QUESTION 1: Short questions (All topics) | 40 | 20 |
QUESTION 2: The Consumer | 20 | 20 |
QUESTION 3: Food and Nutrition | 40 | 40 |
QUESTION 4: Clothing | 20 | 20 |
QUESTION 5: Housing | 40 | 40 |
QUESTION 6: Entrepreneurship | 40 | 40 |
TOTAL: | 200 | 180 |
1.1 Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions.
Choose the answer and write the letter (A–D) next to the question number
(1.1.1–1.1.20) in the ANSWER BOOK, for example 1.1.21 D.
1.1.1 The tax that a consumer has to pay on the consumption of goods and service, is called…
1.1.2 VAT is payable on ….
1.1.3 The interest rate charged by the Reserve Bank:
1.1.4 Foods most commonly irradiated:
1.1.5 A good choice of snack for a person suffering from hypertension is …
1.1.6 A dairy intolerance is related to too little of the following enzyme in the digestive system:
1.1.7 A stabiliser is added to an instant pudding mix to …
1.1.8 … will contribute to lowering cholesterol levels.
1.1.9 Eco-friendly textiles …
1.1.10 The correct order of occurrence of the fashion cycle stages:
1.1.11 Transfer duty is paid to the …
1.1.12 The financial responsibility that a tenant of a property has towards the municipality:
1.1.13 Tax paid on the profit after selling a property is known as …
1.1.14 Shaheed wants to purchase a home. Which is the most suitable way to finance the home?
1.1.15 When a consumer signs up for a home loan with a bank he is required to take out the following type of insurance to cover his loan in case of death:
1.1.16 The requirements for a potentially profitable business opportunity is:
1.1.17 Product specification is …
1.1.18 Planning the production process is important in order to …
1.1.19 Which of the following businesses will require the lowest start-up costs?
1.1.20 … is one way in which consumers can practise sustainable consumption.
1.2 Choose the description from COLUMN B and the food that can help to manage the condition in COLUMN C that matches the food related condition in COLUMN A. Write the letter (A‒G) and the Roman number (i‒vii) next to the question number (1.2.1‒1.2.5). Write the correct answer in the ANSWER BOOK as follows: 1.2.6: H: x.
COLUMN A Related conditions | COLUMN B Description | COLUMN C Food that can help to manage the condition |
1.2.1 Lactose intolerance 1.2.2 Diabetes 1.2.3 Osteoporosis 1.2.4 Anaemia 1.2.5 HIV/Aids |
(5 x 2) (10)
1.3 Choose the correct term/word in brackets. Write only the words/terms next to the question number (1.3.1‒1.3.6) in the ANSWER BOOK.
1.3.1 Recycled textiles have a (low/high) carbonfootprint.
1.3.2 Counterfeit clothing is commonly sold at (flea markets/boutiques).
1.3.3 Bamboo fabric is an example of (renewable/non-renewable) textile.
1.3.4 Buying organic cotton products shows that a consumer is (ecofriendly/ budget conscious).
1.3.5 Making an old garment into an entirely new item of clothing is (recycling/upcycling).
1.3.6 Fashion that is timeless is known as (classic/fads). (6 x 1) (6)
1.4 Identify FOUR statements from the list below that show the purpose of stock control in a business. Write only the letter (A‒H) next to the question number (1.4) in the ANSWER BOOK.
(4 x 1) (4)
2.1 Explain the term exemption clause. (2)
2.2 State THREE basic services that municipalities should offer to residences in their municipal areas. (3)
2.3 Complete the following table with reference to non-provisional tax and provisional tax. Tabulate your answer as follows:
Non-provisional tax | Provisional tax | |
Regularity/type of income earned | (1) | (1) |
How often is the tax paid | (1) | (1) |
2.4 Give THREE advantages of solar power to provide us with electricity. (3)
2.5 Explain TWO ways in which consumers can save tap water in their homes. (2)
2.6 Lusindiso reads the following advertisement in the local newspaper.
NEED A HOLIDAY? Fully equipped holiday flat. Three bedrooms, large living space. Across from the |
