SECTION A QUESTION 1 1.1 1.1.1 B ✔✔ 1.1.2 C ✔✔ 1.1.3 D ✔✔ 1.1.4 A ✔✔ 1.1.5 D ✔✔ 1.1.6 C ✔✔ 1.1.7 A ✔✔ 1.1.8 D ✔✔ 1.1.9 A ✔✔ 1.1.10 B ✔✔ (10 x 2) (20) 1.2 1.2.1 None ✔✔ 1.2.2 Both A and B ✔✔ 1.2.3 None ✔✔ 1.2.4 A only ✔✔ 1.2.5 B only ✔✔ (5 x 2) (10) 1.3 1.3.1 Bloating/Bloat ✔✔ 1.3.2 Osteomalacia ✔✔ 1.3.3 Diagnosis ✔✔ 1.3.4 Superovulation ✔✔ 1.3.5 Hermaphroditism ✔✔ (5 x 2) (10) 1.4 1.4.1 Proteolytic ✔ 1.4.2 Endemic ✔ 1.4.3 Mitochondria/Mitochondrion ✔ 1.4.4 Lactation ✔ 1.4.5 Sterility ✔ (5 x 1) (5)
SECTION B QUESTION 2: ANIMAL NUTRITION 2.1 A representation of the alimentary canal of a farm animal 2.1.1 Identification of A and C
A: Oesophageal groove ✔ (1)
C: Omasum ✔ (1)
2.1.2 Explanation of the main function of part A in DIAGRAM 1
It directs the milk to the abomasum ✔ (1)
2.1.3 Identification of the true stomach
D ✔ (1)
2.1.4 Justification for not feeding urea or biuret to young ruminants
Its fore-stomachs (rumen, reticulum and omasum) are still underdeveloped ✔ with very few or no micro-organism to assist in digesting ✔ urea and biuret. (2)
2.2 The part of the alimentary canals of farm animals 2.2.1 Identification of A
A: Villi / Villus ✔ (1)
2.2.2 TWO reasons visible to support adaptation of villi for absorption
There are many folds that increase surface area for absorption ✔
The folds are covered with thousands of villi which increases surface area for absorption ✔
Each villus is covered with micro-villi which further increases surface area ✔
Presence of blood vessels ✔
Presence of lymphatic vessels ✔ (Any 1 x 2) (2)
2.3 The name of the diseases caused by a deficiency of vitamin/mineral in lambs 2.3.1 Swayback / Anaemia ✔ (1) 2.3.2 Muscular dystrophy / White muscle / Stiff lamb disease ✔ (1) 2.4 Energy flow diagram 2.4.1 Energy type represented by A and B
A: Digestible energy / DE ✔
B: Metabolised energy / ME / Metabolisable ✔ (2)
2.4.2 (a) The amount of energy left for production and maintenance in joules
Net energy is 40% (Net) of 1 250 j (Gross Energy)
Net energy = 40 x 1 250 j ✔ 100 = 500 j ✔ (2)
(b) Total energy losses in kilojoules Total energy losses = (30%) + (5%) + (5%) + (20%) = 60% of 1 250 j = 750 j ✔ = 750 j = 0,75 Kj ✔ (3) 1 000✔
2.5 The Pearson square 2.5.1
(Maize meal): 8% 23 ✔ (parts) (39 – 16 = 23) (Soya bean meal): 39% 8 ✔ (parts) (16 – 8 = 8) The ratio of maize meal to soya bean meal is 23 : 8 ✔ (4)
2.5.2 Formulation of 1 500 kg swine ration:
The ratio into which feeds should be mixed is 23 : 8 (maize meal to soya bean meal) = 23 + 8 = 31 ✔(5)
Quantity of maize meal in mixture
Quantity of soya bean meal in mixture
Maize meal = 23 x 1 500 kg ✔ 31 = 1112,9 / 1113 kg ✔
Soya bean meal = 8 x 1 500 kg ✔ 31 = 387,1 / 387 kg ✔
2.5.3 Reason for a high protein requirement in piglets
Growth and production ✔
Provision of antibodies for immunity against diseases ✔
Repairing of body tissues ✔ (Any 2 x 1) (2)
2.6 Fodder-flow: 2.6.1 The number of months during which there will be less feed available than required by the animals
5 months ✔ (1)
2.6.2 Calculation of the surplus amount of feed during the month of October in kilograms (kg)
55 tons – 20 tons = 35 tons ✔
35 tons x 1000 ✔ = 35 000 kg ✔ (3)
2.6.3 TWO strategies a farmer can apply to make sure that the required feed balances feed available
Culling ✔
Controlled calving ✔
Producing more food at particular times ✔
Storage ✔ (Any 2 x 1) (2) [35]
QUESTION 3: ANIMAL PRODUCTION, PROTECTION AND CONTROL 3.1 Animal production systems 3.1.1 Identification production systems
FARM A: Intensive production system ✔
FARM B: Extensive production system ✔ (2)
3.1.2 Justification for QUESTION 3.1.1 FARM A: Intensive production system