1. An extract from topographic map 3318BC MALMESBURY. 
  2. Orthophoto map 3318 BC 25 MALMESBURY. 
  3. NOTE: The resource material must be collected by schools for their own use. 


  1. Write your EXAMINATION NUMBER and CENTRE NUMBER in the spaces  provided on the cover page. 
  2. Answer ALL the questions in the spaces provided in this question paper. You are provided with a 1 : 50 000 topographical map (3318BC 
  3. MALMESBURY) and an orthophoto map (3318 BC 25 MALMESBURY) of a  part of the mapped area.
  4. You must hand the topographic map and the orthophoto map to the invigilator  at the end of this examination session. 
  5. You may use the blank page at the end of this question paper for all rough  work and calculations. Do NOT detach this page from the question paper. 
  6. Show ALL calculations and formulae, where applicable. Marks will be  allocated for these. 
  7. Indicate the correct unit of measurement in the final answer for all  calculations. No marks will be awarded for answers with no/incorrect units of  measurement. 
  8. You may use a non-programmable calculator and a magnifying glass. 
  9. The area demarcated in RED on the topographic map represents the area  covered by the orthophoto map.
  10. The following English terms and their Afrikaans translations are shown on the  topographic map:
    Golf Course 
    Refuse Dump 
    Sewerage Works 


Malmesbury is a town of approximately 36 000 inhabitants, about 65 km north of Cape  Town. The town has a moderate climate due to the influence of the Atlantic Ocean.  Rainfall is seasonal, with the highest average rainfall being in winter. The area is  especially known for its wheat farming and wine production. 




The questions below are based on the 1 : 50 000 topographic map (3318BC  MALMESBURY) as well as the orthophoto map of a part of the mapped area. Various  options are provided as possible answers to the following questions. Choose the  answer and write only the letter (A–D) in the block next to each question. 
1.1 B
1.2 D
1.3 C
1.4 A
1.5 B
1.6 B
1.7 A
1.8 C
1.9 C
1.10 B
1.11 A
1.12 D
1.13 B
1.14 D
1.15 A (15 × 1) [15]

2.1 Products from Malmesbury are transported along the N7 national road to  Cape Town.  
2.1.1 Determine if vehicles travelling from Malmesbury to N in block I8 on the topographic map, will drive uphill or downhill. 

  • Downhill ✓ (1 x 1) (1)

LINK 2.1.2 Give a reason for your answer to QUESTION 2.1.1.  

  • The height of bench marks (132.3 to 113.3) is decreasing from  Malmesbury to N ✓
    Contour lines are decreasing in height towards N ✓
    [Any ONE] (1 x 1) (1) 

2.1.3 Calculate the distance, in km, from N in block I8 on the topographic  map to Cape Town. Show ALL calculations. Marks will be awarded  for calculations. Clearly indicate the unit of measurement in your final answer.  
Formula: ActualDistance = Map Distance x Scale 

  • 3.1 cm✓ [Range: 3.0 cm – 3.2 cm]
    3.1 cm x 0.5 ✓ 
    = 1.55 (km) ✓ [Range: 1.5 km – 1.6 km]    
  • 3.1cm ✓
    3.1 cm x 50 000
          100 000
    1.55 (km) ✓
  • Distance to Cape Town = 1.55 + 52 km = 53.55 km✓
    [Range: 53.5 km – 53.6km] (4 x 1) (4) 

2.2 Refer to line O-P that connects contour line 120 at O and spot height 162 at P in blocks I9 and I11 on the topographical map. 
Draw a freehand cross-profile from O to P. 

  1.  Use the block below to draw the cross-profile.
  2. Use an arrow to indicate the accurate position of the other road on the  cross profile. 
    2.2 HGYTFAD (2 x 1) (2) 

2.2.2 Give ONE reason why there is no intervisibility between O and P. 

  • There is an obstruction between O and P ✓
    There is a high lying area/hill between O and P ✓
    [Any ONE] (1 x 1) (1) 

2.2.3 If you use a vertical scale of 1 cm represents 25 m to draw the  cross-profile, determine the vertical exaggeration of the cross profile. Show ALL calculations. Marks will be awarded for  calculations. Clearly indicate the unit of measurement in your  answer. 
Formula: Vertical exaggeration =     vertical scale   
                                                      horizontal scale 

  •    1     
    2 500
    50 000
      1     ×  50 000 
    2 500        1
    = 20 times
  • 1 : 2 500    ✓ 
    1 : 50 000 ✓  
      1     ×  50 000 
    2 500        1
    [Give mark if substitution is  not shown in first step]
    = 20 times ✓ (4 x 1) (4) 

2.3 Calculate the magnetic bearing on the topographic map, from the reservoir (Q) in block B5 to spot height 317 (R) in block D8 for the current year. 

