


  1. This question paper consists of SIX questions.
     1 Short Questions (All topics)  40  20
     2 The Consumer   20  20
     3 Food and Nutrition   40  40
     4 Clothing   20  20
     5 Housing   40  40
     6 Entrepreneurship   40  40
      TOTAL:   200  180
  2. ALL the questions are COMPULSORY and must be answered in the ANSWER BOOK.
  3. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this question paper.
  4. Start EACH question on a NEW page.
  5. You may use a calculator.
  6. Write in black or blue ink only.
  7. Pay attention to spelling and sentence construction.
  8. Write neatly and legibly.

1.1 Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions. Choose the answer and write only the letter (A–D) next to the question number (1.1.1–1.1.20) in the ANSWER BOOK, for example 1.1.21 D.
1.1.1 The logo below represents the …

  1. body for the registration of builders.
  2. department that collects income tax.
  3. department that determines inflation.
  4. Reserve Bank that sets the interest rates. (1)

1.1.2 Pay as you earn (PAYE) is the amount that …

  1. an employer deducts from an employee's monthly salary.
  2. remains after all expenses have been paid.
  3. an employer pays into an employee's bank account.
  4. will be taxed at the end of the year when bonuses are paid. (1)

1.1.3 A consumer who signs a contract away from the business premises is allowed five days to cancel a contract.

  1. This is called a/an …
  2. cooling-off period.
  3. exemption clause.
  4. extended guarantee.
  5. unfair business practice. (1)

1.1.4 A/An … deficiency causes dairy intolerance.

  1. amino acid
  2. glucose
  3. iron
  4. lactase (1)

1.1.5 … is associated with a psychological eating disorder.

  1. Bulimia nervosa
  2. Heart disease
  3. Low blood sugar
  4. Obesity (1)

1.1.6 If they claim that a food product is low in sodium (salt), it must contain less than … of sodium per 100 g.

  1. 130 mg
  2. 150 mg
  3. 110 mg
  4. 120 mg (1)

1.1.7 Washing hands thoroughly will help to prevent …

  1. anaemia.
  2. celiac disease.
  3. gastro-enteritis.
  4. HIV/Aids. (1)

1.1.8 Information on the label of perishable foods, for example fresh fish, shows the period the product will be of a good quality and safe to eat if stored according to storage instructions on the label:

  1. Best before
  2. Keep until
  3. Sell by
  4. Return by (1)

1.1.9 Eco-friendly fabrics …

  1. are cheaper than other fabrics.
  2. are the most fashionable.
  3. have a low carbon footprint.
  4. are made in South Africa and are durable. (1)

1.1.10 Study the photographs below and select the outfit that would be the most appropriate for an interview for a teaching job.

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4 (1)

1.1.11 All builders and contractors must be registered with …

  1. FICA.
  2. the NHBRC.
  3. the NBT.
  4. the SABS. (1)

1.1.12 Bond registration fees include …

  1. deeds office fees and transfer fees.
  2. interim rates and fees of the attorney who draws up the bond.
  3. stamp duty and fees of the attorney who draws up the bond.
  4. transfer fees and stamp duty. (1)

QUESTIONS 1.1.13 and 1.1.14 are based on the information below.
Financial strain experienced by home owners results in less housing maintenance and upgrading.1.1.13 The financial strain experienced by home owners is likely the result of …

  1. monthly electricity tariffs.
  2. a rise in the inflation rate.
  3. higher transfer duties.
  4. salary increases. (1)

1.1.14 The group that will NOT be affected by the facts in the statement:

  1. Body corporate
  2. Builders
  3. Landlord
  4. Tenant (1)

1.1.15 The responsibility of the owner of a unit in a complex:

  1. Electrical fault of the street lights
  2. Leaking tap in the owner's garden
  3. Overgrown lawn on the premises
  4. Paint peeling from the perimeter wall (1)

1.1.16 A business using locally sourced raw materials:

  1. Contributes to the country's economy
  2. Pays more import duty for the materials
  3. Produces poor quality products
  4. Takes a long time to produce products (1)

1.1.17 The factor which will increase productivity in a business:

  1. Customer relations
  2. Delivery strategies
  3. Safety procedures
  4. Training of staff (1)

QUESTIONS 1.1.18 and 1.1.19 are based on the information below.
The cost to produce 20 products is R350,00. The mark-up is 70%.
1.1.18 Calculate the production cost of ONE product:

  1. R8,75
  2. R17,50
  3. R23,33
  4. R35,00 (1)

1.1.19 Calculate the selling price of ONE product. Round off the selling price to the nearest ten cents:

  1. R29,70
  2. R29,75
  3. R29,80
  4. R30,00 (1)

QUESTION 1.20 is based on the information below.

