Information Technology
Paper One (P1) 
Grade 12
Amended Senior Certificate Exam
Past Papers And Memos 2016


  1. This question paper is divided into THREE sections. Candidates must answer  ALL THREE sections.
  2. The duration of this examination is three hours. Because of the nature of this  examination it is important to note that you will not be permitted to leave the  examination room before the end of the examination session.
  3. This question paper is set in programming terms that are not specific to any  particular programming language (Delphi/Java (using the Netbeans IDE)).
  4. Make sure that you answer the questions according to the specifications that  are given in each question. Marks will be awarded according to the set  requirements.
  5. Answer only what is asked in each question. For example, if the question does  not ask for data validation, then no marks will be awarded for data validation.
  6. Your programs must be coded in such a way that they will work with any data  and not just the sample data supplied or any data extracts that appear in the  question paper. 
  7. Routines, such as search, sort and selection, must be developed from first  principles. You may NOT use the built-in features of a programming language  for any of these routines. 
  8. Data structures that are not supplied must be defined by you, the programmer. 
  9. You must save your work regularly on the disk/CD/DVD/flash disk you have  been given, or on the disk space allocated to you for this examination session.
  10. Make sure that your examination number appears as a comment in every  program that you code, as well as on every event indicated.
  11. If required, print the programming code of all the programs/classes that you  completed. You will be given half an hour printing time after the examination  session. 
  12. At the end of this examination session you must hand in a disk/CD/DVD/flash  disk with all your work saved on it OR you must make sure that all your work  has been saved on the disk space allocated to you for this examination  session. Ensure that all files can be read.
  13. The files that you need to complete this question paper have been given to  you on a disk/CD/DVD/flash disk or on the disk space allocated to you. The  files are provided in the form of password-protected executable files.
    • Delphi candidates must use the file DelphiDataENGJune2016.exe.
    • Java candidates must use the file JavaDataENGJune2016.exe.
      Do the following:
    • Double click on the password-protected executable file.
    • Click on the 'Extract' button.
    • Enter the following password: Hosp9@%$
      Once extracted, the following list of files will be available in the folder DelphiDataENGJune2016/JavaDataENGJune2016: 




The Good Health Medical Centre provides highly trained practitioners and medical  services to the public.


The medical centre has a number of different facilities that are available to the  community.  

Do the following: 

  • Compile and execute the program found in the Question1 folder. The interface  displays four different sections named Question1_1 to Question1_4. Currently the  program has no functionality. 
  • Complete the code for each section of QUESTION 1, as described in  QUESTION 1.1 to QUESTION 1.4 on the next page. 
    Example of graphical user interface (GUI):
    amended 2016 good health

1.1 Write code to set the font size of the text on the label lblQuestion1_1 to 14 pt  and display the text 'Good Health Medical Centre' on the label when the  program is executed.  

IT      (2) 
1.2 Button [Question1_2] 

The community is encouraged to contribute towards a medical aid scheme.  The scheme offers four options: Option A to Option D. Option A provides the  minimum number of benefits and is the least expensive option with an amount  of R1 000,00 per month as contribution for the main member of a family. This  amount increases by 20% with each option (Option B, Option C and  Option D) thereafter. 
Family members of the main member are added as dependants to the  account of the main member. An amount of 50% of the payment by the main  member will be added to his/her account for each dependant. 
The user must select an option from the list box and enter the number of  dependants in the text box. 
Write code to calculate the total monthly payment the member has to make  towards the medical aid scheme. Display the monthly payment in a dialog box  with a suitable message. If no option was selected, display a message  instructing the user to select an option.  
Example of output if Option A is selected and the number of dependants is one: 
amended 2016 option a
Example of output if Option B is selected and the number of dependants is  three (as below):
amended 2016 option b


1.3 Button [Question1_3] 

The patient's account can be paid over a period of 12 months.
The first payment is calculated as 15% of the account balance. After the first  payment has been deducted the balance must be paid in equal payments  over the remainder of the months. 
The user is required to enter the account balance in the text box. 
Write code to calculate and display the payment number, the amount to be  paid monthly and the decreasing balance in neat columns with suitable  headings. The amounts must be formatted to currency with two decimal  places. 



