English Paper Two (P2)
Grade 12
Amended Senior Certificate Exam
Past Papers and Memos 2016


  1. Candidates are required to answer questions from TWO sections.
  2. A candidate may not answer more than ONE question on the same genre.
  3. If a candidate gives two answers where the first one is wrong and the next  one is correct, mark the first answer and ignore the rest.
  4. If answers are incorrectly numbered, mark according to the memo.
  5. If a spelling error affects the meaning, mark incorrect. If it does not affect the meaning, mark correct.
  6. If a candidate does not use inverted commas when asked to quote, do not  penalise.
  7. For open-ended questions, no marks should be awarded for YES/NO or  I AGREE/I DISAGREE. The reason/substantiation/motivation is what should  be considered.
  8. No marks should be awarded for TRUE/FALSE or FACT/OPINION. The reason/substantiation/motivation is what should be considered.
  9. Candidates' responses should be assessed as objectively as possible.




Candidates are required to answer BOTH questions, i.e. QUESTIONS 1.1 and 1.2. 


    1. E/brother of the narrator✓
    2. C/narrator of the novel✓
    3. D/cousin of the narrator✓
    4. B/father of the narrator✓ (4)

1.1.2 Cecil announces (in the school yard) that Scout's father defends  niggers✓and Scout becomes very angry.✓/She wants to  punch/hit/fight him.✓ (2) 

    • She is strict/a good disciplinarian to the children. ✓
    • She is fair. ✓
    • She is not a racist/prejudiced. ✓
    • She is not afraid to speak her mind. ✓
    • She is caring. ✓
    • She is loving towards the children/motherly. ✓
      NOTE: Accept any TWO of the above. (2)

1.1.4 Maycomb is plagued by racism and so Tom, being a black  man,✓will be found guilty irrespective of his innocence. ✓ 
Atticus is a respected white lawyer✓ who will lose the respect of  the white Maycomb society if he chooses to defend Tom. ✓ (2) 
1.1.5 'She says they're clean-living folks.' ✓ (1) 

    • Courage/Compassion/Moral values. ✓ 
    • Atticus tries to teach his children (Scout and Jem) not to judge  people. He teaches Scout to have compassion/ to treat people  equally. These are some of the values he tries to instil in his own  children therefore he must defend Tom Robinson – it affects him  personally. ✓✓ 
    • Racial prejudice. ✓ 
    • Atticus is advised not to take the case because Tom will be found  guilty because of the colour of his skin. ✓✓
      NOTE: 1 mark for identification + 2 marks for discussion.
      Accept other valid interpretations for the discussion.
      The discussion must be relevant to the initial theme. (3)

1.1.7 Open-ended 
Accept a text-based response which shows that the candidate knows and understands the following aspects, among others: 

    • Atticus's bravery;
    • his good moral values;
    • the fact that he leads by example;
    • *how Atticus proves that the colour of one's skin does not
    • determine whether one is less of a man/human;
    • the fact that Atticus puts his children's lives at risk and they are  almost killed;
    • his actions can be regarded as irresponsible.
      NOTE: Do NOT award a mark for YES or NO.
      Credit responses where a combination is given.
      For full marks, the response must be well-substantiated. 
      A candidate can score 1 or 2 or 3 marks for a response which is  not well-substantiated. The candidate's interpretation must be  grounded in the text of the novel. (4)



    1.  C/Bob Ewell✓ (1)
    2. Atticus proves that Bob attacks his own daughter (Mayella)  and then tries to blame Tom Robinson. ✓
      Bob swears to take revenge on Atticus. ✓ (2)
    3. Scout is almost choked/smothered/flung to the ground ✓ and  Jem's arm is broken. ✓ (2)
      • He is heartless/cruel/abusive/evil. ✓ 
      • He is vengeful. ✓ 
      • He is dishonest. ✓
      • He is a neglectful father. ✓
        NOTE: Accept any TWO of the above. (2)


