
  • ALL selected questions MUST be marked, irrespective of whether it is correct or incorrect
  • Candidates are expected to make a choice of THREE questions to answer. If all questions are answered, ONLY the first three questions are marked.
  • A clear, neat tick must be used: ✓
    • If ONE mark is allocated, ONE tick must be used: ✓
    • If TWO marks are allocated, TWO ticks must be used: ✓✓
    • The tick must be placed at the FACT that a mark is being allocated for
    • Ticks must be kept SMALL, as various layers of moderation may take place
  • Incorrect answers must be marked with a clear, neat cross: ✓
    • Use MORE than one cross across a paragraph/discussion style questions to indicate that all facts have been considered
    • Do NOT draw a line through an incorrect answer
    • Do NOT underline the incorrect facts
  • Where the maximum marks have been allocated in the first few sentences of a paragraph, place an over the remainder of the text to indicate the maximum marks have been achieved

For the following action words, ONE word answers are acceptable: give, list, name, state, identify
For the following action words, a FULL sentence must be written: describe, explain, evaluate, analyse, suggest, differentiate, distinguish, define, discuss, why, how
The following action words need to be read within its context to determine whether a ONE word answer or FULL sentence is required: provide, what, tabulate
Totalling and transferring of marks

  • Each sub-question must be totalled
    • Each question has six sub-sections, therefore six sub-totals per question required
    • Sub-section totals to be written in right hand margin at the end of the sub-section and underlined
    • Sub-total must be written legibly
    • Leave room to write in moderated marks on different levels
  • Total sub-totals and transfer total to top left hand margin next to question number
  • Transfer total to cover of answer book

Marking on each level of moderation is done in the same way as the initial marking. All guidelines for marking must be adhered to.
If a mark for a sub-question is changed after moderation, the moderator must strike through the markerˈs mark and write down the new mark. 12 16
The total for the question must be re-calculated, and similarly be struck off and the new total to be written down.

1.1.1 A (South Atlantic High) (1)
1.1.2 B (Kalahari High) (1)
1.1.3 B (South Indian) (1)
1.2.1 Melting snow
1.2.2 Mouth
1.2.3 Third order
1.3.1 Katabatic
1.3.2 1 occurs during the day while 2 occurs at night
1.3.3 Cold air rolls down into the valley and forms an inversion
1.4.1 Shape of front concave
Steep gradient of front
1.4.2 Warm air undercuts the cold air
1.4.3 Air behind the cold front is colder than the air in front. Cold air moves faster than warm air ahead of it. Cold front catches up with the warm front.

  1. A river that only flows all year round
  2. The river channel is wide
  3. Regularity of rainfall and the soil type over which the streams flow.

1.6.1 Gauteng and the Eastern Cape
1.6.2 Mining waste dumped in the river and industries pollute the water.
1.6.3 The cost of food production will increase at it is costly to buy purified water. Farmers will have to buy more chemicals to purify water. Chemicals cost a lot and this will increase production costs. It will be costly to purify water for use in electricity generation. These costs will be included in electricity prices. Costs will increase the price of electricity during production. There will be less clean water to generate hydro-electricity.


