1.1.1 A ✔ (1)
1.1.2 B ✔ (1)
1.1.3 D ✔ (1)
1.1.4 C ✔ (1)
1.1.5 A ✔ (1)
1.1.6 C ✔ (1)
1.1.7 C ✔ (1)
1.1.8 A ✔ (1)
1.1.9 C ✔ (1)
1.1.10 C ✔ (1)
1.1.11 D ✔ (1)
1.1.12 C ✔ (1)
1.1.13 B ✔ (1)
1.1.14 A ✔ (1)
1.1.15 B ✔ (1)
1.1.16 D ✔ (1)
1.1.17 D ✔ (1)
1.1.18 A ✔ (1)
1.1.19 C ✔ (1)
1.1.20 C ✔ (1) 

1.2.1 D ✔ (1)
1.2.2 A ✔ (1)
1.2.3 G ✔ (1)
1.2.4 F ✔ (1)
1.2.5 E ✔ (1) 

1.3.1 C ✔ (1)
1.3.2 B ✔ (1)
1.3.3 A ✔ (1) 

1.4 A D F ✔✔✔ (3)
1.5 B D E H ✔✔✔✔ (4) 
1.6.1 tuberculosis ✔ (1)
1.6.2 gastro enteritis ✔ (1)
1.6.3 sell by date ✔ (1)
1.6.4 recycle ✔ (1)
1.6.5 renewable ✔ (1) [40]

2.1 Grey goods 
2.1.1 Grey goods/parallel imports ✔ (1)
2.1.2 Cheaper/costs less (1) 

  • If it breaks/is faulty the buyer discovers that there is no  guarantee/warranty from the official supplier ✔
  • Seller may repair item, but the quality of the repair may be  compromised ✔
  • If the seller does not display a notice, they are not aware that it  is a grey product
  • The buyer cannot make an informed choice
  • The seller may not explain what a ‘grey goods/product notice’ means 
  • The seller could alter the product, so it does not resemble the  genuine/original product
  • The goods are not sold by approved dealers (Any 2 x 1) (2)

2.2 Tax/Inflation 
2.2.1 Health / less pollution ✔ (1)
2.2.2 South African Revenue Service ✔ (1) 

  • VAT (value added tax) ✔
  • Excise duty (sin tax) (alcohol + cigarettes) ✔
  • Petrol/Fuel
  • Import duty / custom duties
  • Car licence / drivers / learners
  • TV licence
  • Fishing / hunting
  • Air passenger (overseas travel)
  • Environmental levy (on plastic bags) (Any 2 x 1) (2) 


  • A gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect ✔ 
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2) and other gases act as a blanket to keep  the heat out ✔/blocking heat from earth to space/ to prevent it  from escaping ✔ 
  • A greenhouse gas radiates/releases heat in all directions ✔  (Any 2 x 1) (2)


  • Prices go up ✔and you can buy less ✔/ You can cover fewer  expenses 
  • Less disposable income / decreases buying power of money ✔
  • Decrease in the standard of living ✔
  • Reduces the purchasing power of savings 
  • Pensioners / people on fixed incomes are affected more 
  • Investments / savings worth less 
  • The economy suffers and this impacts on job losses / workers  (consumers) retrenched/unemployed 
  • Petrol price increases and has an impact on food if the price  increases (Any 4 x 1) (4)

2.3 Municipal services 

  • Refuse: If refuse not collected the environment is unsafe/unhealthy ✔
  • Electricity: If electricity supply interrupted or / when the 50 kWh free  electricity quota not provided to poor households then they will  not have basic lighting / cannot use basic electrical appliances /  will not be able to have lights ✔
  • Water: If access to water not available / if free water to poor  households is not provided then health is compromised /  survival impacted ✔
    Poor quality water is unhealthy 
  • Sanitation: Unhealthy living conditions/ spread of diseases / contamination  if basic sanitation not met / access to toilets needed ✔
  • Roads: If roads are inaccessible / poor roads will impact on their safety / mobility /ability to earn an income ✔
  • Sewage  collection: Major health issues / health issues when sewage flows into  streets / rivers / polluted drinking water ✔
  • Infrastructure: Lack of infrastructure affects community well-being / hinders  access to education / health care / inadequate emergency  services ✔
  • General poor  services: Industry/ businesses will not be open, there will be limited job  opportunities ✔ Social problems like teenage pregnancies/child neglect/  domestic violence/drug use/crime/ethnic conflict/HIV/Aids 

NOTE: Marks are awarded for the discussion and not for the topic. If discussion in-depth, then maximum 2 marks per area. 
Question is based on basic services, so at least 3 different areas  must be covered. (6) [20]

3.1 Lifestyle behaviours 

  • Excess alcohol ✔ 
  • Smoking ✔
  • Lack of exercise (Any 2 x 1) (2) 

