1. SOURCE BASED QUESTIONS 1.1 The following cognitive levels were used to develop source-based questions:
LEVEL 1 (L1)
Extract evidence from sources
Selection and organisation of relevant information from sources
Define historical concepts/terms
30% (15)
LEVEL 2 (L2)
Interpretation of evidence from sources
Explain information gathered from sources
Analyse evidence from sources
40% (20)
LEVEL 3 (L3)
Interpret and evaluate evidence from the sources
Engage with sources to determine its usefulness, reliability, bias and limitations
Compare and contrast interpretations and perspectives presented in sources and draw independent conclusions
30% (15)
1.2 The following information below indicates how to source-based questions are assessed:
In the marking of source-based questions, credit needs to be given to any other valid and relevant viewpoints, arguments, evidence or examples.
In the allocation of marks, emphasis should be placed on how the requirements of the question have been addressed.
In the marking guideline, the requirements of the question (skills that need to be addressed) as well as the level of the question are indicated in italics.
1.3 Assessment procedures for source-based questions
Use a tick (✓) for each correct answer.
Pay attention to the mark scheme e.g. (2 x 2) which translates to two reasons and is given two marks each (✓✓✓✓); (1 x 2) which translates to one reason and is given two marks (✓✓).
If a question carries 4 marks then indicate by placing 4 ticks (✓✓✓✓).
Paragraph question Paragraphs are to be assessed globally (holistically). Both the content and structure of the paragraph must be taken into account when awarding a mark. The following steps must be used when assessing a response to a paragraph question:
Read the paragraph and place a bullet (.) at each point within the text where the candidate has used relevant evidence to address the question.
Re-read the paragraph to evaluate the extent to which the candidate has been able to use relevant evidence to write a paragraph.
At the end of the paragraph indicate the ticks (√) that the candidate has been awarded for the paragraph; as well as the level (1,2, or 3) as indicated in the holistic rubric and a brief comment e.g. ___________ . __________________________ . _________________________ _____________________________________________ . _________________ √√√√√ Level 2 Used mostly relevant evidence to write a basic paragraph
Count all the ticks for the source-based question and then write the mark on the bottom margin to the right, e.g. 32 50
Ensure that the total mark is transferred accurately to the front/back cover of the answer script.
2. ESSAY QUESTIONS 2.1 The essay questions require candidates to:
Be able to structure their argument in a logical and coherent manner. They need to select, organise and connect the relevant information so that they are able to present a reasonable sequence of facts or an effective argument to answer the question posed. It is essential that an essay has an introduction, a coherent and balanced body of evidence and a conclusion.
2.2 Marking of essays questions
Markers must be aware that the content of the answer will be guided by the textbooks in use at the particular centre.
Candidates may have any other relevant introduction and/or conclusion than those included in a specific essay marking guideline for a specific essay.
When assessing open-ended source-based questions, learners should be credited for any other relevant answer.
2.3 Global assessment of the essay The essay will be assessed holistically (globally). This approach requires the teacher to score the overall product as a whole, without scoring the component parts separately. This approach encourages the learner to offer an individual opinion by using selected factual evidence to support an argument. The learners will not be required to simply regurgitate ‘facts’ in order to achieve a high mark. This approach discourages learners from preparing ‘model’ answers and reproducing them without taking into account the specific requirements of the question. Holistic marking of the essay credits learners’ opinion supported by evidence. Holistic assessment, unlike content-based marking, does not penalise language inadequacies as the emphasis is on the following:
The construction of argument
The appropriate selection of factual evidence to support such argument
The learner’s interpretation of the question
2.4 Assessment procedures of the essay 2.4.1 Keep the synopsis in mind when assessing essays. 2.4.2 During the first reading of the extended writing, ticks need to be awarded for a relevant introduction (indicated by a bullet in memorandum) each of the main points/aspects that is properly contextualised (also indicated by bullets in the memorandum) and a relevant conclusion (indicated by a bullet in the memorandum) e.g. in an answer where there are 5 main points there will be 7 ticks. 2.4.3 The following additional symbols can also be used:
Introduction, main aspects and conclusion not properly contextualised ^
Wrong statement
Irrelevant statement
Repetition R
Analysis A√
Interpretation I√
2.5 The Matrix 2.5.1 Use of analytical matrix in the marking of essay In the marking of essays, with reference to page 5, the given criteria shown in the matrix should be used. In assessing the extended writing note should be taken of both the content and presentation. At the point of intersection of the content and presentation based on the seven competency levels, a mark should be awarded.
