SCENARIO Many people do not know when they are having a heart attack. Heart disease is one of the top three killers in South Africa, knowing the warning signs for a heart attack might just save your life or the lives of people close to you. The Heart and Stroke Foundation South Africa recommends that every member of the public has their heart health assessed. Are you going to wait and become a statistic? Or are you going to do something about it? |
A document is created to give background information on Heart Attack and its causes, symptoms and remedies.
Open the 1_Heart Info word processing document.
1.1 This document has a cover page. Make the following changes to the cover page.
1.1.1 Add a small caps effect to the abstract given on the cover page. (1)
1.1.2 Add a soft edge rectangular picture style to the picture given on the cover page. (1)
1.2 Insert a 6pt paragraph spacing before and after for the whole document. (1)
1.3 Apply a condensed spacing of 1 pt for the heading "What Is Heart Attack…" on page 3. (2)
1.4 Apply a formatting option for the highlighted word 9-1-1 on page 3 so that the three numbers and the hyphen (-) in between the numbers always stay together. (2)
1.5 The image displayed in page 3 needs a caption, namely FIGURE A. Place the caption above the image. (2)
1.6 Locate the highlighted text "agreed" on page 4.
1.7 Apply the 'Happy Heart' style to the three paragraph headings shaded in green on page 6 of the document. (2)
1.8 Apply multilevel numbering to the paragraphs under the heading 'Heart Attack Symptoms' mentioned on page 5 as shown below.
Symptoms of a heart attack include:
1.9 Edit the paragraphs (headings included) that start with "How Are Future Heart…" and end with "…controlling stress" on page 6.
1.10 Edit the citation inserted on page 7 under the heading 'Citations' so as to enter and update the name of the author as "James Beckerman". (2)
1.11 Change the document orientation of only the last page to landscape. (1)
1.12 Insert the Table of Contents on the second page.
1.13 Add automatic page numbering to the document as follows:
1.14 Set the left and bottom margins to 1.5 cm. (1)
A form is created in Word to collect some basic information about people's awareness about
Heart diseases and the basic lifestyles of people.
Open the 2_Heart Aware Word processing document.
2.1 Insert a text shading to the heading "AM I AWARE…" of any colour. (2)
2.2 Format the text form field for the heading Surname so that:
2.3 Edit the Age field so that:
2.4 Insert a check box form field for the Male and Female option. The check box size should be exactly 15pt. (2)
2.5 Locate the Drop-Down form field next to the heading Your main factor of concern:
2.6 The five major causes of heart attacks are revealed in the form of an AutoShape as shown in the figure. Please do the following changes to the shapes:
2.7 Set and apply a 10 cm right aligned dashed leader tab for 4 lines (one line after the other) after the heading "Please tell us about your daily life style". (2)
2.8 An equation for finding the Body Mass Index (BMI) has to be inserted in the shaded region under the heading Calculate your BMI (Body Mass Index) here:
Insert the following formula in the space provided:
???? ???? ????? =????ℎ?
????ℎ?2 (3)
The statistical report for a heart related study conducted at Life Possible Mission Hospital is stored in the 3Heart_Stat spreadsheet.
Open the 3_Heart Stat spreadsheet and work in the Patient Details worksheet.
3.1 A value, attempting to display the current time, appears in cell O1.
Replace this value with a function that will automatically display the current time only. (1)
3.2 Merge and centre the cells A1 to L1. (1)
3.3 Insert the image 3_Heart Beat.jpg in cell A2 with height of 1 cm and width to 15 cm. (3)
3.4 Use suitable text functions to create a patient code in cell A5.
The code is created by combining the following:
3.5 Insert a function in cell I5 to determine the Body Mass Index of the patient which is calculated as follows:
3.6 Apply conditional formatting to the BMI values given in column I.
3.7 It is necessary to categorise each patient under a different BMI Category. They will be categorized according to their BMI which is given in column I. The BMI range and category are saved in the BMI Category worksheet.
Use a VLOOKUP function in cell N5 on the Patient Details worksheet to display the
correct BMI category for the patient. Copy the function to the rest of the cells. (6)
3.8 Calculate in cell G26, how many males eat a healthy diet (given in column M). (5)
3.9 Calculate the number of patients who are non-smokers, in cell G28. (2)
3.10 Calculate the average amount of money monthly spent on junk food by the patients, in cell G30. Round the answer to zero decimal places. (4)
3.11 The study conducted by the lab showed that more money was spent by women on junk food on a monthly basis than by men. Determine in cell G32 the monthly amount nspend by females on junk food. (4)
3.12 The hospital has conducted a test on the blood sugar levels of all the patients, which is shown in column J, to check if the patients are likely to have diabetes or not.
Blood Sugar Level | Diabetes |
Blood sugar level greater than or equal to 120 | Most Likely |
Blood sugar level between 80 and 119 | Least Likely |
Blood sugar level less than 80 | Not Likely |
Add a function in cell P5 to determine whether the patient 'Carl Raymond' is likely to have diabetes or not.
Copy the function you added in cell P5 to cells P6:P24. Ensure that it works correctly. (5)
Work in the Graph worksheet.
