
1.1.1 C✔ Understanding, easy (Focus, p.104; Successful, p.126) (1)
1.1.2  D✔ Understanding, easy (Focus, p.75; Successful, p.85) (1) 
1.1.3  C✓ Understanding, easy (Focus, p.77; Successful, p.91) (1) 
1.1.4  A✓ Understanding, easy (Focus, p.77; Successful, p.91) (1) 
1.1.5  A✓ Understanding, easy (Focus, p.79; Successful, p.93) (1)
1.1.6  C✔ Understanding, moderate (Focus, p.49; Successful, p.54) (1)
1.1.7  D✔ Remembering, easy (Focus, p.61; Successful, p.67) (1) 
1.1.8  A✔ Remembering, easy (Focus, p.117; Successful, p.137) (1) 
1.1.9  B✔ Remembering, easy (Focus, p.128; Successful, p.146) (1) 
1.1.10 B✔ Remembering, easy (Focus, p.61; Successful, p.67) (1) 
1.1.11 A✔ Remembering, easy (Focus, p.148; Successful, p.162) (1) 
1.1.12 B✔ Remembering, easy (Focus, p.134; Successful, p.155) (1)
1.1.13 D✔ Remembering, easy (Focus, p.122; Successful, p.140) (1) 
1.1.14 D✔ Remembering, easy (Focus, p.64; Successful, p.72) (1) 
1.1.15 A✔ Understanding, easy(Focus, p.40; Successful, p.42) (1)
1.1.16 D✔ Understanding, moderate (Focus, p.13; Successful, p.19-20) (1) 
1.1.17 C✔ Understanding, moderate (Focus, p.17; Successful, p.22) (1)
1.1.18 B✔ Understanding, moderate (Focus, p.168; Successful, p.185) (1) 
1.1.19 C✔ Understanding, difficult (Focus, p.166;Successful, p.183) (1) 
1.1.20 B✓ Analysing, difficult (Focus, p.167-168; Successful, p.185) (1) 


1.2.1  emulsifiers✓ (Focus, p.93; Successful, p.113)  (1)
1.2.2  stabilisers✓ (Focus, p.93 ; Successful, p.113)  (1)
1.2.3  bleaches✓  (Focus, p.94 ; Successful, p. 113)  (1)
Remembering, easy


H✓ (in any sequence) (4)
Remembering, moderate (Focus, page 136–137; Successful, page 157) 


1.4.1 B✔  (Focus, p.7; Successful, p.12 and 35)  (1) 
1.4.2 A✔  (Focus, p.37; Successful, p.36)  (1) 
1.4.3 G✔  (Focus, p.36-37; Successful, p.35–37)  (1) 
1.4.4 C✔  (Focus, p.40; Successful, p.39)  (1) 
Understanding, moderate 


1.5.1  D✓ (Focus, p.158; Successful, p.176)  (1) 
1.5.2  B✓  (Focus, p.159; Successful, p.177)  (1) 
1.5.3  C✓ (Focus, p.162; Successful, p.178)  (1) 
1.5.4  E✓  (Focus, p.161; Successful, p.177–178)  (1) 
Understanding, moderate 


H✓ (in any sequence) (5)
Analysing, moderate (Focus, page 49, 51, 57-59; Successful, page 50, 51, 59–65 and  CAPS (Grade 11) 



2.1.1 South African Revenue Service/SARS✓ (1)
Remembering, easy (Focus, page 163; Successful, page 181) 
2.1.2 Pay-as-you-earn/PAYE✓ (1)
Remembering, easy (Focus, page 163; Successful, page 181) 
2.1.3 (4) 


Non-provisional tax 

Provisional tax

Regularity/  Type of income  earned

Employed by an  employer/full-time  employed/regular  monthly income/fixed  monthly income/earning  a salary✓ (1)

Income is not  fixed/irregular  income/people  with income other  than salaries✓  (1)

How often the  tax is paid

Every month/ monthly✓   (1)

Twice a year✓  (1) 

Understanding, moderate (Focus, page 163; Successful, page 181) 
NOTE: Deduct one mark if not answered in table format. 