    1. Simile ✓ (1) 
    2. It shows how tightly Bob holds Scout /Bob's strength. ✓ (1)


    1. Boo (Radley) ✓ kills Bob (Ewell)/the attacker/their attacker. ✓ (2) 
      • He means no harm. ✓/He is kind/caring. ✓
      • He is not the monster he is made out to be. ✓
      • He is protective of the children. ✓
      • He is brave/courageous. ✓
        NOTE: Accept any TWO of the above. (2)

1.2.4 Open-ended 
Accept a text-based response which shows that the candidate  knows and understands the following aspects, among others: 

    • People believe Tom is guilty even before the case starts – this is a result of the racial prejudice in Maycomb;
    • The social prejudice in the Maycomb society causes Tom to be secluded with the result that nobody knows his gentle nature;
    • The community finds it hard to believe that a black man can do  something good.
      NOTE: For full marks, the response must be well-substantiated.
      A candidate can score 1 or 2 or 3 marks for a response  which is not well-substantiated.
      The candidate's  interpretation must be grounded in the text of the novel. (4)



Candidates are required to answer BOTH questions, i.e. QUESTIONS 2.1 and 2.2. 



    1.  E/symbolises all that is good ✓
    2. D/a quiet but evil boy ✓
    3. B/undisciplined and fun-loving ✓
    4. C/believes in democracy ✓ (4) 


    1. Jack has taken all the boys away to hunt✓
      therefore there is no fire/smoke to attract the attention of the  ship that passes. ✓ (2)
    2. Yes. This was an opportunity for them to be rescued. ✓
      No. They needed meat/food, so the hunt was necessary. ✓ (1)

2.1.3 'We had a smashing time.' ✓ (1) 

    • Jack disobeys Ralph's instruction to keep the fire going. ✓
    • He takes all the boys on the hunt. ✓
    • He does not see the importance of the fire/ignores Ralph's concern  in his excitement about the hunt. ✓
      NOTE: Accept any TWO of the above. (2)


    • Savagery/Innate evil. ✓ 
    • The boys have just killed a pig./They are very proud of their actions./They are becoming bloodthirsty./They look savage./They have painted faces./Jack removes his clothing. ✓✓

    • Loss of innocence/Triumph of evil. ✓
    • The boys have killed a pig./They have taken a life./They are losing  the link to civilization./They are proud of their actions./Rescue does not seem to be important. ✓✓
      NOTE: 1 mark for identification + 2 marks for discussion.
      Accept other valid interpretations for the discussion.
      The discussion must be relevant to the initial theme. (3) 

2.1.6 Open-ended 
Accept a text-based response which shows that the candidate  knows and understands the following aspects, among others: 

    • Jack is a good disciplinarian;
    •  he provides food for the boys;
    • the hunt creates the element of fun which he deems important to keep the boys happy;
    • he was in a leadership position before - he was head boy of the choir;
    • he is a dictator and rules by instilling fear;
    • he is not concerned about rescue and does things to suit himself;
    • he manipulates the boys.
      NOTE: For full marks, the response must be well-substantiated. 
      A candidate can score 1 or 2 or 3 marks for a response  which is not well-substantiated. The candidate's  interpretation must be grounded in the text of the novel. (4) 


2.2.1 Jack and his tribe attack Ralph's camp and steal Piggy's  glasses. ✓ (1)

    • Piggy is fed up with Jack bullying him/He is no longer prepared to  tolerate Jack's behaviour.✓
    • Piggy is angry and wants to confront Jack. ✓ 
    • Piggy overestimates Jack's ability to be reasonable. ✓
      NOTE: Accept any TWO of the above. (2)

