1.1.1 B ✓✓
1.1.2 A ✓✓
1.1.3 B ✓✓
1.1.4 C ✓✓
1.1.5 A ✓✓
1.1.6 A ✓✓
1.1.7 C✓✓
1.1.8 B✓✓
1.1.9 D ✓✓
1.1.10 D ✓✓ (10 x 2) (20)
1.2.1 F ✓✓
1.2.2 G ✓✓
1.2.3 B ✓✓
1.2.4 H ✓✓
1.2.5 A ✓v(5 x 2) (10)
1.3.1 Surplus/oversupply/overproduction ✓✓
1.3.2 Price fluctuation ✓✓
1.3.3 Genetics ✓✓
1.3.4 Prepotency ✓✓
1.3.5 Recessive gene ✓✓ (5 x 2) (10)
1.4.1 Equilibrium ✓
1.4.2 Land✓
1.4.3 Phenotype ✓
1.4.4 Internal ✓
1.4.5 Progeny ✓ (5 x 1) (5)

2.1 Marketing system
2.1.1 Identification of the marketing system
Co-operative✓ (1)
2.1.2 Types of co-operative marketing system

  • Services co-operatives ✓
  • Financial co-operatives ✓
  • Commercial/consumer co-operatives ✓
  • Production co-operatives ✓
  • Marketing co-operatives ✓
  • Purchasing co-operatives ✓ (Any 2) (2)

2.1.3 Difference between
Long term strategy that involves all activities associated with production, pricing, promoting and distribution ✓(1)
Selling - Exchanging goods for cash ✓ (1)
2.1.4 TWO problems hampering agricultural marketing chain of products

  • Perishability/spoilage ✓
  • Transportation✓
  • Storage ✓
  • Poor infrastructure✓
  • Accidents✓
  • Lack of capital ✓
  • Lack of control over production ✓
  • Low value in relation to high volume ✓
  • Wide distribution of products✓
  • Theft✓
  • Seasonal changes/fluctuation ✓
  • Standardisation✓
  • Competition ✓
  • Legislation ✓ (Any 2) (2)

2.2 Demand of products in relation to price
2.2.1 Identification of the graphs

  1. Graph B ✓(1)
  2. Graph A ✓ (1)

2.2.2 Justification of the answers

  1. Graph B - A change in price resulted in no/little change in demand ✓(1)
  2. Graph A - A change in price resulted in a huge change in demand ✓(1)

2.2.3 THREE other factors that may cause elasticity of demand

  • Nature of the produce ✓
  • Availability of substitute products ✓
  • Proportion of consumer's budget spent on the item ✓
  • Time period ✓ (Any 3) (3)

2.3 Fruit sold at different quantities and prices
2.3.1 Line graph
Criteria/rubric/marking guidelines

  • Correct heading ✓
  • X-axis: Correctly calibrated with label (Quantities) ✓
  • Y-axis: Correctly calibrated with label (Price)✓
  • Correct units (R and Pockets)✓
  • Line graph ✓
  • Accuracy ✓ (6)

2.3.2 Deduction of the relationship between the price and the quantity of fruit demanded
The higher the price of the fruit ✓ the lower the quantities of fruit demanded ✓
The lower the price of the fruit ✓ the higher the quantities of fruit demanded ✓ (Any 1) (2)
2.4 Business plan
2.4.1 TWO reasons for drawing up a business plan

  • To test the feasibility of the business ✓
  • To check the economic viability ✓
  • To determine the financial needs ✓
  • To secure funding ✓
  • To guide operations/outlines roles and responsibilities ✓
  • Provides time frames ✓
  • Provides information regarding the external/internal business environment✓
  • Ensuring effective business management ✓
  • To gain knowledge about marketing opportunities/ competitors✓
  • To reposition the business to deal with market changes ✓
  • To allow a farmer to foresee problems/risk ✓
  • Helps to define goals✓
  • Provides direction and focus ✓(Any 2) (2)

2.4.2 THREE items included in a format of a good business plan

  • Title/cover page ✓
  • Summary of enterprise details/address/name ✓
  • Summary of business plan/strategy/objectives ✓
  • Overview/profile of the business/management team✓
  • Production plan ✓
  • Management plan/time management plan ✓
  • Sales and marketing plan ✓
  • Financial plan ✓
  • Reasons for success of business ✓
  • Human resource plan✓
  • Organisational structure ✓
  • SWOT analyses ✓
  • Potential risks ✓ (Any 3) (3)

