Bend the test piece through a specific angle or around a mandrel or bar, having a defined radius, until a rupture in the metal occurs.
Place the material in a vice and bend it then observe the ductility of the material. (Any 1 x 3) (3)
3.4 Purpose of case hardening:
Creates a hard surface with a tough core. (2)
3.5 Quenching media for hardening:
Brine (saltwater)
Soluble oil and water
Nitrogen air-infused air (Any 3 x 1) (3)
QUESTION 4: MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS (SPECIFIC) 4.1 B (1) 4.2 B (1) 4.3 D (1) 4.4 C (1) 4.5 D (1) 4.6 A (1) 4.7 A (1) 4.8 B (1) 4.9 C (1) 4.10 B (1) 4.11 C (1) 4.12 B (1) 4.13 A (1) 4.14 D (1) [14]
QUESTION 5: TERMINOLOGY (TEMPLATES) (SPECIFIC) 5.1 Dimensions of the material: 5.1.1
Mean Ø = Outside Ø = Plate Thickness = 960 - 60 ? = 900 mm ? (2)
\Mean circumference = π x Mean Ø = π x 900 ? = 2827,43 mm ? Round off to 2827 mm ? (3)
5.4 Hand tools: (Due to the large number of alternatives, marker discretion must be used - discuss with IM).
Hand saws
Handdrill and drill bits
Steel measuring tape
Straight edge
Trammel pins
Carpenter’s square
Chalk line
Steel rule
Centre punch
Combination square
Spirit level
Trammel (Any 3 x 1) (3)
5.5 Template loft machines: (Due to the large number of alternatives, marker discretion must be used - discuss with IM).
Circular saw
Drilling machine
Jig saw
Sanding machine
Shears for cutting cardboard
Welding machine
Angle grinder
Bench grinder
Cut–off power saw (Any 2 x 1) (2)
QUESTION 6: TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT (SPECIFIC) 6.1 Operating principles of a resistance welding machine:
Current flows through a resistance to fuse plates together. ?
Two copper electrodes are pressed against the plates. ?
Heavy current is passed between the electrodes. ?
High resistance causes intense heat at the point. ?
The two plates melt and fuse together, forming a weld nugget or spot weld. ? (5)
6.2 Arc welding: 6.2.1
A. Arc welding machine / Power source / invertor. ?
B. Earth clamp / “skelm” ?
C. Electrode / Rod / welding rod ?
D. Electrode holder (4)
Holds the electrode.
Insulate the person welding
Provide current to the electrode
Used with electrode to weld (Any 1 x 1) (1)
6.3 Cutting of threads:
Secure the die in die wrench/stock and set die square to the shaft to be cut.
Rotate the die through half a turn in a clockwise direction to cut the thread and then turn back a quarter of a turn to break off waste.
Continue process until the die has reached the required length of thread and adjust the centre and side screws until desired thread fit is achieved. (6)
7.1.2 Calculating bending moments: Bending moments at B, C and D:
BMB =(116 x 3 ) = 348Nm ? BMC =(116 x 5 ) - (80 x 2 ) = 420Nm ? BMD = (116 x 7 ) - (80 x 4 ) - (60 x 2 ) = 372Nm ? (3)
7.1. 3 Bending moment diagram: (7) NOTE: Draw the bending moment diagram to scale for marking purposes. 7.2 Stress and Strain: 7.2.1 Diameter of a bar: (6) 7.2.2 Strain: (2) 7.2.3 Change in length: (3) 7.3 Stress and strain diagram: