QUESTION 1 | File Name: 1_World Literacy Day | Total Q1: 27 |
No. | Criteria | Maximum Mark | Candidate Mark |
1.1.1 | Cover Page - Filigree cover page style selected.
| 1 | | 1 | |
1.1.2 | Cover Page - Document name and date field typed.
- All other fields deleted.
| 1 | | 2 | |
| 1 | |
1.2. | Table of Contents - Heading 2 levels activated.
- Table of contents updated.
| 1 | | 2 | |
| 1 | |
1.3 | Page Numbering - Section breaks applied on the second page.
- First two pages not numbered.
- Numbering starts on page 3 at number 1.
| 1 | | 3 | |
| 1 |
| 1 |
1.4 | Shading - Green Accent 6 shading applied
- to the whole paragraph.
| 1 1 | | 2 | |
1.5 | Footnotes - Footnote inserted
- with explanation ‘America’s most trusted online dictionary for English word definitions, meanings and pronunciation.’
- Footnote inserted below text.
| 1 | | | |
| 1 | | 3 |
| 1 | |
1.6 | Picture formatting - Picture wrapped to tight or through.
- Picture right aligned.
- Picture set to height 3.5 cm and width 7.5 cm.
| 1 | | 3 | |
| 1 |
| 1 |
1.7 | References - Placeholder 1 edited with a book source. ü Book title: Practical guide to functional literacy: a method of training for development.
- Published in 1973.
| 1 | | | |
| 1 | 3 |
| 1 | |
1.8 | Find and Replace - Word ‘Literacy’ made bold.
- Only those occurrences in lower case are changed.
(Only 5 changes) | | | | |
| 1 1 | 2 |
1.9 | Page Orientation - Section breaks applied.
- Only second last page in landscape.
| | | | | |
| 1 1 | 2 | |
| |
1.10 | Table Styles - Table style applied
- Table style Grid Table 4 Accent 6
- Text aligned both horizontally and vertically
| 1 | | 3 | | |
| |
| 1 | |
| 1 | |
| |
1.11 | Word Count | 1 | | 1 | | |
| Total for QUESTION 1 | | | [27] | | |
QUESTION 2 File Name: 2_Registration Form Total Q2: 17
No. | Criteria | Maximum Mark | Candidate Mark |
2.1 | Margins - Top and bottom margins set.
| 1 | | 1 | |
2.2 | Page | 1 | | 1 | |
2.3 | Picture - Picture centred
- A soft edge oval picture style applied.
| 1 1 | | 2 | |
2.4 | Legacy Form tools - Field set to maximum length of 4.
- Text format set to uppercase.
| 1 1 | | 2 | |
2.5 | Dropdown field - Male and Female options added.
- Help message inserted.
- Text “For accommodation purposes”.
| 1 1 1 | | 3 | |
2.6 | Smart Art - A shape called Advanced added to Digital Literacy Course.
- Two shapes Coding and Internet added to Advanced shape.
- Correct naming of shapes.
| 1 1 1 | | 3 | |
2.7 | Linked Documents - The pdf file ‘Benefits-digital-literacy.pdf’ has been inserted
- as an embedded file.
- Shows as an icon.
| 1 1 1 | | 3 | |
2.8 | Footer - The text, ‘Registration Form’ added in the footer.
- Text right aligned in the footer.
| 1 1 | | 2 | |
| Total for QUESTION 2 | | | [17] | |
QUESTION 3 File Name: Attendees Total Q3: 46
No. | Criteria | Maximum Mark | Candidate Mark |
Attendee_Info worksheet |
3.1.1 | Cell formatting - Row merged from Cell A1 to X2.
| 1 | | 1 | |
3.1.2 | Text Alignment - Headings aligned horizontally and vertically.
| 1 | | 1 | |
3.1.3 | Freeze Panes | 1 | | 1 | |
3.2 | Date - =Today()
- Custom formatted to yyyy-mmmm-dd
| 1 1 | | 2 | |
3.3 | B9 =IF(F9="M","Mr.","Ms.") - Function: IF
- Argument set correctly
- Both true and false values are correct
| 1 1 1 | | 3 | |
3.4 | S10 =COUNTIF(H10:R10,"X") - Function: Countif
- Range: H10:R10
- Criteria: ‘X’
| 1 1 1 | | 3 | |
3.5 | U11 Calculation =$V$7*S11 - Correct cells used
- Multiplication sign used
- Absolute cell reference applied correctly
| 1 1 1 | | 3 | |
3.6 | V13 Calculation =U13*75/100 or U13 * 0.75 - U13 Correct cell used
- Correct calculation of a percentage
| 1 1 | | 2 | |
3.7 | Conditional formatting Formula =$T9="No" Range =$D$9:$D$108 - Formula: =$T9="No" OR =T9="No"
- Absolute cell reference applied to the range
- Range: =D9:D108
(Accept if column doesn’t have Absolute cell reference) | 1 1 1 | | 3 | |
No. | Criteria | Maximum Mark | Candidate Mark | |
3.8 | W9 =IF(S9<=5, "Greens", IF(S9<=8, "Blues", IF(S9<=10, "Reds","Yellows"))) - Function: Nested IF
- Correct criteria:
- Value true and false set correctly
- Answer copied to other cells
| | | | | |
| 1 1 | | 4 | |
| |
| 1 | | |
| |
| 1 | | |
3.9 | X9 =IF(AND(T9="Yes",V9>=50), "Discount"," ") - Function: IF and AND
- First criteria: T9= "Yes"
- Second criteria: V9>=50
- True and False Value: "Discount"," "
| | | | | |
| 1 | | |
| |
| 1 | 4 | |
| |
| 1 | | |
| 1 | | |
| |
3.10 | G111 Date = YEAR(TODAY())-YEAR(G108) - YEAR(TODAY())
- - minus sign
- YEAR(G108)
| | | | | |
