1.4.1 Cardiac ✔ 1.4.2 Deep litter ✔ 1.4.3 Dry ✔ 1.4.4 Cloning/nuclear transfer✔ 1.4.5 Ovum/egg/female/reproductive sex cell/gamete✔ (5 x 1) (5)
SECTION B QUESTION 2: ANIMAL NUTRITION 2.1 A representation of the alimentary canal of a farm animal.
2.1.1 Farm animal represented by the alimentary canal Pig ✔ (1) 2.1.2 Importance of parts A and C A – Assists in chemical digestion of food✔ (1) C – Assists in chemical digestion and absorption of food✔ (1) 2.1.3 Explanation of mechanical digestion
Breaking down of the complex food particles into smaller, simpler particles ✔
through physical objects/teeth ✔ (2)
2.2 The absorption of nutrients from the small intestines
2.2.1 Identification of transport A – Active absorption/carrier molecule theory ✔ (1) B – Passive absorption/osmosis/diffusion ✔ (1) 2.2.2 Reason Active absorption
Nutrients move from a lower concentrated area to a higher concentrated area/against the concentration gradient through an energy carrier (ATP) ✔
Passive absorption
Nutrients move from a higher concentrated area to a lower concentrated area/along the concentration gradient ✔ (2)
2.2.3 Identification of the structure labelled C Differential permeable/partially/semi-permeable membrane ✔ (1) 2.2.4 Nutrient absorbed through
Lacteal – Digested fats/glycerol and fatty acids ✔ (1)
2.3 The various feed components of a ration
2.3.1 Example of an energy rich concentrate Maize meal ✔ (1) 2.3.2 Feed supplement acting as a source of energy in licks Molasses ✔ (1) 2.3.3 Suitability of urea for pigs
Not suitable ✔ Reason
It cannot be digested by pigs/pigs are monogastric/only ruminant animals can utilise ✔ (2)
2.3.4 Tabulation of rations
Natural protein
Lucerne hay ✔
NPN protein
Urea ✔
Table ✔ (3) 2.4 Fodder flow programme
2.4.1 Completion of the table
600 x 120 = 72 000 ✔ = 72 tons ✔ 1000
200 x 120 = 24 000 ✔ = 24 tons ✔ 1000 (4)
2.4.2 Determining the average cost to feed ONE animal for ONE day
R114 277,80 ÷ 113 animals ✔
= R1011,31 ÷ 120 days ✔
= R8,43 ✔ OR
R114 277,80 ÷ 120 days ✔
= R952,32 ÷ 113 animals ✔
= R8,43 ✔ (3)
2.5 Composition of two animal feeds 2.5.1 Calculating nutritive ration (NR) of FEED B
NR = 1: % digestible non-nitrogen nutrients ✔ % digestible protein
= 1: 58 ✔ 12 NR = 1: 4,831:5 ✔ OR
= 1 : 70% – 12% ✔ 12%
NR = 1: 4,83/1:5 ✔ (3)
2.5.2 Justification for not recommending feed A
Wide nutritive ratio ✔
It has more carbohydrates and fats than proteins/fewer proteins than carbohydrates and fats ✔ (2)
QUESTION 3: ANIMAL PRODUCTION, PROTECTION AND CONTROL 3.1 Scenario on the optimising of production 3.1.1 Natural resources
Lower production outputs ✔ due to animals fending for themselves ( 2)
3.1.2 Feeding
Enough feed (pastures) ✔ will lead to good production✔ OR
Less feed (pastures) ✔ will lead to poor production. ✔ ( 2)
3.1.3 Exploitative practices
Where the natural balance/equilibrium is disturbed ✔/due to poor veld management ✔
Utilise the natural resources to such an extent that it is permanently damaged ✔and impossible to recover✔
More is taken out and nothing is put back in return ✔
Maximum production no matter what the cost ✔
Deliberate actions to damage the environment ✔ (Any 2) (6)
3.2 Management practices conducted on piglets 3.2.1 Identification of management practices A – Injection/inoculation/vaccination ✔ (1) B –Tail docking ✔ (1) 3.2.2 Reason for the management practices A – To administer iron/Fe to piglets/supplementing/medication/immunisation ✔ (1) B – Prevent tail biting/cannibalism ✔ (1) 3.2.3 Mineral administered to piglets Iron/Fe ✔ (1) 3.2.4 Justification with TWO reasons
Sow milk contains a limited quantity of iron/not enough✔
Most effective way to administer iron/Fe ✔
Initial feed intake of piglets is low/inadequate to support their iron requirements ✔ (Any 2) (2)
3.3 Body temperature and the lower critical temperature 3.3.1 Bar graph showing the lower critical temperatures of the different farm animals
Criteria/rubric/marking guidelines
Correct heading ✔
X-axis – correctly calibrated with label (Farm animals) ✔
Y-axis – correctly calibrated with label (Lower critical temperature) ✔
Correct units (°C) ✔
Bar graph ✔
Accuracy ✔ (6)
3.3.2 Identification of the animal inefficiently using feed Piglets ✔ (1) 3.3.3 Reason for dairy cows producing milk at 6°C. Their critical temperature is lower than 6°C ✔ (1) 3.4 Life cycle of a parasite 3.4.1 Classification and name the parasite above
Internal parasite ✔
Liver fluke ✔ (2)
3.4.2 Letter representing
An intermediate host - D ✔ (1)
Eggs hatch into larva - C ✔ (1)
3.4.3 Precautionary measure
Keep animals away from moist/wet places/camping off infested ✔
Control intermediate host (snails) burn infested areas✔
Keep areas around drinking places dry✔