The first reading of essay will be to determine to what extent the main aspects have been covered and to allocate the content level (on the matrix).
The second reading of essay will relate to the level (on the matrix) of presentation.
Allocate an overall mark with the use of the matrix.
LEVEL 7 Very well planned and structured essay. Good synthesis of information. Developed an original, well balanced and independent line of argument with the use of evidence and sustained and defended the argument throughout. Independent conclusion is drawn from evidence to support the line of argument.
LEVEL 6 Very well planned and structured essay. Developed a relevant line of argument. Evidence used to defend the argument. Attempts to draw an independent conclusion from the evidence to support the line of argument.
LEVEL 5 Well planned and structured essay. Attempts to develop a clear argument. Conclusion drawn from the evidence to support the line of argument.
LEVEL 4 Planned and constructed an argument. Evidence used to some extent to support the line of argument. Conclusions reached based on evidence.
LEVEL 3 Shows some evidence of a planned and constructed argument. Attempts to sustain a line of argument. Conclusions not clearly supported by evidence.
LEVEL 2 Attempts to structure an answer. Largely descriptive or some attempt at developing a line of argument. No attempt to draw a conclusion.
LEVEL 1 Little or no attempt to structure the essay.
LEVEL 7 Question has been fully answered. Content selection fully relevant to line of argument.
LEVEL 6 Question has been answered. Content selection relevant to a line of argument.
LEVEL 5 Question answered to a great extent. Content adequately covered and relevant.
LEVEL 4 Question recognisable in answer. Some omissions or irrelevant content selection.
LEVEL 3 Content selection does not relate to the question, but does not answer it, or does not always relate to the question. Omissions in coverage.
LEVEL 1 Question inadequately addressed or not at all. Inadequate or irrelevant content.
'General Taylor' or 'Dean Acheson' (any 1 x 1) (1)
'Adlai Stevenson' (1 x 1) (1)
1.1.2 [Interpretation of information from Source 1A – L2]
The conservatives/hawks (Taylor and Acheson) preferred to go to war to resolve the dispute regarding the deployment of Soviet missiles to Cuba
The liberals/doves (Stevenson) wanted to resolve the dispute regarding the deployment of Soviet missiles through dialogue
Any other relevant response (2 x 2) (4)
1.1.3 [Extraction of evidence from Source 1A – L1]
'that it would have brought death to thousands of Cuban civilians and to thousands of US military personnel'
'such attacks ran the risk of triggering the launch of nuclear weapons'
'surprise attack would erode if not destroy the moral positions of the US throughout the world' (any 2 x 1) (2)
1.1.4 [Interpretation of information from Source 1A – L2] The hawks:
Saw the blockade as a weaker option
Wanted a military airstrike on Cuba
The doves:
Wanted the sovereignty of Cuba to be respected
Respected the principles of democracy and freedom of association
Wanted to prevent a nuclear war/a ‘hot war’
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
1.2 1.2.1 [Interpretation of information from Source 1B – L2]
Highlights that Soviet ships carrying military armaments would not be allowed to enter Cuba/ by imposing a blockade
Any other relevant response (1 x 2) (2)
The Soviet ships that intended entering Cuba would be searched and if they refused would be sunk by the US military ships
The USA was determined to stop communist expansion in Latin America
Any other relevant response (1 x 2 ) (2)
1.2.2 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 1B – L2]
To inform the American public about the action that President Kennedy's government intended taking against the Soviet Union
To win the support of the American public in its ideological war against communism
To demonstrate the fearlessness of the US government against the Soviet Union's aggression
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
1.3 1.3.1 [Definition of a historical concept from Source 1C – L1]
The imposition of a blockade on all Soviet ships that were carrying military equipment to Cuba
To prevent/stop/ any Soviet ships carrying missiles from entering Cuba
Any other relevant response (any 1 x 2) (2)
1.3.2 [Extraction of evidence from Source 1C – L1] 'Violation of freedom of navigation in international waters and air space' (1 x 2) (2) 1.3.3 [Extraction of evidence from Source 1C – L1]