A business's sales objective is to sell 350 products a month. Break-even point for this business is when 250 products are sold.
1.1.20 Which statements are TRUE?

  1. The best sale scenario occurs when more than 350 products are sold.
  2. The worst sale scenario occurs when fewer than 350 products are sold.
  3. The best sale scenario occurs when more than 250 products are sold.
  4. The worst sale scenario occurs when fewer than 250 products are sold.

Choose the CORRECT combination:

  1. (i) and (ii)
  2. (i) and (iv)
  3. (ii) and (iii)
  4. (iii) and (iv) (1)

1.2 Give ONE word/term for each of the descriptions below. Write only the word/term next to the question number (1.2.1–1.2.5) in the ANSWER BOOK.
1.2.1 The production of goods to satisfy the basic needs of consumers and to improve the quality of life without harming the environment(1)
1.2.2 A symbol or drawing in specific colours that distinguish manufacturers from their competitors(1)
1.2.3 The group of people whose needs will be met when they buy a product(1)
1.2.4 A document indicating money management in the future(1)
1.2.5 Expenses, for example repairs and maintenance, fuel, stationery and telephone(1)
1.3 Identify FOUR benefits of efficient waste management in the list below. Write only the letters (A–H) next to the question number (1.3) in the ANSWER BOOK.

  1. Pollutes the air, water and soil
  2. Conserves valuable resources by reusing them
  3. Unsightly environment impacts negatively on job creation
  4. Saves money through the recycling of materials
  5. Owners who sort their own waste receive a reduction in rates
  6. It reduces the negative impact on the environment
  7. Composting enriches the ecosystem
  8. It creates landfills of non-biodegradable waste (4)

1.4 Choose a disadvantage from COLUMN B that matches the payment method in COLUMN A. Write only the letter (A–F) next to the question number (1.4.1–1.4.4) in the ANSWER BOOK, for example 1.4.5 G.

1.4.1 Cash
1.4.2 Credit card
1.4.3 Lay-by
1.4.4 Instalment sale 
  1. a default in payment may result in the purchase being called off and the money paid thus far, not being reimbursed
  2. a security risk when buying
  3. interest rate for smaller payments is very high
  4. no interest added
  5. small payments are made over a period of time and one can afford luxury goods
  6. unless carefully controlled, expenditure may exceed the estimated budget 

(4 x 1) (4)
1.5 Identify THREE statements in the list below that are CORRECT regarding gluten intolerance. Write only the letters (A–F) next to the question number (1.5) in the ANSWER BOOK.

  1. Allowed to eat rye bread
  2. May eat maize-meal porridge
  3. Leads to malabsorption of nutrients
  4. May not eat macaroni and cheese
  5. Not allowed to eat potato salad
  6. The result of an enzyme deficiency (3)

1.6 Choose the fashion term from COLUMN B that matches the quote in COLUMN A. Write only the letter (A–F) next to the question number (1.6.1–1.6.4) in the ANSWER BOOK, for example 1.6.5 G.

1.6.1 Oversized earrings bring your look right up to date – play with fun- shaped and colourful jewels.
1.6.2 The bomber jacket never seems to go out of fashion, so invest now and it will last for seasons to come.
1.6.3 The bohemian blouse is back! Make it your own and wear it loose or with a belt.
1.6.4 What's there not to love about wide-legged trousers? Wear with a neat blouse … keep it simple and elegant. 
  1. classic fashion
  2. fashion fad
  3. high fashion
  4. retrospective fashion
  5. standard fashion trend
  6. obsolete fashion

(4 x 1) (4)

2.1 Explain excise duty. (2)
2.2 Explain the term guarantee. (3)
2.3 State why tiered-level or multilevel marketing is not considered to be illegal pyramid schemes. (1)
2.4 Explain how using the washing machine may contribute to the responsible use of:
2.4.1 Water (3)
2.4.2 Electricity (2)
2.5 Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow.