Breed resistant animals✔
Graze animals on clean pastures/apply hygienic measures/use of feeders✔
Zero grazing/ rotational grazing✔
Provision of clean drinking water✔
Provision of good nutrition✔
Deworming animals at certain intervals✔
Isolation/separation of animals✔ (Any1) (1)
3.4.4 THREE economic implications of the parasite
Decrease/poor/degradation of products/loss of production✔
Higher production costs/labour/time/medicines/ decreased profits/income ✔
Poor reproduction outputs ✔
Poor food conversion rate✔
Negative impact on economy/no export✔ (Any3) (3)
3.5 Passage on chicken housing 3.5.1 TWO purposes of housing
To protect chickens from predators ✔
To create an environment for growth and development ✔ (2)
3.5.2 TWO to consider when building a chicken house
Building to be cost effective ✔
Orientation of the building to be east to west ✔
Building site to be well drained and aerated✔
Roofing material should be insulated and be reflective✔
Enough ventilation✔
Even distribution of light✔
Should provide the right amount of heat✔ (Any 2) (2)
3.5.3 TWO examples of equipment in a poultry house
Feed troughs ✔
Water drinkers/troughs ✔
Lighting ✔
Nesting boxes ✔
Roosts ✔
Bedding ✔
Foot baths ✔
Air conditioning/fans/heaters✔
Egg trays✔
Egg scales✔ (Any 2) (2)
QUESTION 4: ANIMAL REPRODUCTION 4.1 Embryo and foetus development 4.1.1 Identification of the structures
B – Allantois ✔
E – Foetus✔
F – Umbilical cord/placenta ✔ (3)
4.1.2 Provision of the following :
ONE function
Protection of the foetus against shock/shock absorber ✔
Prevents desiccation of the foetus/dehydration/drying of foetus ✔
Lubrication of birth canal✔
Regulates temperature around the foetus✔ (Any 1) (1)
ONE constituent of D
Amniotic fluid/water/liquid ✔ (1)
Place where D occurs
Inside amnion/C ✔ (1)
4.1.3 Time to detect rectal pregnancy 3–4 months into pregnancy/gestation ✔ (1) 4.2 Role of hormones 4.2.1 Explanation of hormone
The chemical substance secreted by endocrine glands/ovaries/ uterus transported in the blood ✔to specific parts/target organ of the body performing specialised functions ✔ (2)
4.2.2 Primary function of hormones
Testosterone (1)
Development of the secondary male characteristics ✔
Enhances sexual desires✔
Stimulate sperm production✔
Luteinising hormone (LH)
Rapture the membrane of the follicle during ovulation ✔
Tightening the infundibulum around the ovary ✔
Stimulates secretion of progesterone✔
Maturation of the oocytes✔
Formation of the corpus luteum ✔ (Any 1) (1)
Develop the functions of the secondary sex organs ✔
Responsible for the onset of oestrus/behaviour changes ✔
Signs of oestrus ✔
Contraction of the uterus ✔
Promote growth of the mammary duct system ✔
Stimulates Graafian follicle✔
Stimulates secretion of LH✔
Delays/inhibits secretion of FSH✔
Increases blood supply to the uterus✔
Prevents bacterial infection of the uterus✔ (Any 1) (1)
4.2.3 Hormone responsible for :
Maintaining the Corpus luteum – Progesterone ✔ (1)
Growth and development of the Graafian follicle – FSH ✔ (1)
4.3 Oestrus cycle of dairy cattle
4.3.1 Determination of the number of cows on oestrus 10 ✔ (1) 4.3.2 Indication of time 20 cows will be in oestrus 18:00 to 00:00 ✔ (1) 4.3.3 Tendency of cows in oestrus from 12:00 to 06:00 Increase/higher/more/from 10 to 45 cows ✔ (1) 4.3.4 The number of cows in oestrus from 18:00 to 06:00 20 + 45 cows ✔ = 65 cows✔ (2) 4.3.5 Best time to inseminate 12:00 to 18:00/in the afternoon✔ (1) 4.3.6 Reason Time when most (45 cows) are in oestrus/in heat ✔ (1)
4.4 The udder of a dairy cow
4.4.1 Identification of the parts
A – Alveolus ✔ (1)
B – Lobe ✔ (1)
C – Teat ✔ (1)
4.4.2 Definition of lactation
Period of milk production by female animals/cows ✔
Starting soon after parturition for an average of 305 days ✔
Involves the hormones prolactin and oxytocin ✔ (Any 2) (2)
4.4.3 Comparison of milk and butterfat production
Milk production increases until peak production thereafter it decreases ✔
Butterfat production decreases until peak production thereafter it increases ✔ (2)
4.5 Difficult births 4.5.1 Scientific term for difficult births Dystocia ✔ (1)
4.5.2 Reason for difficult births in heifers
Heifers are physically smaller✔and less developed (younger)/age ✔
Incorrect presentation/position/posture✔
Too large foetus/hydrocephalus✔
Deformities of the foetus✔
Torsion/twisting of the foetus✔
Prolapsed uterus✔
Multiple births/twins✔
Size of pelvic area✔
Weak/ ineffective labour✔
Cervix failing to dilate✔
Prolonged gestation/pregnancy period✔
Diseases✔ (Any 2) (2)
4.5.3 TWO managerial measures to reduce difficult births
Use bulls renowned for small calves/low birth weight ✔
Mate heifers at the ideal age/mass/not too early ✔