1.1.1 A✔ Remembering, easy (Focus, p.166; Successful, p. 184) (1)
1.1.2 C✔ Understanding, easy (Focus, p.165; Successful, p. 181) (1)
1.1.3 B✔ Remembering, easy (Focus, p.169-171; Success, p. 190-191) (1)
1.1.4 C✔ Understanding, easy (Focus, p. 106; Successful, p. 128) (1)
1.1.5 A✔ Remembering, moderate (Focus p. 83; Successful p. 74) (1)
1.1.6 C✔ Understanding, easy (Focus, p. 89; Successful, p. 103) (1)
1.1.7 A✔ Remembering, moderate (Focus, p. 84; Successful, p. 100) (1)
1.1.8 B✔ Analysing, difficult (Focus p. 80; Successful p. 93) (1)
1.1.9 B✔ Applying, moderate (Grade 11) (1)
1.1.10 D✔ Applying, moderate (Grade 11) (1)
1.1.11 B✔ Remembering, easy (Focus, p. 120; Successful, p. 139) (1)
1.1.12 A✔ Understanding, moderate (Focus, p. 120; Successful, p. 304) (1)
1.1.13 C✔ Remembering, easy (Focus, p. 128; Successful, p. 146) (1)
1.1.14 D✔ Understanding, moderate (Focus, p. 136; Successful, p. 153) (1)
1.1.15 C✔ Remembering, moderate (Focus, p. 156; Successful, p. 161) (1)
1.1.16 D✔ Understanding, moderate (Focus, p. 37; Successful, p.19) (1)
1.1.17 B✔ Remembering, easy (Focus, p. 29; Successful, p. 28) (1)
1.1.18 A✔ Remembering, moderate (Focus, p.16; Successful, p. 21) (1)
1.1.19 C✔ Applying, moderate (Focus, p.37; Successful, p. 38) (1)
1.1.20 D✔ Understanding, moderate (Focus, p.8, 13; Successful p.11) (1)
1.2.1 E✔ (Focus, page 82; Successful, page 94) (1)
1.2.2 D✔ (Focus, page 79; Successful, page 93) (1)
1.2.3 F✔ (Focus, page 77; Successful, page 86) (1)
1.2.4 C✔ (Focus, page 71; Successful, page 78) (1)
1.2.5 A✔ (Focus, page 75; Successful, page 89) (1)
Remembering, easy
1.3.1 Contract✔ (Focus, page 155; Successful, page 169) (1)
1.3.2 Exemption clause✔ (Focus, page 156; Successful, page 173) (1)
1.3.3 Guarantee✔ (Focus, page 175; Successful, page 158) (1)
1.3.4 Grey goods/parallel imports✔ (Focus, page 158; Successful, page 176) (1)
1.3.5 Stokvel✔ (Focus, page 161; Successful, page 177) (1)
1.3.6 Tiered-level scheme/multilevel marketing scheme✔ (Focus, page 162; Successful, page 179) (1)
Remembering, easy (3) moderate (3)
H✔ (Any order) (3)
Understanding, moderate (Focus, page 123; Successful, page 141)
1.5.1 D✔ and H✔ (2)
1.5.2 A✔ and F✔ (2)
1.5.3 C✔ and G✔ (2)
Understanding, moderate (Focus, page 49-50; Successful, page 50)[40]
2.1 State the beginning and end dates of an income tax year.
- 1 March to 28(/29) February✓ (1)
Remembering, easy (Focus, page 163; Successful, page 180)
2.2 Name the institution that collects tax.
- South African Revenue Service (SARS)✓ (1)
Remembering, easy (Focus, page 163; Successful, page 181)
2.3 Name the TWO types of direct income tax.
- Pay as you earn (PAYE)✓
- Provisional tax✓ (2)
Remembering, easy (Focus, page 163; Successful, page 181)
2.4.1 Define the term inflation.
- Inflation is the average increase in prices✓ of goods and services in a year/country.✓ (2)
Remembering, easy (Focus, page 167; Successful, page 184)
