1.1.1 D√
1.1.2 B√
1.1.3 D√
1.1.4 C√
1.1.5 A√
1.1.6 C√
1.1.7 C√
1.1.8 C√
1.1.9 C√
1.1.10 B√
1.2 MATCHING ITEMS Correct order
1.2.1 C√
1.2.2 A√
1.2.3 D√
1.2.4 G√
1.2.5 B√
1.3 MATCHING ITEMS Correct order
1.3.1 B√
1.3.2 E√
1.3.3 G√
1.3.4 A√
1.3.5 D√
1.4.1 Drying√
1.4.2 POS/ Point of sale√
1.4.3 Marbling/ Intra-muscular fat√
1.4.4 Overhead costs/ Overheads√
1.4.5 Allergy/ Allergic reaction√
1.4.6 GDP/ Gross Domestic Product√
1.4.7 Jews/ Jewish/ Judaism√
1.4.8 Sherbet√
1.4.9 Phyllo/ Strudel pastry√
1.4.10 Frosting/ Decorating√
1.5.1 B√ C√ E√ F√ (4)
1.5.2 B√ C√ (2)
1.5.3 B√ E√ F√ G√ (4)
2.1.1 14-50 days/ 2-6 weeks√
(any number of days/ weeks in range) (1)
- Tiredness/ Fatigue√
- Upset stomach√
- Stomach ache/ Abdominal cramps√
- Diarrhoea/ Watery stools√
- Light-coloured stools√
- Fever/ feverish√
- Nausea√
- Vomiting√
- Loss of appetite√
- Dark yellow urine√
- Yellowish skin or eyes/ Jaundice√ (Any 3) (3)
- Employee is excluded from work for at least 7 days/ 6 weeks√
- There will be a workflow disruption√
- Less workers will lead to low productivity/ less products√
- Hiring & training of new/ temporary staff√
- Less income because of lower productivity√
- People will not be making use of the Industry and that will lead to lower income√
- It will lead to increased financial cost related to care and treatment of employees√
- More money must be spent on buying bottled water for drinking and cooking/ Jojo-tanks can be bought to store water/ sanitizers/ boiling water for washing dishes√
(Any 3)(3)
- Food handlers infected with TB should be put on sick leave√ and receive treatment√
- Infected food service workers should only return to work√/ seven days after onset of effective treatment√
- Workers may be suspended from food handling duties√
- Avoid sneezing and coughing over food√
- Wear face mask√
- Try to keep food covered√ (Any 3) (3)
- Showed tolerance/ patience by recognising others as individuals with different personalities
- Accept each other/ they were not biased /diversity /respect√
- Being objective about the Hotels goals/ work towards the same goal/ focussed√
- Showed willingness to work with others/ Co-operated with each other /work together/ √
- They were fair and honest with all team members√
- Showed understanding and had some thought for their fellow workers /not being selfish√
- Every member pulled their weight/ everybody does their part√
- Reliable team members√
- Enjoyed working with each other/ constructive working relationships/ positive work relationship / practice to work together√
- Good communication/ Talked with each other in a respectful manner and listening to each other√
- Resolve conflict√
- Constantly keeping up with changing trends in the industry√
- Share successes and failures√
- Motivate each other√
- Well-disciplined /punctual√ (Any 3) (3)
- Satisfied customers will become loyal customers√ they will return to the business because the award is attributed to excellence√
- Popularity may increase prices/ satisfied customers are willing to pay more√
- Positive word of mouth/ Hotel more well-known/ good reviews on booking platforms/ because of the award which will attract more customers√ more customer increases the income and profits√
- Increased salaries/ incentives/ wages of the staff√ (Any 3) (3)
2.4 Use of computers in menu planning:
- Dish sales can be recorded and analysed to determine popular dishes√
- Menu can be updated with unpopular dishes removed√
- Costing of menu, ingredients, production costs and selling price can be calculated√
- Online dictionary can translate the names of ingredients / spellcheck words√
- Recipe development and changing recipes are simplified√
- Ingredients lists and recipes can be drawn, stored and retrieved√
- Order lists/menu planning can be compiled easily and accurately√
- Nutritional value of food on the menu can be determined√
- Serving sizes can be printed on a recipe√
- Serving suggestions/pictures/ visuals for menu/products√
- Metric conversions can be done automatically√
- Standardised recipes for preparing food and food and beverage products are established√
- It is quicker/easier/saves time to compile the menu√ (Any 4) (4)
3.1.1 Pâte A Foncer/ Shortcrust√
Pâte sucrée/ Sweet shortcrust√
Pâte brisée/Rich shortcrust√ (Any 1) (1)
- Heat from hands can melt the shortening√
- The dough can shrink√
- Gluten development which will cause the dough to not have short crumbs/ dough become elastic/tough√
- Toughening of the crust/ hard crust (Any 2) (2)
- Alter the proportion of fat to flour/ change the ratio of ingredients√
- Cause the dough to be dry /crack/ fall apart/ crumble√
- Cause the crust to be hard√ (Any 2) (2)
- Allows trapped air/steam to escape√
- Prevents the pastry from uneven rising/ lifting of pastry/ blistering/ the bottom of the pastry remains flat√ (2)
- Step 4:
- To ensure that the batter is thick, smooth and shiny√
- To form a soft dough that will hold its shape when baked√
- Pliable to be piped/ spooned√ not runny√
- Adding too much egg results in a runny batter that cannot be piped/small volume/proportion or ratio can be changed with too much eggs√
- Controls the consistency/ prevents too much egg being added/ sizes of eggs differ√
- Easier to mix one egg at a time/ difficult to mix all eggs at one time√
- Humidity in the air influences the amount of eggs added to the mixture√ (Any 3) (3)
- Step 7:
- Finishes the baking process/ ensures that the pastry is thoroughly cooked√
- Allows for the pastry to dry out/ steam can evaporate/ crispy shell√
- Prevents product from collapsing/ keeps it form√
- Prevents burning/ ensure golden brown colour√ (Any 3) (3)
- Churros√
- Beignets√
- Aigrettes√
- Pommes/ Potato dauphines√ (Any 2) (2)
- Enhances the appearance/ improves the shape√
- Keeps the meat moist and succulent√
- Adds flavour/ better taste to the cut of meat√
- Increases the serving portions from the cut/ stretching portions√
- Creates interesting dishes/ variety of dishes√
- Nutritional value of the dish is increased√ (Any 3) (3)
- Chuck√
- Flat rib√
- Brisket√
- Prime rib√ (Any 2) (2)
3.3.3 It will not:
- have a brown surface/ it will be pale in colour/ won’t be desirable in colour√
- have a desirable flavour√
It will:
lose sarcoplasm√ resulting in the beef roll being dry√ because of the loss of moisture√ (Any 2) (2)
- Leave the beef roll to rest after cooking to allow the meat juices to settle/
- Remove the string/ food ties√
- Use a good quality sharp knife/ carving knife/ electrical knife√
- Cut the beef roll against the grain√
- Cut the beef roll using the full length of the blade√
- Cut even slices√
- Use marks of string to guide portioning√ (Any 3) (3)
3.3.5 It will be more expensive due to:
- a lot of labour/ time being involved in removing the bone√
- the cut loses weight because of the absence of the bone√
- the variety of ingredients used to stuff the roll√
- Cost of string/ elastic adds to price√ (Any 2) (2)
Beef roll | T-bone steak |
120g-150g√ | 150g-250g√ |
The beef roll is boneless therefore the portion is smaller than the T-bone steak that has a bone in√ (Any 2) (2)
- Pollo-vegetarian /Pollotarian√
- Pollo-pescatarean √
- Flexitarian√
- Semi-vegetarian√ (Any 2) (2)
- Lacto-ovo vegetarian/ Ovo-lacto vegetarian√
- Pollo-vegetarian√
- Pollo-pescatarean√
- Pescatarean/ Pesco-vegetarian√
- Flexitarian√
- Semi-vegetarian√ (Any 2)(2)
3.5.1 Selling Price = Total cost / Food cost + overhead cost + labour cost/ + Profit√
R 25 000 + R 5 000 + R 3 500/=R 33 500√
R 33 500 x 35 /100√
R 33 500 + R 11 725√
R 45 225√ (must include R)
(Formula (x1) + Any calculation (x2) + correct selling price (x1)) (4)
3.5.2 Selling price per person = Selling price ÷ Number of people √
R 45 225 ÷ 100√
R 452.25 per person√ (must include R)
(Formula (x1) + ( ÷ 100) + price per person (x1)) (3)
- No choices in courses/ set menu√
- No choice in dishes√
- Price is given for the whole menu√
- Menu has the correct layout of a table d’hôtel√ (Any 1) (1)