3.13 Change the graph to appear as follows:
Save and close the 3_Heart Stat spreadsheet. [50]
A database for future reference is created for the patients treated at the hospital.
Open the 4_Heart Patients database.
Format the Patient Details table as follows:
4.1 Change the row height to 20 pt. (1)
4.2 Ensure that only the vertical gridlines are visible. (1)
4.3 Add customised alternate row colour to the table in such a way that the R (Red), G (Green) and B (Blue) colour levels are 200, 210 and 220 respectively. (3)
4.4 Use a feature to find the average of all the ages found in the Age column, edit to zero decimal places. (2)
4.5 Create an input mask on the Patient Code field to ensure that the user inserts a code made up as follows:
Example: AB-112-LPH or YZ-99-LPH can be entered. (6)
4.6 Choose an appropriate field as the primary key. (1)
4.7 Change the data type of 'Money spent on junk food' field to currency. (1)
A data set has been collected about patients and their different heart related problems.
Open the 5_Heart database.
5.1 Amend the Patient_History table as follows:
Add a black gridline and sunken cell effect for the table. (2)
5.2 Work on the Gender field.
5.2.1 Add a validation rule to the Gender field so that it accepts only the values male and female. Add a suitable validation text as well so that the entry will be appropriate. (3)
5.2.2 Format the Gender field in such a way that it can accept duplicate values. (1)
5.3 Make Age a required field. (1)
5.4 Create a query called qry5_4 based on the Patient_History table.
5.5 Open the query qry5_5. Display only the records of those patients whose …
5.6 Create a form called frm5_6 based on the Patient_History table.
5.7 Create a report called rpt5_7 based on the query qry5_7.
A web page has been created to give some first-hand information to people who are totally unaware of heart diseases.
Open the incomplete 6_HealthyHeart web page in a web browser and also in a text editor,
e.g. Notepad.
6.1 Add the HTML code so that the text Healthy Heart appears in the browser tab. (2)
6.2 Change the font of the whole web page to 'Century Gothic' and size 3. (2)
6.3 Correct the HTML code to display the heading Heart Disease & You in heading 1 style. (1)
6.4 Change the word Cardiovascular Disease in the first paragraph to bold and italics. (2)
6.5 Make the following changes to the two horizontal lines on the web page.
6.6 Locate the table at the middle of the page after the heading Stay In The GREEN ZONE Of The Blood Pressure Category Chart.
Add HTML code to format the table as follows:
Hypertensive Crisis (Emergency care needed) | Higher than 180 | Or | Higher than 110 |
6.7 Locate the bulleted list after the heading What can you do?
6.8 Link the text on the web page starting with Click here to... to the file Healthy Life Style.pdf which is located in your examination folder. (2)
6.9 Centre the text at the bottom of the web page that reads Have Your Heart… (1)
7.1 Open the 7_Food Diary word processing document.
7.1.1 Merge the first two cells in the last row of the table. (1)
7.1.2 Use a function to find the total number of calories consumed by a person per day, in the yellow shaded area. (2)
7.1.3 Locate the organogram on the second page of the document.
7.2 Open the 7_CHD Death Rates spreadsheet.
7.2.1 The Death Rates worksheet shows the graph of death rates from Coronary Heart Disease among nations per 100 000 people aged 35 – 74. Unfortunately, South Africa was not included in the graph. Correct the graph so that South Africa is also included in the Graph, with the correct Death Rate. (2)
7.2.2 Use a spreadsheet feature to link the value in cell B7 in the Death Rates worksheet to the cell G7 in the SA Death Rate worksheet so that it will be automatically updated. (2)
7.3 Open the 7_Awareness word processing document.
Use the Patient Details table in the database 4_Heart Patients and prepare a mail merge as follows:
Save and close all the documents.
TOTAL: 180
Basic Tags | |
Tag | Description |
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<body bgcolor="pink"> | Sets the background colour of the web page |
<body text="black"> | Sets the colour of the body text |
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<html></html> | Creates an HTML document – starts and ends a web page |
<title></title> | Defines a title for the web page |
<br/> | Inserts a line break |
<!-- --> | Comment |
Text Tags | |
Tag | Description |
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<font face="Times New Roman"></font> | Sets font type |
Link Tags | |
Tag | Description |
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<a name="NAME"></a> | Creates a target location in the document |
<a href= "#NAME"></a> | Links to a target location created somewhere else in the document |
Formatting Tags | |
Tag | Description |
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<br/> | Inserts a line break |
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<ul></ul> | Creates a bulleted list |
<ul type="disc", "square","circle"> </ul> | Defines the type of bullets used |
<li></li> | Inserted before each list item, and adds a number or symbol depending on the type of list selected |
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<hr width="80%"/> | Sets the width of a line, in percentage or absolute value |
<hr color= "ff0000"/> | Sets the colour of the line |
Table Tags | |
Tag | Description |
<table></table> | Creates a table |
<tr></tr> | Creates a row in a table |
<td></td> | Creates a cell in a table |
<th></th> | Creates a table header (a cell with bold, centred text) |
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<td colspan="2"> | Sets the number of columns a cell should span |
<td rowspan="4"> | Sets the number of rows a cell should span |