2.4.2 Name the instrument that is used to determine inflation.
- Consumer price index (CPI).✓ (1)
Remembering, easy (Focus, page 167; Successful, page 185)
2.4.3 Explain why it is better for David to have a fixed interest instead of a fluctuating interest on his study loan.
- The fixed interest amount will not change✓over the number of years even if the interest rate increases.✓ Fluctuating interest amount will fluctuate/increase and decrease over the number of years✓ as the interest rate increases and decreases.✓ Fixed interest means that he can stick to his budget/ budget more precisely.✓Fluctuating interest makes it difficult to stick to his budget if the interest rate increases.✓ (Any 3) (3)
Understanding, moderate (Focus, page 167; Successful, page 184)
2.4.4 Explain why David buys the bed on an instalment sale transaction and the television on a lay-by agreement.
- He finds it difficult to live within the means/limitations of his budget, therefore he has to buy on credit/could not pay cash.✓
- David could afford a deposit towards the bed✓ and a deposit towards the television.✓
- He needs the bed immediately✓ to sleep on therefore he buys it on instalment sale in order to take it home✓ and use it while he pays the remaining balance in monthly instalments✓ over a period of time.
- David does not need the television urgently✓ and buys it on lay-by. The television will remain in the shop until he pays the final instalment.✓ Only then will he take the television home.✓ This is a cheaper payment option than instalment sale as no interest is paid.✓ (Any 6) (6)
Understanding, moderate (Focus, page 148; Successful, page 162; 171)
2.5 Discuss the interrelationship between the value of money, inflation and the South African Reserve Bank.
- Inflation means that prices increase✔ and the value of money decreases.✓ People have less disposable income.✔ The higher the rate of inflation, the less the consumer can purchase with the same amount of money/inflation decreases the purchasing power of money.✔
- The South African Reserve Bank uses the CPI to set the level of interest rates/repo rate in the country.✔
- If the interest rate on savings is lower than the inflation rate, the saved money becomes less valuable/worth less/can buy less.✔ (Any 4) (4)
Analysing, difficult (Focus, page 167; Successful, page 185) [20]
3.1.1 Name the TWO types of cholesterol.
- Low density lipoprotein (cholesterol)✔
- High density lipoprotein (cholesterol)✔ (2)
Remembering, easy (Focus, page 74; Successful, page 84)
3.1.2 Explain the difference between the two types of cholesterol.
- Low-density lipoprotein is the dangerous/bad✔ cholesterol. High density lipoprotein is the good✔ cholesterol.
- Low-density lipoprotein builds up in the arteries/found in the fat deposits.✔ High-density lipoprotein gathers up excess cholesterol and transports it to the liver.✓
- Low-density lipoprotein causes the gradual narrowing of the blood vessels.✔ High-density lipoprotein is broken down and excreted.✔
- Low-density lipoprotein contributes to heart disease,✓ while high density lipoprotein lowers the risk of coronary heart disease.✓ (Any 2 x 2) (4)
Remembering, moderate (Focus, page 74; Successful, page 84)
3.2 Write a paragraph to discuss why genetically modified crops may save the world from starvation in the future.
- Genetically modified crops may save the world from starvation in the future as crops may have an increased resistance to disease/insects,✔ drought✔ and fluctuations in temperature,✔ which makes it possible for crops to be grown in regions with low agricultural productivity.✔ The crop yield is greater/food is more plentiful✔ and more people can be fed. Production costs may be lower/food is cheaper,✔ so more people can afford food.✔ Food products made from genetically modified crops have a longer shelf live/better quality products,✔ so there will be less food wastage.✔ Genetically modified foods have a better nutritional value✔ so people can eat less and are still well nourished.✔ (Any 6) (6)
Applying, difficult (Focus, page 103; Successful, page 123)
NOTE: Deduct ONE mark if not written in paragraph format.