2.2.3 (a) Simile ✓ (1) 
         (b) To emphasise Piggy's weak sight without his glasses. ✓/To  show Piggy's near-blindness without his spectacles. ✓/Piggy is  vulnerable without his glasses. ✓ (1)
2.2.4 (a) Simon is killed by the boys who are dancing and chanting ✓and the boy with the birthmark dies in the fire. ✓ (2) 
         (b) They have become savage/bloodthirsty/primitive/uncivilised. ✓ They are now able to kill each other/humans. ✓ (2) \

    • Ralph is protective./He is afraid Piggy might get hurt. ✓ He is caring./He does not want Piggy to get hurt. ✓ 
    • He is realistic./He knows Jack is stronger than Piggy. ✓
    • He is rational./He knows what the consequences of Piggy's actions  might be. ✓
      NOTE: Accept any THREE of the above. (3)

2.2.6 C/anger ✓ (1)
2.2.7 Piggy is killed by Roger/a rock dislodged from Castle Rock. ✓ (1)
2.2.8 Open-ended 
Accept a text-based response which shows that the candidate  knows and understands the following aspects, among others:

    • The innate evil of the boys on the island;
    • the boys' ability to be both good and bad (Simon and Ralph (good)  and Roger and Jack (bad);
    • without rules the boys become corruptible;
    • the boys become capable of murder/savagery;
    • the boys are no better than animals because they kill each other;
    • when Jack hunts Ralph down, survival of the fittest reigns supreme.
      NOTE: For full marks, the response must be well-substantiated.  A candidate can score 1 or 2 or 3 marks for a response  which is not well-substantiated. The candidate's  interpretation must be grounded in the text of the novel. (4)



Candidates are required to answer BOTH questions, i.e. QUESTIONS 3.1 and 3.2. 



    1. D/works at the library ✓
    2. C/a detention camp ✓
    3. A/the research station ✓
    4. E/Margery's husband ✓ (4)

3.1.2 He says he had sex with her. ✓ (1)
3.1.3 C/mocking. ✓ (1) 

    • Thompson wants to send Karanja to his house/to Margery/his wife. ✓
    • He wants Karanja to inform his wife that he will not be home for  lunch. ✓ (2) 


    • Mwaura is suspected of betraying Karanja./He is in the employ of  General R. ✓
    • Karanja is suspected of betraying Kihika. ✓
    • Mwaura does not trust Karanja./Karanja is regarded as a traitor to  the people of Kenya./He betrayed the people of Kenya by working  for the British Government. ✓
      NOTE: Accept any TWO of the above. (2)

3.1.6 Karanja is easily angered. ✓ 
         He is rude. ✓ 
         He is impatient. ✓ (3)

3.1.7 Open-ended
Accept a text-based response which shows that the candidate  knows and understands the following aspects, among others: 

    • The symbolic significance of the title: in order for wheat to grow it  first has to die.
    • Kenya's struggle for independence can be linked to the  symbolic significance of the title.
    • the loss of life/sacrifice is a necessary element for independence to be gained.
      NOTE: For full marks, the response must be well-substantiated. A  candidate can score 1 or 2 or 3 marks for a response which is not well-substantiated. The candidate's  interpretation must be grounded in the text of the novel. (4)


3.2.1 He has told Mugo about Mumbi's unfaithfulness. ✓ (1) 

'Suddenly he wanted to go, get away from Mugo, and cry his  shame in the dark.' ✓
'Gikonyo felt the discomfort of a man standing before a puritan  priest.' ✓ (1) 

3.2.3 A puritan/priest is somebody who is pure ✓ but Mugo is actually  guilty of betraying Kihika. ✓ (2) 

    1. Metaphor ✓ (1)
    2. It shows/highlights that Gikonyo feels suffocated/weighed down/depressed/frustrated ✓ by his problems (darkness) because of Mumbi's betrayal/the broken relationship between him and Mumbi. ✓ (2) 


    1.  To gain his freedom ✓ to be with Mumbi. ✓ (2) 
    2. He felt that he had betrayed the movement for nothing as  Mumbi had betrayed him. ✓ (1)
    3. Sadness/anger/disappointment ✓ (1) 