  • An exemption clause is a clause included in contracts that exonerates (clears) a party from any liability✓ should he/she fail to honour the  agreement/when the agreed product or service does not serve the  purpose for which it was acquired.✓ (2)
    Understanding, easy (Focus, page 156; Successful, page 173) 



    • Kettle✓
    • Basic light✓
    • Heating of water✓
    • Ironing✓
    • Small (black and white) television✓ (Any 2) (2)
      Remembering, easy (Focus, page 183; Successful, page 203) 


    • Set the geyser temperature to 60 °C/reduce the geyser  temperature.✓
    • Install a geyser timer that can be set to turn on the geyser early in the morning and on again in the evening.✓
    • Insulate the geyser/use a geyser blanket and outlet pipes to  prevent heat loss.✓
    • Use a low-flow shower head as they use 40 per cent less hot  water.✓
    • Install a solar energy/solar water-heating unit with a geyser to  heat water as 25 per cent or more can be saved on the  electricity bill.✓ (Any 2) (2)
      Understanding, moderate (Focus, page 174; Successful, page 192)


  • Inflation: Inflation increases the price of goods and services therefore  consumers will spend more on food.✔ 
  • Rising petrol prices: When the petrol price increases, transporting food to  the point of sale will increase✓ therefore food prices will increase even  more as the consumer eventually pays for the increase of the petrol  price.✔ 
  • Food bought on credit: If food is bought on credit, as well as increased  interest rates may increase the food price even more.✔ 
  • Depreciation of the rand: Imported foods will cost more.✓ (Any 4) (4)
    Applying, difficult (Successful, page182-185; Focus, page 164-168)  


  • It is very likely that this is a fake e-mail/phishing/scam/ identity theft.✓
  • It is very unlikely that any financial institution will offer an interest rate as  low as 4,00%✓ as it is lower than the repo rate and the institution will  make no money.✓ 
  • This deal looks too good to be true, so it is possibly too good to be  true/not true.✓ (Maximum 3) 
  • A consumer should not give/email any personal details to Elite Loans.✓ 
  • It is best to delete this e-mail.✓ (Minimum 1) (4)
    Analysing, moderate (Focus, page 159; Successful, page 177) 



  • Antioxidants preserve the quality of food/lengthen the shelf life✔ of food.
  • Prevent rancidity✔and unpleasant taste and smell✔ in margarine/cooking  oil/biscuits/potato chips/soup mixtures. 
  • Preserve the colour of fresh cut fruit and vegetables/delay enzymatic  browning/discolouration in fruit and vegetables/fruit juice/soft drinks/ canned vegetables/frozen fruit.✔ (Any 3) (3)
    Remembering, moderate (Focus, page 34; Successful, page 114) 


  • Drink water only from safe water supplies that are regularly chlorinated.✓
  • Boil water✓ for 10 to 15 minutes if you are not sure that it is safe. 
  • Don't swim in infected water.✓ 
  • Don't wash fruit/vegetables in infected water.✓ (Any 2) (2)
    Remembering, easy (Focus, page 90; Successful, page 107-108) 


  • Food irradiation destroys micro-organisms/pathogenic bacteria/other  harmful organisms✓ in order to prevent food-borne diseases/make food  safer to eat.✓ 
  • It destroys or deactivates organisms that cause food spoilage.✓ In this  way the shelf life of fruit and vegetables is extended/ can be stored for  longer.✓ 
  • Irradiation delays the sprouting of onion/garlic/potatoes/ripening of fruit,✓ so it reduces losses from damage during transportation/ storage.✓ In this way, the shelf life of the fruit and vegetables is extended.✓  
  • It destroys insects in or on tropical fruit that is imported/exported.✓ In this  way, the shelf life of the fruit is extended.✓ (Any 2 x 2) (4)
    Understanding, moderate (Focus, page 105; Successful, page 127) 



    • Diabetes is a chronic disease in which the blood-glucose level  is abnormally high✓ because the body cannot control it  properly.✓ It occurs when the beta cells in the pancreas do not  produce any insulin✓ or do not produce enough insulin✓, or  when the body does not use insulin effectively.✓
    • Diabetes develops when the body does not make enough  insulin✓ or is unable to use the insulin✓ it makes. Insulin is  needed to turn sugar into energy.✓ Without insulin sugar  builds up in the blood/ high blood sugar levels develop.✓  (Any 3) (3)
      Remembering, easy (Focus, page 72-73; Successful, page 80)


    • There is a link between type 2 diabetes and lifestyle.✓
    • The onset of type 2 diabetes may be prevented or delayed by  following a healthy diet.✓
    • Maintaining a normal body weight✓as obesity/overweight  increases the risk of coronary heart disease and diabetes. ✓
    • Having an active lifestyle/regular exercise✓ helps the body to  use insulin more effectively,✓ which controls blood glucose  levels.✓ (Any 5) (5)
      Understanding, moderate (Focus, page 73; Successful, page 82) 


  • Fresh fruit and vegetables contain vitamin C✓which promotes/enhances  the absorption of iron.✓ 
  • Iron is found in green leafy vegetables will assist in the formation of  haemoglobin/red blood cells.✓ (Any 2) (2)
    Understanding, moderate (Focus, page 76-77; Successful, page 91) 



    • Hypertension is caused when the blood pressure against the  walls of the arteries✓ remains high for a long time.✓
    • Hypertension develops if the walls of the larger arteries lose  their natural elasticity✓ and become rigid,✓ and the smaller  blood vessels become narrower due to blood pressure that  remains high for a long time.✓
    • The pressure of blood that flows in the arteries✓ is measured  at a high and a low point.✓ If blood pressure is too  high/hypertension puts you at risk✓ of a heart  attack/stroke/kidney damage/eye damage. (Any 2) (2)
      Remembering, moderate (Focus, page 77; Successful, page 86)  


    • Saul must use herbs/spices to flavour his food✓ instead of salt.
    • Reduce the intake of processed foods/snacks/smoked  meat/bacon/biltong/potato chips/junk foods/salted  nuts/peanuts/salted popcorn/salty cracks/pizza as it contains  hidden salt.✓
    • Avoid/limit food that has salt/sodium/sodium chloride/mono sodium glutamate (MSG) on the list of ingredients.✓
    • Avoid/limit salty food products/products high in salt which is  more than 600 mg/1,5 g salt per 100 g.✓
    • Do not consume more than 5 g/1 teaspoon salt per day.✓
    • Eat food products low in salt/less than 120 mg/0,3 g salt  per 100 g.✓
    • Limit the amount of salt when cooking. ✓
    • Avoid sprinkling extra salt on cooked food.✓ (Any 5) (5)
      Applying, moderate (Focus, page 77; Successful, page 87-88)

3.7 (4) 






  • Avoid frying food/use less  fat in cooking.✔ (1) 
  • Grill/bake/steam food✔   (1) 


  • Reduce the intake of  refined carbohydrates/  starch✔
  • Eat low GI/unrefined  carbohydrates.✔
    (Any 1) 
  • Eat wholegrain  carbohydrates✓
  • Eat low GI food✓ 
    (Any 1) 

Understanding, moderate (Focus, page 98; Successful, page 83)
NOTE: One mark must be deducted if not in table format. 





