The Taj Mahal, an example of Mughal architecture, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the city Agra.
You are required to finalise documents about the Taj Mahal.
Open the 1Mahal word processing document, which contains information for tourists about the Taj Mahal. Insert your examination number in the header.
1.1 Make the following changes to the first page:
1.1.1 Find the text 'A Marvel' and apply the following text effect:
1.1.2 Change the size of the picture by setting the scale height to 60% and the scale width to 40%. (2)
1.1.3 Vertically centre the contents of the first page only. (1)
1.2 Insert any automatic table of contents below the heading 'Table of Contents' on the second page. (1)
1.3 Modify the Heading 1 style to appear as follows:
1.4 Find the paragraph that starts with the text 'What is widely …'.
Format the first letter of the paragraph to appear exactly as shown below: (2)
1.5 Change the hyperlink on the text 'Agra' in the first paragraph so that it links to the 1Town document, found in your examination folder. (1)
1.6 Add the text 'Indian poet' to the footnote found on the text 'Rabindranath Tagore'. (1)
1.7 Find the paragraph that starts with 'Over 20 000 people …' and ends with '… early 20th century'.
Apply a word processing feature to the paragraph to ensure that it does not split across a page. (1)
1.8 Select the text 'Paradise Garden' below the heading 'Taj Mahal Garden'. This text already contains an index.
Mark this text with a subentry, 'Multiples of 4'. (2)
1.9 Find the image below the heading 'Photos of Taj Mahal' and add the objects, as shown below, next to the image. (5)
1.10 Hide the text 'Adapted from', found at the end of the document.
NOTE: Do NOT delete this text. (1)
1.11 Insert the text 'Taj Mahal' in the footer of only the last page of the document. (3)
Save and close the 1Mahal document.
Open the 2Visit word processing document containing survey data about visitor satisfaction after visiting the Taj Mahal. Insert your examination number in the footer.
2.1 Change the line spacing of the first paragraph to double. (1)
2.2 Apply automatic hyphenation to the document. (1)
2.3 Change the style of the page number to any Accent Bar style. (1)
2.4 Replace the text 'crowds' on the first page with a cross reference to the heading 'Tourist influx at the Taj Mahal'. (2)
2.5 Add the text 'India Tourism' as the corporate author to the source 'Visit Wonderful India (2018)'. (2)
2.6 Find the citation at the end of the first paragraph below the heading 'Tourist influx at the Taj Mahal'.
Edit the citation to include the pages referred to, '43–49'. (1)
2.7 Find the table below the heading 'Short facts about the Taj Mahal' and edit the table to display as follows:
NOTE: The table should fit across the page. (4)
2.8 Find the numbered list below the heading 'Taj Mahal Timings and Tickets'.
Define a new multilevel list, based on the numbered list, so that it appears exactly as follows:
2.9 Insert a pie chart in the space provided on the last page as follows:
2.10 Change the page colour so that the 2Back picture, found in your examination folder, appears as the background.
NOTE: Do NOT use a watermark. (2)
Save and close the 2Visit document.
Open the 3Stats spreadsheet, which contains information about foreign tourists who visited the Taj Mahal.
Work in the Foreign worksheet.
3.1 Format cells A1:I3 as follows:
3.2 Change the tab colour of the Foreign worksheet to the standard purple colour. (1)
3.3 One can exchange 1 South African rand for 5 Indian rupees.
Insert a formula in cell B17 to convert the amount in rupees in cell C17 to an amount in South African rand. (2)
3.4 Modify the function in cell C74 to correctly calculate the 'Grand Total' earned from tourism by adding the total income per continent/subcontinent in column C. (1)
3.5 Insert a formula in cell D8 to determine how many tourists from the USA visited the Taj Mahal in 2016. (2)
3.6 Columns G and H contain the change in the number of tourists from each country from one year (e.g. 2016) to the next (e.g. 2017) displayed as a percentage.
Apply conditional formatting to only cells H17:H32 to automatically display the number in a green font if the 2017/2018 percentage (column H) change is greater than the 2016/2017 percentage (column G) change. (5)
3.7 India Tourism will implement an advertising campaign in other countries, based on the number of tourists that visited the Taj Mahal in 2016 (column D), 2017 (column E) and 2018 (column F).
The advertising campaign will be implemented as follows:
Insert a nested IF function in cell I7 to determine whether a 'Regular' or 'Strong' advertising campaign should be implemented in Canada. (5)
Work in the Country worksheet.
3.8 Change the chart/graph in the worksheet to appear as follows:
Save and close the 3Stats spreadsheet.
Open the 4Tourists spreadsheet. This spreadsheet contains data obtained from a survey completed by tourists who stay in Agra and visit the Taj Mahal.
Work in the Info worksheet.
4.1 Wrap the column headings in row 6 (1)
4.2 Insert a function in cell E2 to determine the most days (column F) that any tourist stayed in Agra to visit the Taj Mahal. (2)
4.3 Insert a function in cell E3 to determine the number of tourists who indicated the kind of reaction they had (column J) when they saw the Taj Mahal. (2)
4.4 The gender code for a tourist is stored in column K as follows:
The amount each tourist spent is stored in column L.