To observe strictly the generally accepted standards of navigation in international waters'
'Not to retreat one step from them' (2 x 1) (2)
1.3.4 [Ascertain the usefulness of evidence in Source 1C – L3] The source is USEFUL because:
It is a letter and contains first-hand information of what transpired
The letter was written on 24 October 1962, which was day 9 of the 13 days of the Cuban Missile Crisis
It gives insight/information into President Khrushchev's view about the US blockade
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
1.4 1.4.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 1D – L1]
'Soviet ships would not turn back'
'He would have his submarines sink American ships' (2 x 1) (2)
1.4.2 [Extraction of evidence from Source 1D – L1]
'surveillance planes' (2 x 1) (2)
1.4.3 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 1D – L2] The Soviet ships changed course:
To avoid open confrontation with the USA
To avert a military crisis with the USA
Because Khrushchev might have instructed Soviet officials not to force their way through the quarantine line
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
1.5 [Comparison of evidence in Source 1C and Source 1D –L3]
Source 1C shows Khrushchev's determination not to take orders from the USA while Source 1D highlights how the Soviet government gave in to the demands of the USA
In Source 1C Khrushchev indicated that he did not recognise the imposition of the US quarantine of the Soviet ships while Source 1D states that the Soviet Union recognised the quarantine line by turning its ships away
Source 1C states that the Soviet government did not instruct the captains of the Soviet ships bound for Cuba to listen to American orders while Source 1D refers to Soviet ships changing their course (turning back) to avoid the quarantine line
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
1.6 [Interpretation, evaluation and synthesis of evidence from relevant sources – L3] Candidates could include the following aspects in their response:
ExComm recommended the imposition of a naval blockade of Soviet ships that intended entering Cuba (Source 1A)
The USA preferred to use the blockade as a strategy to avoid direct confrontation with the Soviet Union (own knowledge)
The American media used threatening language to scare the Soviet Union from entering Cuba (Source 1B)
The imposition of a naval blockade and the strong language that was used by the US in the media were strategies of brinkmanship to force the Soviet Union to withdraw from Cuba (Sources 1A and 1B)
President Kennedy addressed the media on the USA's strategies regarding the deployment of missiles to Cuba (own knowledge)
The Soviet Union leader, Nikita Khrushchev, used strong language to reject and defy the imposition of a US blockade on Soviet ships (Source 1C)
Khrushchev considered the blockade as an act of aggression that would lead to a nuclear-missile war (Source 1C)
The Soviet government instructed the captains of Soviet vessels to observe the generally accepted standards of navigation in international waters (not to retreat) (Source 1C)
Khrushchev threatened the USA if it imposed a blockade/quarantine (Source 1C)
Khrushchev threatened that Soviet submarines will sink American ships if they interfered with Soviet vessels on their way to Cuba (Source 1D)
Khrushchev's instruction to Soviet ships was to change their course to ease the tension (brinkmanship) (Source 1D)
Secret negotiations for the removal of USA missiles from Turkey (own knowledge)
Setting up a ‘hotline’ to avoid further conflict between the USA and the USSR (own knowledge)
Any other relevant response
Use the following rubric to allocate a mark:
Uses evidence in an elementary manner, e.g. shows no or little understanding of how the United States of America and the Soviet Union used brinkmanship to resolve the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Uses evidence partially or cannot write a paragraph.
Evidence is mostly relevant and relates to the topic e.g. shows some understanding of how the United States of America and the Soviet Union used brinkmanship to resolve the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Uses evidence in an elementary manner to write a paragraph.
Uses relevant evidence e.g. demonstrates a thorough understanding of how the USA and the Soviet Union used brinkmanship to resolve the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Uses evidence very effectively in an organised paragraph that shows an understanding of the topic.