  • True bearing: 128º ✓ (Range: 127º - 129º)
  • Difference in years: 2018 – 2002 = 16 ✓years 
  • Mean annual change: 6'✓ W
  • Total change: 16 x 6 = 1º36' (96')✓ W 
  • Magnetic declination for 2018: 23º21' +✓ 1º36' = 24º57'W ✓ 
  • Magnetic bearing for 2018: 128º + 24º57' = 152º57'W ✓ 
    (Range: 151º57'W - 153 º57'W) (7 x 1) (7) [20]

3.1 Malmesbury receives seasonal rainfall. 
3.1.1 Name the season in which Malmesbury receives its highest rainfall.

  • Winter ✓ (1 x 1) (1) 

3.1.2 Which weather system is responsible for Malmesbury receiving its  highest rainfall in the season named in QUESTION 3.1.1. 

  • Mid-latitude cyclone/Extra tropical cyclone/ 
    Frontal depression/Temperate cyclone ✓
    (Cold front) ✓
    [Any ONE] (1 x 1) (1) 

3.1.3 Give ONE point of evidence from the topographic map which  indicates that Malmesbury receives seasonal rainfall.  

  • There are many non-perennial rivers/water ✓
  • There are many dams ✓
  • Many windpumps/reservoirs ✓
  • There are canals/furrows ✓
  • The index to sheet/map index indicates that Malmesbury is in the  Western Cape ✓
  • It experiences a Mediterranean climate ✓ 
    [Any ONE] (1 x 1) (1) 

3.2 Refer to Abbotsdale, situated in blocks I7 and I8 on the valley floor, on the  topographic map. 
3.2.1 Is the local wind responsible for the cool conditions experienced in  Abbotsdale at night time, an anabatic or katabatic wind? 

  • Katabatic ✓ (1 x 1) (1) 

3.2.2 Why does this local wind, named in QUESTION 3.2.1, result in a  high concentration of pollution in Abbotsdale at night? 

  • There is more subsiding air during the night which pushes the  inversion layer/thermal belt/pollution dome lower ✓✓
    A lower inversion layer/thermal belt/pollution dome will result in a  high pollution concentration ✓✓
    [Any ONE] (1 x 2) (2)

3.2.3 With specific reference to the topographic map, what can the  Abbotsdale local government (municipality) do to reduce the high  concentration of pollution? 

  • They could plant more vegetation/trees in the area/roof  gardens/green parks/green belts (increase afforestation)✓✓
    Do not remove existing vegetation/trees (decrease deforestation) ✓✓
    Relocate the refuse dump further away from Abbotsdale ✓✓
    Recycling of waste ✓✓
    Reduce waste production ✓✓
    Promote the use of eco-friendly products ✓✓
    Educate the community about the importance of reducing the   pollution concentration (candidates can give examples) ✓✓
    Reduce night time activities such as burning, industrial, etc. ✓✓
    [Any ONE] (1 x 2) (2)

3.3 Refer to area T on the topographic map. It shows a dendritic drainage pattern. 
3.3.1 Give TWO characteristics, visible on the topographic map, which  indicates that a dendritic drainage pattern is shown.  

  • It resembles branches of a tree ✓
    The tributaries meet the main stream at acute angles/angles less  than 90º ✓ (2 x 1) (2) 

3.3.2 State a characteristic of the underlying rock structure associated  with a dendritic drainage pattern. 

  • Rocks with uniform resistance to erosion✓
  • Horizontal rock structure ✓
  • Massive resistant rocks ✓
    [Any ONE] (1 x 1) (1) 

3.3.3 With reference to area T, give the advantage of a dendritic  drainage pattern for cultivation. 

  • River channels are spread out evenly resulting in all parts of the  cultivated land receiving water. ✓✓
  • Water from the tributaries and the river equally available ✓✓ 
    [Any ONE] (1 x 2) (2)

3.4 Malmesbury is a central place town according to its main function. 
3.4.1 Give ONE reason visible on the topographic map to support the  statement that Malmesbury is a central place.  