3.3.1 Name THREE different types of additives in the dish.
- Antioxidants✔
- Flavouring✔
- Colorant✔
- Preservative✔ (Any 3) (3)
Remembering, easy (Focus, page 93-94; Successful, page 113-114)
3.3.2 State ONE concern about the use of sodium nitrite.
- It may be carcinogenic/causing cancer.✔
- It may cause allergies.✔ (Any 1) (1)
Remembering, moderate (Focus, page 94; Successful, page 114)
3.3.3 Explain the function of sodium nitrite in this dish.
- Lengthens/prolongs the shelf life of the food✔ by
- Preventing or slowing down the spoilage caused by micro organisms/bacterial growth/protecting it against deterioration caused by micro-organisms.✔
- Preserves the desirable colour and flavour.✔ (Any 2) (2) Understanding, easy
(Focus, page 94; Successful, page 113)
3.3.4 Explain why cow’s milk, wheat, gluten and egg are separately listed on the label.
- They are listed separately so that consumers can easily recognise✔as they may cause allergic reactions✔that could be severe/life threatening.✔ (Any 2) (2)
Understanding, moderate (Focus, page 79; Successful, page 92)
3.3.5 Identify the ingredient that has been treated with short waves to eliminate or reduce the number of pathogenic bacteria and other harmful organisms.
- Mustard powder.✔ (1)
Understanding, easy (Focus, page 105; Successful, page 127)
3.3.6 Suggest TWO guidelines that must be followed by a consumer before eating this dish to prevent the transmission of food-borne diseases.
- Wash hands thoroughly✔ before handling/opening/heating the dish.
- Heat to a high enough internal temperature/heat properly.✔ (2)
Remembering, easy (Focus, page 87-88, Successful, page 103,106, 108, 109)
3.3.7 Explain why this dish is suitable for the management of osteoporosis.
- The dish contains milk that is rich in calcium✓ and cheddar cheese that is high in calcium.✓
- The calcium will contribute to strengthening the bones/increase bone mass✓ and slow down/reduce bone loss.✓
- The milk contains vitamin D✓ and the cheddar cheese contains vitamin D✓ which assists with the absorption of calcium.✓
- The dish contains protein which is necessary for normal collagen synthesis✓ and this will strengthen the bones.✓ (Any 6) (6)
Applying, moderate (Focus, page 76; Successful, page 90)
3.3.8 Suggest a side dish to be served with this dish to make it more suitable for a consumer who has high blood cholesterol levels.
- Steamed/grilled/roasted vegetables✓
- Fresh salad (with no creamy dressing such as mayonnaise)✔ (Any 1) (1)
Applying, moderate (Focus, page 75; Successful, page 85)
3.3.9 Evaluate the suitability of this dish for a consumer who wants to manage obesity.
- The dish is high in energy/kilojoules✔ which is not good if a person wants to lose weight.✔
- The dish is fairly high in refined carbohydrates/starch (pasta)✔ that contributes to the energy value.✔
- The dish contains no sugar✔ which is good as sugar provides unnecessary kilojoules.✔
- The dish has a low fibre content✔ which is not good✔ as fibre slows down digestion/delays a feeling of hunger.✔
- The dish contains bacon/cheddar cheese that is high in fat/ dish has a high fat content.✔ This will not contribute to weight loss as fat provides many kilojoules.✔
- The dish contains very little/no vegetables.✔ (Any 9)
- Conclusion: The dish is not suitable✔ for a consumer who wants to manage obesity due to the high fat content. (1) (10)
Evaluating, moderate (Focus, page 83; Successful, page 98) [40]
4.1 Name TWO economic factors that have an influence on fashion change.
- Recession✔
- Depression✔
- Consumer income/wealth/poverty✔
- Inflation✔ (Any 2) (2)
Remembering, easy (Focus, page 49; Successful, page 53)
4.2 Explain the term sustainable textiles.
- Textiles that are grown/produced/manufactured in an environmentally friendly way.✓
- Made from a renewable resource such as a plant that yields a good crop✓ and requires little water/resources are not depleted/permanently damaged when the product is manufactured.✓
- Few chemicals are used✓ during the growth of the plant and the processing of the textile.