(8) [50]
'General Konstantin'
'Fidel Castro' (2 x 1) (2)
2.1.2 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 2A – L2]
Cuba had to be convinced to participate in the Angolan war to ensure that communism was entrenched/spread in Southern Africa
The Soviet Union had to coerce (force) Cuba to assist Africa with the installation of communist led governments
Any other relevant response (2 x 2) (4)
2.1.3 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 2A – L2]
He was afraid of the financial implication that the war would have on Cuba
Cuba would suffer huge casualties/loss which would affect Castro's status
Cuba's attempt at internationalism was to uplift the standard of living of people and not to engage in war and conflict
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
2.1.4 [Extraction of evidence from Source 2A – L1]
'Reinforcing Cuito'
'Pressuring South African bases' (2 x 1) (2)
2.2 2.2.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 2B – L1]
'Angolan Minister of Defence'
'Other official Angolan sources'
'Cuban sources' (3 x 1) (3)
2.2.2 [Explanation of a historical concept from Source 2B - L1)
The spreading of false/inaccurate information or ideas to deliberately influence people's opinion, i.e. Cuba, South Africa or Angola claimed they were victorious after the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale
Any other relevant response (1 x 2) (2)
2.2.3 [Extraction of evidence from Source 2B – L1]
'Angola/Angolans' (2 x 1) (2)
2.2.4 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 2B – L2] SAMVOUSA:
Members considered the SADF as invincible and superior to the Cuban and MPLA forces
Members fought in the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale and did not accept that the South African Defence Force (SADF) had lost the war
Disliked communism and were not prepared to concede defeat
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
2.3 2.3.1 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 2C – L2]
MPLA soldiers celebrated being victorious at the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale
Combined forces from MPLA, Cuban and Soviet soldiers were able to capture a South African military tank
Shows that the South African Defence Force was defeated at the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale
Shows that the South African Defence Force had abandoned its military tanks in Angola because it was defeated
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
2.3.2 [Ascertain the usefulness of evidence in Source 2C – L3] Candidates can choose either USEFUL or NOT USEFUL and substantiate their response with relevant evidence The source is USEFUL because it:
Depicts MPLA soldiers celebrating their victory at the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale
Gives photographic evidence of a military tank that was captured by the MPLA
Shows a captured South African military tank
Any other relevant response
The source is NOT USEFUL because:
The photographer is not known
The date when the photograph was taken is not indicated
It could be used for propaganda purposes
There is no evidence to show that it was a South African tank
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
2.4 2.4.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 2D – L1] '30th anniversary of the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale' (1 x 1) (1) 2.4.2 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 2D – L2]
The victory of the MPLA/Cuban forces prevented the installation of a puppet/ UNITA government in Angola
The victory of the MPLA/Cuban forces contributed to the liberation of Namibia and South Africa
The victory of the MPLA/Cuban forces paved way for negotiations in South Africa
The victory of the MPLA/Cuban forces destroyed the myth that the SADF was invincible and indestructible in Africa
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
2.4.3 [Extraction of evidence from Source 2D – L1]
'Cuito Cuanavale marks the turn in the struggle to liberate the continent and our country from apartheid'
'The defeat of the racist army in Cuito Cuanavale allowed the people of Namibia to finally reach their liberation'
'Defeat of apartheid served as an inspiration for the fighting people of South Africa' (any 2 x 1) (2)
2.5 [Comparison of evidence in Sources 2C and 2D – L3]
Source 2C shows evidence that the SADF was defeated in Cuito Cuanavale and in Source 2D Nelson Mandela states that the apartheid army was defeated Cuito Cuanavale.
Source 2C shows visual evidence of MPLA troops standing on a captured SADF military tank and in Source 2D Nelson Mandela states that the Angolan and Cuban troops were victorious at the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale.
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
2.6 [Interpretation, analysis and synthesis of evidence from relevant sources – L3] Candidates could include the following aspects in their response:
SADF, ANC and Cuba presented different views on the outcome of the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale (own knowledge)
The eventual outcome of the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale showed that the Commander in Chief of Cuban forces, Fidel Castro, was a capable military leader (Source 2A)
SAMVOUSA's view was that the SADF won the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale (Source 2B)
According to SAMVOUSA the Cubans used propaganda to claim that the battle was a 'heroic battle' but the reality of who won the war eventually emerged (Source 2B)
According to SAMVOUSA the MPLA and Cubans lost the war because they wanted peace at all costs (Source 2B)
SAMVOUSA claimed that the Cubans requested that they be allowed to withdraw from Angola to conceal their defeat (Source 2B)
The SADF were the real victors, according to SAMVOUSA (Source 2B)
MPLA soldiers seen celebrating the victory at the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale, on a captured South African military tank, shows that MPLA and Cubans had won (Source 2C)
South Africans abandoned their military tanks and left Angola because they were defeated (own knowledge)
The ANC viewed the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale as having been won by the MPLA and Cuban forces (own knowledge)
Nelson Mandela praised Cuba for assisting Angola in defeating SADF (Source 2D)
Victory by the MPLA and Cuban troops marked a turning point in the history of Angola (Source 2D)
Any other relevant response
Use the following rubric to allocate a mark:
Uses evidence in an elementary manner e.g. shows no or little understanding of the differing views regarding the outcome of the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale.