3.2.6 Betrayal. ✓ 
         Mumbi betrays Gikonyo by having intercourse with Karanja. She  also has an illegitimate child. Gikonyo feels that he has betrayed the Movement. ✓✓ 
          Shame. ✓ 
          Gikonyo is ashamed for telling Mugo about Mumbi's  betrayal/behaviour. He is ashamed for baring his soul to Mugo. Gikonyo feels that he has betrayed the Movement. ✓✓ 
NOTE: 1 mark for identification + 2 marks for discussion.
Accept other valid interpretations for the discussion. 
The discussion must be relevant to the initial theme. (3)

3.2.7 Open-ended 
Accept a text-based response which shows that the candidate  knows and understands the following aspects, among others: 

    • Their circumstances at the time: because of the war they are   separated;
    • Gikonyo is detained for a long period of time;
    • Mumbi suffers greatly and is vulnerable;
    • Karanja takes advantage of Mumbi's vulnerability;
    • Mumbi should not have succumbed to his advances;
    • Gikonyo should have been more understanding of her  circumstances;
    • their circumstances are no excuse for their behaviour.
      NOTE: For full marks, the response must be well-substantiated.  A candidate can score 1 or 2 or 3 marks for a response  which is not well-substantiated. The candidate's  interpretation must be grounded in the text of the novel. (4)





Candidates are required to answer BOTH questions, i.e. QUESTIONS 4.1 and 4.2. 



    1. B/cousin ✓
    2. D/husband ✓
    3. A/father ✓
    4. C/confidante ✓ (4) 

4.1.2 The two families are enemies/foes/adversaries/have a long standing feud. ✓ (1) 

    1. D/challenge✓ (1)
    2. The beautiful Rosaline will seem ugly✓ when compared to the  other girls at the ball.✓/Compared to the other girls at the ball Romeo will realise that Rosaline is not beautiful✓ but in fact ugly. ✓ (2) 


    • He is impulsive. ✓
    • Romeo is irrational. ✓
    • He is immature. ✓
    • He loves to exaggerate. ✓
    • He is stubborn. ✓
      NOTE: Accept any TWO of the above. (2) 


    • Love/Love versus hate. ✓
      Romeo meets Juliet and is stunned by her beauty.
      He instantly falls in love with her.
      He completely forgets about his feelings for Rosaline.
      The love between Romeo and Juliet blooms despite the hate  between the Capulets and the Montagues. ✓✓✓
    • Fate. ✓
      He only realises later that he is in love with a Capulet.
      He marries Juliet in secret.
      Their union leads to tragic consequences for them. ✓✓✓
      NOTE: 1 mark for identification + 3 marks for discussion.
      Accept other valid interpretations for the discussion.
      The discussion must be relevant to the initial theme. (4) 

4.1.6 Open-ended 
Accept a text-based response which shows that the candidate  knows and understands the following aspects, among others: 

    • The fact that Benvolio prevents fighting, whereas Tybalt is  confrontational;
    • that Benvolio tries to reason, whereas Tybalt wants to settle arguments by fighting;
    • Benvolio is calm/relaxed, whereas Tybalt is provocative.
      NOTE: For full marks, the response must be well-substantiated. 
      A candidate can score 1 or 2 marks for a response which is not well-substantiated. The candidate's interpretation must be grounded in the text of the drama. (3) 



    • Nonchalant/indifferent/unconcerned/casual✓
    • Tybalt is the enemy/not important to Mercutio. ✓ (2) 

4.2.2 Benvolio encourages them to settle their differences in private as  he knows Prince (Escalus) has forbidden any public fighting. ✓/Prince (Escalus) will have them killed. (1) 
4.2.3 Mercutio is quick-tempered/feisty. ✓/He is confrontational/ challenging. ✓/He is mocking. ✓
         Benvolio is calm/resolute. ✓/He is sensible /reasonable. ✓/He is peace-loving. ✓ 
         NOTE: Accept any TWO of the above for each of the characters. 
                    The comparison must be clear for full marks. (4)