1.1.1 thermal belt (1)
1.1.2 smog (1)
1.1.3 aspect (1)
1.1.4 radiation fog (1)
1.1.5 frost (1)
1.1.6 katabatic (1)
1.1.7 anabatic (1) (7 x 1) (7)
1.2.1 C (1)
1.2.2 A (1)
1.2.3 C (1)
1.2.4 B (1)
1.2.5 C (1)
1.2.6 D (1)
1.2.7 C (1)
1.2.8 A (1) (8 x 1) (8)
1.3.1 a category 3 hurricane (1) (1 x 1) (1)
1.3.2 Sea surface temperatures of 26,5°C and above (1)
Unstable atmospheric conditions (1)
Originates between 5º and 25º north and south (1)
Coriolis force (1)
Calm conditions (light variable winds) over the ocean surface (1)
Little surface friction (1)
Surface air convergence (1)
Extensive upper air divergence of winds aloft (1)
Rapid large scale evaporation of moisture over ocean/High humidity (1)
Release of latent heat (1)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 1) (1)
1.3.3 120 (km/h) (1)
(Accept 120km/h to 149km/h) (1 x 1) (1)
1.3.4 Pressure gradient decreases when you move away from the eye (2)
Isobars are further apart as you move away from the eye (2)
Pull of the vortex becomes weaker (2)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 2) (2)
1.3.5 Circulation and forward movement in the same direction (2)
Intense winds in the cyclone combines with the force of the entire cyclone moving forward/westwards into the left-hand quadrant (2)
Wind shear (a sudden change in wind direction) at lower altitudes intensifies this quadrant (2)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 2) (2)
1.3.6 Storm surges due to strong winds will cause floods (2)
Damage to property because of flooding/strong winds (2)
Loss of life (2)
It causes injury to people/animals (2)
It will cause coastal erosion (2)
Destruction of infrastructure (accept examples) (2)
Ecosystems are disrupted (2)
Loss of biodiversity (2)
Negative impact on tourism/Outdoor activities (2)
Negative impact on the fishing industry (2)
Loss of agricultural production/Food insecurity (2)
Costly to repair damages/medical and insurance claims (2)
Contamination of water/Water borne diseases (2)
Aesthetic beauty of coastal area destroyed (2)
[ANY FOUR] (4 x 2) (8)
Geography/P1 6 DBE/November 2019
NSC – Marking Guidelines
Copyright reserved Please turn over
1.4.1 Winter (1) (1 x 1) (1)
1.4.2 The presence of the Continental/Kalahari high pressure (1)
Lower temperatures (14ºC) over the interior (1)
Movement of air from the Kalahari high towards the coast (1)
Off-shore winds originating from the Kalahari high pressure (1)
[Warm offshore wind not accepted]
[ANY TWO] (2 x 1) (2)

  1. As air descends, moisture evaporates (2)
    Very little moisture carried from the interior (2)
    They originate over the land (interior of the country) (2)
    [ANY ONE] (1 x 2) (2)
  2. Air heats up (adiabatically) as it descends (2)
    Temperature of air increases by 1°C/100m as it descends (2)
    [ANY ONE] (1 x 2) (2)
  3. Will result in a rapid/strong/increase in wind speed (2)
    Will result in air heating up quickly (2) (2 x 2) (4)

1.4.4 Berg winds dry out the vegetation/crops which makes the vegetation/crops flammable (2)
There is a possibility that fire can spread quickly and cause destruction over large areas e.g. houses burned down (2)
Outbreaks of fire could harm people, e.g. skin burns and smoke inhalation/respiratory problems (2)
High temperatures can cause dehydration of the vulnerable like children and the aged (2)
Visibility of motorists is affected and can cause accidents (2)
All emergency personnel are needed for evacuation purposes (2)
[Candidates can link emergency services to the above responses]
[ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)
1.5.1 When one river captures/intercepts/robs/steals the headwaters of another river/When a more energetic river captures a less energetic river (1)
The stream flowing at a lower level captures/intercepts/robs/steals the waters of a stream flowing at a higher level (1)
[CONCEPT] (1 x 1) (1)
1.5.2 Headward /Backward erosion (1)
Erodes upstream (from its source) (1)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 1) (1)
1.5.3 L – elbow of capture (1)
M – wind gap (1) (2 x 1) (2)
J – misfit stream (1)
K – captor stream (1) (2 x 1) (2)

  1. It is a high lying area that separates two different drainage basins (1)
    [CONCEPT] (1 x 1) (1)
  2. Lowering (vertically) of the watershed (2)
    Headwards movement/retreats horizontally (2)
    [ANY ONE] (1 x 2) (2)
  3. It will increase the volume of the water in this stream (2) (1 x 2) (2)

