Read BOTH TEXT A and TEXT B and answer the set questions.
The medals of the Olympic Games were previously made from gold, silver and bronze obtained from the mines. They are now being made of 100% recycled e-waste¹. You may be amazed to know that the new Olympic medals are made from precious metals recycled from old cellphones. This e-waste may otherwise have clogged up landfill² sites. Similarly, you may not realise that your paper towels are actually recycled office documents and cereal boxes, or that the walkways along some of South Africa's beaches are made of plastic bottle tops.
Recycling has become a way of reducing the growing 'mountains' of waste in the world. The recycling of suitable materials and the separation of waste into categories will not only relieve pressure on the planet, but also create employment and boost the economy. In South Africa, 108 million tonnes of waste are generated every year, with 90% of this (about R17 billion worth of resources) discarded on landfill sites. Kate Stubbs is the Director of Business Development and Marketing at the recycling company, Interwaste. She says that Johannesburg's landfill sites will run out of space in ten years and that South Africa is still far behind other countries when it comes to recycling.
'Every single bit of waste presents an opportunity – it is about finding sustainable solutions no matter what the kind of waste, industry or potential challenges are,' says Stubbs. 'For example, the urge to stop waste from being dumped at landfill sites has directly resulted in companies focusing on reusing and recycling. In order to reduce the amount of waste, manufacturers are rethinking the type of resources that they should use to make their goods of today, which will become the raw materials of tomorrow.'
Kate Stubbs adds that the conversion of waste to energy addresses two important sustainability challenges in Africa: power generation, and reducing reliance on landfills. In 2016, Interwaste started a project to make fuel from waste, the first of its kind in South Africa. This fuel is the same as high quality coal. It forms a sustainable alternative to coal which is commonly used in the generation of power.
Another company, Mpact, Southern Africa's largest paper and plastics packaging and recycling business, recovered more than 630 000 tonnes of recyclable waste in 2018. 'With the recycling industry already providing jobs for 100 000 South Africans, it is clearly a growth industry,' says Mpact Chief Executive Officer, Bruce Strong. Mpact supports recycling ventures that range from informal waste collectors with shopping trolleys, small business owners who transport waste in their trucks and those that manage waste collection centres.
Bruce Strong said that Mpact has recently changed their approach to packaging by offering customers practical alternatives to non-recyclable products. Mpact has replaced the non-recyclable packaging of fast-food company, Fishaways, with a cardboard box that is fully recyclable and lower in cost. It has also supplied Steers with equally sustainable cardboard packaging for its burger meal.
In Cape Town, a company called NewLife Plastics is giving about 120 000 plastic packaging containers per month a new lease on life in the form of garden benches, plastic tables and walkways. 'We use polyolefin, a type of high-density plastic found in milk bottles, bottle caps and heavier plastic bags,' says company co-founder Bronwyn Bagley. The garden furniture is made from planks that look like wood but are practically indestructible. 'They do not require any maintenance and will not rot, crack, bend, fade in the sun or become slippery when wet,' says Bagley. 'As an added benefit, public benches or walkways made from recycled packaging generally do not get vandalised or stolen, because the material is extremely heavy, does not burn and has no commercial resale value.'
The need for a culture change and shift towards saving our planet, like Interwaste, Mpact and NewLife Plastics are doing, is necessary to avoid potential crises and ensure a sustainable future in Africa. Their efforts could be the start of a garbage revolution that will help save our planet.
GLOSSARY e-waste¹ – discarded electronic equipment
landfill² – a site for the dumping of waste material
1.1 Refer to paragraph 1.
1.1.1 How are the new medals of the Olympic Games different from the old ones? (1)
1.1.2 Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentence:
'clogged up' (line 5), in the context of this passage, means the landfill site has …
1.1.3 Identify TWO items that are recycled to make paper towels. (2)
1.2 2. Refer to paragraph 2.
1.2.1 State TWO benefits of recycling mentioned in this paragraph. (2)
1.2.2 Why is the following statement FALSE?
South Africa is one of the leaders in recycling. (1)
1.3 Explain what the writer means by, '… manufacturers are rethinking … materials of tomorrow' (lines 22–24). (2)
1.4 Quote a SINGLE word in paragraph 4, which means the same as 'electricity'. (1)
1.5 Refer to paragraph 5.
Identify TWO key role players in the collection of recyclable waste. (2)
1.6 Refer to paragraph 6.
How has Mpact influenced packaging in the fast food industry? (2)
1.7 3. Refer to paragraph 7.
1.7.1 Explain why 'NewLife Plastics' (line 45) is a suitable name for the company. (2)
1.7.2 Give TWO reasons why it is practical to use plastic to make benches. (2)
1.8 What does the writer mean by, 'The need for a culture change' (line 56)? (2)
1.9 Discuss whether the inclusion of statistics makes the passage more convincing. (2)
1.10 Discuss the suitability of the title, 'RETHINKING GARBAGE'. (2)
TEXT B1.11 Explain how Visual 1 conveys the idea of 'team spirit'. (2)
1.12 Identify the illustrations that suggest: 1.12.1
Self-confidence (1)
1.12.2 Creativity (1)
1.13 Discuss whether the visual indicating 'ASSERTIVENESS' is effective. (2)
There are many aspects that one should consider when writing a professional email.
Read TEXT C below and list SEVEN points on how to write a professional e-mail.
An electronic mail (e-mail) is regarded as a popular, efficient and accessible form of communication in most workplaces in the world. It is important to consider guidelines on how to write a professional e-mail with a clear message.
Your personal e-mail address represents you. A name such as 'Fast and Furious' in an e-mail address is not suitable when communicating with an employer.