    1. Angry/defiant/adamant/determined/challenging/arrogant. ✓ (1) 
    2. Open-ended
      Accept a text-based response which shows that the candidate knows and understands the following aspects, among others:
      • that he responds to an insult by Tybalt;
      • the fact that he challenges Tybalt to a fight;
      • that their fighting could have fatal consequences;
      • Prince Escalus has ordered that there may not be any fights  in public.
        NOTE: Do NOT award a mark for YES or NO.
        The candidate's interpretation must be grounded in  the text of the drama. (1)


    1. Tybalt wants to fight Romeo, Mercutio intervenes and is  killed.✓
      Romeo becomes angry and avenges Mercutio's death and kills Tybalt. ✓
      The Prince arrives and Romeo is banished. ✓ (3)
    2. Juliet mourns the death of her cousin/Tybalt because her  husband Romeo has killed him. ✓
      She is separated from her husband/Romeo which directly leads to both their deaths. ✓ (2)

4.2.6 Open-ended 
Accept a text-based response which shows that the candidate  knows and understands the following aspects, among others: 

    • Because the love between Romeo and Juliet leads to a secret marriage, it has no influence on the behaviour of others;
    • honesty instead of secrecy could have resulted in  acceptance;
    • out of fear for Capulet and loyalty, the Nurse keeps Juliet's secret;
    • the Friar marries them in secret, instead of trying to mediate a  peaceful end to the feud;
    • Fate plays a role when Romeo is not informed of the plan with the  potion.
      NOTE: For full marks, the response must be well-substantiated.  A candidate can score 1, 2 or 3 marks for a response which is not well-substantiated. The candidate's  interpretation must be grounded in the text of the drama. (4)



Candidates are required to answer BOTH questions, i.e. QUESTIONS 5.1 and 5.2. 



a) C/nephew✓ 
b) D/wife✓ 
c) B/brother✓ 
d) A/daughter✓ (4)

5.1.2 She is a teacher. ✓ (1) 

    • Both Thando and Mandisa attach value to their African  heritage/are proud to be African. ✓When Mandisa tells Thando that Themba called her 'African Princess', Thando says that Sipho called her the same. ✓
    • They are both intellectually/mentally strong/well-educated/ independent thinkers.✓ They have a lively debate on the workings  of the TRC and neither is afraid to voice her opinions./It is clear that both girls have a thorough grounding in the history of the  Struggle. ✓
    • Both girls respect tradition. ✓ Even though the African custom of  staying home to mourn is strange to Mandisa, she agrees to  respect it when informed by Thando. ✓ Both girls regard family as important. ✓ Thando immediately  treats Mandisa like a sister (she even calls her 'sister').Mandisa not only agrees to change her arrangements and stay with  Thando and Sipho, but she is also clearly delighted to learn more of her African family. ✓
    • Both girls are hardworking/ ambitious.✓ Thando holds two jobs  and Mandisa comes to the funeral but will also see a fashion designer on work related issues. ✓ (4)
      NOTE: Accept any TWO of the above combinations as well as  other relevant and correct examples from the text.

5.1.4 He does not have faith/believe in the TRC/does not want to relive  the sorrow/horror that is revealed at the TRC/is more concerned about the restructuring at the library than the events at the TRC. ✓ (1) 
5.1.5 ('My father always said that) he was the best in the whole  country.' ✓ 
         NOTE: Do not penalise if quotation marks are omitted. (1)


    • Truth/Reconciliation/Forgiveness/Justice. ✓
      At the amnesty hearings the perpetrator reveals the truth.
      Depending on the nature of the crime they are granted amnesty.
      Some perpetrators of apartheid crimes were sentenced to lengthy prison terms.
      Some victims/families received retribution for crimes committed  against them during apartheid. ✓✓✓
      NOTE: 1 mark for identification + 3 marks for discussion.
      Accept other valid interpretations or the discussion.
      The discussion must be relevant to the initial theme. (4)