1.5.6 They would have to access other water sources (e.g. JoJo tanks) (2)
Harvesting rain water (2)
The transport of water from other areas (2)
Make use of wind pumps/bore holes to access ground water (2)
Build (farm/small) dams (2)
Recycling/purification of water (2)
Reduce the amount of livestock on farms (2)
They would have to reduce the variety of crops on farms (2)
Decrease the production of crops on farms (2)
Change to crops that require less water (2)
The use of GM/drought resistant seeds (2)
Increase the use of fertilizers (2)
More intensive irrigation (2)
Use of canals and furrows for irrigation (accept examples) (2)
More effective method of irrigation (e.g. drip irrigation instead of sprinkler system) (2)
Use fertigation (include fertiliser) with drip irrigation processes (2)
Remove alien vegetation (2)
Greenhouse farming (2)
Use of cover crops to reduce evaporation (2)
Use water wisely and sparingly in households (2)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)
1.6.1 Industries (1) (1 x 1) (1)
1.6.2 Lack of natural vegetation increases the run off (2) (1 x 2) (2)
Untreated sewage from settlement ends up in the river polluting the water and causing diseases (2)
Domestic waste water is released in drainage systems decreasing the quality of the water (2)
Grey water (dust, oil from roads) pollutes the river system (2)
Runoff from settlements carries waste material into the water (2)
Fertilizers used on farms is washed into the rivers causing eutrophication (2)
Pesticides used for crops is washed into the river polluting the water (2)
Soil erosion makes the water murky (2)
[ANY ONE] (2 x 2) (4)
Access to clean fresh water for future generations (2)
South Africa is a water scarce country (low unreliable rainfall) (2)
Better quality crops will be produced with higher yields (2)
Most industries need a good water supply to function productively (2)
Water is necessary for the production of products e.g. soft drinks, sweets, canned foods (2)
Higher exports with more profits from crops (2)
Healthier meat products with a better monetary value will be produced (2)
Rivers are a less expensive mode of bulk transport (2)
Good river management encourages eco-tourism/tourism/ recreation (2)
Good quality of water sustains farming/mining/fishing/forestry industry (2)
Maintaining rivers creates sustainable employment (2)
It allows for the generation of hydroelectricity which is an alternative source of power (2)
Decreases purification costs of drinking water (2)
Decreases water borne diseases therefore workforce is healthier (2)
Results in water being more affordable/cheaper (2)
Increases purification costs of drinking water (2)
Increases water borne diseases therefore workforce is unhealthy (2)
Acidic water stunts plant growth (2)
Acidic water can hinder crop cultivation (2)
Contaminated water poses a health hazard (2)
Polluted rivers will affect the fishing industry (2)
Polluted rivers can contaminate oceans (2)
[ANY FOUR] (4 x 2) (8)

2.2.1 river mouth (1)
2.2.2 ground water (1)
2.2.3 drainage basin (1)
2.2.4 river source (1)
2.2.5 water table (1)
2.2.6 surface runoff (1)
2.2.7 confluence (1) (7 x 1) (7)
2.1.1 C (1)
2.1.2 C (1)
2.1.3 A (1)
2.1.4 C (1)
2.1.5 A (1)
2.1.6 B (1)
2.1.7 B (1)
2.1.8 B (1) (8 x 1) (8)
2.3.1 Isobars (1) (1 x 1) (1)
2.3.2 Low pressure/Thermal/Heat low over the interior (1)
The date is 28 March (1)
Presence of tropical cyclone (1)
Generally high temperatures over the interior (1)
Overcast conditions over the interior (1)
Position of the South Atlantic and South Indian high pressures further south (1)
Clear conditions over the South-western Cape (1)
Thermal low displaced the Kalahari high pressure cell (1)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 1) (2)
2.3.3 Along the coast (1)
From west to east along the coast (1)
South easterly, easterly then north eastward (1)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 1) (1)

  1. Heat/thermal low (1) (1 x 1) (1)
  2. The land surface is intensely heated causing warm air to rise (2)
    High evaporation rates (2)
    Condensation results in dense cloud cover/heavy rain/thunderstorms (2)
    It allows for the pulling of cool, dry air from the western part of the country and warm, moist air from the eastern parts of the country to the interior (2)
    It leads to the formation of the moisture boundary/Line thunderstorms occur (2)
    [ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)


  1. Scattered/ little cloud cover/28 /14 indicated (2)
    Low temperatures (2)
    Off shore winds (2)
    [ANY ONE] (1 x 2) (2)
    Anticlockwise movement of air from the high-pressure cell brings cooler air onto the land (2)
    South Atlantic high-pressure ridges over the land feeding in cooler air (2)
    Wind direction is influenced by the anticlockwise movement of air in a
    high pressure (2)

