1. This question paper consists of THREE sections:
    SECTION A: Comprehension (30)
    SECTION B: Summary (10)
    SECTION C: Language (40) 
  2. Answer ALL the questions. 
  3. Read ALL the instructions carefully. 
  4. Start EACH section on a NEW page. 
  5. Rule off after each section. 
  6. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in  this question paper. 
  7. Leave a line after each answer. 
  8. Pay special attention to spelling and sentence construction. 9. Use the following time frame as a guideline:
    SECTION A: 50 minutes
    SECTION B: 20 minutes
    SECTION C: 50 minutes 
  9. Write neatly and legibly.


Read BOTH TEXT A and TEXT B and answer the set questions. 


  1. When Dr Morné Kahts walks into the surgical ward at Groote Schuur Hospital  in Cape Town, patient Lucky Felisono’s eyes light up.
  2. ‘Heita Lucky,’ says Kahts, to which the Atlantis security guard responds,  ‘Heitadaar’. Then the doctor examines the surgical wound on the security  guard’s neck and asks: ‘Uzivanjaningoku ... kusebuhlungu’? [‘How do you 5 feel now ... is it still sore?’]
    ‘Ndifunaukugodukangoku ... ndizivandingconokakhulu.’ [‘I want to go home ...  I feel much better now.’] Felisono replies.
  3. Even though Kahts, 29, and Felisono, 30, were raised in post-apartheid South  Africa, it is unusual for a young white doctor to address his black patient this 10 way. Not only is he greeting him informally, but conversing with a patient in  his mother tongue is rare. Kahts’s fluency in Xhosa is as a result of the  language immersion programme at the University of Cape Town’s (UCT)  medical school, which gives English-speaking students the chance to live with  an Afrikaans- or Xhosa-speaking health worker for two-and-a-half weeks 15 while doing research at a community clinic.
  4. During the experience they are banned from speaking a word of English  unless there is an emergency. This allows them to integrate culturally and  socially with their host families and community. University of Cape Town  family medicine head Professor Derek Hellenberg, who helped to start the 20 programme for second-year students nine years ago, said its aim was to create better communication between health professionals and patients.
  5. It is a strand of the ‘becoming a doctor’ study course, which requires medical  students at the University of Cape Town to learn Afrikaans or Xhosa during  their training – and which has recently been expanded to include sign 25 language. ‘Through this programme we see students taking a full view of  their patients. We hope that knowing their patients’ culture and social  environment will go a long way to improve intercultural relationships between  these English-speaking doctors and the communities they serve,’ said  Hellenberg. 30 
  6. It has worked for Kahts, who said: ‘Speaking with my patients in a language  they understand makes my life as a doctor so much easier. It is easy to  establish a bond and it just opens the gates of communication in a different  way. Patients relate to you so much better when addressing them in their  mother tongue and they do not feel so distant from the treating doctor. It 35 takes away those invisible barriers.’
  7. When he arrived at the University of Cape Town, the medical intern could not  speak a word of Xhosa. Today, he not only speaks with patients, but sings in  vernacular, and last year his contemporary acapella band, Anecnote, won  SA’s Got Talent. Their winning medley, which included Brenda Fassie’s 40Weekend Special, Thath’isgubhu by Bongo Maffin and Xigubu by DJ Ganyani, earned a standing ovation at the final show. None of the group’s  four members, three white English speakers and a Ugandan, were raised  speaking a South African vernacular language.
  8. Dr Ian van Rooyen, an Afrikaans convenor of the ‘becoming a doctor’ course, 45 said other programmes included Afrikaans and Xhosa grammar courses and the integration of languages into bedside teaching for fourth and fifth-year  students. The bedside programme requires students to communicate with  their patients for about seven weeks, take their medical history and give  feedback in Xhosa or Afrikaans. 50
  9. Van Rooyen said that by the time they left medical school, most students were so confident that they no longer needed interpreters, who pose a threat  to doctor-patient confidentiality. ‘We are trying to produce independent  language users and have self-sufficiency,’ he said. 
  10. Ncumisa Mafuya, a registered nurse who has worked with Kahts at Groote 55 Schuur hospital, said the young doctor was well liked by patients and staff. ‘Most doctors tend to use difficult medical terms, but it is different with him,’  she said. ‘He has a way of simplifying things and patients love him ... they  always demand to speak to the ‘tall white doctor’ instead of dealing with  nurses. His ability to speak the language also saves the nurses much time 60 as they are often called in to interpret.’ 