2.6.1 Identify the dishonest scheme in the advertisement. (1)
2.6.2 Analyse in a paragraph, how Lusindiso was tricked into the deal. (5)
3.1 Give THREE reasons why antioxidants are used as food additives. (3)
3.2 Name FIVE factors that will increase the developing of osteoporosis. (5)
3.3 Obese people have a higher risk of health problems.
3.3.1 Name TWO heart-related health risks that may occur during obesity. (2)
3.3.2 Discuss THREE eating habits to manage obesity. (3)
3.4 Explain why consuming whole grains are beneficial to a person suffering from diabetes. (4)
3.5 State THREE benefits that organically grown food may have for the natural environment. (3)
3.6 Study the picture below and answer the questions that follow.3.6.1 Identify the food related health disease that will result due to the plaque build-up in the arteries as illustrated above. (1)
3.6.2 Give a reason why the plaque build-up occurs in the arteries. (2)
3.6.3 List THREE risk factors for the above-mentioned food related disease. (3)
3.6.4 Explain the following dietary guidelines to prevent or manage the disease identified in QUESTION 3.6.1:
3.7 Read the following scenario and answer the questions that follow.
Mrs Adams has a personnel cafeteria for the workers. A popular snack, a sandwich with different fillings, is served. Choose from the list below a suitable combination for a worker with coronary heart sickness and motivate your choice. |
One bread type | One spread | One protein filling | Two accompaniments |
Tabulate your answer as follows:
One bread type | One spread | One protein filling | Two accompaniments |
(1) | (1) | (1) | (1) |
Reason (1) | Reason (1) | Reason (1) | Reason (1) |
(2) (10)
4.1 Explain the following terms:
4.1.1 Classic style (2)
4.1.2 Retrospective fashion (2)
4.2 Explain the following stages of the fashion cycle:
4.2.1 Introduction/launch (2)
4.2.2 Peak (2)
4.2.3 Obsolescence/end (2)
4.3 Brand piracy has a definite impact on the sales of legally protected brand names. Justify this statement. (4)
4.4 Joyce is short and stout. Choose THREE items from the list below for her to wear to a business meeting. Give a reason for each choice.
5.1 Explain the following terms:
5.1.1 Transfer duties (2)
5.1.2 Occupational rent (2)
5.1.3 Deed of sale (2)
5.2 List the financial implications for a consumer to consider when purchasing household appliances by means of instalment sales. (4)
5.3 Read the case study below and answer the questions that follow.
Vivie is a 35-year old widow and has three young children to care for after her husband passed away. She works as a cleaner and earns R3 200 per month. She wants to provide a safe home for her children to grow up in and wants to apply for subsidised housing from the government. |
5.3.1 Explain what a housing subsidy is. (3)
5.3.2 Explain whether Vivie will qualify for a government housing subsidy. (5)
5.3.3 State FOUR advantages of providing government housing subsidies to low income, first-time home owners. (4)
5.4 Discuss why buying is not always financially better than renting. (8)
5.5 Study the picture below and answer the questions that follow.
LG 10 kg Direct Drive Tatin front load washer. Price – R10,999 Additional warranties 10 year on durable and reliable direct drive motor Model: FH4UIJBSK4 COLOUR: WHITE SIZE: 10 kg |
5.5.1 Explain the term contract. (2)
5.5.2 Discuss the following criteria a prospective buyer should consider before buying this washing machine:
5.5.3 Analyse the suitability of this washing machine for a large family. (4)
6.1 Explain the following terms:
6.1.1 Quality control (2)
6.1.2 Sustainable profitability (2)
6.1.3 Best sales scenario (2)
6.2 Read the case study below and answer the questions that follow.
ZELDA’S SUCCESSFUL LAUNDRY Zelda passed matric but could not find a job. She lives in an area surrounded |
6.2.1 Name Zelda’s target market. (2)
6.2.2 Identify TWO start-up needs from the case study. (2)
6.2.3 List TWO overhead costs that Zelda should assist her sister with, when using the backroom as a laundry. (2)
6.2.4 Explain the requirements for the packaging material for the laundered clothes. (3)
6.2.5 Describe FOUR P’s of the marketing mix in the case study. (4)
6.2.6 Use the information in the case study to explain FOUR factors Zelda had to consider in the choice of her business. (8)
6.2.7 Zelda charges R14,00 to wash and iron one kg of clothes. Her overhead costs per kg amounts to R6,60. She wants to make 60% profit per kg.
6.3 Study Zelda’s cash flow projection below and analyse the reasons for the inconsistent income and expenses.
Period | 18 Sept. to 14 Oct. | 18 Oct. to 14 Nov. | 18 Nov. to 14 Dec. | 18 Dec. to 14 Jan. | 18 Jan. to 14 Feb. |
kg of clothes laundered | 400 kg | 560 kg | 700 kg | 250 kg | 800 kg |
Income | R11 504,00 | R16 665,00 | R20 832,00 | R7 447,00 | R23 805,00 |
Expenses | R7 440,00 | R10 416,00 | R13 020,00 | R4 650,00 | R1 488,00 |
TOTAL: 200