SCENARIO People are fascinated by the Rio Carnival – the floats, the dancers and the music. It is Brazil's largest yearly festival. Your class was asked to research some facts regarding the Rio Carnival. |
Open the 1Rio word processing document that gives background information on the events at the Rio Carnival. Insert your examination number in the header or the footer.
1.1 Edit the cover page as follows:
1.2 Rename the 'Heading 1' style to 'Rio'. (1)
1.3 Update the table of contents on the second page. (1)
1.4 Remove the page number from the page on which the 'Table of Contents' appears.
Adjust the page numbers of the remaining pages of the document, ensuring that the page after the 'Table of Contents' page is numbered as page 1.
NOTE: You do not need to update the table of contents. (3)
1.5 Format the text 'Adapted from' as superscript. (1)
1.6 Find the paragraph starting with the text 'Carnival is one …' and ending with '… tourists each year.' on the first page after the table of contents.
Set the line spacing of the paragraph to 'Multiple 1.2'. (2)
1.7 Locate the word 'Portuguese' and remove the footnote that was created on the word. (1)
1.8 Find the text starting with 'The Carnival Origin' and ending with '… the present day' and do the following:
1.9 Select the text below the heading 'YEAR STARTING FRIDAY', starting with '2017 …' and ending with '… February 20'.
Set a right-aligned dotted leader tab to 10 cm and apply it to the selected text. (3)
1.10 Find the heading 'The Ingredients of the Rio Carnival'.
Add the 1Mask.jpg picture (which is found in the examination folder) next to the WordArt below the heading, to appear as shown below. (3)
1.11 Replace all the occurrences of 'ao' with 'ão'.
NOTE: The character code for 'ã' is normal text, character code 00E3. (2)
1.12 Find the hyperlink below the heading 'Read More about Carnival' and add a screen tip that displays 'Read more'. (1)
1.13 Add the following website source for the bibliography:
1.14 Add an automatically generated bibliography below the heading 'Bibliography' on the last page. (1)
Save and close the 1Rio document.
Open the 2Party word processing document containing information about street parties of the Rio Carnival. Insert your examination number in the header or the footer.
2.1 Insert the file path as a field in the footer of the document. (2)
2.2 Find the paragraph that starts with 'Blocos are groups …' and ends with '… suitable for families.' on the first page and apply the widow/orphan control.(1)
2.3 Add an automatic caption with the text 'Figure 1: Orguestra' to the picture on the first page. (2)
2.4 Find the numbered paragraphs (1–9) and do the following so that the numbers and the text appear as shown in the example below:
1.History of the Bloco In the late 1800s Cordoes were formed. These Cordoes were groups of people that organised parades throughout the city. Many of the groups played instruments and choreographed dances. As the Cordoes progressed they began to form bands in their neighbourhoods. These groups were the successors of the Blocos. As a result, they earned the name of Blocos. |
2.5 Replace the word 'successors' below the heading 'History of the Bloco' with the antonym (a word opposite in meaning) suggested by the word processor.(1)
2.6 Find the text '2010' under heading '3. Government Regulations'. Insert a comment 'Since 2000' on this text. (1)
2.7 Find the text 'ref' below the heading '8. Monobloco'. Insert a cross-reference to the item '9. Other Blocos'. (2)
2.8 Replace the bullets of the bulleted list below the heading 'Pre-Carnival' with the picture 2Maraca (which is found in the examination folder). (2)
2.9 Locate the 'Table 1: Pre-Carnival' table and do the following:
2.10 Insert the spreadsheet 2Carnival as a table below the heading 'Carnival' on the second-last page so that the table will update every time the spreadsheet changes. (2)
2.11 Locate the 'Table 2: Post Carnival' table and convert this table to text in the document. Separate the text with a hash (#) sign.
Example of a table row after the conversion:
SÒ TAMBORINS#Lapa #2 Mar#21:00#00:00#Travessa Mosquera#3 000 (2)
Save and close the 2Party document.