[Adapted from Sunday Times, December 2018] 

vernacular: the everyday language spoken by ordinary people in a particular country or region 
acapella group or solo singing without playing an instrument 
1.1 Refer to paragraph 1. 
1.1.1 What is the relationship between Morné Kahts and Lucky Felisono? (2) 1.1.2 Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentence: Lucky’s eyes light up because he is … 

  1. sad and heartbroken.
  2. excited and happy.
  3. bored and tired.
  4. irritated and angry. (1)

1.2 Why are some words in paragraph 2 written in italics? (1)
1.3 Explain the term, ‘post-apartheid South Africa’ (lines 9–10), in your OWN  words. (2) 
1.4 What does the University of Cape Town expect English-speaking medical  students to do during the immersion programme? State THREE facts. (3) 
1.5 Why is the following statement FALSE? During the immersion programme, English-speaking medical students are not  allowed to speak English at all. (1) 
1.6 Why, do you think, the University of Cape Town decided to include sign  language in their immersion programme? (1) 
1.7 How will language improve ‘intercultural relationships’? (2)
1.8 Refer to paragraph 6. Why is Dr Kahts’ life easier now that he speaks the language of his patients?  Mention TWO facts. (2) 
1.9 Quote THREE consecutive words from paragraph 7 to show that Dr Kahts  also sings in Xhosa. (1) 
1.10 In which way can interpreters pose ‘a threat to doctor-patient confidentiality’? (2) 
1.11 Mention ONE difference between Dr Kahts and other doctors. Use your OWN  words. (2) 
1.12 Do you agree with the idea that English-speaking medical students at the  University of Cape Town should be forced to learn a new language? (2) 
1.13 Is the title, ‘Language Lends a Healing Touch’, suitable for this article?  Discuss your view. (2)


 1.14 uatd

If you listen to loud music with headphones for a long time, you may suffer permanent  hearing loss. It is important to control the volume levels – if not; you could be forced to  exchange your headphones for a hearing aid. 
South Africa’s 2001 census found that 20,1% of disabled people in South Africa were deaf.  Ten years later, the 2011 census found that 3,6% of the population suffered serious  hearing loss. These statistics include children from as young as five years old. 

[Adapted from The Internet] 

1.14 What is the device in Picture B called? (1)
1.15 When do people normally use the abbreviation RIP? (1)
1.16 What is the difference between the 2001 census and the one done in 2011? (2)
1.17 It is a good idea to listen to loud music with headphones. Discuss your view. (2)

Preparing for your Grade 12 final examination is important. 
Read TEXT C below and list SEVEN tips on how to prepare for your final  examinations. 


  1. Your summary must be written in point form. 
  2. List your SEVEN points in full sentences using no more than 70 words. 
  3. Number your sentences from 1 to 7. 
  4. Write only ONE point per sentence.
  5. Use your OWN words as far as possible. 
  6. Indicate the number of words you have used in brackets at the end of your  summary. 



With your finals looming on the horizon, you should be thinking about studying and  revision. It can be difficult because everyone is different. There is no magical study  method that works for everyone. There are, however, plenty of techniques. Find one  that works for you. 
During your time away from school, resist the temptation to oversleep. Get up early  and start working as early in the day as possible. Our brains are silly things – sometimes it can be difficult to stay focused on one thing for a long period of time.  The best way to get around this is to revise in sessions of 45 minutes each,  separated by fifteen-minute breaks. Taking breaks does not mean playing video  games or chatting to friends. Stretch your legs or get some fresh air during your  breaks. 
Form a revision group with friends to test one another and check your progress.  Resist the urge to revise while propped up in bed. Sit at a desk or a table where you  can keep your space orderly and avoid sleeping. 
Work through past papers to prepare for exams and familiarise yourself with what  kind of questions to expect. Avoid people who stress too much during exams. It  could affect you negatively. Revision is hard work, so drink water and eat healthily.  Avoid energy drinks and unhealthy snacks. 
Accept that your focus needs to be on revision and passing, so no parties with  friends. Be responsible and wait until you have completed your last paper. 