Wholewheat/ brown bread✓

  • High in  fibre✓ 
  • Low GI✓ 
  • Will reduce  the blood cholesterol level✓(2)

'Lite' margarine✓ 

  • Will lower the  total fat content.✓ 
  • Protects the  heart as most  contains the  heart and  stroke  foundation  logo✓ (2)

Smoked chicken/ Tuna  mayonnaise✓ 

  • High in  protein✓ 
  • Chicken  without the skin  has a lower fat  content.✓
  • Tuna is rich in  omega-3 fatty  acids that  protect the  heart and  blood  vessels.✓ (2)

Tomato/ Cucumber/ Low fat cheese/ Lettuce 

  • Tomatoes/cucumber/ lettuce is rich in  vitamins/minerals/ fibre/low in fat✓that  reduces the risk of  coronary heart  disease. ✓
  • Low-fat cheese has a  reduced fat content  which reduces the risk  of coronary heart  disease. ✓ (4)

NOTE: One mark for each choice and One mark for a reason. (10) 
Analysing, difficult (Focus, page 73-75; Successful, page 83-85)  



  • They pay fair wages.✓ 
  • They provide good working conditions.✓ 
  • They provide decent work hours.✓ 
  • They do not use child labour.✓ 
  • They comply with civil labour laws and safety laws.✓ 
  • They support environmental sustainability.✓ (Any 3) (3)
    Remembering, easy (Focus, page 61; Successful, page 69) 


  • The invention of new textiles/fabrics✓ leads to fashion change.
  • Biotechnology/nanotechnology opened up a range of fabrics with special  characteristics for specific purposes,✓ such as sportswear. 
  • Computerised pattern-design methods/improved knitting and sewing  machines✓ lead to fashion change. 
  • Easy communication on fashion via television and social media/Internet/ cellphone/Facebook/twitter✓ leads to fashion change. (Any 2) (2)
    Remembering, moderate (Focus, page 51; Successful, page 54) 


First impressions are often lasting impressions.✓ People will judge you on  your physical appearance✓ even before they speak to you.✓ A person who is  dressed appropriately/smartly✓ gives the impression that he/she is  confident,✓ ready to learn✓ and ready for doing good work for the  company.✓ Your goal with first impressions should be to project a  professional/competent image.✓ (Any 3) (3)
Understanding, easy (Focus, page 53; Successful, page 57) 
NOTE: Deduct ONE mark if the answer is not written in a paragraph. 



    • Fashion cycles will be shorter/fashions will not last long/peak  of the fashion cycle will be shorter.✓
    • Fashion cycles will overlap with shorter intervals.✓
    • This will result in more fashion fads.✓ (Any 2) (2)
      Applying, moderate (Focus, page 50; Successful, page 50) 


A constant demand to deliver newness means that new garments  must be made all the time. As a result, more new/virgin fabrics  must be produced. This causes pollution,✓ may use/depletes natural resources/forests✓ and increases the use of water/depletes water resources.✓ Harmful chemicals✓ are used in the production  of dyes. When consumers constantly buy new garments/clothes  the old ones often land in landfill sites where those that are not  biodegradable may remain for a very long time✓ and cause  pollution.✓ If new garments are imported they are transported that  emits carbon dioxide.✓ (Any 4) (4)
Applying, difficult (Focus, page 61-63; Successful, page 67-70) 
NOTE: Deduct one mark if not written in paragraph format.

4.5 Grey blazer✓ (1)

  • Will keep her warm✓ 
  • Will match the grey pants/white shirt/other items✓ 
  • Professional/formal/smart look/appearance✓ 
  • Classic style, can be worn for a long time✓ (Any 2)
    Long grey pants✓ (1)
  • Plain/neutral colour, can be mixed-and-matched with other clothes✓
  • Professional/formal/smart look/appearance✓ 
  • Classic style, can be kept for a long time✓ (Any 2)
    White long-sleeved shirt✓ (1) 
  • Classic style, can be kept for a long time✓ 
  • Plain/neutral colour, can be mixed-and-matched with other clothes✓ 
  • Professional/formal/smart look/appearance✓ (Any 2)  (Any 2 x 3) (6)
    Evaluating, moderate (Focus, page 57-60; Successful, page61-62, 64) 



