1. SOURCE BASED QUESTIONS 1.1 The following cognitive levels were used to develop source-based questions:
LEVEL 1 (L1)
Extract evidence from sources
Selection and organisation of relevant information from sources
Define historical concepts/terms
30% (15)
LEVEL 2 (L2)
Interpretation of evidence from sources
Explain information gathered from sources
Analyse evidence from sources
40% (20)
LEVEL 3 (L3)
Interpret and evaluate evidence from the sources
Engage with sources to determine its usefulness, reliability, bias and limitations
Compare and contrast interpretations and perspectives presented in sources and draw independent conclusions
30% (15)
1.2 The following information below indicates how to source-based questions are assessed:
In the marking of source-based questions, credit needs to be given to any other valid and relevant viewpoints, arguments, evidence or examples.
In the allocation of marks, emphasis should be placed on how the requirements of the question have been addressed.
In the marking guideline, the requirements of the question (skills that need to be addressed) as well as the level of the question are indicated in italics.
1.3 Assessment procedures for source-based questions
Use a tick (✓) for each correct answer.
Pay attention to the mark scheme e.g. (2 x 2) which translates to two reasons and is given two marks each (✓✓✓✓); (1 x 2) which translates to one reason and is given two marks (✓✓).
If a question carries 4 marks then indicate by placing 4 ticks (✓✓✓✓).
Paragraph question Paragraphs are to be assessed globally (holistically). Both the content and structure of the paragraph must be taken into account when awarding a mark. The following steps must be used when assessing a response to a paragraph question:
Read the paragraph and place a bullet (.) at each point within the text where the candidate has used relevant evidence to address the question.
Re-read the paragraph to evaluate the extent to which the candidate has been able to use relevant evidence to write a paragraph.
At the end of the paragraph indicate the ticks (√) that the candidate has been awarded for the paragraph; as well as the level (1,2, or 3) as indicated in the holistic rubric and a brief comment e.g. ___________ . __________________________ . _________________________ _____________________________________________ . _________________ √√√√√ Level 2 Used mostly relevant evidence to write a basic paragraph
Count all the ticks for the source-based question and then write the mark on the bottom margin to the right, e.g. 32 50
Ensure that the total mark is transferred accurately to the front/back cover of the answer script.
2. ESSAY QUESTIONS 2.1 The essay questions require candidates to:
Be able to structure their argument in a logical and coherent manner. They need to select, organise and connect the relevant information so that they are able to present a reasonable sequence of facts or an effective argument to answer the question posed. It is essential that an essay has an introduction, a coherent and balanced body of evidence and a conclusion.
2.2 Marking of essays questions
Markers must be aware that the content of the answer will be guided by the textbooks in use at the particular centre.
Candidates may have any other relevant introduction and/or conclusion than those included in a specific essay marking guideline for a specific essay.
When assessing open-ended source-based questions, learners should be credited for any other relevant answer.
2.3 Global assessment of the essay The essay will be assessed holistically (globally). This approach requires the teacher to score the overall product as a whole, without scoring the component parts separately. This approach encourages the learner to offer an individual opinion by using selected factual evidence to support an argument. The learners will not be required to simply regurgitate ‘facts’ in order to achieve a high mark. This approach discourages learners from preparing ‘model’ answers and reproducing them without taking into account the specific requirements of the question. Holistic marking of the essay credits learners’ opinion supported by evidence. Holistic assessment, unlike content-based marking, does not penalise language inadequacies as the emphasis is on the following:
The construction of argument
The appropriate selection of factual evidence to support such argument
The learner’s interpretation of the question
2.4 Assessment procedures of the essay 2.4.1 Keep the synopsis in mind when assessing essays. 2.4.2 During the first reading of the extended writing, ticks need to be awarded for a relevant introduction (indicated by a bullet in memorandum) each of the main points/aspects that is properly contextualised (also indicated by bullets in the memorandum) and a relevant conclusion (indicated by a bullet in the memorandum) e.g. in an answer where there are 5 main points there will be 7 ticks. 2.4.3 The following additional symbols can also be used:
Introduction, main aspects and conclusion not properly contextualised ^
Wrong statement
Irrelevant statement
Repetition R
Analysis A√
Interpretation I√
2.5 The Matrix 2.5.1 Use of analytical matrix in the marking of essay In the marking of essays, with reference to page 5, the given criteria shown in the matrix should be used. In assessing the extended writing note should be taken of both the content and presentation. At the point of intersection of the content and presentation based on the seven competency levels, a mark should be awarded.
The first reading of essay will be to determine to what extent the main aspects have been covered and to allocate the content level (on the matrix).
The second reading of essay will relate to the level (on the matrix) of presentation.
Allocate an overall mark with the use of the matrix.
LEVEL 7 Very well planned and structured essay. Good synthesis of information. Developed an original, well balanced and independent line of argument with the use of evidence and sustained and defended the argument throughout. Independent conclusion is drawn from evidence to support the line of argument.
LEVEL 6 Very well planned and structured essay. Developed a relevant line of argument. Evidence used to defend the argument. Attempts to draw an independent conclusion from the evidence to support the line of argument.
LEVEL 5 Well planned and structured essay. Attempts to develop a clear argument. Conclusion drawn from the evidence to support the line of argument.
LEVEL 4 Planned and constructed an argument. Evidence used to some extent to support the line of argument. Conclusions reached based on evidence.
LEVEL 3 Shows some evidence of a planned and constructed argument. Attempts to sustain a line of argument. Conclusions not clearly supported by evidence.
LEVEL 2 Attempts to structure an answer. Largely descriptive or some attempt at developing a line of argument. No attempt to draw a conclusion.
LEVEL 1 Little or no attempt to structure the essay.
LEVEL 7 Question has been fully answered. Content selection fully relevant to line of argument.
LEVEL 6 Question has been answered. Content selection relevant to a line of argument.
LEVEL 5 Question answered to a great extent. Content adequately covered and relevant.
LEVEL 4 Question recognisable in answer. Some omissions or irrelevant content selection.
LEVEL 3 Content selection does not relate to the question, but does not answer it, or does not always relate to the question. Omissions in coverage.
LEVEL 1 Question inadequately addressed or not at all. Inadequate or irrelevant content.
*Guidelines for allocating a mark for Level 1:
Question not addressed at all/totally irrelevant content; no attempt to structure the essay = 0
Question includes basic and generally irrelevant information; no attempt to structure the essay = 1–6
Question inadequately addressed and vague; little attempt to structure the essay = 7–13
A government for the people by the people (determined by the will of the people)
Freedom of citizens in a country to elect a leader of their choice
A political system that allows for freedom of speech, association and the press
Any other relevant response (any1 x 2) (2)
1.1.2 [Extraction of evidence from Source 1A – L1]
'Defeated'; failure, loser (1 x 1) (1)
'Great hero' (1 x 1) (1)
1.1.3 [Interpretation of information in Source 1A – L2]
To protect/defend Cuba from an American attack/aggression
To spread and entrench the communist ideology in Cuba/ Latin America
To challenge the US government regarding the deployment of missiles in Turkey/ Italy
To demonstrate to the USA and the rest of the world that the Soviet Union was powerful and strong
To gain an advantage in the arms race
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
1.2 1.2.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 1B – L1] 'To take photographs of alleged Soviet missile sites in Cuba' (1 x 2) (2) 1.2.2 [Interpretation of evidence in Source 1B – L2] Candidates need to provide both options to get full marks
The majority of ExComm advised Kennedy to impose a blockade on Soviet ships entering Cuba/ it was a cautious and a less confrontational approach
Other members of ExComm advised Kennedy to launch an air strike on Cuba/ because it was more confrontational and a declaration of war
Any other relevant response (2 x 2) (4)
1.2.3 [Interpretation of evidence in Source 1B – L2]
To be transparent about the developments in Cuba
To assure Americans that he (Kennedy) and his administration were in control of the situation
To inform the American public about the steps that he intended to take against Soviet Union
Showed that he was not scared or intimidated by the deployment of Soviet missiles to Cuba
To make the public aware of a possible threat of a nuclear war
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
1.2.4 [Extraction of evidence from Source 1B- L1]
'To halt this offensive build-up, a strict quarantine on all offensive military equipment under shipment to Cuba'
'I have directed the continued close surveillance of Cuba and its military build-up'
'To regard any nuclear missile launched from Cuba as an attack by the Soviet Union on the United States' (3 x 1) (3)
1.3 1.3.1 [Interpretation of information in Source 1C – L2]
To inform the American public about the bold steps (blockade) that Kennedy decided to take against the deployment of Soviet missiles to Cuba
To intimidate Khrushchev so that Soviet missiles would be removed from Cuba
To assure American citizens that Kennedy's government was in control of the situation in Cuba
It's a major event/newsworthy that could affect the security of the USA and its allies
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
1.3.2 [Interpretation of information in Source 1C – L2]
The Cuban Missile Crisis could only be resolved if the Soviet missiles were removed from Cuba