2.4.1 B (1) (1 x 1) (1)
2.4.2 Evidence of clouds forming (at A than B) (2)
More vegetation causes more evapo-transpiration (at A than B) (2)
Evaporation of water from the soil (at A than B) (2)
More natural surfaces (at A than B) (2)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 2) (2)
2.4.3 There are more condensation nuclei/hygroscopic nuclei in B (at B than A) (2)
(1 x 2) (2)
2.4.4 Tall buildings cause the sun’s rays to be reflected and deflected between the buildings (multiple reflection) (2)
A larger surface area to absorb the sun’s heat (2)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 2) (2)
Concrete and metals are used in the construction of buildings therefore more heat is retained (2)
Tarred (darker surface) roads are a greater absorber of heat/Low albedo (2)
Glass and mirror surfaces of modern building leads to multiple reflections of heat raising the temperature (2)
Taller buildings have a larger surface area that can be heated (2)
Heat is trapped between tall buildings (2)
The storm water drainage systems in urban areas result in less evaporation, less cooling and increased temperatures (2)
Urban areas have more heat generating activities such as restaurants (2)
Use of appliances like stoves, air conditioners, fridges, etc. generates heat (2)
Industries (light) that produce heat (2)
Vehicles increase the production of pollutants that absorb and retain heat for longer (2)
Building activities like construction generate heat (2)
2.5.1 (Side) view of a river from source to mouth (1)
[CONCEPT] (1 x 1) (1)
2.5.2 It has a concave shape (2)
It is steep in the upper course, less steep in the middle course and gradual in the lower course (2)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 2) (2)
2.5.3 Ultimate (permanent) – sea (1)
Temporary – dam (1) (2 x 1) (2)
2.5.4 It will decrease the capacity/reduce the volume of water (2) (1 x 2) (2)
2.5.5 Original longitudinal profile is graded /concave shaped/with no temporary base levels (2)
New longitudinal profile is ungraded/multi-concave/has temporary base levels of erosion (2)
[ANY ONE COMPARISON] (2 x 2) (4)
More erosion upstream of dam due to greater water volumes (2)
Erosion temporarily stops at the dam (2)
Rate of erosion decreases downstream of the dam due to less water (2)
Deposition of silt in the dam results in less deposition downstream (2)
The rate of deposition increases as the velocity of the water is reduced downstream (2)
[ANY ONE] (2 x 2) (4)
2.6.1 Undercut slope (1)
Meander loop (1)
(Accept Meander) (1)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 1) (1)
Faster moving water on the outer bank (2)
Increased erosion on the outer bank (2)
The gradient is more gradual (2)
Reduction in velocity (2)
Increase in lateral erosion (2)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 2) (2)
2.6.3 Constant undercutting of the outer bank causes it to collapse (2)
Faster moving water on the outer bank removes the eroded material (2)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 2) (2)
2.6.4 (Regular) flooding generally occurs in the lower course of the river and as it overflows sediments are deposited on the banks (2)
In the lower course of the river the gradient is more gentle and deposition occurs (2)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 2) (2)
It reduces risk of flooding of farmland and loss of farm equipment (2)
Reduces direct run off into the river making more water available for farming on the floodplain (2)
Levees prevent fertile soil from the floodplain from being washed into the river (2)
Raised banks increases the carrying capacity of the river (2)
More water available for farming (2)
Prevents loss of livestock/farmland therefore higher profits (2)
Fertile soil on the levee promotes farming (2)
Reduces the deposition of sediment (alluvium) on farmland (2)
Reduces the fertility of soil on the farmland (2)
Reduces access to water for farmers (2)
Forms an obstacle to tributaries joining the main river, reducing the amount of water available in the river (2)
Irrigation becomes more difficult and expensive (2)
Bad drainage can result in waterlogged floodplains and rotting crops (2)
[ANY FOUR] (4 x 2) (8)