  • Payments of the principal/capital (amount borrowed)✓ 
  • Interest✓ 
  • Life insurance premiums✓ 
  • Home-owner's comprehensive insurance premiums✓ 
  • Administration fees✓ (Any 2) (2)
    Remembering, easy (Focus, page 128; Successful, page 145) 


  • A title deed is a document that reflects the details of the ownership✓and  of the property.✓ 
  • A title deed is a document that proves that you are the owner of the  property✓and includes the location/size of the property✓as well as the  owner's particulars. (Any 2) (2)
    Remembering, easy (Focus, page 128; Successful, page 146) 


  • A deposit is paid for the connection of water✓and electricity✓when a  consumer buys a house. (2)
    Remembering, easy (Focus, page 128; Successful, page 147) 


  • Breakdown of costs/building/legal costs.✔ 
  • Detailed description of the materials and finishes.✔ 
  • Exact dimensions of the house/dimensions according to the house plan.✔
  • Completion date.✔ 
  • Date and method of payment.✔ 
  • Guarantees provided by the builder to repair/set right any structural  defects/roof leaks/incorrect building/late completion of work.✔ 
  • A clause of cancellation/suspension of the contract if either of the parties  cannot adhere to it/clause indicating that if the loan application is  declined/application for government subsidy is turned down, the  agreement with the contractor/builder does not come to effect/falls through.✔ (Any 4) (4)
    Remembering easy (Focus, page 120; Successful, page 139) 



    • This insurance will cover any losses should the permanent  fixtures/home structure✓ suffer damage as a result of a natural  disaster/storm/ flood,✓ an accident,✓ a burst geyser,✓ political  unrest,✓ a fire✓. (Any 2) (2)
      Remembering, easy (Focus, page 127; Successful, page 145) 


    • Household content insurance✓
    • Will cover items such as electronic equipment/furniture/  clothing/curtains.✓ (2)
      Applying, moderate (Focus, page 127-128; Successful, page 145)



    • Lindiwe will not qualify✓ for a government housing subsidy. 
    • Lindiwe has a well-paid corporate job and she can only qualify  if she earns R3 500.00 or less per month.✓
    • Lindiwe is not married/has no long term partner/is single/ has no dependants and a citizen only qualifies if she/he has  dependants.✓ (3)
      Understanding, easy (Focus, page 130; Successful, page 149) 

5.6.2 Sectional title town house.✓  (1)  

    • A sectional title town house in a complex is more secure/ safer/has more security✓/as she is a single woman✓ /as she  travels.✓ 
    • She will have the benefit of enjoying the communal garden✓ and swimming pool✓ without the problem of looking after  them/ the body corporate will have the responsibility of  maintaining the garden and swimming pool.✓
    • She travels often and will have less maintenance to do✓ as the  body corporate✓ maintains the exterior of her town house.✓ (4)  (Any 4)
      Applying, moderate (Focus, page 122-123; Successful, page 140-141) 


  • Buying a property is very costly/expensive as there are transfer costs/ transfer duties/transfer fees✓ and hidden costs/bond registration fees/ deeds office fees/interim rates/ initiation fee/property valuation fees/ occupational rent/ administration fees/service connection fees.✓ 
  • Renting is cheaper in the short term/initially cheaper✓ and this enables a  tenant to save✓ money for a deposit. The larger your deposit, the easier  it will be to meet the financial responsibilities of owning property.✓ 
  • A tenant pays a fixed amount over a specific period✓ and is not affected  by increases in the interest rate.✓ 
  • A tenant does not pay municipal rates/property tax./Owners pay  municipal rates/property tax.✓ 
  • A tenant does not pay for the maintenance of the property./Owners pay  for maintenance.✓ 
  • A tenant does not pay bond insurance/home owner's insurance./Owners  pay bond insurance/home owner's insurance.✓ 
  • It is easy to move after giving due notice.✓ It is thus easier to rent if you  are not going to stay for long in a city/town/ know that you are going to  move soon.✓ (4 x 2) (8)
    Applying, moderate (Focus, page 118 and 127-128; Successful, page 137 and 146-147)