[Adapted from] 


Study the advertisement (TEXT D) below and answer the set questions.
3.1 akygda
[Adapted from YOU Magazine, August 2018] 
3.1 Identify the slogan of the advertisement. (1)
3.2 To whom would this advertisement appeal? (1)
3.3 State THREE benefits of using this product. (3)
3.4 How do you know that this product contains natural ingredients? (2)
3.5 Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentence: 
The word ‘trust’ in the advertisement guarantees that … 

  1. the product is affordable.
  2. men cannot use the product.
  3. the product definitely works.
  4. the product does not work. (1) 

3.6 Do you think the picture of the girl supports the message of the  advertisement? (2) [10] 

4.1 kjygad
4.1 Refer to FRAME 1: 
4.1.1 Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentence: Jeremy’s question indicates that he feels his mother is … 

  1. unpredictable.
  2. understanding.
  3. unreasonable.
  4. inconsiderate. (1) 

4.1.2 Which word is used to show that Jeremy’s mother is strongly against  him going on the road trip? (1) 
4.2 Which TWO visual clues in FRAME 2 show that Jeremy’s mother is angry at  him? (2) 
4.3 The cartoonist uses verbal clues in FRAME 2 to emphasise Jeremy’s reaction  to his mother’s response. Mention TWO. (2) 
4.4 Why does Jeremy’s mother disagree with him going on a road trip? (1)
4.5 Rewrite the following as a full sentence. ‘Because I was me and not you.’ (Frame 4) (1) 
4.6 Do you think that Jeremy’s parents are justified in refusing to let him go on a  road trip? Give a reason for your answer. (2) [10]

5.1 Read the following passage (TEXT F), which contains some deliberate errors,  and answer the set questions. 


  1. Gratitude is much more then just saying please and thank you. It is something  you feel – a loving and positive respond acknowledging the things and people  we are lucky enough to experience.
  2. Every child are taught to say please and thank you from a young age, but the  understanding that comes with being thankful takes more time to 5 develop. Encourage children to express gratitude. Model gratitude as an  adult by taking children along when you thank people. This teaches them that  people value being thanked.
  3. Studies suggest that grateful teenagers are much satisfied with their lives.  They do well in their schoolwork and are less envious and materialistic. 10 Grateful teenagers are thoughtful and also tend to support others emotionally.
  4. Acknowledge and talk about people who have dedicated themselves to a  greater good, whether they are well-known figures like Nelson Mandela, or  people who do good everyday like fire fighters and social workers.

[Adapted from Your Family, December 2018] 

5.1.1 Correct the SINGLE error in each of the following sentences. Write  down ONLY the question number and the words you have corrected. 

  1. Gratitude is much more then just saying please and thank you. (1) 
  2. It is something you feel – a loving and positive respond  acknowledging the things and people we are lucky enough to  experience. (1) 
  3. Every child are taught to say please and thank you from a  young age, but the understanding that comes with being thankful takes more time to develop. (1) 
  4. Studies suggest that grateful teenagers are much satisfied with  their lives. (1) 

5.1.2 Complete the following tag question. Write down ONLY the missing  words. Grateful teenagers also tend to support others emotionally, ... ...? (1)
5.1.3 Study the following sentence and state the part of speech of the  underlined words. 
Acknowledge and talk about people who have dedicated themselves  to a greater good, whether they are well-known figures like Nelson  Mandela, or people who do good everyday like firefighters and social  workers. (2) 
5.1.4 Rewrite the following sentence in the negative form: A parent has to set the example by saying please and thank you. (1)
5.1.5 Rewrite the following sentence in the past continuous tense: Children can express gratitude as a routine while having dinner. (1)
5.1.6 Rewrite the following sentence in reported speech: Amy said, ‘Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness and the  spark that lights up my life.’ (4) 
5.1.7 Provide the correct degree of comparison in the following sentence: Showing gratitude is (important) than material possessions. (1)
5.2 Study the text (TEXT G) below and answer the set questions. 
5.2 kysgda
[Source: Your Family December 2018] 
5.2.1 Rewrite the following sentence in the passive voice: Emphasise the value of showing gratitude. (1)
5.2.2 Provide a homophone for the underlined word: Children should be allowed to express thoughtfulness by donating  clothes to the less fortunate. (1)
5.2.3 Rewrite the following sentence correcting the punctuation: Showing gratitude has a positive influence on peoples friendships. (1)
5.2.4 Rewrite the following sentence in the plural form: It is a good idea for us to start a gratitude journal. (1)
5.2.5 Provide the correct form of the word in brackets: Gratitude means we are ready to show (appreciate) for kindness. (1) 
5.2.6 Combine the following sentences into a single sentence by using the  words ‘either…or’ 
Start with: Either… 
You can express gratitude by writing a thank you letter. 
You can express gratitude by buying a gift. (1) [20] 


Last modified on Thursday, 09 December 2021 08:56