3.2.1 primary (1)
3.2.2 tertiary (1)
3.2.3 primary (1)
3.2.4 secondary (1)
3.2.5 tertiary (1)
3.2.6 secondary (1)
3.2.7 primary (1) (7 x 1) (7)
3.1.1 C (1)
3.1.2 E (1)
3.1.3 A (1)
3.1.4 H (1)
3.1.5 I (1)
3.1.6 D (1)
3.1.7 F (1)
3.1.8 B (1) (8 x 1) (8)
3.3.1 Correct the imbalances of the past with regards to land ownership (1)
[CONCEPT] (1 x 1) (1)

  1. Land redistribution (1)
    Land restitution (1) (2 x 1) (2)
  2. Land redistribution is where state owned land is redistributed to previously disadvantaged people (2)
    Land restitution refers to the process where people who were forcefully removed from their land can claim their land back or be compensated financially (2)
    [CONCEPTS] (2 x 2) (4)

3.3.3 Prioritise targeted skills development (1)
Capacity building programmes (1) (2 x 1) (2)
3.3.4 Shorter time period for land to become available (2)
No costly drawn out legal processes involved (2)
No willing-buyer willing-seller clause (2)
Land is now more easily accessible and more affordable (2)
A Government advisory panel has been put in place to facilitate the process (2)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 2) (2)
Re-allocated land may not be used productively or be cultivated at all (2)
Redistribution of land might not stimulate economic growth (2)
The move from subsistence to commercial farming might not take place on re-allocated land (2)
Redistributed land is given to people without any agricultural knowledge (2)
Some beneficiaries of restitution might not move back to their land (2)
Lack of support by the government in terms of skills training and finance (2)
Subsistence farming practices may lower agricultural output (2)
Lack of farming skill of new farmers may decrease agricultural output (2)
Lack of capital may result in decreased agricultural output (2)
Infertile soil can result from bad soil management (2)
Agricultural land might not be used correctly or is used for other purposes (2)
Uncertainty can lead to neglect of farms (2)
Land could be under- utilised as farmers might not have capital to buy equipment etc. (2)
Some commercial farmers could abandon farming and enter other sectors of the economy (2)
Nepotism and corruption with regards to how land is redistributed could decrease agricultural production. (2)
Encourages more small- scale farmers to engage in farming (2)
Production from small- scale farmers can be cheaper compared to large- scale farming (2)
If more people engage in farming it will reduce food insecurity (2)
Crop production can increase as more people have access to farmland (2)
Small -scale farming can reduce the cost of food as they can provide competition (2)
Exports from small-scale farmers’ can increase foreign exchange (2)
Subsistence farmers will have the opportunity to become commercial farmers (2)
More people will be employed on farms and this will increase yields (2)
Can counteracts rural-urban migration and keep people in rural areas to be employed on farms (2)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)
3.4 3.4.1 Urbanisation is the process of the increasing percentage of the population living in urban areas (1)
Urban expansion is the physical/areal/spatial growth of the urban area (1)
[CONCEPTS] (2 x 1) (2)
3.4.2 Increases/upward (1)
(37% to 56%) (1)
Positive (1)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 1) (1)
3.4.3 With more people entering the city there is more demand for housing (2)
More space is required for the growth of industries (2)
More recreation areas are required (2)
More services and facilities are needed (accept examples of services) (2)
Growth of the infrastructure to accommodate the increased population (accept examples of infrastructure) (2)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)
Results from insufficient roads/lanes to cater for the additional vehicles on the road (2)
There will be more vehicles on the road because of greater affordability (2)
Inefficient public transport system (2)
Greater distances between workplace and home (2)
Increase in rural-urban migration increases urban population (2)
People cannot afford formal housing (2)
Municipalities cannot cope with the demand of RDP housing (2)
Increase in population numbers due to influx of migrants (2)
People cannot afford formal houses (2)
Municipalities cannot keep up with the demands for services which leads to strike action (2)
Understaffing/shortage of services results in long queues, time off work which reduces productivity in order to receive e.g. medical services (can explain example) (2)
Culture of non-payment for services, which leads to municipal shortfalls (2)
Poor management by municipalities (2)
Too many people residing in a residence/flats (2)
Municipalities did not plan for the influx of people in urban areas (2)
Municipal budgets did not cater for the influx of people into urban areas (2)
Buildings are not maintained by landlords who rent apartments out (2)
Influx of people into the city cause overcrowding in apartments (2)