3.2 Anaemia 
3.2.1 Iron deficiency 

  • Females lose iron through menstruation ✔
  • Increased iron requirements which are not met during pregnancy
  • A diet lacking in iron when the focus is on weight loss/slimming diets   (Any 1 x 1) (1) 


  • Excessive iron loss ✔e.g. menstruation, blood loss after injury,  bleeding ulcer ✔
  • Poor iron absorption ✔ e.g. diarrhoea, intestinal disease, medication ✔ (4) 

3.2.3 Iron is a component of haemoglobin ✔ in red blood cells (RBC) which  carry oxygen to the body. ✔ Oxygen is needed for cells to work  properly. ✔ Plays a role in maintaining a healthy immune system ✔  (Any 3 x 1) (3) 
3.3 Eating disorders 

  • Obsession with body weight / Dissatisfaction with body weight ✔
  • Distorted body image / Body-image issues / Poor self-esteem and self-image ✔
  • Use similar methods to lose weight i.e. overuse of diet pills, using laxatives,  diuretics, enemas, exercising excessively ✔ (3 x 1) (3) 

3.4 Management of anorexia and bulimia 

  • Psychotherapy to treat underlying causes ✔
  • Hospitalisation (in serious cases / medical and psychological  complications) ✔ 
  • Counselling or cognitive behavioural therapy by a mental health  specialist ✔ 
  • Nutritional education / counselling 
  • Medication: anti-depressants
  • Join a support group 
  • Multidisciplinary approach with doctors, psychologists and dieticians
  • Medication: anti-depressants 
  • Physical needs addressed so that normal eating patterns resume
  • Behaviour management (Any 3 x 1) (3)

3.5 Graph: blood glucose levels 
3.5.1 1 – Hyperglycaemia ✔ 2 – Hypoglycaemia ✔ (2)
3.5.2 Insulin ✔ (1) 

  • When you skip meals or do not eat enough/irregular eating  habits ✔
  • If you exercise hard or for a long time without eating extra food ✔
  • If you have an underlying disease e.g. tumour on pancreas 
  • Taking certain medications
  • Eating a lot of fat
  • Eating high glycaemic index foods (high GI) 
    (The glucose levels rise very quickly and the body releases a lot of  insulin to bring down the glucose level in the blood. Sudden removal of  glucose from blood will cause the blood glucose level to drop below the  normal level.) (Any 2 x 1) (2) 


  • Glucose levels will not fluctuate / not be too high or too low ✔
  • Gives one a continuous supply of energy / there will not suddenly be  a large amount of glucose in the blood ✔
  • This results in sustained energy levels ✔
  • Energy will not be depleted quickly / will not feel tired ✔/resulting in  better weight control ✔ 
  • Insulin will not have to be produced continuously ✔ which would  overstimulate the pancreas ✔ causing one to develop insulin  resistance ✔ (Any 5 x 1) (5) 3.6 Aids and Food safety 

3.6.1 Aids sufferers have a weak immune system ✔ and so are more  susceptible to infection ✔ (2) 
3.6.2 Hygienic practices when working with food: 

  • Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds in hot soapy water  before and after handling raw products
  • Wash hands after using the toilet, changing a baby’s nappy or  touching nappies
  • Clean appliances and surfaces with hot, soapy water after food  preparation
  • Food preparation areas must be free from flies and cockroaches  as these insects can carry pathogens from contaminated food or  directly from human waste to other foods (Any 4 x 1) (4)

3.7 Menu – Heart disease 
3.7.1 Saturated fat ✔ and cholesterol (LDL) ✔ present in cheeses  (cheese/cottage) are low/reduced fat / is limited ✔ as well as  unsaturated fat in fat spread. ✔ It is better for a person as less accumulated fat in arteries / no  blockage✔/ will not increase blood cholesterol levels ✔ Poly unsaturated ✔ in salmon ✔ that help lower blood cholesterol  levels ✔ Monounsaturated ✔ in avocado / peanuts ✔ good plant fats / that help  lower blood cholesterol levels ✔ Trans fats ✔ in fat spread ✔ will be limited as not a hard margarine / no saturated fats ✔/Skimmed milk fat free- and soft spread/margarine /  not hard brick will have less transfats ✔ so no contribution to cardio  vascular disease 
NOTE: Do not mark just any ticks. Mark the type of fat and correlate  the source and the benefit. (Max. 8) (8) [40]

4.1 Eco-fashion 
4.1.1 The’ in’ thing to wear / presently popular / hot and happening ✔ (1) 
4.1.2 Has minimal impact on the environment because: 