- At the end of the life of the textile it does not become useless waste.✓ The product is decomposed/biodegradable✓ or it can be separated to be reused as raw materials for new products.✓ (Any 3) (3)
Remembering, moderate (Focus, page 62-63; Successful, page 68)
4.3 Discuss THREE guidelines for the choice of colour when selecting garments for a working wardrobe.
- The neutral colours (black/grey/navy/beige/cream/brown) go well with many other colours.✔
- Most of the basic garments should be in neutral colours/start with a basic colour.✔
- A scarf/belt/jewellery in colour can improve an outfit/give it a fresh look/add interest.✔
- Choose colours that complement your complexion/skin tone/ colouring.✔
- Black is a serviceable choice/black can be used for formal and smart wear as well.✔ (Any 3) (3)
Understanding, easy (Focus, page 57; Successful, page 59, 61)s
4.4 Discuss the role of technology in fashion change.
- The development of new textiles brings/accelerates changes✔ in fashion.
- New fabrics with new characteristics such as improved elasticity/ stretch fabrics✔ brought changes in the style/fit of garments.✔This made body hugging garments comfortable and allowed free movement,✔encouraging fashion change.
- Biotechnology✔ and nanotechnology✔ opened up a range of fabrics with special characteristics✔ for specific purposes, such as sportswear✔this promoted new fashion and thus change.
- Developments in the manufacturing industry, for example, computerised pattern-design methods✔ and improved knitting/sewing machines,✔ have speeded up the manufacturing process✔and the desire for new items causing fashion change.
- Easier communication✔ has an impact on fashion changes. The latest overseas fashion trends can immediately be viewed via reality TV programmes/social media (Facebook)✔ promoting fashion change.
- Improved distribution methods (faster moving transport/computerized stock systems/delivery strategies/courier services)✔ bring new fashion garments to our stores within days✔thus promoting fashion change. (Any 5) (5)
Understanding, difficult (Focus, page 51; Successful, page 54)
4.5.1 State whether this outfit mainly represents fashion fads, fashion classics or contemporary fashion.
- Fashion classics✔ (1)
Applying, easy (Focus, page 49; Successful, page 51)
4.5.2 Give TWO reasons for your choice in 4.5.1
- The items are timeless/continually accepted/last for many seasons/remain popular over a long period.✔
- Characterised by simplicity.✔
- Considered tasteful.✔ (Any 2) (2)
Applying, easy (Focus, page 49; Successful, page 51)
4.5.3 Suggest TWO changes to this outfit to make it more suitable for a man with a professional job who is meeting new clients. Give a reason for each suggestion.
- Change T-shirt to a shirt with buttons and a collar.✔
- Will make the outfit more formal/less informal/more professional.✔
- Change the shoes to brown/black shoes.✔
- Will make the outfit more formal/less informal/more professional.✔ (2 x 2) (4)
Evaluating, moderate (Focus, page 59; Successful, page 61-62) [20]
5.1.1 Define the term lease.
- The contract/agreement✔ between a property owner/ landlord✔ and a tenant.✔ (3)
Remembering, easy (Focus, page 117; Successful, page 137)
5.1.2 Suggest THREE cost implications that should be included in a lease.
- Paying for own water and electricity consumption✔
- Paying for own waste removal✔
- Amount of rent✔
- Deposit amount✔ (Any 3) (3)
Remembering, easy (Focus, page 118; Successful, page 138)
5.2 State where a title deed is registered.
- Deeds office✓ (1)
Remembering, easy (Focus, page 128; Successful, page 146)