Lack of service provision by municipalities due to non-payment of services (2)
Lack of jobs and poverty forces people into crime (2)
Insufficient policing (2)
Social ills e.g. prostitution, drug abuse, human trafficking etc. (2)
Informal trading contributes to squalor in the inner city (2)
3.5.1 When a country is able to provide access to nutritious food for its inhabitants (1)
[CONCEPT] (1 x 1) (1)
3.5.2 Food insecurity is not great news due to the fact that people still do not have access to nutritious food (2)
People are still searching in dust bins for food (2)
People are still begging on the streets for food (2)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 2) (2)
3.5.3 People are unemployed (live on streets) (2)
They will not be able to afford the food due to high prices (2)
Unaffordable to those living on the streets (2)
Inaccessible to them (2)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)
3.5.4 Use genetically modified crops to ensure higher yields (2)
Improved scientific farming methods which would encourage higher yields (2)
More training and skills development would increase large-scale farming (2)
A greater variety of crops should be grown as South Africa has a diverse climate (2)
Land reform programmes would transfer land ownership to more farmers which would increase crop production (2)
Sustainable agriculture would serve to protect agricultural land for a long time thereby ensuring more food production (2)
The government should provide incentives to protect small-scale farmers which would increase food production (2)
Free trade would make importing of food easier and more accessible (2)
Planting a variety of crops would prevent soil erosion and ensure enough fertile land (2)
Create employment opportunities for their skills base (2)
Food aid schemes can provide people with a temporary solution to a shortage of food (2)
Community food gardens increases daily access to food, without people having to buy food (2)
Convert from subsistence to commercial farming (2)
Invest in research to improve crops and adapt to climate change (2)
Regulate food prices to ensure accessibility (2)
Use of organic farming practices to protect soil (2)
Water and drought management/expand irrigation schemes to ensure sustainable supply of water (2)
Promote the growth of industries to process more food (2)
Reducing food wastage will ensure that there is more food available (2)
Strict laws to prevent price fixing will provide access to food for poorer people (2)
Food fortification - nutrients are added to basic food such as bread and maize to increase its nutrient value (2)
Zero rating (Vat exemption) of more basic food to increase accessibility (2)
Store surplus yield so that in an event of a natural disaster, people will have access to the surplus yield that was stored (2)
[ANY FOUR] (4 x 2) (8)
3.6.1 Kwa-Zulu-Natal (Accept KZN) (1) (1 x 1) (1)
3.6.2 Bayside Aluminium (1)
Hillside Aluminium (1)
Richards Bay Minerals (RBM) (1)
Mondi paper (1)
IQF fertiliser (1)
Sugar mill (1)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 1) (2)
3.6.3 Many smelter factories in the area (2)
Raw materials needed for the manufacturing industry are nearby (2)
Availability of cheap electricity due to nearby coal fields (2)
Availability of a labour force (2)
Well-equipped harbour to export large amounts of manufactured products (2)
Good rail and road networks to the PWV and Durban-Pinetown regions (2)
Large amounts of available land for industries (2)
Access to a large supply of water (2)
Demand for heavy machinery by local industries (2)
Accessibility to international markets (2)
Break-of-bulk point (2)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)
3.6.4 Employment opportunities created in industries, infrastructure development (2)
Earning potential increases (2)
Buying power of locals increases/Multiplier effect (2)
Poverty is reduced (2)
Accessibility to more and better services (accept examples) (2)
Standard of living improves (2)
Access to better infrastructure (accept examples) (2)
Skills uplifted (2)
Fourth- industrial revolution skills- (technology, computer) (2)
Enhancing innovative ideas (2)
Research and entrepreneurial development (can give examples like vendors, tuck shops, car guards, etc.) (2)
Better communication between companies and local technicians (2)
Social responsibility programs (e.g. study bursaries)
Gives opportunities for the local community to cater for the tourist market (2)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)
3.6.5 It has a well-developed transport network- rail, sea and road (2)
Minimum traffic congestion issues (2)
Cheaper labour costs on outskirts as compared to core industrial areas (2)
Established deep port harbour will facilitate trade (export and imports) (2)
High quality local municipality services provided (2)
Adequate supply of power from nearby coal fields (2)
Close to international airport (2)
Good telecommunication network (2)
Break-of-bulk point (2)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)