1.4 There are three doctors on duty every day:

Doctor 1, Doctor 2 and Doctor 3.  The total number of patients must be divided equally amongst the three  doctors. If there are any remaining patients, the first patient will be allocated  to the first doctor (Doctor 1) and the second patient to the second doctor  (Doctor 2). 
The algorithm below was compiled to calculate and display the number of  patients each doctor will attend to during the day. 

    1.  number ? Enter the total number of patients 
    2. patients_per_doctor ? number integer division by 3 
    3. doctor1 ? patients_per_doctor 
    4. doctor2 ? patients_per_doctor
    5. doctor3 ? patients_per_doctor
    6. remainder ? number modulus 3 
    7. if remainder = 1 then 
      doctor1 ? doctor1 + 1
      if remainder = 2 then 
      doctor2 ? doctor2 + 1 
    8. display doctor1, doctor2 and doctor3 


    1. Convert the instructions provided in the algorithm above into  programming code to calculate and display the number of patients per doctor. (10)
    2. The incorrect number of patients is allocated to the doctors due to a logical error in one of the IF statements in the algorithm. Identify the incorrect IF statement and correct it in your code so that the correct number of patients is assigned to each doctor.
      Example of correct output for a total of five patients: 
      amended 2016 five patients
      Example of correct output for a total of ten patients (as below):
      amended 2016 ten patients



The doctors on duty have to wait until all the patients on the list have  been attended to before they can sign out as a team. They have to  provide the number of hours and minutes they have worked using the  number of hours and minutes that the first doctor has worked. They  are only allowed to sign out on the hour. For example, if they worked  for 3 hours and 30 minutes, starting at 08:00, they will all sign out at  12:00. 
Add code to the QUESTION1_4 button to do the following: 
Obtain the duration of one consultation in minutes. The default time is  15 minutes, but the user is allowed to enter any other value. Obtain  the time of day when consulting starts. Calculate and display the time  the doctors have worked and the time of day when they will sign out. 
Example of output if the total number of patients is five, the duration  of one consultation is 15 minutes and consulting starts at 08:00:
amended 2016 15 pat
Example of output if the total number of patients is ten, the duration of  one consultation is 20 minutes and consulting starts at 13:00: 
amended 2016 15 minutes


  • Enter your examination number as a comment in the first line of the program file.
  • Save your program. 
  • Make a printout of the code if required.




The Good Health Pharmacy allows pharmacists to enter the prescription the patient  has received for tablets electronically. The labels for the tablet containers and a patient  account will then have to be created. The total cost of all prescriptions required must then be calculated. 

Do the following:

  • Open the incomplete program found in  the Question2 folder.
  • Open the incomplete object class  PrescriptionItem.pas.
  • Enter your examination number as a  comment in the first line of both files Question2_U.pas and  PrescriptionItem.pas.
  • Open the incomplete program found in  the Question2 folder.
  • Open the incomplete object class
  • Enter your examination number as a  comment in the first line of both  classes and


  • Compile and execute the program. The program currently has no functionality.  Example of the interface: 
    amended 2016 good health pharmacy
    NOTE: The pnlGeneric panel is set not to be visible when the program is executed.
  • Complete the code for this program as specified in QUESTION 2.1 and  QUESTION 2.2 below. 


The given incomplete object class (TPrescriptionItem/PrescriptionItem)  contains the declaration of four attributes that describes the PrescriptionItem object. 
The given attributes of the PrescriptionItem object are as follows: 







A unique six-character code allocated to  each prescribed tablet



A string consisting of four characters to  indicate the number of tablets to take (See explanation in note below.)



The prescribed number of days the  tablets must be taken



The price of a single tablet


Complete the code in the given PrescriptionItem class  (TPrescriptionItem/PrescriptionItem) as described in QUESTIONS 2.1.1 to  2.1.6 below. 
NOTE: The dosage attribute consists of four characters in the format XX#X,  where the # is used as a symbol to separate information. 

Example 1: D1#B 
Example 2: H2#8

First  character 


Tablets must be taken once daily. 

Second character: Number of tablets to take at a  time 

Fourth character: B: After breakfast 

                             S: After supper 


D1#B means: Take one tablet daily after breakfast.