5.3 Name FIVE ways in which an employer can support an employee in acquiring a house.
- Rent out company-owned houses/at a lower rent to employees.✔
- Provide monthly housing allowance/subsidy.✔
- Subsidise part of the interest on an employee’s home loan.✔
- Offer guarantees to lenders on an employee’s housing loan.✔
- Help an employee to use his/her pension/provident fund as collateral for a loan/arranging a home loan.✔
- Help with relocation costs.✔
- Provide housing consumer education and advice to employees.✔
- Help employees by buying building material in bulk.✔
- Pay wages/salaries that will enable the employee to pay rent/save towards buying a house.✔ (Any 5) (5)
Remembering, easy (Focus page 132; Successful page 150)
5.4 Explain how paying a deposit influences each of the following when a property is bought:
5.4.1 Bond registration fees
- If a deposit is paid, the bond will be less than the selling price.✔ This means that the bond registration fees will be less.✔ (2)
Understanding, moderate (Focus, page 127; Successful, page 146)
5.4.2 Transfer fees
- Transfer fees will be the same✔ as they are paid on the selling price of the property,✔ not on the amount of the bond.✔ (3)
Understanding, difficult (Focus, page 128; Successful, page 146)
5.5 Discuss why buying a house may be better than building a house.
- Building can cost more✔ than buying a house.
- It is expensive to start a new garden/additional cost to start a garden after construction is finished✔ while the garden is already established when a house is bought.✔
- When buying a ready-made house, the buyer can see the layout/ structure/design of the house,✔whereas he/she may have difficulty visualizing what the newly built house will look like once completed.✔
- Occupying a bought house will take less time than waiting for a house to be built.✔
- If the building work is delayed, the owners may experience a great deal of discomfort/stress✔ while you know beforehand when you can move/occupy a house when you buy.✔
- Delaying can lead to escalation in building costs which can lead to financial stress.✓
- Managing a building project can be very complicated as quality control can create a lot of problems✔
- Building can be a very time-consuming process.✔
- Most new neighbourhoods with open plots are on the outskirts of the city, far from the city centre/CBD/schools/stores, etc.✔
- The house must fit the building codes/regulations of your local authority.✔ (Any 7) (7)
Understanding, moderate (Focus, page 121; Successful, page 138)
5.6 Compare the washing machines with specific reference to:
5.6.1 Washing capacity for a family of five members (2)
5.6.2 Human energy consumption (4)
5.6.3 Water consumption (2)
| Front loader | Twin tub |
5.6.1 Washing capacity for a family of five members | Takes 5 kg of washing/clothes, so more clothes can be washed per cycle.✓ (1) | Takes 3 kg of washing/clothes, so fewer clothes can be washed per cycle.✓ (1) |
5.6.2 Human energy consumption | Less human energy is used.✓ Washing, rinsing and spinning happens automatically.✓ (2) | More human energy is used.✓ Clothes must be transferred from the washing compartment to a sink/bath to be rinsed and manually transferred to the spinning compartment.✓ (2) |
5.6.3 Water consumption | Use 150-100 litres/ much more water✓ than the twin tub. (1) | Use 50 litres/ less water /water is saved.✓ (1) |
Understanding, moderate (Focus, page 137, 143-144; Successful, page 157-158)
5.7 Validate the statement: “There is an increased demand for rental properties across South Africa.”
- Renting is more affordable in the short term✔ for the following reasons:
- Rent is initially lower than bond repayments.✔
- It is cheaper to rent in the short term as tenants have fewer financial responsibilities than home owners.✔ Often tenants do not pay for property rates and taxes,✔ home owner’s insurance,✔ bond insurance✔ or maintenance.✔
- Rent is fixed for a specific period✔ and this makes financial planning easier/more predictable.✔
- The interest rate/repo rate has been high✔ and bond repayments are thus less affordable than it used to be.✔
- It is difficult to get a mortgage bond/home loan due to the National Credit Act.✔
- Inflation is high✔ and consumers have less money to save for deposits✔ or for bond repayments.✔ This makes renting more attractive.
- Movement in job availability demands less need to settle in one place for a length of time. ✔ (Any 8) (8)
Analysing, difficult (Focus, page 118; Successful, page 137) [40]
6.1 Define the term mark-up.
- A mark-up is the percentage/amount added to the cost price✔ to cover overheads/make a profit.✔ (2)
Remembering, easy (Focus, page 36; Successful, page 39)