2.4.3 TWO problems encountered when drawing up a business plan

  • Insufficient research ✓
  • Too generic ✓
  • Gaps/incomplete/too much information/vague ✓
  • Insufficient technical details✓
  • Unrealistic assumptions/projections ✓
  • Incomplete plan/financials ✓
  • Not highlighting potential competition✓
  • Hiding weaknesses and risks ✓
  • Using the incorrect format✓
  • Errors/not authentic ✓(Any 2) (2)

2.5 Entrepreneurship
2.5.1 Identification of the THREE phases of the entrepreneurial process

  • Identifying an opportunity ✓
  • Research on what is needed/resource mobilisation ✓
  • Production and profit making✓ (3)

2.5.2 THREE personal characteristics of a successful entrepreneur

  • Innovation/creativity ✓
  • Confidence ✓
  • Identify opportunity ✓
  • Drive/passion/need for achievement ✓
  • Perseverance ✓
  • Leadership ✓
  • Commitment ✓
  • Hardworking ✓
  • Motivation ✓
  • Flexible ✓
  • Market driven ✓
  • Knowledgeable ✓
  • Risk taker ✓
  • Sound technical/operational knowledge ✓
  • Interpersonal relations ✓
  • Punctuality ✓ (Any 3) (3)


3.1 Land
3.1.1 Identification of the economic characteristic of land
Law of diminishing return ✓ (1)
3.1.2 The implication of the economic characteristic of land
When land reaches its maximum point of production ✓ it cannot produce beyond its production potential ✓ (2)
3.1.3 TWO ways a farmer can improve productivity of land

  • Improve soil fertility ✓
  • Water management ✓
  • Change in cropping practices and farming systems ✓
  • Restoring land potential ✓
  • Farm land more efficient/consolidation of uneconomic units ✓
  • Adapt to scientific methods/technology ✓ (Any 2) (2)

3.1.4 THREE functions of land as a factor in agricultural production

  • Source of raw materials ✓
  • Provides space ✓
  • Food security ✓
  • Source of minerals ✓
  • Can be used as a collateral ✓ (Any 3) (3)

3.2 Labour
3.2.1 TWO types of labourers employed on farms

  • Permanent/full time ✓(1)
  • Temporary/part time ✓(1)

3.2.2 TWO main reasons for the loss of farm labour

  • Poor working conditions ✓
  • Long working hours ✓
  • Exposure to harsh conditions ✓
  • Lack of career opportunities/education and training ✓
  • Physically demanding ✓
  • Poor wages ✓
  • Poor living conditions ✓
  • Industrial competition ✓ (Any 2) (2)

3.2.3 TWO ways in which farmers retain their labourers

  • Provision of better working conditions ✓
  • Reasonable working hours ✓
  • Provision of career opportunities/promotion ✓
  • Better/living wages ✓
  • Provision of education/training/skills development ✓
  • Provision of proper housing ✓
  • Health schemes/benefits✓
  • Bonuses ✓
  • Recognition for good work done ✓ (Any 2) (2)

3.3 Labour legislation
3.3.1 Skills Development Act (97 of 1998)✓ (1)
3.3.2 Occupational Health and Safety Act (85 of 1993) ✓ (1)
3.3.3 Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (130 of 1993) ✓ (1)
3.4 Financial record of an enterprise
3.4.1 Identification of the record
Enterprise budget/budget ✓ (1)
3.4.2 Reason
Showing estimates of the expected income and expenditure of the enterprise ✓(1)
3.4.3 Calculation of the net income for this enterprise (with formula)
Net income = Income – Expenditure ✓
= R77 500 – (R143 564 ✓) ✓
= – R 66 064✓ (4)
3.4.4 Identification of the problem the enterprise could experience
Loss/deficit/financial problems  (1)
3.4.5 TWO possible ways to make the enterprise viable

  • Reduce the costs ✓
  • Change to an enterprise with a lower running costs ✓
  • Sell at a higher price/better marketing ✓ (Any 2) (2)

3.5 Risk in a farming business
3.5.1 THREE types of risk in the farming industry

  • Technical/production✓
  • Financial ✓
  • Market and price ✓
  • Political/policy risks ✓ (Any 3) (3)

3.5.2 Skill the manager needs in identifying the risks

  • Conceptual✓
  • Analytical✓ (Any 1) (1)