4.1.1 A (1)
4.1.2 B (1)
4.1.3 B (1)
4.1.4 A (1)
4.1.5 A (1)
4.1.6 A (1)
4.1.7 B (1) (7 x 1) (7)
4.2.1 D (1)
4.2.2 G (1)
4.2.3 A (1)
4.2.4 I (1)
4.2.5B (1)
4.2.6 C (1)
4.2.7 F (1)
4.2.8 E (1) (8 x 1) (8)

  1. Transition zone (1)
    (Accept zone of decay) (1)
    (Accept light industry) (1)
    [ANY ONE] (1 x 1) (1)
  2. Mixed functions (accept examples e.g. light industries, residential areas, ware houses) (1)
    Dilapidated buildings (1)
    High land values (1)
    Social evils are rife e.g. prostitution, drug trafficking, etc. (1)
    Illegal occupancy of buildings by unemployed persons (1)
    Graffiti on walls (1)
    Buildings used for functions other than their original function (brownfields) (1)
    Invasion and succession of the CBD (1)
    Overcrowded conditions (1)
    Informal traders (1)
    Close to the CBD (1)
    Light industries are found in the transition zone (1)
    Light industries occupies small amount of space (1)
    Light industries are not associated with pollution (1)
    Light industries use light raw materials (1)
    Light industries are close to the market as perishable goods are being manufactured (1)
    [ANY TWO] (2 x 1) (2)
  3. Close to local market (CBD) (2)
    Does not require large spaces (2)
    Light industries can occupy multi-storey buildings (2)
    Produces less air, water and water pollution (2)
    Close to labour force (2)
    [ANY ONE] (1 x 2) (2)
  4. Applicable to both the Transition zone and light industry:
    Land use zone A is the area of future expansion of the CBD which has high land values (2)
    Land use zone A is close to the CBD therefore the demand for this land will increase in the future (2)
    Competition for land increases the land value (2)
    [ANY ONE] (1 x 2) (2)