In the past, community-based saving clubs focused on individuals contributing to a joint pool of money and paying out cash on a rotating basis. More of these clubs now rotate through buying non-perishable groceries instead of paying out money or cash. 

2.5.1 Give the term for the clubs in the scenario above. (1)
2.5.2 Identify, in the scenario, why these clubs may be considered legal. (1)
2.5.3 Discuss how club members benefit from receiving non-perishable groceries that are bought in bulk. (3)
2.6 Study the diagram below and answer the question that follows.
Write a paragraph and explain the impact of interest rate hikes on the inflation rate. (4)

3.1 Describe the term organic food. (2)
3.2 Explain ONE function of EACH of the following food additives:
3.2.1 Emulsifiers (2)
3.2.2 Antioxidants (2)
3.3 Explain how irradiation extends the shelf life of food. (3)
3.4 Answer the following questions on home-grown or community food gardens.
3.4.1 Write a paragraph to explain how home-grown or community food gardens may positively contribute to food security. (5)
3.4.2 Discuss how produce from home-grown or community food gardens could improve the diet of a person living with HIV/Aids. (8)
3.5 Read the information below and answer the question that follows.

Despite efforts made, the occurrence of TB and deaths caused by TB have increased threefold in South Africa over the past decade. More than 400 000 cases of TB must be treated yearly, but only 50% of them are healed. This shows a shortcoming in TB control. TB cases are identified, but they are not treated well enough. Unemployment and crowded informal urban settlements are increasing. This leads to failures in supervising and the follow-up of treatment. 

Explain why TB is spreading and the treatment seems to be failing in South Africa. (4)
3.6 Give reasons why sugar tax on sugar-sweetened beverages may assist in the management of Type 2 diabetes. (4)
3.7 Study the information below that appeared on the label of Summer Bean Salad and answer the questions that follow.


Nutritional information   

  Per 100 g
Portion size (g)  100 125
Energy (kJ)  274 343
Protein (g)  3.8 4.8
Glycaemic carbohydrates (g) of which:
Total sugar (g) 


Total fat (g) of which:
Saturated fat (g)
Transfat (g)
Monounsaturated fat (g)
Polyunsaturated fat (g) 
Cholesterol (mg)  1 1
Dietary fibre (g) 5.9 7.4
Total sodium (mg) 303 379
Beans (72%), corn (6%), butter beans, red kidney beans, green beans,
barlotti beans, vinaigrette (water, vinegar, sugar, salt, starch, herbs), celery, sweet corn

3.7.1 Explain why the salad is NOT suitable for a person suffering from anaemia. (3)
3.7.2 Evaluate the suitability of the nutrient content of the salad for a person suffering from coronary heart disease. (7)

4.1 Explain the term counterfeit goods. (1)
4.2 Name the approximate length of time of EACH of the following fashion cycles:
4.2.1 Fads (1)
4.2.2 Standard trends (1)
4.2.3 Classic (1)
4.3 Answer the following questions.
4.3.1 Name the first and last stages of the fashion cycle. (2)
4.3.2 Explain what the stages in QUESTION 4.3.1 have in common. (2)
4.4 Explain why a person working in a bank should carefully consider the choice of accessories for his/her working wardrobe. (3)
4.5 Explain how you may apply the principle of reusing in order to contribute to the sustainable use of clothing items. (3)
4.6 Study the information and photograph below and answer the questions that follow.

This man has a professional office job.
He quickly changed his trousers and shirt for a late afternoon party with his colleagues.
This party outfit consists of:

  • Light blue jacket
  • White pocket handkerchief
  • Blue and red floral shirt with a collar
  • White shorts with a 3 cm light blue strip just above the knee at the hem of the shorts
  • Beige straw hat 

4.6.1 Describe the optical illusion created by the 3 cm light blue strip at the hem of the shorts. (2)
4.6.2 Suggest and describe suitable changes to this outfit to make it an appropriate monochromatic outfit for his professional office job. (4)

5.1 Name THREE payments that most tenants have to make every month. (3)
5.2 Explain the term deed of sale. (2)
5.3 State to whom applications for government housing subsidies must be submitted. (1)
5.4 Give the qualifying criteria for government housing subsidies in terms of:
5.4.1 Citizenship (1)
5.4.2 Age (1)
5.5 Give FOUR possible financial advantages of building a house. (4)
5.6 State TWO procedures that must be followed by a landlord and tenant before a tenant may move into a rental property. (2)
5.7 Explain the advantages of living in a sectional title complex. (4)
5.8 Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow.