Insert a function in cell E4 to determine the total amount spent by all female tourists. (4)
4.5 Insert a function in cell E5 to determine how many tourists from Spain (column D) indicated that they would return (column M) to visit the Taj Mahal. (5)
4.6 Use the HOUR function in cell I7 to display only the number of hours between the time tourists checked in (column H) and the arrival time (column G). (2)
4.7 The results of the survey showed that tourists generally spent different amounts per person, depending on their gender and country of origin.
The lookup table in the Countries worksheet indicates the estimated amount male and female tourists from the various countries spent per day per country of origin.
Insert a formula/function in cell L7 to calculate the total estimated amount spent by the tourist, Nelle Moran, for the number of days (column F) he stayed in Agra.
HINT: Use a VLOOKUP function to determine the estimated amount that male or female tourists spent per day, based on their country of origin.
The gender code for a tourist is stored in column K:
The formula must work correctly if it is copied down to the other cells. (5)
4.8 Tourists to the Taj Mahal need to get permission to visit the site three months before their arrival.
The date that a tourist arrives at the Taj Mahal appears in column E.
Modify the function in cell N7 to calculate the date on which the tourist obtained permission. (5)
Save and close the 4Tourists spreadsheet.
Open the 5Survey database, which contains data obtained from a survey completed by visitors to Agra.
5.1 Edit the tblInfo table in Design View as follows:
5.1.1 Move the primary key from the Code field to the SurveyNo field. (1)
5.1.2 Move the Name field so that it appears after the Surname field. (1)
5.1.3 Create an input mask on the Code field to ensure that the user inserts a code in the required format.
NOTE: Study the data in the Code field in Datasheet View before creating the input mask. (4)
5.1.4 A validation rule was set on the DateIn field.
Insert appropriate validation text for the DateIn field. (2)
5.1.5 The Days field contains a calculation that attempts to determine the number of days a tourist spent in Agra.
Correct the calculation so that the days are NOT negative. (1)
5.1.6 Change the format of the WillReturn field to 'True/False'. (1)
Save and close the tblInfo table.
5.2 Open the frm5_2 form, based on the tblInfo table in Design View, and do the following:
Save and close the frm5_2 form. (7)
5.3 Open the qry5_3 query in Design View and modify it as follows:
Save and close the qry5_3 query. (5)
5.4 Open the qry5_4 query in Design View and do the following:
Display the records of the tourists whose:
Save and close the qry5_4 query. (5)
5.5 Open the qry5_5 query in Design View and do the following:
Save and close the qry5_5 query. (7)
5.6 Open the rpt5_6 report in Design View and do the following:
Save and close the rpt5_6 report. (6)
Save and close the 5Survey database.
ONE mark will be allocated for the correct closing of all tags and the correct nesting of both the web pages. (1)
6.1 Open the incomplete 6_1Wonder web page in a web browser and also in a text/HTML editor (NOT a word processing program such as Word).
NOTE: Question numbers appear as comments in the coding to indicate where you should insert the answer(s). DO NOT delete these comments.
NOTE: Use the example on the previous page as a guide when answering this question.
6.1.1 Set the background colour of the web page to beige. (1)
6.1.2 Format the heading 'Agra' as follows:
6.1.3 Insert the 6City.jpg picture, found in your examination folder, after the heading 'Agra'.
Set the height of the picture to 350 and the width to 600.
Ensure that the picture appears below the heading, as shown in the example on the previous page. (5)
6.1.4 Change the list at the end of the web page to display as shown in the example on the previous page. (1)
Save and close the 6_1Wonder web page.
6.2 Open the incomplete 6_2Tourism web page in a web browser and also in a text/HTML editor (NOT a word processing program such as Word).
Complete the web page to look exactly like the example below.
Save and close the 6_2Tourism web page. (10)
The conservation of the Taj Mahal is an urgent priority.
7.1 Open the 7Protect word processing document and do the following:
7.1.1 Add an automatic caption to the picture.
Use the sentence below the picture as the caption text. (2)
7.1.2 Accept only the changes made by author ABC. (2)
Save and close the 7Protect document.
7.2 Open the 7Calculations spreadsheet.
7.2.1 Work in the Countries worksheet.
Insert a formula/function in cell B2 to determine if there are two or more words in a country's name (column A).
HINT: Use a function to determine the position of the first # character. (7)
7.2.2 Work in the Sub worksheet.
Use the SUBTOTAL feature to display the data as follows:
NOTE: The data is sorted according to Traveller Type and Gender. (3)
Save and close the 7Calculations spreadsheet.