Open the 3Stat spreadsheet that contains the number of local and international visitors.
NOTE: Select 'OK' for the warning message that appears when you open the spreadsheet.
3.1 Unhide the Foreign worksheet. (1)
Work in the Visit_Besoek worksheet.
3.2 Use a function in cell D4 to convert the population in cell C4 to a number. (1)
3.3 Correct the function in cell E89 to remove the circular reference. (1)
3.4 Use a function in cell F89 to determine the seventh largest number of visitors arriving in 2016 (column F). (3)
3.5 A code is needed for each city. Create a code for the city of Ananindeua in cell G4 by combining the following:
3.6 Apply a spreadsheet feature to display all the states (column B) that appear only once on the list in a red font colour. (3)
Work in the Summary_Opsom worksheet.
3.7 Add a hyperlink in cell C2 in the Summary_Opsom worksheet to link to cell F4 in the Visit_Besoek worksheet. (3)
3.8 Create a graph/chart, using the data in the Summary_Opsom worksheet to display similar to the one below.
Save and close the 3Stat spreadsheet.
Open the 4Tickets spreadsheet that contains ticket sales data.
Work in the Sales_Verkoop worksheet.
4.1 Change the page orientation to landscape. (1)
4.2 Change row 1 as follows:
4.2.1 Change the row height to 135 pt. (1)
4.2.2 Change the picture size to fit into the merged cell A1. (1)
4.3 Change the headings in cells A2:K2 as follows:
4.4 Use the DATE function in cell K1 to insert the date '1 February 2018'.
Create a custom date format so that the date displays as '01 February 2018'. (4)
4.5 Use a function in cell G4 to determine the total number of hours a parade lasted. Display the total number of hours in decimal time format.
NOTE: The time the parade started appears in column E and the time the parade ended appears in column F. (3)
4.6 The average number of parade tickets sold for the previous year is displayed in cell N2.
4.6.1 Insert a formula in cell N3 to determine the average ticket sales in column H and calculate the average to the nearest lowest whole number. (4)
4.6.2 Insert a formula in cell J3 to determine if the number of tickets sold in cell H3 is between the average of this year (cell N3) and the average of the previous year (cell N2) (inclusive).
Display 'TRUE' if the number of tickets sold falls between the averages of the two years and 'FALSE' if it does not.
NOTE: You may assume that the average number of tickets sold for this year will be more than that of last year. (5)
4.7 The prices for the different seat types (column I) appear in the Places_Plekke worksheet.
Use a function in cell K3 to determine the total value of all the tickets sold (column H) for the CÉU NA TERRA parade.
Save and close the 4Tickets spreadsheet.
Open the 5Samba database that contains details of the samba dance participants.
5.1 The results of the points for the samba dance competition are stored in the tbComp table.
Open the tbComp table in design view.
5.1.1 Change the field size of the Entry field to 15. (1)
5.1.2 Ensure that the data of the Entry field is inserted in the following format:
EXAMPLES: B4, A21, AX8, UN30 (5)
5.1.3 The validation rule set on the Class field does not work. Correct this validation rule by referring to the data in this field.
Provide suitable validation text.
NOTE: Do NOT test the new rule. (2)
5.1.4 Sound clips of the songs still need to be added.
Add a field with an appropriate field name and data type for sound clips. (2)
5.1.5 Move the Year field so that it appears as the last field in the table. (1)
5.1.6 Switch to datasheet view and sort the table alphabetically according to the school names. (1)
Save and close the tbComp table.
5.2 Create a form called frm5_2 based on the tbComp table, using any layout as follows:
5.3 Create a query called qry5_3 based on the tbComp table.
Save and close the qry5_3 query. (4)
5.4 Open the qry5_4 query.
Save and close the qry5_4 query. (7)
5.5 Open the qry5_5 query.
Display all the records where the Entry number is only two characters long.
Save and close the qry5_5 query. (2)
5.6 Create a report named rpt5_6 based on the tbComp table to display as follows:
HINT: The information for each performance day must be displayed.