  • The resources are not depleted or permanently damaged when the  products manufactured ✔
  • Few chemicals are used during the growth (cultivation) of the plant  and processing (production) of the textile ✔
  • Fabrics and fabrics produced from renewable sources such as  bamboo and hemp ✔
  • Plants that require little water but still yield good crops grown  without any damage to the soil ✔ 
  • Grows without pesticides and weed killers and is produced without  bleach agents/chemical colourants are used/natural plant colouring
  • Is often from recycled or re-usable textiles 

NOTE: If not written in a paragraph, -1 mark. (4)

4.2 Imitation and counterfeiting 

  • Imitation – makes use of brand logo that looks similar to the original brand’s  emblem/logo or legal ✔
  • Counterfeiting – a copy that looks exactly like the original (replica) or illegal  copy of a product ✔ (2)

4.3 Retrospective/fashion 

  • Clothes that imitate/resemble the style of a previous era/earlier  period ✔
  • The 2018 (picture B) also has an off the shoulder and short sleeve  design ✔ 


  • The design is reinterpreted it with a modern twist ✔
  • The 2018 dress has a looser sleeve instead of elasticised and no frill on  neckline / plain white fabric ✔ 

NOTE: Must refer to picture for second mark. (2)
4.3.2 Maturity ✔ (1)
4.3.3 Average fashion / contemporary / standard fashion ✔ (1)
4.4 Fashion change 

  • Celebrities cause the fashion change to speed up✔ as sales will go up ✔ and  more clothes purchased / more popular ✔ /affects the consumer socially/  social factor ✔/ is a positive change. (Any 3 x 1) (3) 

4.5 Evaluate outfit 

  • The outfit cannot be worn for work without a tie / having no tie is not  suitable ✔ however, the garments are suitable for workwear ✔ because the  colours are neutral ✔ / white, navy, brown
  • All garments/outfits are a classic style/ workwear style / professional looking ✔
  • Shoes: Closed / colour goes with pants ✔
  • Jacket: Style is formal, correct length, navy colour is neutral / classic style ✔
  • Shirt: White suitable. Long-sleeved suitable ✔
  • Pants: Correct style / classic / formal  

NOTE: This outfit may be discussed as a whole or garments separately. Do not mark the same point twice. (Any 6 x 1) (6) [20]

5.1 Housing options 
5.1.1 The person is the legal owner of the entire property/land ✔and the  structures on it ✔ (2) 

  • Lease ✔ 
  • Landlord/lessor/property owner ✔
  • Tenant/lessee/renter ✔ (3) 


  • If there is any damage to the property ✔
  • If rent is outstanding ✔
  • If the premises are vacated before the lease period is up   (Any 2 x 1) (2) 

5.1.4 Option 1: Rent 

  • The tenant would not be responsible for the maintenance of the pool/  will not pay anything to use the pool✔
  • Unless the lease agreement stipulated otherwise ✔
  • The owner of the apartment will have to pay for chemicals /  maintenance/upkeep ✔ (Max. 2) 

Option 2: Sectional title 

  • The owner will pay a monthly levy ✔/used for the maintenance of the  common property ✔
  • The pool is common property ✔ (Max. 2) (4) 


  • Greater security than living on a separate plot/has 24 hour security  which you may not be able to afford if living on a separate plot ✔ 
  • Enjoy the use of the pool/ common facilities of the complex without  the responsibility of personally maintaining it ✔
  • Save money as it has a small garden rather than the maintenance of  a larger garden ✔
  • These developments are often closer to the city, so you save on  travelling costs ✔ 
  • You have fewer responsibilities/less administration as the body  corporate must control and manage the complex ✔
  • You benefit from shared responsibility as it is in the owner’s interest  that the complex is well maintained/run ✔ (Any 4 x 1) (4)


  • It is brand new / no one else has owned it before/ the buyer is the  first owner ✔ 
  • So no one’s name to transfer it from / never been in someone’s name  before ✔
  • If the seller is registered as a VAT vendor ✔ (usually, the case when  buying property in a new development where the developer is  generally VAT registered). The seller must have included VAT in the  purchase price. Tax already paid ✔ (Any 2 x 1) (2) 



Transfer fee 

Transfer duty

The main  difference

Legal fee/attorney fee ✔ 

Government (Tax) ✔

Who finally  receives the fee

Attorney / conveyancer ✔ 

South African  Revenue  Service/SARS ✔

What the fee  amount is based  on

Depends on property  price and law firm / Law Society’s recommended tariffs ✔

Depends on the  property price/value of  property 

The higher the house  price, the higher the  amount✔

NOTE: -1 if answer is not in a table form. (6) 

  1. Deed of sale ✔
  2. Title deed ✔ (2)

5.2 Household appliance – Microwave 

  • Needs of the family / what they will use it for / functionality ✔
  • Amount of space available / size of the oven ✔
  • Budget / cost /do the features and quality justify the price ✔
  • Features / good wattage / does it have a turntable / fewer features  cheaper to repair ✔
  • Warranty /after-sales service
  • Easy to operate (Any 3 x 1) (3)