4.3.2 Next to recreational area (2)
On the outskirts of urban area (2)
Away from industries (2)
Large dwellings (2)
Evidence of gardens (2)
Different architectural designs (2)
Near the greenbelt (aesthetic beauty) (2)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)
4.3.3 Air pollution in zone C would discourage higher income housing at B (2)
Noise pollution in zone C would discourage higher income housing at B (2)
Zone C would take away the aesthetic appeal of zone B (2)
Zone C requires abundant and cheap land while the land values at zone B is high (2)
C will lower the property values of B (2)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)
4.4.1 When people occupy land illegally/When people live in self-constructed structures, that is made up of any available material (1)
[CONCEPT] (1 x 1) (1)
4.4.2 Nature of construction material used (1)
Spacing among structures (1)
Emergency accessibility challenges (1)
Human behaviour (1)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 1) (2)
4.4.3 People light fires, use paraffin heaters etc. (to keep warm) which are highly flammable (2)
Increased use of paraffin/gas stoves (2)
Increased use of coal or wood to make open fires (2)
Illegal electricity connections (2)
Negligence when using open fires (2)
Material used to make fires stored around shacks (2)
Increased use of candles to generate light (2)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)
4.4.4 Provide safer electricity /solar panels to these settlements (2)
Provide proper infrastructure so that emergency personnel can promptly attend to fires (accept examples) (2)
Provide regular policing services to monitor illegal connections (2)
Establish community forums to assist in case of fires (2)
Increased access to potable (clean) water (2)
Create safe after-care places to ensure safety and supervision of children (2)
Access to community halls in case of emergency (2)
Demarcate specific plots for people to settle so that there is space between houses (2)
Build formal brick houses (2)
Increased awareness programs (2)
Install fire hydrants (2)
[ANY FOUR] (4 x 2) (8)
4.5.1 Eastern Cape (1)
(Accept EC) (1) (1 x 1) (1)
4.5.2 Automotive industry /motor vehicle industry /assembly of motor vehicles (1) (1 x 1) (1)
4.5.3 Natural bay seaport (harbour) (1)
It has a more central location as compared to the other core industrial areas to reach the northern and southern parts of South Africa (1)
Covering an area of 1957,6km² (1)
Located in the wetter eastern half of the country (1)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 1) (2)
4.5.4 Large labour force (2)
Availability of a market (2)
Large buying power (2)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 2) (2)
4.5.5 Provides sustainable employment for local residents (2)
Increased earnings will benefit local businesses (2)
Improved infrastructure associated with industries will boost other economic activities in the area (2)
Export of vehicles increases foreign exchange (2)
Industries will contribute to local economic growth (2)
Taxes paid by the industry contributes to regional income (2)
Provides market for raw materials to increase production (2)
Export of products increases foreign exchange (2)
Multiplier-effect stimulates other sectors of the local economy (2)
Results in the upskilling of people which will increase quality and output (2)
Fourth-industrial revolution skills e.g. robotics will increase efficiency in the workplace (2)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)
4.5.6 Lack of minerals and raw materials (2)
Lack of minerals to beneficiate (2)
Water shortages due to no supplementation by water schemes (2)
Shortage of skilled labour force (2)
Less tertiary activities and services (2)
No administrative capital advantage (2)
Poorer infrastructure compared to PWV (2)
Smaller market in PE-Uitenhage (2)
Electricity is more expensive (2)
Less capital investment in PE-Uitenhage region (2)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)
4.6.1 Small business enterprises that are not registered with SARS/Government entities/ for tax purposes (1)
[CONCEPT] (1 x 1) (1)
4.6.2 Ban street trading (1)
Fine offenders R5 000 without an option of jail (1)
Facial expression/Body language of the minister (1)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 1) (1)
4.6.3 Taking business away from formal businesses (2)
Clutter formal business areas (2)
Informal businesses tend to be untidy, causing litter and have potential health hazards (2)
They are unsightly and spoil the aesthetics of the area (2)
They tend to be associated with high levels of noise (2)
Hinder movement of pedestrians on pavement (2)
Don’t contribute formally to the tax base/They are not registered (2)
Its associated with crime (2)
They discourage people from supporting formal businesses (2)
They deal in counterfeit products (2)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 2) (2)
4.6.4 Gives them an income to support their families (2)
It reduces poverty (2)
Major source of employment (2)
Develop entrepreneurial skills (2)
Reduces the dependency on social grants because the vendors are independent (2)
To improve their standard of living (2)
Promotes food security (2)
Able to establish relationships with formal businesses (2)
They have flexible trading hours (2)
Convenience of working from home (2)
Do not require large amounts of capital to start the business (2)
Not necessary to apply for permits therefore cutting down on costs (2)
Do not have to comply with trade regulations (2)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)
4.6.5 This sector is not regulated (own boss) (2)
Poor legislation to guide/provides rules for this sector (2)
This sector does not pay taxes to SARS (2)
Goods that are sold are cheap and affordable (2)
Goods are not SABS approved (knockoffs) (2)
Lack of employment in the formal sector forces people to look for employment in the informal sector (2)
Rural-urban migration leads to a decrease in employment opportunities (Push factors) (2)
Slump in the South African economy causes large scale retrenchments (2)
Technology has taken the place of workers in most industries (2)
Increasing cost of urban life forces people to look for extra sources of income in the informal sector (2)
Businesses in the formal sector sub-contract people from the informal sector creating a demand for informal trader (2)
Many foreigners cannot be permanently employed in the formal sector and the informal sector is the only opportunity for them to find employment (2)
Social grants inadequate to meet the needs of the people therefore this supplements income (2)
Lack of skills and finance to educate themselves (2)
Difficulty in securing funding for formal business (2)
Informal businesses are easier to start up (2)
Convenience of working from home reduces costs of renting premises (2)
Do not require large amounts of capital to start the business (2)
No need to apply for permits therefore less bureaucracy (red tape) (2)
Do not have to comply with trade regulations (2)
[ANY FOUR] (4 x 2) (8)
TOTAL: 225

Last modified on Monday, 14 February 2022 12:19