Uses evidence partially or cannot write a paragraph.
Evidence is mostly relevant and relates to the topic e.g. shows some understanding of the differing views regarding the outcome of the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale.
Uses evidence in an elementary manner to write a paragraph.
Uses relevant evidence e.g. demonstrates a thorough understanding of the differing views regarding the outcome of the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale.
Uses evidence very effectively in an organised paragraph that shows an understanding of the topic.
(8) [50]
QUESTION 3: HOW SUCCESSFUL WAS THE BLACK PANTHER PARTY IN MOBILISING AFRICAN AMERICANS IN THE 1960s? 3.1 3.1.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 3A – L1] 'Police brutality' (1 x 1) (1) 3.1.2 [Explanation of a historical concept from Source 3A – L1] A philosophy that:
Promoted black-pride, self-determination and social equality through the creation of political and cultural institutions among African Americans
Promoted culture, identity and self-reliance among African Americans
Wanted African Americans to work together and establish community based programmes to improve the socio-economic conditions among African Americans
Any relevant response (any 1 x 2) (2)
3.1.3 [Extraction of evidence from Source 3A – L1]
'Martin Luther King Jnr'
'Malcolm X' (2 x 1) (2)
3.1.4 [Interpretation of evidence in Source 3A – L2]
It did not deal with the complaints that African Americans presented regarding the brutality they experienced at the hands of white policemen
It did not care for the welfare of African Americans
The City Council was more concerned about the needs of white Americans rather than African Americans
Any relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
3.2 3.2.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 3B – L1] 'A decent education for our people, that teaches us our true history and our role in the present-day society' (1 x 2) (2) 3.2.2 [Interpretation of evidence in Source 3B – L2]
Many members of the Black Panther Party/African Americans lost their lives/murdered
The actions of the police violated the constitutional rights of African Americans
The actions of white American police discriminated against African Americans
Police only harassed African Americans by using extreme violence
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
3.2.3 [Extraction of evidence from Source 3B – L1] We want:
'Peace and people's community control of modern technology' (any 4 x 1) (4)
3.2.4 [Interpretation of evidence in Source 3B – L2]
It needed a policy that could guide it
The Ten-Point plan served as an action plan for the Black Panther Party (BPP)
It's members could strive to ensure that the plan was implemented effectively
To highlight the demands/grievances of the BPP
Any other relevant response (any 1 x 2) (2)
3.3 [Comparison of evidence from Sources 3A and 3B– L3]
Source 3A states that African American youth should organise themselves into a political and electoral movement and Source 3B states that African Americans wanted power to run their own communities
Source 3A states that Huey and Searle studied black history and Source 3B states that African Americans should be taught their history and heritage
Source 3A and 3B makes reference to the anti-poverty centre
Both Sources 3A and 3B refer to the Black Panther Party's Ten-Point Plan
Both Sources 3A and 3B refer to police brutality
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2 ) (4)
3.4 3.4.1 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 3C – L2]
To show that members of the Black Panther Party challenged state authorities (California legislature)
To highlight that the Black Panther Party was determined (not afraid) to fight for their constitutional rights and should be allowed to carry guns
To show that the Black Panther Party were implementing the principles as outlined in the Ten-Point Plan
To highlight that members of the Black Panther Party openly carried guns for self-defence
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
3.4.2 [Ascertain the usefulness of evidence in Source 3C – L3] The source is USEFUL because:
It is a photograph and contains first-hand evidence
It was taken in May 1967 when the Black Panther Party was popular
It depicts members of the Black Panther Party protesting against the Gun Control Bill