7.3 Open the 7Numbers database and do the following:
Save and close the 7Numbers database. (6)
TOTAL: 180
Basic Tags | |
Tag | Description |
<body></body> | Defines the body of the web page |
<body bgcolor="pink"> | Sets the background colour of the web page |
<body text="black"> | Sets the colour of the body text |
<head></head> | Contains information about the web page |
<html></html> | Creates an HTML document – starts and ends a web page |
<title></title> | Defines a title for the web page |
<br/> | Inserts a line break |
<!-- --> | Comment |
Text Tags | |
Tag | Description |
<hl></hl> | Creates the largest heading |
<h6></h6> | Creates the smallest heading |
<b></b> | Creates bold text |
<i></i> | Creates italic text |
<font size="3"></font> | Sets size of font, from "1" to "7" |
<font color="green"> </font> | Sets font colour |
<font face="Times New Roman"></font> | Sets font type |
Link Tags | |
Tag | Description |
<a href="/URL"></a> | Creates a hyperlink |
<a href="/URL"><img src="/name"></a> | Creates an image link |
<a name="NAME"></a> | Creates a target location in the document |
<a href= "#NAME"></a> | Links to a target location created somewhere else in the document |
Formatting Tags | |
Tag | Description |
<p></p> | Creates a new paragraph |
<p align="left"> | Aligns a paragraph to the "left" (default), can also be "right" or "center" |
<br/> | Inserts a line break |
<ol></ol> | Creates a numbered list |
<ol type="A","a", "I","i","1"></ol> | Defines the type of numbering used |
<ul></ul> | Creates a bulleted list |
<ul type="disc", "square","circle"> </ul> | Defines the type of bullets used |
<li></li> | Inserted before each list item, and adds a number or symbol depending on the type of list selected |
<img src="/name"> | Adds an image |
<img src="/name" align="left"> | Aligns an image: can be "left", "right", "center", "bottom", "top", "middle" |
<img src="/name" border="1"> | Sets the size of the border around an image |
<img src="/name" width="200" height ="200"> | Sets the height and width of an image |
<img src="/name" alt="alternative text"> | Displays alternative text when the mouse hovers over the image or when the image is not found |
<hr/> | Inserts a horizontal line |
<hr size="3"/> | Sets size (height) of a line |
<hr width="80%"/> | Sets the width of a line, in percentage or absolute value |
<hr color= "ff0000"/> | Sets the colour of the line |
Table Tags | |
Tag | Description |
<table></table> | Creates a table |
<tr></tr> | Creates a row in a table |
<td></td> | Creates a cell in a table |
<th></th> | Creates a table header (a cell with bold, centred text) |
<table width="50"> | Sets the width of the table |
<table border="1"> | Sets the width of the border around the table cells |
<table cellspacing="1"> | Sets the space between the table cells |
<table cellpadding="1"> | Sets the space between a cell border and its contents |
<tr align="left"> | Sets the alignment for cell(s) ("left", can also be "center" or "right") |
<tr valign="top"> | Sets the vertical alignment for cell(s) ("top", can also be "middle" or "bottom") |
<td colspan="2"> | Sets the number of columns a cell should span |
<td rowspan="4"> | Sets the number of rows a cell should span |
0 | Digit (0 to 9, entry required, plus [+] and minus [–] signs not allowed) |
9 | Digit or space (entry not required, plus [+] and minus [–] signs not allowed) |
# | Digit or space (entry not required; spaces are displayed as blanks while in Edit mode, but blanks are removed when data is saved; plus [+] and minus [–] signs allowed) |
L | Letter (A to Z, entry required) |
? | Letter (A to Z, entry optional) |
A | Letter or digit (entry required) |
a | Letter or digit (entry optional) |
& | Any character or a space (entry required) |
C | Any character or a space (entry optional) |
. , : ; - / | Decimal placeholder and thousand, date and time separators (The actual character used depends on the settings in the Regional Settings Properties dialog box in the Windows Control Panel.) |
< | Causes all characters to be converted to lower case |
> | Causes all characters to be converted to upper case |
! | Causes the input mask to display from right to left, rather than from left to right. Characters typed into the mask always fill it from left to right. You can include the exclamation point anywhere in the input mask. |
\ | Causes the character that follows to be displayed as the literal character (for example, \A is displayed as just A) |
INFORMATION SHEET (to be completed by the candidate AFTER the 3-hour session)
CENTRE NUMBER __________________________________________________________
EXAMINATION NUMBER _____________________________________________________
WORK STATION NUMBER ____________________________________________________
SUITE USED (Mark appropriate box with a cross (X)) | Microsoft Office 2013 | Microsoft Office 2016 | Microsoft Office 2019 | Office 365 |
WEB BROWSER USED (Mark appropriate box with a cross (X)) | Mozilla Firefox | Google Chrome | Internet Explorer | Other (Specify) |
FOLDER NAME ______________________________________________________________
Candidate to tick file names if saved and/or attempted.
Question number | File name | Saved (✓) | Attempted (✓) | Maximum Mark | Marker | SM | CM | IM/EM |
1 | 1Mahal | 27 | ||||||
2 | 2Visit | 23 | ||||||
3 | 3Stats | 24 | ||||||
4 | 4Tourists | 26 | ||||||
5 | 5Survey | 40 | ||||||
6.1 | 6_1Wonder | 20 | ||||||
6.2 | 6_2Tourism | |||||||
7 | 7Calculations | 20 | ||||||
7Numbers | ||||||||
7Protect | ||||||||
TOTAL | 180 |