5.2.2 An automatic defrost ✔ and pre-programmed setting ✔ (2)
5.2.3 Human ✔ (1)
5.2.4 Automatic defrost ✔

  • It can work out how long the food  needs to defrost/auto defrost  


  • So it will be quicker than if you just guess and have to keep punching in  more time/you just enter weight ✔
  • Pre-programmed setting ✔
    Auto cook mode / automatically works  out the cooking time  


  • You do not need to set the cooking  time or power level /so the working  out is done for you/ you enter the  number for the food type
  • 1 000 wattage ability ✔
    Higher watt ability warms faster ✔
  • Turntable ✔
    By not stopping the microwave and  turning the dish you will save time ✔
    (3 Features and 3 Explanations) (6) 


  • Spent money wisely / to budget / spent a maximum of R1 200 ✔
  • Shopped around/ got a fair deal
  • Compared prices ✔
  • Went to four retailers ✔
  • Checked if the microwave had a return policy ✔
  • Read the warranty ✔ (Any 3 x 1) (3) [40] 

6.1.1 Business idea 

  1. She let her friends try the products (taste the samples)
    Her friends loved the unique flavours
    Made two different meal samples (Any 1 x 1) (1)
  2. Saved her money from waitressing job / savings ✔ (1) 
  3. Home / online ✔ (1) 


  • She tried the supermarket brand ✔ 
  • She checked out the online brands / checked her competitors✔
  • She chose a catchy trade name 
  • She knew her meal kits would be more appealing (Any 2 x 1) (2)


  • She is creative ✔
  • Knowledge from doing Consumer Studies at school ✔
  • Can use a computer
  • Did a business management course / has knowledge to run a  business
  • Friends to help her by tasting and giving her feedback 
  • She can cook
  • She has knowledge of trends (eco-friendly packaging/vegan)
  • Knowledge of target market
  • Has discipline to save 
  • Has people skills (has waitressed) (Any 2 x 1) (2) 


    • Ingredients locally available ✔
    • Has a supplier for packaging boxes ✔ (2)
    • Environmentally friendly packaging / 100% recycled ✔
    • Uses minimal plastic ✔
    • Product has 3 options (chicken, beef and beans) ✔
    • Unique flavour / combinations / delicious ✔
    • Healthy/wholesome ✔
    • Vegan option / plant based ✔
    • Opportunity to try new flavours / ingredients ✔
    • Convenient / time-saving
    • Sell it for a good price (Any 6 x 1) (6) 

6.1.5 ‘Quikstix’ implies that the meal can be prepared quickly ✔ which goes  with the desire to be convenience food and to save time ✔ (2) 

  • Protect the product ✔
  • Be safe ✔
  • Be hygienic / keep product clean and fresh
  • Convenient for distribution
  • Strong for transportation
  • Be easy for customers to handle/open/close/well-designed to handle 
  • Protects the environment against damage 
  • Easy to carry, display and stack
  • Suitable for the target market (Any 2 x 1) (2) 


  • Must plan ahead ✔
  • Plan her time schedule ✔
  • Prioritise tasks ✔ 
  • Assign a time to each task ✔ 
  • Follow a routine 
  • Tidy work area 
  • Do not procrastinate (Any 4 x 1) (4)


  1. R21,00 + R5,00 + R7,00 + R2,50 + R6,00 + R30,00 = R71,50 ✔ (1) 
  2. R71,50 x 65 ÷ 100 = R46,48 ✔
    R71,50 + R46,48 = R117,98 ✔ = R118 ✔ (3)
  3. R46,48 x 120 ✔ = R5 577,60 ✔ (2)

NOTE: -1 If no R sign in final answer 

  • Must be a written statement ✔
  • Must state it serves four people ✔
  • Say it is packaged in a recyclable box ✔
  • Instructions for making (recipe) inside ✔ (4)
    Example :
    The meal kit serves 4. The ingredients are provided in  separate packets packaged inside a recyclable box with a  recipe insert. 


  • Box is made from recyclable cardboard ✔
  • Minimum plastic used / less packaging 
  • Box can be reused ✔
  • Box can be recycled/taken to recycling depot ✔
  • Cardboard is biodegradable ✔
  • Supporting local suppliers / not imported / plane pollution ✔
  • Saving petrol – product delivered ✔
  • Quick to prepare – less electricity in preparation
  • Protect environment for future generations
  • Only buy necessary ingredients/all ingredients you need in box/no  wastage (Any 7 x 1) (7) [40] 

TOTAL: 200

Last modified on Wednesday, 08 December 2021 08:18