Save and close the rpt5_6 report. (7)
5.7 Export the 5_7Gender report as a PDF document and save the document with the same name in your examination folder. (2)
Save and close the 5Samba database.
A website was created to give more information about the carnival and Brazil.
Open the incomplete 6Post web page in a web browser and also in a text/HTML editor (NOT a word processing program such as Word).
Your final web page must look like the example below.
NOTE: Use the example on the previous page to help you with this question.
6.1 Add your examination number to appear as the title in the browser tab. (1)
6.2 Change the background colour of the web page to green. (2)
6.3 Insert the picture 6House.jpg (which is found in the examination folder) as the second picture at the top of the web page.
Ensure that the picture is exactly the same size as the other pictures. (3)
6.5 The horizontal line above the text 'It starts on Friday' does not display. Correct the code and set the size of the line to 4. (2)
6.6 Find the text 'It starts on Friday' and change the font size to 20 pt. (2)
6.7 Create a table with the data provided to appear as shown below.
Facts about Brazil | |
OFFICIAL NAME: | Federal Republic of Brazil |
CAPITAL: | Brasilia |
POPULATION: | 183 888 841 |
NOTE: The border of the table may be any size. (6)
6.8 Insert a hyperlink on the text '', which links to the website ''. (2)
Save and close the 6Post document.
There are many places to visit in Brazil.
7.1 Open the 7Travel word processing document and insert your examination number in the header or the footer.
7.1.1 Insert any double-line page border of your choice in the document. (2)
7.1.2 Add a footnote to the 'Redeemer' picture towards the bottom of the first page with the footnote text 'Statue'. (2)
7.1.3 Find the picture 'Sheraton Rio Hotel and Towers' and do the following:
7.1.4 Remove the hyperlink at the end of the document without deleting the text. (1)
Save and close the 7Travel word processing document.
7.2 Open the 7Music presentation.
Create a set of handouts by exporting the presentation to a word processing document. Use the handout option to create handouts. The document must have blank lines next to the slides.
HINT: Do NOT use the print option.
Save the word processing document as 7Handout.
Save and close the 7Music presentation. Close the 7Handout document. (3)
7.3 Open the 7Tickets database and then use the example of the report below to design and create a new table called tbTickets.
Add suitable field names, data types, field sizes and formats.
Save the 7Tickets database.
TOTAL: 180
Basic Tags | |
Tag | Description |
<body></body> | Defines the body of the web page |
<body bgcolor="pink"> | Sets the background colour of the web page |
<body text="black"> | Sets the colour of the body text |
<head></head> | Contains information about the web page |
<html></html> | Creates an HTML document – starts and ends a web page |
<title></title> | Defines a title for the web page |
<br/> | Inserts a line break |
<!-- --> | Comment |
Text Tags | |
Tag | Description |
<hl></hl> | Creates the largest heading |
<h6></h6> | Creates the smallest heading |
<b></b> | Creates bold text |
<i></i> | Creates italic text |
<font size="3"></font> | Sets size of font, from "1" to "7" |
<font color="green"> </font> | Sets font colour |
<font face="Times New Roman"></font> | Sets font type |
Link Tags | |
Tag | Description |
<a href="/URL"></a> | Creates a hyperlink |
<a href="/URL"><img src="/name"></a> | Creates an image link |
<a name="NAME"></a> | Creates a target location in the document |
<a href= "#NAME"></a> | Links to a target location created somewhere else in the document |
Formatting Tags | |
Tag | Description |
<p></p> | Creates a new paragraph |
<p align="left"> | Aligns a paragraph to the "left" (default), can also be "right" or "center" |
<br/> | Inserts a line break |
<ol></ol> | Creates a numbered list |
<ol type="A","a", "I","i","1"></ol> | Defines the type of numbering used |
<ul></ul> | Creates a bulleted list |