It shows members of the Black Panther Party fighting for their rights as enshrined in the constitution
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
3.5 3.5.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 3D – L1]
'The success of the Panther's political activities'
'The success of community programmes'
'Their huge growth and influence and membership' (3 x 1) (3)
3.5.2 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 3D – L2] The FBI:
Destroyed provisions that were to be used during the breakfast programmes
Arrested, harassed, tortured and killed members of the Black Panther Party
Infiltrated the Black Panther Party and wanted to portray them in a bad light
Created internal divisions and encouraged rivalries among members of the Black Panther Party
Any other relevant response (any 1 x 2) (2)
3.5.3 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 3D – L2] Candidates can state whether they AGREE or DISAGREE and substantiate their response with relevant evidence AGREE Members of the Black Panther Party:
Challenged authorities who regarded them as too radical
Carried guns which might have scared ordinary Americans
Monitored the police and their approach may have alienated them from other
African Americans
Used army uniforms which implied that they were militarised
Any other relevant response
DISAGREE Members of the Black Panther Party:
Reacted vigorously to police brutality
Defended African American communities against police harassment
Realised that the approach that the Civil Rights Movement used was ineffective
Forced authorities to respect the constitutional rights of African Americans
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
3.6 [Interpretation, evaluation and synthesis of evidence from relevant sources – L3] Candidates could include the following aspects in their response:
The Black Panther Party (BPP) was very successful in mobilising African American youth because it attended to their needs (Source 3A)
The Ten-Point Plan was designed to attract more African Americans by appealing to their needs (Source 3B)
The Black Panther's manifesto was based on socialist ideals and therefore appealed to many oppressed African Americans (own knowledge)
The Black Panther demanded freedom, equality and social justice which served to attract African American youths (Source 3B)
Legislative bodies throughout the USA was challenged by the BPP (Source 3C)
Monitoring the police made the Black Panther popular among African American youth (own knowledge)
Several branches of the Black Panther Party were established throughout America to conscientise African Americans about their rights (own knowledge)
The BPP was successful in mobilising African Americans therefore the FBI used a variety of methods to discredit and destroy this organisation (Source 3D)
The BPP used community-based programmes to conscientise African Americans to become self-sufficient (own knowledge)
Any other relevant response
Use the following rubric to allocate a mark:
Uses evidence in an elementary manner e.g. shows no or little understanding of how successful the Black Panther Party was in mobilising African Americans in the 1960s.
Uses evidence partially or cannot write a paragraph.
Evidence is mostly relevant and relates to the topic e.g. shows some understanding of how successful the Black Panther Party was in mobilising African Americans in the 1960s.
Uses evidence in an elementary manner to write a paragraph.
Uses relevant evidence e.g. demonstrates a thorough understanding of how successful the Black Panther Party was in mobilising African Americans in the 1960s.
Uses evidence very effectively in an organised paragraph that shows an understanding of the topic.
(8) [50]
SECTION B: ESSAY QUESTIONS QUESTION 4: CASE STUDY – CHINA [Plan and construct an original argument based on relevant evidence using analytical and interpretative skills] SYNOPSIS Candidates should critically discuss how the failure of the Great Leap Forward led to Mao Zedong introducing the Cultural Revolution to accelerate agricultural and industrial transformation in the People's Republic of China. MAIN ASPECTS Candidates could include the following aspects in their response:
Introduction: Candidates should take a line of argument and indicate how the failure of the Great Leap Forward led to the introduction of the Cultural Revolution to transform the agricultural and industrial production in the People's Republic of China.