5.1.7 Open-ended 
Accept a text-based response which shows that the candidate  knows and understands the following aspects, among others: 

    • Mandisa grew up in a different country/England and lacks full knowledge of South Africa/TRC;
    • her lack of understanding of the concept of reconciliation and  forgiveness;
    • she believes there should be punishment for crimes;
    • she has a lack of knowledge of the apartheid era.
      NOTE: For full marks, the response must be well-substantiated. 
      A candidate can score 1 or 2 marks for a response which is not well-substantiated. The candidate's  interpretation must be grounded in the text of the drama. (3) 


5.2.1 Port Elizabeth✓ (1)
5.2.2 B/figuratively ✓ (1)
5.2.3 Anger/fury/shock/disbelief/outrage. ✓ (1)

    1. Pride/admiration/satisfaction/gratitude ✓
      Due to her father's achievements/good work in the library.✓
      Sipho did not get the job. ✓ (2)
    2. Admiration/respect/appreciation/ ✓
      She believes in Sipho since she recommends him for the position as Chief Librarian. ✓/She is concerned about him when he is not appointed as Chief Librarian. ✓/She  appreciates him when she acknowledges that he is valuable to  the running of the library. ✓
      NOTE: Accept any other relevant examples. (2)

5.2.5 Thando consoles her father.✓/She empathises with him.✓/She  feels sorry for him. ✓ 
          Mandisa is angry./She is furious./ She is disgusted.✓/ Mandisa  incites him to take action. ✓ 
NOTE: Accept any TWO of the above for each of the characters. The comparison must be clear for full marks. (4)


Sipho is caring because he keeps warm water when Thando comes from work. ✓ 
He is sometimes very strict when he tells her she cannot go to  Johannesburg with her cousin. ✓ 
Thando respects her father when she obeys his orders. ✓ 
Thando is a dutiful daughter as she does not want to leave the  house before she prepares dinner. ✓ 
They observe similar traditional values as both adhere to the  mourning period. ✓ 
NOTE: Accept any TWO of the above. (2)

5.2.7 Open-ended 
          Accept a text-based response which shows that the candidate  knows and understands the following aspects, among others: 

      • Themba could have mended his relationship with Sipho;
      • he could have apologised for the affair;
      • he could have sought forgiveness from Sipho;
      • Themba felt ashamed for having an affair with Sipho's wife;
      • his return might have caused Sipho more pain/harm;
      • he made a new life for himself in London.
        NOTE: Do NOT award a mark for YES or NO.
        Credit responses where a combination is given.
        For full marks, the response must be well-substantiated. 
        A candidate can score 1, 2 or 3 marks for a response which is not well-substantiated. The candidate's interpretation must be grounded in the text of the drama. (4)



Candidates are required to answer BOTH Questions i.e. QUESTIONS 6.1 AND 6.2
6.1 'The Sisters'  

6.1.1 Marrying old Jan Redlinghuis./humilation ✓ (1)
6.1.2 B/see her mother in heaven ✓ (1) 

    • Jan is insensitive when he drives Marta around in the streets of  Platkops✓/He is boastful when he tells everybody that Burgert sold Marta to him. ✓/Jan is unreasonable by requesting Marta in return  for land. ✓
    • Marta is sensitive to her father's plight when she agrees to marry  Jan. ✓/She is loyal to her father when she decides to save him  financially. ✓/Marta is obedient when she allows Jan to humiliate  her. ✓/She is loving/kind when she never judges anyone/ Jan. ✓
      NOTE: Accept any ONE of the above for each character. The comparison must be clear for full marks. Accept any other relevant, correct examples. (2) 