<ul type="disc", "square","circle"> </ul> | Defines the type of bullets used |
<li></li> | Inserted before each list item, and adds a number or symbol depending on the type of list selected |
<img src="/name"> | Adds an image |
<img src="/name" align="left"> | Aligns an image: can be "left", "right", "center", "bottom", "top", "middle" |
<img src="/name" border="1"> | Sets the size of the border around an image |
<img src="/name" width="200" height ="200"> | Sets the height and width of an image |
<img src="/name" alt="alternative text"> | Displays alternative text when the mouse hovers over the image or when the image is not found |
<hr/> | Inserts a horizontal line |
<hr size="3"/> | Sets size (height) of a line |
<hr width="80%"/> | Sets the width of a line, in percentage or absolute value |
<hr color= "ff0000"/> | Sets the colour of the line |
Table Tags | |
Tag | Description |
<table></table> | Creates a table |
<tr></tr> | Creates a row in a table |
<td></td> | Creates a cell in a table |
<th></th> | Creates a table header (a cell with bold, centred text) |
<table width="50"> | Sets the width of the table |
<table border="1"> | Sets the width of the border around the table cells |
<table cellspacing="1"> | Sets the space between the table cells |
<table cellpadding="1"> | Sets the space between a cell border and its contents |
<tr align="left"> | Sets the alignment for cell(s) ("left", can also be "center" or "right") |
<tr valign="top"> | Sets the vertical alignment for cell(s) ("top", can also be "middle" or "bottom") |
<td colspan="2"> | Sets the number of columns a cell should span |
<td rowspan="4"> | Sets the number of rows a cell should span |
0 | Digit (0 to 9, entry required, plus [+] and minus [–] signs not allowed) |
9 | Digit or space (entry not required, plus [+] and minus [–] signs not allowed) |
# | Digit or space (entry not required; spaces are displayed as blanks while in Edit mode, but blanks are removed when data is saved; plus [+] and minus [–] signs allowed) |
L | Letter (A to Z, entry required) |
? | Letter (A to Z, entry optional) |
A | Letter or digit (entry required) |
a | Letter or digit (entry optional) |
& | Any character or a space (entry required) |
C | Any character or a space (entry optional) |
. , : ; - / | Decimal placeholder and thousand, date and time separators (The actual character used depends on the settings in the Regional Settings Properties dialog box in the Windows Control Panel.) |
< | Causes all characters to be converted to lower case |
> | Causes all characters to be converted to upper case |
! | Causes the input mask to display from right to left, rather than from left to right. Characters typed into the mask always fill it from left to right. You can include the exclamation point anywhere in the input mask. |
\ | Causes the character that follows to be displayed as the literal character (for example, \A is displayed as just A) |
INFORMATION SHEET (to be completed by the candidate AFTER the 3-hour session)
CENTRE NUMBER ___________________________________________________________
EXAMINATION NUMBER _______________________________________________________
WORK STATION NUMBER _____________________________________________________
SUITE USED (Mark appropriate box with a cross (X)) | Microsoft Office 2010 | Microsoft Office 2013 | Microsoft Office 2016 | Office 365 |
WEB BROWSER USED (QUESTION 6) (Mark appropriate box with a cross (X)) | Mozilla Firefox | Google Chrome | Internet Explorer | Other (Specify) |
FOLDER NAME ______________________________________________________________
Tick if saved and/or attempted.
Question Number | File name | Saved (✓) | Attempted (✓) | Maximum mark | Mark achieved | Marker | SM | CM | IM/EM |
1 | 1Rio | 27 | |||||||
2 | 2Party | 24 | |||||||
3 | 3Stat | 24 | |||||||
4 | 4Tickets | 26 | |||||||
5 | 5Samba | 41 | |||||||
5_7Gender | |||||||||
6 | 6Post | 19 | |||||||
7 | 7Travel | 19 | |||||||
7Handout | |||||||||
7Tickets | |||||||||
TOTAL | 180 |
Comment (for office/marker use only)