SECTION A QUESTION 1 1.1 1.1.1 C ✓✓ 1.1.2 A ✓✓ 1.1.3 D ✓✓ 1.1.4 C ✓✓ 1.1.5 B ✓✓ 1.1.6 C ✓✓ 1.1.7 A✓✓ 1.1.8 C ✓✓ 1.1.9 D ✓✓ 1.1.10 C ✓✓ (10 x 2) (20) 1.2 1.2.1 Metaphase II ✓ 1.2.2 Acrosome ✓ 1.2.3 Insulin ✓ 1.2.4 Homeostasis ✓ 1.2.5 Follicle Stimulating Hormone ✓ / FSH 1.2.6 Cytokinesis ✓ 1.2.7 Fallopian tube ✓/ Oviduct 1.2.8 Greenhouse effect ✓ 1.2.9 Blastocyst ✓/Blastula 1.2.10 Amniotic fluid ✓ (10 x 1) (10) 1.3 1.3.1 A only ✓✓ 1.3.2 A only ✓✓ 1.3.3 B only ✓✓ 1.3.4 A only ✓✓ (4 x 2) (8) 1.4 1.4.1 Sweat gland ✓ (1) 1.4.2 Diagrams 2 ✓ and 3 ✓ (2) 1.4.3 Diagram 3 ✓ (1) 1.4.4 Diagram 1 ✓ (1) 1.4.5 Hypothalamus ✓ (1) 1.5 1.5.1 Fishes ✓ (1) 1.5.2 Chimpanzees, ✓ Humans, ✓Crocodiles✓ (Mark the first TWO only) (2) 1.5.3 Snakes✓,Chickens✓ (Mark the first ONE only) (1) 1.5.4 Chimpanzees, ✓Humans, ✓ Whales ✓ (Mark the first TWO only) (2) TOTAL SECTION A: 50
B ✓ (1)
C ✓ (1)
No vibrations / no transmission of vibrations to the oval window✓
hence no pressure waves created in the fluid of the cochlea✓
hearing receptors not stimulated✓
no impulses reach the cerebrum.✓ (Any 3) (3)
E ✓ B ✓ (2)
C ✓ (1)
No impulses will be transmitted to the cerebellum ✓and therefore,
no sense of balance will be achieved. ✓/ Speed and direction of head ✓movement will not be interpreted to maintain body balance. (Any 2) (2)
2.2 2.2.1
C ✓ (1)
A ✓ (1)
The sperm will not be able to reach the urethra ✓
therefore, no sperm in semen ✓/ ejaculate/released during ejaculation.
hence no sperms transferred to vagina ✓
and no fertilisation will take place. ✓ (Any 3) (3)
2.3 2.3.1
Sclera✓ (1)
Yellow spot ✓ / Fovea centralis / fovea (1)
Choroid ✓ (1)
2.3.2 B ✓ and C ✓ (2) 2.3.3
Suspensory ligaments are slack✓
Lens is more convex✓
Light is refracted more ✓
Image forms in front of retina ✓/ is blurred (Any 3) (3)
The powerful laser rays damage the photo-receptors ✓/ rods and cones in the retina
cannot convert light stimulus to impulses ✓
no impulses send to cerebrum via optic nerve ✓ (Any 2) (2)
2.4 2.4.1 Growth hormone ✓ (1) 2.4.2 Included many children ✓/ large sample (1) 2.4.3 175 x 100 = 41.18% or 41.2% (2) 425 2.4.4 Marking guideline
Caption (C) (both variables included)
1 Mark
Type of graph (T)
1 Mark
X-axis label, unit and scale (X)
1 Mark
Y-axis label and scale (Y)
1 Mark
Plotting of points (P)
0 Mark – No points plotted correctly
1 Mark – 1 to 6 points plotted correctly
2 Marks – All points plotted correctly
(6) 2.5 2.5.1 The measure of the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions ✓ of an individual, population or company per year. ✓ (2) 2.5.2 By measuring the consumption of fuels such as petrol, diesel and oil. ✓ (1) 2.5.3
Educate people about the effects of greenhouse gas emissions.✓
Penalise companies whose carbon footprint is too large ✓
Reforestation to remove excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere ✓
Use alternative sources of energy. ✓ (e.g. solar energy etc)
Introduce programs to promote reusing and recycling by people. ✓
(Mark first TWO only) (Any 2) (2) [40]
QUESTION 3 3.1 3.1.1
Umbilical artery ✓
Umbilical vein ✓ (Any order) (2)
Blood to the foetus
Blood away from the foetus
Contains relatively high concentration of nutrients ✓(Any examples)
Contains relatively low concentration of nutrients ✓
Contains no (metabolic) waste products ✓
Contains high concentration (metabolic) waste products ✓
Contains relatively high concentration of oxygen
Contains relatively low concentration of oxygen
Contains relatively low concentration of carbon dioxide ✓
Contains relatively high concentration of carbon dioxide ✓
(Mark the first ONE only) 1 x 2 + 1 mark for the table (3) 3.1.3 Diffusion ? (1) 3.1.4
The placenta will not be fully functional ✓ / there is less surface area for diffusion and therefore,
less oxygen/ nutrients will be supplied to foetus ✓
leading to under development ✓
causes the accumulation of metabolic waste products ✓ in the foetus/less diffusion of wastes to the mother
causing blood to be highly toxic ✓and this
results in the miscarriage / death of the foetus ✓(Any 3) (3)
3.2 3.2.1 High/low levels of abscisic acid in the seeds inhibits/promotes germination ✓ OR Abscisic acid has no effect on germination. OR Low/high levels of abscisic acid in the seeds inhibits/promotes germination (2) 3.2.2
