straight line
Through the points
  5.1.3 100 fat cakes to be sold to break even
(form graph) ✓✓ RD
50+ 2,5n = 3n✓✓
50 = 3n – 2,5n
50 = 0,5n
500 = 5n
∴ n = 100✓A
2RD From the point of intersection.
1M equating the cost = production
1A for 100 fat cakes
5.2   1 Yen ¥ = R0,13
?? = R925
✓ M
?? = 925/0.13 = 7115.384
∴amount of Yens (¥) = 7115 ✓✓
1M Division of the values
1A amount (7115)
smallest coin ¥ 1
5.3 5.3.1 ✓SF
Monthly repayment = 748 0001000×10,53=?7 876,44 ✓
1SF Substitution
1CA amount
  5.3.2 Price for the house in 2015
= 880 000/1,057✓✓=?832 544,94 ✓✓
Inflation = (5,7/105,7)×880 000=47 455,06✓A
2015 Price = 880 000 - 47 455,06
= R832 544,94 ✓A
2015 Price + 5,7% of 2015 price
= 880 000
2015 Price (1+ 5,7%) = 880 000
✓ M
2015 Price = 880 000/1,057✓ = R832 544,94 ✓
Price in 2015 = ?
Price in 2016 = + ?(5.7/100) of ?
880 000 = ? + (5.7/100) ×?
880 00× 100 = 100 ?+ 5,7 ?
= 105,7 ?
? = (880 00 × 100)/105,7 ✓ = R832 544,94 √A
1M Division
1A Value 1,057
1CA amount
1A for inflation value
1M Subtraction
1CA amount
1MA numerator
1A denominator
1A amount
5.4 5.4.1 Mode mark = 54 ✓✓ A 2A (2)
  5.4.2 The range 98 – 5 = 93 ✓✓ A 2A (2)
  5.4.3 P(learner obtained Substantial)
= 6/30 =1/5 = 0,2 ✓✓ A
= 20%
2A (allow fraction or decimal or %) (2)


TOTAL: 100

Last modified on Tuesday, 15 June 2021 08:07