Tablets must be taken hourly. 

Second character: Number of tablets to take at a  time 

Fourth character: Refers to the hourly period that  the tablet must be taken.  

                            The hourly period can either be  2, 3, 4, 6 or 8. 


H2#8 means: Take two tablets every 8 hours.

2.1.1 Write code for a constructor method to receive the tablet code,  dosage code, number of days and the price per tablet as parameter  values. Assign these values to the relevant attributes. (4) 
2.1.2 Write a method called calcTabletsPerDay that will use the dosage code to determine and return the number of tablets that is  prescribed per day. A day is regarded as a period of 24 hours.

Example 1: If the dosage code is D1#S, it means that one tablet  must be taken daily after supper. 
Example 2: If the dosage code is H2#4, it means that two tablets must be taken every four hours, which adds up to a  total of 12 tablets per day. (8) 

2.1.3 Write a method called compileFrequencyOfUseMessage that will  use the dosage code to compile and return a message indicating  when the tablets should be taken.  

Example 1: If the dosage code is D1#S, the message to return is:  Take 1 tablet(s) daily after supper. 
Example 2: If the dosage code is H4#8, the message to return is:  Take 4 tablet(s) every 8 hours. (8) 

2.1.4 Write a method called calcTotalTablets to calculate and return the  total number of tablets for this prescription item. (3) 
2.1.5 Write accessor methods for the tablet code and price attributes. (2) 
2.1.6 Write a compileLabel method to return the necessary information to  be printed on the label of the tablet container in the format shown  below. 

Tablet code: <code> 
<Frequency of use message> for <number of days>  days 
(<Total number of tablets included> tablets) 

Example of output if the tablet code is HPCMCN, the dosage code is  H2#8 and the number of days is four: 

Tablet code: HPCMCN 
Take 2 tablet(s) every 8 hours for 4 days.
(24 tablets) 


2.2 Two parallel arrays are provided in the incomplete class  Question2_U.pas/  

The array called arrCodes contains the codes of all available tablets.  The array called arrPrices contains the prices per single tablet for each  corresponding code. 
Example of data in the supplied arrays: 
The first four codes in the arrCodes array: 
The first four prices in the arrPrices array: 
17.89, 14.60, 23.50, 22.75 
The data for the first tablet can be interpreted as follows:

    • The code of the tablet is CBLTAD.
    • The price of a single tablet is 17.89

Do the following to complete the code for each button in the main form unit  (Delphi)/GUI class (Java): 
NOTE: The object objPrescriptionItem has been declared in the program.

2.2.1 Code for the combo box 
The user is required to select the code of the tablet from the relevant combo box. If the code selected ends with the letter 'G', it means  that a generic equivalent for the tablet is available. The panel pnlGeneric must be displayed, which allows the user to choose the  generic equivalent of the tablet. 
amended 2016 generic ame
A generic tablet is defined as a tablet that is used to treat the same  condition as the original tablet but is usually sold at a lower price.  
In this program the cost of the generic equivalent of a tablet is 40%  less than the cost of the original tablet. The arrPrices array contains  the prices of the original tablets.
The pnlGeneric panel must not be visible if there is no generic  equivalent available for the tablet. 
HINT: The indices of the codes in the arrCodes array are the same  as those of the codes in the combo box. (9)

2.2.2 Button [2.2.2 – Instantiate Prescription Item] 
Use the information supplied by the user and instantiate a new  PrescriptionItem object. The tablet code, dosage code, number of  days and the price per tablet must be used as arguments to  instantiate the object. 
If the pnlGeneric panel appears and the generic check box is  selected, the price of the tablet must be reduced by 40% before the  object is instantiated. 
Display a message in a dialog box to indicate that the object was  instantiated successfully. 