The percentage germination of seeds ✓ (1)
Presence /absence of abscisic acid ✓ (1)
Equal number of seeds used in tray A and B ✓
Same soil used in both trays ✓
Seeds were exposed to same environmental conditions ✓/ examples of same environmental conditions
Data collected from both trays at the same time ✓
(Mark the first TWO only) (Any 2) (2) 3.2.4 0 ng/g ✓/ anything less than 10 ng/g (1) 3.3 3.3.1 Metaphase 1 ✓ (1) 3.3.2 Homologous pairs of chromosomes are arranged on the equator. ✓ (1) 3.3.3
During prophase1✓
chromatids of homologous chromosomes over lap at chiasmata✓/ chiasma
and exchange genetic information ✓ between them
This process is called crossing over. ✓ (Any 3) (3)
They have the same length ✓
Centromeres at the same position
Have alleles for the same gene at the same locus. ✓
(Mark the first TWO only) (2) 3.4 3.4.1 River B ? (1) 3.4.2 The indicator changed colour from red to cloudy yellow. ✓ (1) 3.4.3 - Faeces of people / raw sewage gets into the river ✓/ burst sewage pipe releases raw sewage into the river. (1) 3.4.4
E. coli live in the human intestine ✓
37°C is body temperature ✓
therefore, it is the optimal temperature ✓for these bacteria for growth and multiplication. (Any 2) (2)
decrease oxygen in water ✓
causes decomposition ✓
which uses oxygen ✓ (Any 2) (2)
3.5 3.5.1 The use of a natural enemy ✓/insect/disease to control its number/ reduce numbers of a pest species. ✓ (2) 3.5.2 As the biological control agent’s numbers increase, the number of the pest decreases.✓✓ (2) 3.5.3
No harmful chemicals would be used ✓
which could cause possible damage to the crops ✓/ environment / cause land, water and air pollution and primary consumers/organisms which fed on the crops.
No damage to rest of environment ✓
because research is done to ensure the control agent will not become a pest. ✓ (2)
3.6 3.6.1
Blood glucose level remained very high for a long period of time✓/ Blood glucose level did not drop to its initial value (baseline value) after 2 hours.
Initial glucose level at time 0 minute is higher in patient 2 than patient 1. ✓ (2)
Patient 1 is able to convert glucose into glycogen and store in the liver and muscles ✓
This glycogen will be converted to glucose when the blood glucose level drops below its normal level. ✓ (2)
SECTION C QUESTION 4 Reflex action
The (pain) receptors in the skin are stimulated ✓
and converted stimulus into an impulse ✓
The impulse travels via the sensory neuron ✓
to the spinal cord ✓
In the spinal cord, the sensory neuron makes a synaptic contact ✓
with the interneuron. ✓
Which makes synaptic contact with motor neuron ✓ and
transmits the impulse
to the muscles of the leg ✓/ effectors
The muscles respond by contracting ✓
causing him to lift the leg ✓
This is known as reflex action. ✓
The path of the impulse along each neuron is from dendrite ✓
to cell body ✓
to axon ✓ (Any 9) (9)
The reflex action allows for al rapid ✓ /quick
involuntary response ✓ / without thinking about it
to the stimulus ✓
to prevent damage to the body ✓ (Any 3) (3)
Neural pathway
Photo-receptors/rods and cones✓
in the retina are stimulated ✓
by the light/ stimulus
Nerve impulses are generated ✓ and
transmitted via optic nerve ✓
to the cerebrum ✓
where the image of the crab is interpreted✓/ vision occurs. (Any 5) (5)
Content: (17) Synthesis: (3) [20]
Logical sequence
All information provided is relevant to the question
Ideas arranged in a logical cause-effect sequence
Answered all aspects required by the essay in sufficient detail
All information provided is relevant to the:
transmission of impulses from receptor to effector through reflex arc to cause a reflex action
description of significance of reflex action
neural pathway describing the transmission of impulses from retina to the cerebrum
There is no irrelevant information.
All information regarding the:
transmission of impulses from receptor to effector through reflex arc.
significance of reflex action is arranged in a logical manner
neural pathway describing the transmission of impulses from retina to the cerebrum
At least the following points should be included:
description of reflex action (7/9
significance of reflex action (2/3)
description of neural pathway (3/5)
Last modified on Wednesday, 15 September 2021 12:30