6.2 State FOUR requirements of packaging.
- It must be eye catching/attract the consumer’s attention.✔
- Should stand out from other similar products/brands on the same shelf.✓
- Should suit the product/convenient size.✔
- Should be strong/well designed/convenient/easy to handle.✔
- Easy to place on shelves of different retailers.✓
- It must be airtight if goods are likely to absorb moisture.✔
- Should protect the product/be safe/hygienic.✓ (Any 4) (4)
Remembering, easy (Focus, page 30; Successful, page 29)
6.3 Name TWO components that make up the production cost of a product.
- Raw material.✔
- Overheads/overhead costs.✔ (2)
Remembering, easy (Focus, page 36-37; Successful, page 35-38)
6.4 Name FOUR ways in which producers can ensure that their products do not have a negative effect on the environment.
- Use raw materials wisely. ✔
- Reduce waste/food waste/waste from packaging/recycle waste. ✔
- Reduce/eliminate the use of poisonous chemicals/toxic waste. ✔
- Use solar energy/use electricity wisely/sparingly. ✔
- Use water sparingly. ✔ (Any 4) (4)
Remembering, easy (Focus, page 24-25; Successful, page 25)
6.5.1 Frieda takes pride in producing quality products. Explain how she achieves quality products.
- There are no defects in the products/the curtains fit the windows/the customers are satisfied.✔
- She inspects the products during production at various stages of stitching and ironing.✔ (2)
Understanding, moderate (Focus, page 16; Successful, page 22)
6.5.2 Explain the best way to maintain the industrial sewing machine to ensure continued curtain production.
- Preventative/routine maintenance✔ means
- that the industrial sewing machine will be serviced regularly/parts will be checked and replaced regularly✔
- to prevent unexpected breakdowns in production/ unscheduled maintenance.✔ (3)
Understanding, moderate (Focus, page 25; Successful, page 25)
6.5.3 Describe how Frieda benefited financially as she progressed from an unskilled worker to a skilled worker.
- Frieda was originally an unskilled worker✔ with low level/no knowledge of fabrics/measuring and sewing curtains/no skills.✔
- She received a very poor salary.✔
- After years of informal training✔she became a skilled worker/gained knowledge of fabrics/measuring and sewing of curtains.✔
- She became an expert/experienced✔ in curtain making.
- She could than work independently/on her own✔and perform work of a high standard/good quality work/workmanship.✔
- As her skills improved her salary increased. ✔ (Any 6) (6)
Understanding, moderate (Focus, page 10, 25; Successful, page 11)
6.5.4 Describe why Frieda’s business has a competitive edge.
- She charges her customers a slightly lower price✔ than her competitor/curtain shop.✔
- She gave customers personal/individual attention✓ by giving advice on suitable fabrics/possible curtain styles✓ for their individual needs.✓
- By buying good quality fabrics for her customers✔
- Accurate measuring window sizes✔at customer’s homes (Any 4) (4)
Applying, moderate (Focus, page 8; 13; Successful, page 11)
6.5.5 Discuss the following factors that contributed to the success of Frieda’s business.
(a) Availability of human skills:
- She had a colleague✓ who trained her informally and she gained/improved her measuring/fabric knowledge/ sewing skills to make curtains.✔ (2)
(b) Availability of workspace:
- She set up a functional sewing room in an empty bedroom in her house.✔ (1)
(c) Customer appeal:
- Customers received personal advice regarding their curtaining needs.✔
- Customers paid less for labour than other curtaining outlets.✓ (2)
Applying, difficult (Focus, page 10-13; Successful, page 16-20)
6.5.6 Give valid reasons why Frieda’s business can become a sustainable profitable business.
- She made the curtains herself, thus saving on labour costs.✔
- She does not need to pay rent for a work space as she works from home.✔
- She inherited existing customers/her target market increased✔ therefore her business is growing and making a profit.✔
- She started getting huge discounts from the factory fabric shop✔ thus paying less for fabrics✔and making a bigger profit.✔
- After she started giving out business cards/promoting her business/product/service✔she got even more customers which further increased her profit.✔
- She got a contract with a national hotel.✔
- Word of mouth – her colleague referred clients to her.✓ (Any 8) (8)
Analysing, moderate (Focus, page 35; Successful, page 34)
TOTAL: 200