2.2.3 Button [2.2.3 – Display] 
Use the compileLabel method to display the label information in the  output area on the Prescription Item panel. 
Also display the tablet code and the cost of this prescription item in  the output area of the Prescription Account panel. The cost must  be formatted to currency with two decimal places. 
NOTE: The total cost of all prescription items must be calculated to  be displayed when the 2.2.4 – Total of all Prescription Items button is clicked. 
Example of output for the prescription item and account details if the  tablet code is HPCMCN, the dosage code is D2#B and the number  of days entered is 3: 


IT5 (8)

2.2.4 Button [2.2.4 – Total of all Prescription Items] 
Display the total amount owed for this specific prescription, formatted to currency with two decimal places.
Example of output for the Prescription Account output area after  all prescription items have been entered: 


2.2.5 Button [2.2.5 – Clear All] 
Clear the output area for the prescription item and the prescription  account. Also clear all the input components and set the relevant  variables to 0. (3) 

  • Enter your examination number as a comment in the first line of the class and the form. 
  • Save your program. 
  • Print the code contained in both the class and the form if required.



There are three sections in the wing for female patients at the Good Health Medical  Centre. Section 1 is for emergency patients, Section 2 for children and Section 3 for  adult patients. Each section has five wards and each ward has ten beds.

Do the following: 

  • Compile and execute the program found in the Question3 folder. Currently the  program has no functionality. 
  • Complete the code for each question as described in QUESTION 3.1 and QUESTION 3.2 below.
    Supplied GUI
    The supplied GUI contains components for events that have to take place. An example of the GUI is given below. 
    Use the program requirements in the questions that follow to decide on a suitable  output component to be placed in the output area labelled Ward Statistics on the  GUI.
    Supplied data: 
  • You are not allowed to modify supplied data manually. Code must be written to  manipulate the supplied data according to the requirements. 
  • The use of good programming techniques and modular design must be applied in  the design and coding of your solution.
    You are provided with a two-dimensional array called arrWardStats, which contains  the number of beds currently occupied by patients in each of the five wards. 
    The values that appear in the arrWardStats array are the following:
    NOTE: The labels are not part of the content of the array. 

Ward 1 

Ward 2 

Ward 3 

Ward 4 

Ward 5











3.1 Button [3.1 – Display Ward Statistics] 

The program must display the different sections, ward numbers and the  number of patients in each ward. The information must be neatly displayed in  columns with suitable headings and labels. 
Example of output: 

3.2 Button [3.2 – Place New Patients] 

A text file called DataQ3.txt contains information on new patients that need to  be admitted. Each line of text in the file contains the full name and date of birth  (YYYY-MM-DD) of the patient separated by a hash character. If the patient  must be admitted to the emergency ward, a semicolon, followed by the  character 'E', has been added to the line of text. 
Example of the first three lines of text in the file: 
Debra Jenkins#2005-10-12 
Geraldine Mathews#1992-01-09 
Nosipho Mbele#2010-09-23;E

Write code to do the following: 
Check whether the text file DataQ3.txt exists. 
If the text file does not exist, display a suitable message and close the program. If the text file exists, do the following for each new patient: 

  • Determine the section: Emergency, Children or Adults. A patient is  considered to be a child if he/she is younger than eighteen years. 
  • Find a ward with an available bed in the section. The search process must  start at Ward 1. If there are no available beds in Ward 1, then Ward 2 must  be checked, and so forth. Each ward has a maximum of ten beds. 
  • Compile a placement code indicating the section and number of the ward  where the patient will be placed.

    A3 means that the patient will be placed in the section for adults in Ward 3.
    If all wards in the specific section are full, the placement code for the  patient must be the words 'Waiting list'.
    If an emergency patient is placed on a waiting list, the colour of the  'Emergency' panel must be changed to red. 
  • Display the name, age and placement code in the output area for new  patients. 
  • If a patient is placed in a ward, the values in the arrWardStats array must  be updated accordingly.
    Display the updated arrWardStats array after processing all the patients in the  text file.

    Example of New Patients output area (on the last page):


Example of Ward Statistics output area after new patient details have been  processed: 



Read and obtain information from the text file. 


Determine the section to which the patient will be admitted. 


Determine the ward that is available in the specific section. 


Construct the placement code or the words 'Waiting list'. 


Update the arrWardStats array. 


Display the name, age and placement code or words of the new patient. 


Display the updated arrWardStats array. 





  • Enter your examination number as a comment in the first line of the program file.
  • Save your program.
  • Make a printout of the code if required.



Last modified on Friday, 13 August 2021 11:42