ELABORATION In critically discussing the statement, candidates could include the following points in their answer:
Mao Zedong's implementation of the First Five year Plan/Hundred Flowers Campaign (Brief background only)
The Great Leap Forward:
Mao Zedong's Second Five Year Plan (Great Leap Forward) that started in 1958
Its objective was to increase agricultural and industrial production in China
To end all forms of private enterprise
Promoted the collectivisation of co-operatives into 'People's Communes'
Dealt with resistance to collectivisation by forceful amalgamation of farms
Propaganda used to increase agriculture and industrial production
Failures of the Great Leap Forward:
Industries collapsed due to bad planning, poor support to peasants and corrupt local officials
High taxation on farm products led to disgruntled peasants and decreased production
Depended on unskilled labour (peasants) for industrial production rather than scientists and engineers. This led to a decrease in productivity in the industrial sector
Workers had to work long hours to increase production
Mao's effort to increase iron and steel production in 'backyard furnaces' led to inferior quality of iron and steel
The economy collapsed in the People's Republic of China
The Great Leap Forward was a dismal failure after 3 years of its implementation, also referred to as 'Three Bitter Years'
Mao Zedong was unable to stop starvation of millions of people due to famine
Mao resigned as President of China in 1959 but remained as Chairperson of the Chinese Communist Party
In 1962 he handed over the responsibility of the economy to President Liu Shaoqi and General Secretary Deng Xiaoping and withdrew from the political scene
The Cultural Revolution:
Mao launched the Cultural Revolution in 1966 to restore authority that was lost as a result of the failure of the Great Leap Forward
Used the Communist Party to stamp the authority of the government
Introduced the re-nationalisation of heavy industries
Focused on the principle of establishing a classless society
Established the Red Guards to deal with opponents of the Communist Party
Used the Red Guards to change old habits and attitudes (Four Olds)
Introduced the Little Red Book to change the mind-set of critics and promote communism
Huge demonstrations were held in Tiananmen Square, Beijing and posters and pictures of Mao were put up everywhere
The Little Red Book (contained Mao's philosophies about communism; all citizens expected to memorise principles of communism; a source of communist propaganda in China)
To enforce communism schools, universities & colleges were closed and critics were dealt with accordingly
It left a generation without formal education
Eliminated key officials (Xiaoping & Liu Shaoqi) and became the sole leader of China in 1966
Industry suffered and production stopped by 1968
Any other relevant response
Conclusion: Candidates should tie up their argument with a relevant conclusion. [50]
QUESTION 5: INDEPENDENT AFRICA: COMPARATIVE CASE STUDY – THE CONGO AND TANZANIA [Plan and construct an original argument based on relevant evidence using analytical and interpretative skills] SYNOPSIS In writing this essay, candidates should explain to what extent both Mobuto Sese Seko in the Congo and Julius Nyerere in Tanzania dealt with political and economic challenges that confronted their respective countries after attaining independence in the early 1960s. MAIN ASPECTS Candidates could include the following aspects in their response:
Introduction: Candidates should highlight to what extent Mobuto Sese Seko and Julius Nyerere were able to deal with the political and economic challenges that confronted their respective countries after attaining independence in the early 1960s. They also need to compare how each leader responded to the challenges that confronted them. Candidates should also indicate how they would support their line of argument.
ELABORATION In responding to the question, candidates could include the following points in their answer: Political challenges: The Congo:
Attained independence through democratic elections (the Congo (1960): J Kasavubu became President and P Lumumba became Prime Minister
The Congo was highly fragmented along ethnic lines (colonial legacy) with leaders competing against each other
The period after independence was characterised by violence and political upheaval
After holding multi-party elections at independence, the Congo became a one-party-state within the first five years after gaining independence
Mobutu Sese Seko came into power by a military coup
He remained as 'president for life' until his death in 2007
A Kleptocracy was created were a group of appointed public officials abused their position for financial gain
A strong military was established and was controlled by the central government
Ensured political stability (though based on authoritarianism)
Applied the policy of Africanisation
Any other relevant response
Attained independence through democratic elections (J Nyerere elected as prime minister)
Smooth transition (peaceful change/racial harmony/commitment to promotion of human equality and dignity)
After holding multi-party elections at independence Tanzania became a one-party-state
Nyerere amended the constitution to become President (1962)
He remained as 'president for life' between the 1960s and 1970s
Introduced the 'Leadership Code' in the Arusha Declaration which demanded high levels of integrity from public officials