  • Transport networks lead from all directions to Malmesbury making  it accessible to the surrounding areas ✓✓
  • Malmesbury has urban services (candidates may give examples of  urban services) ✓✓
  • Malmesbury is surrounded by farms which require urban services ✓✓
    [Any ONE] (1 x 2) (2) 

3.4.2 Malmesbury experienced urban expansion, resulting in a change in  the towns' original shape.  

  1. State the shape of Malmesbury visible on the topographic  map. 
    •  Stellar/Star shaped ✓ (1 x  (1) (1)
  2. Give the main factor responsible for the current shape of  Malmesbury? 
    • Transport networks/Roads/Railway lines ✓ (1 x 1) (1) 

3.4.3 Which physical (natural) factor may limit the expansion of Malmesbury in a south-easterly direction into block H12? 

  • Steep gradient ✓✓
  • Hilly area ✓✓ 
    [Any ONE] (1 x 2) (2)

3.5 Refer to area 4 on the orthophoto map. 
3.5.1 Area 4 is being prepared for the planting of an agricultural product.  Name the agricultural product that will be planted in area 4. 

  • Grapes ✓ (1 x 1) (1) 

3.5.2 State the main secondary activity in Malmesbury associated with  the agricultural product named in QUESTION 3.5.1.  

  • Wine production ✓
  • Grape juice production ✓
  • Raisins processing ✓
  • Grape seed oil processing ✓
    [Any ONE] (1 x 1) (1)

3.5.3 Suggest how the secondary activity stated in QUESTION 3.5.2 can  improve the local economy of Malmesbury.  

  • Malmesbury can have a wine festival ✓✓
  • Tours can be organised through the vineyards and wineries ✓✓
  • They could have wine tasting tours ✓✓
  • Tourists bring money into the town ✓✓
  • Jobs are created (in manufacturing of grape products/processing) ✓✓
  • Export of grape products will boost the local economy ✓✓
  • Improved infrastructure attracts business (can give examples) ✓✓
  • Multiplier effect will result in more economic development ✓✓
  • Selling grape products (can give examples) to the locals/tourists  ✓✓
    [Any TWO] (2 x 2) (4) [25]

4.1 Refer to the orthophoto map.  
4.1.1 State the difference between spatial and attribute data. 

  • Spatial Data: The location (and shape) of a feature✓
  • Attribute Data: Refers to the description/characteristics (further  information) of the location (and shape) of a feature (spatial data)✓
    [Concept] (2 x 1) (2) 

4.1.2 The N7 national road is a tarred road. Would you consider this  information to be spatial or attribute data? 

  • Attribute data ✓ (1 x 1) (1)

LINK 4.1.3 Give a reason for your answer to QUESTION 4.1.2 

  • It gives descriptions/characteristics (further information) regarding the type of road ✓✓
  • It gives the description/characteristic (further information) about the  road being tarred ✓✓ 
    [Any ONE] (1 x 2) (2) 

4.2 Refer to blocks C4, D3, D4 and D5 on the topographic map showing an  example of buffering. (S points to areas of buffering.) 
4.2.1 What is buffering? 

  • It is the demarcation of an area around/along a feature ✓
    [Concept] (1 x 1) (1) 

4.2.2 Explain the positive impact that buffering will have on  environmental sustainability in the area. 

  • By avoiding human activities along the river it will assist in  maintaining the biodiversity of the river ✓✓
  • It will reduce amount of chemicals/fertilizers/pollutants entering into  the river maintaining its water quality ✓✓
  • River banks protected/stabilised preventing flooding ✓✓
  • Flood prevention will limit soil erosion ✓✓
  • It will allow the river to maintain its natural course ✓✓
  • Limit the effect on the natural capacity of the river ✓✓ 
    (Any TWO) (2 x 2) (4)

4.3 Refer to block C11 on the topographic map. 
4.3.1 Define the term data integration.  

  • Taking data from different sources and combining it ✓
    [Concept] (1 x 1) (1)

4.3.2 Give examples of the following data layers found in block C11. 

  1. An infrastructure layer:
    • Track/Hiking trail✓ 
    • Dam wall ✓
    • Power line ✓ 
    • Furrow ✓ 
    • Farm boundaries ✓ 
      [Any ONE] (1 x 1)  (1) 
  2. A drainage layer:
    • (Non-perennial) River ✓ 
    • Dam/perennial water ✓ 
      [Any ONE] (1 x 1)  (1) 

4.3.3 State the relationship between agricultural activities and the  features of drainage layers in block C11.  

  • The dams are situated close to the agricultural activities ✓✓
  • River/dam provides water for irrigation of crops ✓✓
    [Any ONE] (1 x 2) (2) [15] 


Last modified on Tuesday, 31 August 2021 13:28