5.8.1 Functionality: 

    • The appliance is small and will easily fit into a small space.✓
    • The appliance is not heavy and can easily be moved when the  student moves.✓
    • The appliance is multi-functional as the student can cook, bake  and grill.✓ (Any 2) 

5.8.2 Consumption of human energy: 

    • Solid plates are easy to clean,✓so this saves human energy.✓
    • The appliance has easy-to-use control buttons.✓ (Any 2) 

5.8.3 Consumption of non-human energy: 

    • Solid plates take a while to heat up,✓ this wastes electricity.✓
    • Solid plates stay warm for several minutes after they have  been turned off,✓ so food can be kept warm after cooking.✓
    • There are two plate sizes, so energy can be saved if a small  saucepan is used.✓
    • The temperature controls are efficient as they provide more  regulated heat.✓
    • The oven is energy efficient as less electricity is needed✓ to  heat a small oven. (Any 5) 

5.8.4 Conclusion: 

    • The appliance will fulfil the cooking needs for a student who  mostly cooks for him-/herself.✓ 
    • This cooking appliance is suitable for a student who is moving  into a small flat.✓ (Any 1) (10)
      Evaluating, moderate (Focus, page 139-140; Successful, page 159-160)
      NOTE: The conclusion can be at the beginning or at the end of the answer. 



  • Name of product✓ 
  • Trade name/Trade mark✓ 
  • Name and address of manufacturer✓ 
  • Price/price code/bar code✓ 
  • Product content✓ 
  • Size/M/L/XL, etc.✓ 
  • Care instructions✓ (Any 4) (4)
    Remembering, easy (Focus, page 29; Successful, page 29) 


  • Creating awareness about the product or service.✓ 
  • To attract the attention of customers./Generate customer's interest.✓ 
  • Persuading customers to buy the product./Create the desire to possess  the article/product./To convince consumers to buy the product.✓ 
  • Expanding the market to new customers.✓ 
  • To provide information about the product.✓ (Any 3) (3)
    Remembering, easy (Focus, page 30; Successful, page 30)
    NOTE: Only mark the first three answers. 


Using goods and services to improve quality of life✓ and meet the needs of  consumers,✓reducing the use of natural resources, toxic materials and  chemicals/reducing waste✓ and pollution✓to protect the natural  environment. ✓ (Any 3) (3)
Remembering, easy (Focus, page26; Successful, page 26) 

6.4 Demand-based pricing strategy: 

  • The entrepreneur begins by establishing the price that the target market  is prepared to pay for the product.✓ 
  • The entrepreneur then works backwards and makes sure that the costs  are kept as low as possible so that a profit can still be made.✓

Premium pricing strategy: 

  • The entrepreneur prices his or her products above the average market  price.✓ 
  • The higher price will indicate to customers that the product is of a high  quality/unique.✓ (2)
    Remembering, easy (Premium pricing strategy: Focus, page 32; Demand-based pricing  strategy: Successful, page 31)


6.5.1 Infra-structure: 

    • Kitchen (from her mother)✓
    • Electricity✓
    • Water✓
    • Equipment (from her mother) ✓ (3)
    • Money for the sugar thermometer✓
    • Materials/wood for the shelves that had to be built✓
    • Money for the raw materials/ingredients✓ (Any 3)
      Remembering, easy (Focus, page 11; Successful, page 18) 


  • The area must be well lit so that the stock can be organized  and managed efficiently.✓ 
  • Stock should be stored and arranged so that goods that are  used frequently can be obtained quickly.✓ 
  • Arrange stock according to best before date/expiry date/follow  the first-in-first out principle.✓ 
  • Check that the room has no mildew or damp/the storage area  must be cool and dry.✓ 
  • The shelves must be kept clean and free of dust.✓ 
  • Treat the storage area for pests.✓ (Any 3) (3)
    Understanding, easy (Focus, page 22-23; Successful, page 25) 