The subject line indicates the importance and topic of discussion in an e-mail. The subject line must, therefore, be appropriate.
An e-mail also requires a personal greeting such as 'Dear Mr Jones' or 'Hello Jack'. Failure to include a greeting can make your message seem unfriendly. Since e-mails have no way of showing body language and conveying tone, select your words carefully so that the message is clear to the recipient.
Including too much information in an e-mail is not necessary. It should be a brief communication with a few short paragraphs. The use of correct grammar, spelling and punctuation will convey a good impression of you to the recipient.
Your intended recipient may not be the only person who will read your e-mail. Your message should, therefore, include information that you would be comfortable to share in public.
Conclude your e-mail by including additional contact information in order for the recipient to have other ways of communicating with you.
[Adapted from Talent 360, November 2019]
Study the advertisement (TEXT D) below and answer the set questions.
The text in small font reads as follows:
References: 1. (https://www.who.int/news-room/facts-in-pictures/detail/malaria).
Activo Health (PTY) Ltd. Co. Reg. No. 2009/009541/07. Block B, Arena Office Park, 272 West Avenue, Centurion, 0157, South Africa. PO Box 11911, Zwartkop, 0051, South Africa.
Tel. 0800 (ACTIVO) 228486 │Fax: 086 619 5833│ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.│www.actvo.co.za. PMA378_10/2019.
3.1 Who is the target audience in this advertisement? (1)
3.2 Give a single word which means the same as 'each year'. (1)
3.3 How does the advertiser show that mosquitoes are dangerous? State TWO points. (2)
3.4 Quote THREE consecutive words from the text which indicate that you do not have to consult a doctor in order to get anti-malaria medication. (1)
3.5 Identify TWO visuals that the advertiser uses to convey the idea of travelling. (2)
3.6 Why does the advertiser include the following information in the advertisement?
'References: 1. (https://www.who.int/news-room/facts-in-pictures/detail/malaria).' (1)
3.7 Do you think that the slogan, 'caring for you', supports the message of the advertisement? Substantiate your answer. (2)
Read the cartoon (TEXT E) below and answer the set questions.
NOTE: In this cartoon, the man is Dagwood and the woman is his wife, Blondie.
The word 'pizza', in FRAMES 7 and 8, refers to a meal which is bought from a fast-food outlet.
4.1 Why has the cartoonist included a 'Z' in FRAME 2? (1)
4.2 Refer to FRAMES 3–5.
Explain how the dog's actions convey its excitement. (2)
4.3 Describe how Dagwood's actions in FRAME 7 are in contrast to his actions in FRAME 6. Refer to the visual aspects ONLY. (2)
4.4 Refer to FRAME 7.
4.4.1 Rewrite the following question as a statement:
'How did you know I was going to surprise you with a pizza for dinner tonight?' (1)
4.4.2 Provide a synonym for the word 'dinner'. (1)
4.5 What is Dagwood referring to when he says, '… my own personal incoming pizza warning system' (FRAME 8)? (1)
4.6 Do you think that this cartoon succeeds in conveying humour?
Substantiate your answer. (2)
5.1 Read the passage (TEXT F) below, which has some deliberate errors, and answer the set questions.
Just like the people in most countrys, South Africans love music. South Africa is home to many award winning artists. Added to the list are the Ndlovu Youth Choir, the latest group to make the country proud. The choir has participated in America's Got Talent, a world-famous talent competition. There performances on this show have made them a global sensation. The group was founded by Dr Hugo Templeman in Limpopo in 1994. Ever since the choir was established, it has impacted lives by bringing the best out of the children in the group. The choir has helped the children to overcome the challenges that a majority of them would face while growing up. The group sings in all eleven South African languages.
The African proverb, 'It takes a village to raise a child', rings true in Mautse, Limpopo. Local seamstress, Lina Ncongwane, is one of the women in the community who created skirts and shirts which the Ndlovu Youth Choir wore in a famous YouTube video. 'I am very happy to see that the choir is doing well and my work is getting recognition,' said Ncongwane.
5.1.1 Correct the SINGLE error in EACH of the following sentences. Write down ONLY the question numbers and the words you have corrected.
5.1.2 Why is America's Got Talent written in italics in this passage? (1)
5.1.3 Complete the following tag question. Write down only the missing words.
The choir has participated in America's Got Talent, …? (1)
5.1.4 Study the following sentence:
The group was founded by Dr Hugo Templeman in Limpopo in 1994.
State the part of speech of EACH of the underlined words used in this sentence. (2)
5.1.5 Rewrite the following sentence in the passive voice:
The choir has helped the children overcome their challenges. (1)
5.1.6 Rewrite the following sentence in the negative form:
The group sings in all eleven South African languages. (1)
5.1.7 Give the plural form of the underlined word in the following sentence:
Local seamstress, Lina Ncongwane, is one of the women in the community who created skirts and shirts which the Ndlovu Youth Choir wore in a famous YouTube video. (1)
5.1.8 Rewrite the following sentence in reported speech:
'I am very happy to see the choir's success,' said Ncongwane. (3)
5.2 Study the text (TEXT G) below and answer the questions.
5.2.1 Give the correct degree of comparison in the following sentence:
Fizzy drinks are (popular) than water among teenagers. (1)
5.2.2 Combine the following sentences into a single sentence.
Water is used for drinking.
Water is used for bathing.
Begin with the following words: Not only … (2)
5.2.3 Provide an antonym for the underlined word in the following sentence:
Climate change will reduce the most valuable natural resource. (1)
5.2.4 Give the correct form of the word in brackets:
Not drinking enough water will cause (dehydrate). (1)
5.2.5 Rewrite the following sentence in the future tense:
Every citizen is responsible for water conservation. (1)