Buying a home is a long-term financial commitment, yet many buyers base their home
buying decision on only a few minutes of viewing the property. One of the main reasons
for buyer's regret is unexpected costs. You need to calculate how much you can afford,
taking into account all the associated costs that go with homeownership. 

5.8.1 Explain why buying a home is a long-term financial commitment. (2)
5.8.2 Explain THREE items that go with homeownership that need to be paid regularly. (3 x 2) (6)
5.9 Read the advertisement below and answer the questions that follow.


  • Double oven
  • Eco-energy efficient
  • Main oven has a thermo fan
  • Easy clean enamel interior
  • Control knobs – illuminated
  • Oven light
  • Doors open to the side
  • Doors are reversible (can be attached to open to the left or right)
  • Air-cooled oven door (the constant flow of air keeps the glass door cool)
  • Two ovens provide a large oven capacity (cook more dishes at the same time – ideal for bulk cooking and entertaining)
  • Multifunction oven:
    • Baking (with or without fan)
    • Grilling (only grill element is used)
    • Defrosting (quick results – the fan circulates air at room temperature) 


  • Height (mm) 1 100
  • Width (mm) 730
  • Depth (mm) 600

5.9.1 Name TWO possible disadvantages of this oven. (2)
5.9.2 Name TWO advantages of using energy efficient appliances. (2)
5.10 Discuss the suitability of this oven in terms of:
5.10.1 Saving human energy (2)
5.10.2 Saving non-human energy (3)
5.10.3 Universal design features (5)

6.1 State FIVE requirements that the packaging of a product should adhere to. (5)
6.2 Give THREE reasons why a tidy workplace is important for a business. (3)
6.3 Name TWO main purposes of stock control. (2)
6.4 Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow.

While studying for a diploma in public management, Vuyo worked part-time for a marketing company. After completing his studies he worked for a bank, which did not pay him much. However, this job exposed him to attending events. Vuyo saw the need for events equipment in and around his community. He conducted a financial feasibility study before venturing into this business idea. He took a loan and bought his equipment mostly at auctions.
He started his own small-scale rental business operating from his mother's house and garage. It grew quickly and his friends helped him set up for events. He later employed them. He paid off the loan and resigned from his job. He could now afford rented storage units where he maintained his equipment very well.
He keeps track of the latest events and entertainment ideas. 

Study the advertisement below and answer the questions that follow. This advertisement appears on the Internet, flyers and on Vuyo's delivery van.


Events: Weddings, parties, funerals, end-of-year functions.

  • Tents, stretch tents (variety of colours and sizes: 3 m x 3 m to 10 m x 10 m)
  • Tables, tablecloths (round, square, rectangle), chairs, chair covers (variety of colours – white and black)
  • Cutlery, white crockery, glasses
  • Sound equipment, portable industrial heaters

Services include:

  • Delivery early on the day or the night before the event and collection of equipment the following morning
  • Setting up the venue/event (optional extra)

One month in advance, 50% deposit
Contact: 082 197 8349/073 897328

6.4.1 Identify THREE types of media Vuyo uses to promote his business. (3)
6.4.2 Refer to the advertisement and quote TWO phrases that refer to product specifications. (2)
6.4.3 Explain what made Vuyo move from an idea to a business venture. (3)
6.4.4 Discuss THREE reasons why Vuyo's business meets the requirements of quality service. (3)
6.4.5 Give reasons why it was beneficial for Vuyo to do a financial feasibility study before he started his business. (4)
6.4.6 Discuss THREE factors that Vuyo had to consider when choosing a suitable product for his business. (3 x 2) (6)
6.4.7 Motivate why Vuyo's business is sustainable. (9)
TOTAL: 200

Last modified on Tuesday, 03 August 2021 10:04