  • Must suit the meringues/suitable shape that will protect the  shape of the meringue.✓ 
  • Must be strong to protect the meringues.✓ 
  • Suitable size for the meringues.✓ 
  • Must keep the meringues clean/fresh/safe for the intended  shelf-life.✓ 
  • Must be airtight/ must protect the meringues from dust/  moisture/drying out/contamination.✓ 
  • Strong enough for transportation.✓ 
  • Easy to handle, open and close.✓ (Any 3) (3)
    Understanding, easy (Focus, page 22; Successful, page 29) 


  1. Human skills:
    • Anati had the skills to make fudge and meringues as she  learned that at school.✓ She attended a course at a  cooking school✓ to help her to perfect the toffee and  nougat recipes. (2)
  2. Consumer appeal:
    • Her products appealed to the students/ the students liked  her products.✓ It is easy for the students to buy the  sweets directly from her.✓ They asked for a wider  variety✓, such as nougat and fudge.✓ (Any 2) (2)
      Understanding, moderate (Focus, page 10 – 14; Successful, page 16 - 20)

6.5.5 Option 1: 

Cost of one packet = R18,00 ÷ 100 
= R0,18✓ 
R31,00 + R4,00 = R35,00 ÷ 36  
 = R0,97 per block✓ 
Cost per packet = R0,97 x 2 + R0,18 
= R2,12✓ 
R2,12 x 120%✓ = R2,54✓ 
R2,12 + R2,54 = R4,66✓ 
Selling price of one packet = R5,00✓ 

Option 2: 

Cost of one packet = R18,00 ÷ 100 
= R0,18✓ 
R31,00 ÷ 36 = R0,86 per block 
R4,00 ÷ 36 = R0,11 per block 
R0,86 + R0,11 = R0,97 per block✓ 
Cost per packet = R0,97 x 2 + R0,18 
= R2,12✓ 
R2,12 x 120%✓ = R2,54✓ 
R2,12 + R2,54 = R4,66✓ 
Selling price of one packet = R 5,00✓ 

Option 3: 

Cost of one packet = R18,00 ÷ 100 
= R0,18✓ 
R31,00 + R4,00 = R35,00 ÷ 18 
 = R1,94 per packet✓  
Cost per packet = R0,18 + R1,94 
= R2,12✓ 
R2,12 x 120%✓ = R2,54✓ 
R2,12 + R2,54 = R4,66✓ 
Selling price of one packet = R 5,00✓ (7)

NOTE: The rand (R) value must be indicated. Penalise (-1) only once.
Applying, moderate (Focus, page 37-38; Successful, page 38-39)


  • In December, January, April and July, students are on  holiday,✓ therefore she has a lower income during these  months. During these months her production costs increase  because she produces products during the holidays.✓ 
  • In February, March, May, August, September and October,  students are on campus and she is selling her products,✓ therefore she has a higher income during these months.  During these months her production costs decrease as she  produces fewer products while she is studying.✓ (4)
    Analysing, moderate (Focus, page 39; Successful, page 41) 


  • She must save some of her profit✓ during the months that she  earns well/February, March, May, August, September and  October, for the ingredients she needs to buy during her  production months.✓ 
  • During the holiday months/December, January, April and July  she can sell her products on the nearby flea market✓ to  increase her income. 
  • Anati can make special holiday packaging to sell in the  community/on the flea market during December/festive holiday.✓ 
  • She can continue selling her products on campus during the  holidays if there are sports training/workshops/ conferences.✓  
  • She can ask for orders for birthdays or special occasions.✓   (Any 4) (4)
    Creating, moderate (Focus, page 35; Successful, page 34) 


Last modified on Wednesday, 30 June 2021 09:49