- Creamy Mussel Soup with Croutons√
- Apple Sorbet√
- Leg of Lamb√
- Mornay Sauce√
- Minted Rice Timbales√
- Steamed Beans with Bacon bits√
- Pumpkin Fritters with Caramel sauce√ (Name whole dish)
- Cremora Tart with Biscuit Crust√ (Any 4) (4)
- Creamy Mussel Soup√ with Croutons√
- Mornay Sauce√
- Pumpkin fritters with Caramel sauce/ Pumpkin fritters√
- Cremora Tart with Biscuit Crust/ Biscuit crust√ (Any 2) (2)
4.2.1 Bottling√ (1)
- Oxygen/ Air has been excluded√ prevents the growth of bacteria√
- It can prevent the decay of organic substances/ prevent oxidation√
- Heat/boiling√ used during bottling destroys micro-organisms and enzymes√
- Natural preservatives√ / sugar and acid is added to prevent growth of micro-organisms√ (Any 2 with reason) (4)
4.3.1 Chocolate mousse is a cold√, creamy/ smooth√, sweet√, light√, fluffy/ foamy/ airy mixture√ with rich/ chocolate taste√ (Any 2) (2)
4.3.2 The egg whites will NOT foam/foaming will be prevented when:
- plastic mixing bowls are used√
- the equipment is greasy and full of fat√
- there are traces of egg yolk in the white√
- the eggs were not at room temperature√
- older eggs will not give proper foaming properties/ watery egg white√
Improving foaming:
- copper mixing bowls causes a catalytic reaction which helps to produce a stable foam√
- Acid e.g. lemon juice and cream of tartar increase foaming ability√
- Using fresh eggs√
- Round shaped mixing bowls/ Fine wired whisks√ (Any 3) (3)
- If chocolate becomes too hot, it will become grainy/ crumbly√ and scorch/ burnt taste√
- Mousse won’t have a smooth texture√/ it will be lumpy/ the mousse might be runny with lumps in√
- The final product will lose flavour√ shine√ and the colour will be dark√ (Any 2) (2)
- Hot dessert√ (1)
- A warm/ baked sponge-based√ with sweetened/sugar√ cream and butter sauce√ poured over the sponge√ (Any 2) (3)
- Cooked on top of the stove/ use indirect steam/ bain-marie / double boiler√
- Should be stirred constantly√
- Runny consistency√
- Can be used as a sauce/ accompaniment/ base for other dish√ (Any 2)
| - Cooked in the bain-marie/ water bath in the oven√
- No stirring√
- Set – could be unmoulded√
- Is eaten as a dish√ (Any 2)
4.5.1 Gelatine mixture was not allowed to thicken√ to the consistency of thick egg white to form a gel before fruit was added/ ratio of gelatine not correct/ not enough gelatine used/ pieces of fruit to big√ (Any 1) (1)
- Large quantities of sugar was used√
- Large quantities of acid was used√
- Addition of too much solid ingredients e.g. fruit, vegetables, nuts√
- Adding large quantity of whipped cream or egg whites√
- Addition of too much salt√
- Ratio incorrect/ too little gelatine/ too much liquid√
- Not given enough time to set√
- The temperature was not cold/ low enough√
- Gelatine was overheated or boiled√
- Gelatine was not hydrated and dispersed correctly√
- Adding the hot dispersed gelatine to the cold liquid will form strings/ lumps√ (Any 4) (4)
4.6.1 Different kinds of raw/fresh vegetables√ The vegetables are generally sliced or cut into sticks√, including carrots, sweet pepper, fresh green beans, cucumber, mushrooms, cocktail tomatoes, celery√ (Any 1) (1)
4.6.2 Rumaki√
Kebab√ (2)
- Large number of people can be entertained at once√
- A fairly small space can be used√
- Little/no cutlery and crockery is required√
- Less tables and chairs are required√
- They don’t have to lay covers for guests√
- No waiting period for serving of courses/shorter function time√
- The menu/ venue can be relatively cheap when planned well√
- Variety of snacks are served/ variety of cultures and religions can be accommodated√
- Can be eaten easily√
- A special/ social atmosphere is created as the guests are allowed to mingle with everyone√
- Allows more creativity with regards to the dishes√
- A table plan is not necessary√
- Fewer serving staff needed/ guests serve themselves√ (Any 6) (6)
5.1.1 Strengths:
- Jane is self-motivated√
- Jane is hard working√