    1. Zeekoegatt ✓and Bitterwater. ✓ (2) 
    2. Only Burgert is happy with the state of his lands. ✓
      Sukey realises that Marta is suffering/is being humiliated./
      Sukey knows that the water-cases caused her mother's  death. ✓
      NOTE: Award one mark for each character. (2)
    3. Burgert is materialistic /obsessed /greedy/selfish✓ (1)


Powerlessness of women/Women being exploited/abused. ✓ Marta and Sukey are powerless in this situation. They have no  control over what is happening to them.
Marta is the victim of her  father's greed. ✓✓✓ 
Family betrayal/Obsession/Greed/Selfishness.✓ Sukey feels betrayed by her father. She blames her father for Marta's  humiliation. It is his greed that causes the humiliation.✓✓✓ 
NOTE: 1 mark for identification + 3 marks for discussion. 
Accept other valid interpretations for the discussion. 
The discussion must be relevant to the initial theme. (4) 

6.1.6 Open-ended 
Accept a text-based response which shows that the candidate  knows and understands the following aspects, among others: 

    • Marta is brought up to be obedient; 
    • she is too good/gentle to resist Jan; 
    • she believes that it is part of the sacrifice she is making for her  father;
    • she should never have agreed to marry Jan;
    • she should have stood up for herself and refused to be driven around in public;
    • she should have remembered her mother's fate;
    • Marta knew full well what Jan Redlinghuis was like;
      NOTE: Do NOT award a mark for YES or NO.
      Credit responses where a combination is given.
      For full marks, the response must be well-substantiated. 
      A candidate can score 1,2 or 3 marks for a response which is not well-substantiated. The candidate's interpretation must be grounded in the text of the short  story. (4)


6.2 'The Soft Voice of the Serpent' 


    1. The garden (of the young couple). ✓ (1) 
    2. The young man is convalescing/recovering/trying to heal physically ✓ and emotionally ✓ from the loss of his leg. 
      The young man has lost a leg✓ therefore the peaceful and  beautiful garden makes it ideal for the man's healing  process. ✓ (2) 


    1. Simile ✓ (1)
    2. He is harmless because he is in a wheelchair and cannot move ✓ just like the locust which has also lost its (left) leg. ✓
      The man and the locust share a similar condition. ✓ (2)
      • He is loving/gentle towards her. ✓
      • He cares for her. ✓
      • He is protective of her. ✓
        NOTE: Accept any TWO of the above. (2) 


      • She is disgusted/in disbelief that she injured the locust. ✓ 
      • She feels guilty for hurting the locust. ✓ 
      • She regrets her actions. ✓
        NOTE: Accept any TWO of the above. (2)


    • The man is angry at the world because of the loss of his leg/he is  confined to the wheelchair. ✓ 
    • He struggles to accept his handicap.✓  
    • He is sometimes impatient with his wife when he answers her  curtly. ✓ 
    • He becomes irritated with his wife when she pities the locust. ✓  
    • The woman is not angry at the world/is more positive because she  always acts in a pleasant manner. ✓ 
    • The woman has come to accept her husband's disability when she  treats him with great respect.✓ 
    • She is empathetic towards her husband. ✓
    • She is patient/tolerant of his mood swings when she does not react  to his outbursts. ✓ 
      Accept any TWO of the above for each character. 
      The comparison must be clear for full marks. 
      Accept any other relevant, correct examples (4)

6.2.5 Open-ended. 
Accept a text-based response which shows that the candidate  knows and understands the following aspects, among others:

      • The garden of the couple is similar to the Garden of Eden;
      • there is no real serpent in this garden;
      • the locust is symbolic of the serpent/ the betrayal of a serpent; 
      • the locust (serpent) changes the relationship between the man and the woman;
      • the man's peace is shattered with the arrival of the locust;
      • the young man feels betrayed when the locust can still fly after its injury.
        NOTE: For full marks, the response must be well-substantiated.  A candidate can score 1, 2 or 3 marks for a response  which is not well-substantiated. The candidate's  interpretation must be grounded in the text of the short  story. (4)