3.5.3 TWO strategies to reduce the impact of risk

  • Insuring against risks ✓
  • Risk sharing ✓
  • Diversification ✓
  • Processing/value adding ✓
  • Flexibility ✓
  • Future contracts/hedging ✓ (Any 2) (2)

3.5.4 THREE main principles for successful management

  • Planning ✓
  • Implementation ✓
  • Organisation ✓
  • Coordination ✓
  • Decision making ✓
  • Control ✓ (Any 3) (3)


4.1 Representation of the genotypes for different generations
4.1.1 Parent with red phenotype
Female ✓(1)
The parent with R for red colour/indicated by RR ✓(1)
4.1.2 Identification of the ratio’s and phenotype

  1. 3 red : 1 black/3:1 ✓(1)
  2. 1:2:1 ✓(1)
  3. Red ✓(1)

4.2Di -hybrid crossing
4.2.1 Traits that are being investigated

  • Hair colour ✓(1)
  • Length of hair ✓ (1)

4.2.2 Genotype of a bull
bb ✓ ll ✓ (2)
4.3 Scenario on variation
4.3.1 Identification of the

  1. Genetic factor of variation - Genotype✓1)
  2. Environmental factor of variation - Feeding/nutrition ✓ (1)

4.3.2 Relationship between feed restriction and average weight gain The higher the level of feed restrictions✓
the lower the average weight gain ✓
The lower the level of feed restrictions ✓
the higher the average weight gain ✓ (Any 1) (2)
4.3.3 Hypothesis of this investigation
There is no effect of genotype and feeding✓on growth performance ✓
Genotype and feeding ✓ reduce growth performance ✓
Genotype and feeding ✓ increase growth performance ✓ (Any 1) (2)
4.4 Breeding systems applied in cattle farming
4.4.1 Identification of the breeding systems

  1. Crossbreeding ✓(1)
  2. Inbreeding ✓(1)

4.4.2 Breeding system that promotes heterosis
A ✓(1)
4.4.3 TWO disadvantages of inbreeding

  • Loss of vigour/performance/inbreeding depression ✓
  • Loss of fertility ✓
  • Genetic variation declines ✓
  • Increase the lethal genes which can result in death ✓
  • Reduced vitality ✓
  • Fixation of undesired genes ✓
  • Expert knowledge required ✓
  • Less resistance to diseases ✓
  • Poor adaptation to the environment ✓
  • Undesirable characteristics can be bred into the offspring ✓
  • Deformed animals ✓ (Any 2) (2)

4.4.4 Letter of the breeding system
C ✓ (1)
4.5 Selection
4.5.1 Definition of selection
Process of choosing/identifying specific individuals ✓ for their desired characteristics/traits ✓ (2)
4.5.2 Type of selection in nature
Natural ✓ (1)
4.5.3 THREE characteristics selected for in animal production

  • Growth✓
  • Health/disease resistance✓
  • Fertility✓
  • Body conformation ✓
  • Production types ✓
  • Breeding standards ✓ (Any 3) (3)

4.5.4 Aspects to be improved through selection

  1. Choosing animals with superior characteristics for breeding ✓(1)
  2. Choosing animals that can adapt/produce in a specific area ✓(1)

4.6 Genetic modification
4.6.1 TWO techniques used in the genetic modification process

  • Micro-injection✓
  • Gene gun/Biolistics ✓
  • Bacterial carriers/Agro-bacterium tumefaciens ✓
  • Electroporation ✓
  • Recombinant DNA ✓
  • Calcium phosphate precipitation✓
  • Gene silencing ✓
  • Gene splicing ✓
  • Lipofection ✓
  • Viral carriers ✓ (Any 2) (2)

4.6.2 TWO disadvantages of genetically modified plants

  • Health concerns/allergies✓
  • Not enough research has been done✓
  • Expensive ✓
  • Super weeds develop/reduced effectiveness of pesticides ✓
  • Religious/ethical beliefs ✓
  • Reduced biodiversity ✓
  • Gene transfer to non-target species✓
  • Possibility of mutations ✓(Any 2) (2)

4.6.3 TWO advantages of genetically modifying plants

  • Resistance to herbicides/insects/pests ✓
  • Resistance to harsh environmental conditions✓
  • Plants have a lower water requirement ✓
  • Improved quality/taste/flavour/nutritional value ✓
  • Shelf life ✓
  • Increased yields ✓ (Any 2) (2)


Last modified on Monday, 04 October 2021 06:03