| 1 1 | 3 | |
| |
| 1 | | | |
3.11 | G113 =HLOOKUP(Statistics!F1,Statistics!A1:K2,2,False) - Function: HLOOKUP
- Lookup_value: Statistics!F1
- Table_array: Statistics!$A$1:$K$2
- Row_index_num: 2,
- Range_lookup: False
(Ignore if Absolute cell reference was not used) | | | | | |
| 1 | | |
| |
| 1 1 | 5 | |
| |
| 1 | | | |
| 1 | | |
| |
3.12 | G115 =SUMIF(T10:T108,"Yes",U9:U108) - Function: Sumif
- Range: T10:T108
- Criteria: “Yes”
- Sum range: U9:U108
| | | | | |
| 1 | | |
| |
| 1 | 4 | |
| |
| 1 | | |
| 1 | | | |
3.13 | Graph - Chart area formatted with a background picture 3Digital Literacy
- Transparency set to 50%
- Budget and Typing a letter removed
- Using a filter
- A data callout label added
- To the most popular course (Know your smart phone)
- Graph moved to a new worksheet Graph
| | | | | |
| 1 | | |
| |
| 1 | | | |
| 1 1 | | 7 | |
| |
| 1 | | | |
| 1 | | | |
| 1 | | |
| Total for QUESTION 3 | | | [46] | | |
QUESTION 4 File Name: 4_Digital literacy Total Q4: 35
No | Criteria | Maximum Mark | Candidate Mark |
Table: Personal Information |
4.1.1 | Field: Date of Birth | 1 1 1 | | 3 | |
4.1.2 | Course Code: Input Mask | 1 1 1 1 | | 4 | |
4.1.3 | Field: Courses - Lookup wizard used as data type
- Database table used
- Course information
| 1 1 1 | | 3 | |
4.2 | Form: Attendee Information =(Date()-[Date of Birth])/365 - Functions added to details section
- =(Date() -
- [Date of Birth])
- /365
- Date changed to Fixed/Standard format with no decimal places
- Suitable label added
| 1 1 1 1 1 1 | | 6 | |
4.3.1 | Qry4_3_1 Field: Date of Birth - Between Date()
- And #2003/01/01#
- Sorted in descending of Level of Literacy
| 1 1 1 | | 3 | |
4.3.2 | Qry4_3_2 Data: [No of days to attend] *30 Field: Data Bundle <>Vodacom - <>Vodacom
- Calculated Field: Data:
- [No of days to attend]
- *30
- Total calculated in datasheet view
- Total function used to calculate the total amount.
| 1 1 1 1 1 1 | | 6 | |
4.4 | Report4_4 - Report created.
- Only show the Last Name, Date of Birth, Gender, No of Courses, Level of Literacy and No of days to attend fields.
- Grouped according to Gender.
- Grouped again according to Level of Literacy.
- Report set to Landscape.
- =Count ü ([gender]) ü OR =Count ü (*)
- Appropriate descriptive label added.
- All data displays fully.
- Report saved as rpt4_4.
| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | | 10 | |
| Total for QUESTION 4 | | | [35] | |
QUESTION 5 File Name: 5_Digital Literacy Total Q5: 17
- This question should be marked from the HTML code.
- Numerical attribute values do not need to be in inverted
No | Criteria | Maximum Mark | Candidate Mark |
5.1 | Background Colour <body bgcolor = "cream"><font face = "Arial"> - Tag bgcolor used
- Colour cream applied to whole website
| 1 1 | | 2 | |
5.2 | Image <p><center> <img src = "5Digital Picture.png"> </center> </p> - Img scr corrected to img src
- Jpg corrected to png
- Center tag used to centre the picture.
| 1 1 1 | | 3 | |
5.3 | Unordered Lists <ul type = “square” > </ul> - <ul> </ul> tags used
- Type = square used correctly
| 1 1 | | 2 | |
5.4 | Table <table border = "5" bgcolor = "pink" width = 70%> < td align = "center" colspan = "3"> <b>Let us be digital literate</b></td> - Table border set to “5 pt”
- Table width set to 70%
- Row 7 merged
- Across 3 columns
- Text aligned centre and in
- bold
| 1 1 1 1 1 1 | | 6 | |
5.5 | Links <p>For further digital literacy training, <a href="/Brochure.pdf"> Click here for the brochure</a> - Link created <a href
- To the correct file Brochure.pdf
- Inserted on the correct text
| 1 1 1 | | 3 | |
| Closing tag(s) or triangular brackets and correct nesting correctly used. | 1 | | 1 | |
| Total for QUESTION 5 | | | [17] | |
QUESTION 6 File Name: 6_Digital Technology in SA Total Q6: 8 6_Compare and 6_Compare 1
No. | Criteria | Maximum Mark | Candidate Mark |
6.1.1 | Non-Breaking Space - South Africa: a non-breaking space which prevents the automatic line break applied to the words “South Africa”.
| 1 | | 1 | |
6.2 | Cut and Paste - Paragraph cut and pasted using “keep text only” option.
- Cut and Pasted at the end of the document.
| 1 1 | | 2 | |
6.3 | Track Changes - Two changes (Million and Million) accepted
| 1 | | 1 | |
6.4 | Compare documents - Two documents compared (6_Compare and
6_Compare 1) - Five (5) changes are shown in a screenshot
- Screenshot done
- Screenshot pasted at the end of 6_Compare document.
| 1 1 1 1 | | 4 | |
| Total for QUESTION 6 | | | [8] | |
| TOTAL: | | | 150 | |