- She will get her commodities from the local suppliers√
- Her employees are from the area/ she managed to get cleaners, delivery personnel and cooks√
- She already has a target market identified/school children√
- She designed her own pamphlet, she is very creative√
- No other competition in the area/ no other food outlets√
(Any 3) (3)
- Jane must include the following in description of business:
- Business address/ 7 Dutywa EC√
- Form of business e.g. sole owner/ Jane’s Catering√
- Branding/ Company name/ Logo/ Uniforms for the employees/ Jane’s Catering√
- She must set short, medium and long term goals/ targets√
- She must include a street map showing the location of the business/ GPS coordinates -32.0965˚S; 28.3111˚E√
- She must include a site plan√ (Any 2) (2)
- Jane must include the following in her operational plan:
- Purchasing and suppliers√ /Names of the local suppliers√/ date and times of delivery√/ Payment terms√ / Stock control and storage√
- Personnel plan√ / Organogram√/ Details of the two cooks, the two cleaners and the delivery personnel’s job descriptions/ duties√, their responsibilities√ (Any 4) (4)
- The name of the products can be added√
- Product description√
- A picture of the finished products√
- The price of the products√
- The address and contact number/ website√
- Times/ trading hours that products will be available√
- Promotions e.g. lunch packets, specials, private catering√
(Any 4) (4)
- Polish and setting the cutlery√
- Place all other/ correct cutlery required for the menu√ on the table on the outside of the main course knife and fork√/ in the order the dishes will be served, 1st course cutlery will be on the outside√
- Blades of knives must be facing left√
- Place the dessert spoon and fork across the top of the cover√ the handle of the dessert spoon is always placed to the right and above the dessert fork which is placed with its handle to the left√
- Place bread/ entrée knife on the right edge of the side plate, parallel with the main course knife√, blades facing left, so that a bread roll can be placed on the plate√
- Position the main course knife and fork 1- 2,5 cm from the edge of the table/ a thumb√
- There should be 25-29 cm between the knife on the right and the fork on the left (depending on the size of the establishment’s dinner plate)√ (Any 3) (3)
- Steam and polish all glasses√
- Correct glasses according to the menu√
- Position white wine glasses 2.5cm from the tip of the main course knife√
- Additional glassware is positioned at a 45° angle to the left of the first/white wine glass√
- White wine glasses first√ and red wine glasses second√
(Any 2) (2)
5.2.3 Table decorations:
- The theme of the table decorations should be appropriate for the type of function and must blend with rest of the décor√ e.g. if the theme is local or ethnic the table decoration should have an ethnic theme or colouring√
- Not hamper the vision of guests/ not too high√
- The colours of the flowers, tablecloths and serviettes should blend with the colour scheme/ theme√
- The flowers should not have overpowering fragrance√
(Any 2) (2)
5.2.4 Table numbers:
- Large enough to be visible√
- Pointing towards the entrance√ (Any 1) (1)
- Administration office√
- Gymnasium√
- Swimming pool√
- Parking√
- Marketing√
- Laundry√
- Human Resources /HR√
- Finance/Accounting√
- Maintenance√
- Security√ (Any 3) (3)
5.4.1 Greeting of the guests:
- Maître d hotel should acknowledge new guests within 30 seconds of entering the restaurant √
- Maître d hotel greet guests in a professional manner/ polite/ friendly/ welcoming way√
- Check the reservation/ ask if they got a booking/ note the name of the host√
- Maître d hotel introduce guests to waiter√
- The waiter greets in a friendly manner√
- Address host in his/her preferred language√ (Any 3) (3)
5.4.2 Presenting the bill:
- When presenting a bill at the table, give it to the host /hostess√ from the left hand side√