: Candidates are required to answer ALL the questions. 
7.1 'The serf


    1. Italian/Petrarchan sonnet/ Irregular sonnet ✓ (1)
    2.  The first eight lines are known as the octave. ✓
      The last six lines are known as the sestet. ✓
      In this sonnet half of line 9 forms part of the octave ✓and the other half belongs to the sestet. /The turning point is in the middle of line 9 and not in the beginning.✓ (2) 


    1.  'torrid' ✓ (1) 
    2. It is so hot that he does not want/need to wear a shirt/ clothes. ✓/He works very slowly/sleepwalks. ✓ (1)
    3. D/a cloud of dust✓ (1)
    4. 'slow somnambulist'✓ (1)
    5. The serf works mechanically as if he is asleep. ✓
      He is not enthusiastic. ✓/ He seems to find the work boring. ✓ (2) 

7.1.3 His heart is empty and hurt, ✓ just as the land is left bruised/hurt  after ploughing. ✓ (2) 
7.1.4 The serf will physically destroy the symbols of oppression ✓and be  freed from forced labour. ✓ (2) 
7.1.5 Threatening/ominous/foreboding/rebellious. ✓ (1)
7.1.6 Open-ended 

Accept a text-based response which shows that the candidate knows and understands the following aspects, among others: 

    • The difficult working circumstances of the serf;
    •  that he has been enslaved/has lost his land and has to work for  somebody else; 
    • the fact that he has lost his individuality/identity as a proud  warrior; 
    • he has suffered severely at the hands of his oppressors; 
    • given the opportunity, the labourer will conquer his masters; 
    • that the serf will destroy the symbols of power and wealth.
      NOTE: Do not award a mark for PITIED or FEARED 
      Credit responses where a combination is given.
      For full marks, the response must be well-substantiated. 
      A candidate can score 1 or 2 marks for a response which  is not well-substantiated. The candidate's interpretation must be grounded in the text of the poem. (3) 

7.2 'An elementary school classroom in a slum' 


    1.  To emphasise how great the distance is between the slum  where the children are✓ and the sea and rivers which would  offer them a different life experience. ✓ (2)
      • There is a tall girl. ✓
      • She has a big head.✓
      • There is a very thin boy. ✓
      • The boy's eyes are red.✓
      • There is a disabled/disfigured boy.✓
      • There is a boy who looks like he is dreaming.✓
      • The children are pale.✓
      • The children's hair is untidy/unkempt. ✓
        NOTE: Accept any THREE of the above. (3)
    3. He escapes in his imagination. ✓ (1) 


(a) The children's world is the classroom and the streets they live  in, ✓not the world map on the wall. ✓ (2)
(b) Metaphor✓ (1)
(c) Open-ended 

Accept a response which shows knowledge and  understanding of, among others:

      • The fact that the pictures can be an escape mechanism;
      • that these pictures can be inspirational;
      • the fact that education is the key to escape poverty;
      • that the pictures make them realise that there is a better world out there.
        NOTE: Do NOT award a mark for YES or NO.
        Credit responses where a combination is given.
        For full marks, the response must be well substantiated. A candidate can score 1, 2 or 3 marks  for a response which is not well-substantiated. The candidate's interpretation must be grounded in the  text of the poem. (4) 

7.2.3 Their living experience is darkened by their living conditions in the  slums, ✓meaning they do not have any hope for a bright future. ✓ (2)
7.2.4 Hope for the future. ✓ 
         He pleads/appeals to all officials to get involved to improve/make  better the lives/future of these children. ✓✓ 
NOTE: 1 mark for identification + 2 marks for discussion. 
Accept other valid interpretations for the discussion. 
The discussion must be relevant to the initial theme. (3) 



Last modified on Tuesday, 15 June 2021 08:14