Applied the policy of Africanisation
Introduced the policy of African Socialism / Ujamaa
Establishment of the United Republic of Tanzania (1964) which was a centralised and a unitary state
Any other relevant response
Economic challenges The Congo:
Inherited single product economy from the colonisers
Relied heavily on agriculture and mineral extraction (one product economy) and its impact on the economy
Lacked a vibrant manufacturing sector
Followed a capitalist economic system
Zaireanisation (replacing foreigners with Zairian nationals) was a failure because of inexperience/ corruption/mismanagement/ neglect
The economy was characterised by nepotism and elitism (large gulf emerged between rich and poor)
Nationalised land and industries
Decline in the state of infrastructure
Increased the gap between the rich and the poor
Application of Retrocession (reversal of Zaireanisation)
Dependant on foreign aid and investment
Any other relevant response
Inherited a single product economy from the colonisers
Lacked a vibrant manufacturing sector
Relied heavily on agriculture and mineral extraction (one product economy) and was able to develop a credible manufacturing sector
Followed an African socialist economic system
Arusha Declaration (abolished exploitation/reduction of income gap between the poor and the rich/ownership of the country's resources)
Villagisation (collective villages) improved service delivery/created a stable society that was free from economic inequalities. However, farmers refused to leave their ancestral lands/agricultural production fell drastically
Most companies that were nationalised became bankrupt
Exports declined and had a negative impact on the economy
Attempts to make Tanzania self- sufficient failed
Tanzania managed to minimise the gap between the rich and the poor
Tanzania reverted to dependence on foreign aid / loans in 1970s
Any other relevant response
Conclusion: Candidates should tie up their argument with a relevant conclusion [50]
QUESTION 6: CIVIL SOCIETY PROTESTS FROM THE 1950s TO THE 1970s: THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT [Plan and construct an original argument based on relevant evidence using analytical and interpretative skills] SYNOPSIS Candidates should indicate whether they agree or disagree that the Selma – Montgomery marches of 1965 were regarded as the most significant form of protests against segregation and discrimination in the United States of America. In supporting their line of argument candidates must select examples of mass-based resistance, non-violent protests that the Civil Rights Movement embarked on, such as sit-ins, demonstrations and marches until the passing of the Civil Rights Act in 1964 and the Voters Act in 1965. MAIN ASPECTS Candidates could include the following aspects in their response:
Introduction: Candidates should take a stance by agreeing/ disagreeing that the Selma – Montgomery marches of 1965 were the most significant form of civil rights protest against segregation and discrimination in the USA.
ELABORATION If candidates disagree with the statement posed, the following aspects should be included in their response:
Montgomery bus boycott (1955) (Background only)
Sit-ins (from 1960): four students in Greensboro sat at whites only counter; the number of students increased daily; Sit-ins spread across the south; the role of the SNCC (Student non-violent Coordinating Committee); Sit-ins spread to Read-ins, Wade-ins etc. (impact: restaurants counters opened to all races in the USA in the summer of 1961)
Freedom Riders: African Americans and Whites from the North started the rides to challenge segregation in the bus system; they were attacked, bombed and jailed; they received no protection from the police. President Kennedy was forced to protect them; The Federal government released an order on 1 November 1961 officially desegregating all interstate public facilities
The Birmingham Campaign (1963): Mass demonstrations challenged racial segregation and economic exclusion of African Americans; included a children's march; met with violent action from the police. Kennedy responded to the racial segregation in the USA; On 10 May 1963, Birmingham announced that all municipal facilities would be desegregated
March on Washington (August 1963) was attended by 250 000 people to demand equality and jobs; it was famous because Martin Luther King Jnr delivered 'I Have a Dream speech.' It contributed significantly to the signing of the Civil Rights Act, 1964
Freedom Summer (1964): More than 70 000 African Americans volunteers registered and taught literacy in freedom schools in Mississippi; they were met with serious violence from segregationists and police officers. It contributed to the signing of the Civil Rights Act, 1964
Selma to Montgomery Marches (1965): (March 1965): (To demand that African American be allowed to register to vote (only 2,5% of black people were registered voters due to intimidation and racist attacks) – after three attempts, brutal police attacks on non-violent demonstrators (Bloody Sunday) and mass support from across the country they reached Montgomery. President Johnson was pressurised to pass the 1965 Voting Rights Act)
Any other relevant response
Conclusion: Candidates should tie up their argument with a relevant conclusion [50]
If candidates agree, they should substantiate their line of argument with relevant evidence TOTAL: 150
Last modified on Wednesday, 29 September 2021 13:04