- The bill should be folded and placed on a side plate or in a folder, amount to be paid cannot be seen√
- If there’s no host/ hostess, place the bill in the centre of the table√
- Allow enough time to for the customer to place the correct amount of money in the folder/ suggest alternative payment methods√
- Collect the folder with the money and bill, take it to the cashiers√ (Any 3) (3)
6.1.1 (first 4 only)
- Name of the wine√
- Origin√
- Vintage/ Harvest year√
- Cultivar/ Grape variety/ Type of wine√
- Bottle volume√
- Producer/ Estate/ Unique name/ Brand name√
- Health warning√
- Authenticity seal√
- Barcode – to identify the bottle of wine√
- Suggested serving temperature/ serve the wine at 15-20˚C√
- Matching food – e.g. pair food with red wines√/ Red meat dishes√
- Flavour description of the wine√
- Country of origin- not compulsory for the local market√
- Alcohol strength in percentage – e.g. 12% of the volume√
- Seller’s code number/ name/ address√
- Class designation√ (Any 4) (4)
- Store wine at the temperature of 10-12°C/ cool temperature√
- Must be kept in the dark away from ultra violet light/ no direct sunlight√
- No noise or vibrations√
- Damp/ moist area√
- Bottles must be placed on their side, corks to remain moist and swollen√
- Red wine bottles must be in a slightly raised position√
- Wines must be rotated on a regular basis√
- Wines that are similar must be stored together√
- Pack and store wines with label to the top or to the front√
- When storing wines in card boxes arrows should face up√
(Any 4) (4)
- Offer host a taste of the wine√
- Pour a mouthful into the host glass√
- Bottle must never touch the glass√
- Don’t pick up the glass to pour the wine√
- Label of the bottle must face the guest√
- Pour from the right hand side of the guest√
- After the host approves the wine, fill the glasses of the other guests, and end with the host√
- Pour for the ladies first√
- Move anti-clockwise√
- Pour the glass ½ full√
- Ensure that you have enough wine for all the guests√
- When done with pouring place the wine on the table√
- Refill glasses as required√
- When the bottle is empty, ask the host if he would like the same or present the wine list√ (Any 5) (5)
- On consumption allows the customer to consume/drink liquor on the premises where it is bought√ and the liquor cannot be taken off the premises/ restaurant√ (2)
- Off consumption governs outlets that sell liquor that is bought from a store/ liqour store√ and consumed elsewhere√ (2) (4)
6.3.1 Shaken/ shaking and straining√ (1)
- Syrup√
- Cordials√
- Fruit juices√ (Any 2) (2)
- Barman must use system of First-in-first-out (FIFO)/ use older stock first√
- Have a system of minimum (enough) and maximum (not too much) stock levels√
- Place order/ requisition as soon as minimum stock level is reached/ before stock runs out√
- Daily stock taking necessary when bartenders change shifts√
- Computer based stock control systems can also be used√
- Stock ordering must be done in advance to allow delivery time to prevent stock from running out√
- Requisition stock from the store man in advance to prevent shortages during the evening√ (Any 3) (3)
- The barman must control his emotions/ be calm/ professional/ polite√
- The barman must maintain eye contact and a positive body language√
- The barman must not argue with the guest√
- Apologise about situation√
- If barman cannot handle the situation, he must call the Maître d hotel/ Manager√
- Ask the guest if they would like to order another mocktail/ offer other options√ (Any 3) (3)
- Deal with the situation calmly and professionally√
- Explain/ Announce the situation to the customers√
- Apologise√ and present a limited menu√ which does not include any dish or beverage that needs an electrical appliance for preparation e.g. salads and cold beverages√
- Start up the generator if the establishment has one√
- Restaurant staff should organize lighting such as candles√
- Turn of electrical equipment and unplug√
- Use gas stoves and gas equipment√ (Any 4) (4)