The ultimatum suggests that the USA (Kennedy) wielded more power than the Soviet Union
Kennedy ordered/warned the Soviet Union to remove missiles from Cuba
It shows Kennedy’s intention to go to war with the Soviet Union if the missiles were not removed from Cuba
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
1.4 [Comparison of evidence in Sources 1B and 1C-L3]
In Source 1B Kennedy decided to impose a blockade of Soviet ships that intended entering Cuba and in Source 1C the blockade of Soviet ships entering Cuba was implemented
In Source 1B Kennedy addressed the American nation about the steps that he intended to take against the Soviet Union and Source 1C confirms the steps that Kennedy took by ordering the Soviet Union to remove its missiles from Cuba (ultimatum)
In Source 1B Kennedy states that Khrushchev must ‘halt this offensive build-up’ and in Source 1C Kennedy gives an ultimatum to Khrushchev to move those missiles
Both Sources 1B and 1C contain information on the action (imposing a blockade) that Kennedy took regarding the deployment of Soviet missiles to Cuba
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
1.5 1.5.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 1D – L1] ‘You (USA) have placed destructive missile weapons, which you call offensive in Turkey, literally next to us’ (1 x 2) (2) 1.5.2 [Extraction of evidence from Source 1D – L1]
'We are willing to remove from Cuba the means which you regard as offensive'
'We are willing to carry this out and to make this pledge in the United Nations Organisation (UNO)'
‘That the United States, for its part, considering the uneasiness and anxiety of the Soviet State, will remove its analogous means (similar missiles) from Turkey and, after that, persons entrusted by the United Nations Security Council could inspect on the spot the fulfilment of the pledges made (any 2 x 1) (2)
1.5.3 [Extraction of evidence from Source 1D – L1] The United Nations Security Council/ United Nations Organisation (1 x 1) (1) 1.5.4 [Evaluating the limitations of evidence in Source1D- L3]
The source gives only Khrushchev's views on how to resolve the Cuban Missile Crisis (one-sided)
It is written from a communist point of view
It is biased against the US government (blames the US government for deploying missiles to Turkey) and justifies the Soviet Union’s deployment of missiles to Cuba
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
1.6 [Interpretation, evaluation and synthesis of evidence in relevant sources – L3] Candidates could include the following aspects in their response:
Photographic evidence taken from a U-2 plane revealed the construction of Soviet missile sites in Cuba (Source 1B)
President Kennedy was informed about the construction of the Soviet missile sites in Cuba and immediately establishes ExComm to advise him (Source 1B)
Members of ExComm recommended the imposition of a blockade or an airstrike (Source 1B)
Kennedy chose to impose a blockade of Soviet ships that intended entering Cuba because he felt threatened (Source 1B)
Kennedy increased the surveillance which led to the shooting down of a US spy plane which increased tension (Source 1B)
Kennedy issued an ultimatum to Khrushchev to remove the missiles from Cuba (Source 1C)
The USA and its citizens were psychologically prepared for an outbreak of a nuclear war (own knowledge)
Kennedy engaged in brinkmanship (own knowledge)
A number of peaceful protest marches were held across the USA against the deployment of Soviet missiles in Cuba (own knowledge)
Any other relevant response
Use the following rubric to allocate a mark:
• Uses evidence in an elementary manner, e.g. shows no or little understanding of how the United States of America responded to the deployment of Soviet missiles to Cuba in the 1960s. • Uses evidence partially or cannot write a paragraph.
• Evidence is mostly relevant and relates to the topic, e.g. shows some understanding of how the United States of America responded to the deployment of Soviet missiles to Cuba in the 1960s. • Uses evidence in a basic manner to write a paragraph.
• Uses relevant evidence, e.g. demonstrates a thorough understanding of how the United States of America responded to the deployment of Soviet missiles to Cuba in the 1960s. • Uses evidence very effectively in an organised paragraph that shows an understanding of the topic.
(8) [50]
QUESTION 2: WHY DID FOREIGN POWERS BECOME INVOLVED IN THE ANGOLAN CIVIL WAR BETWEEN 1974 AND 1976? 2.1 2.1.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 2A – L1]
'UNITA' (2 x 1) (2)
2.1.2 [Extraction of evidence from Source 2A – L1]
'The American defeat in Vietnam in April 1975 had severely damaged its prestige around the world'
'Kissinger, the US … was anxious to find ways of enforcing American power.' (any 1 x 2) (2)
2.1.3 [Interpretation of evidence in Source 2A – L2] The USA:
Became involved in Angola to stop the spread of communism
Had no vested interests in Angola's oil industry
To challenge Soviet dominance/ sphere of influence in Southern Africa
Did not want to lose credibility/image amongst the pro-democratic African states
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
2.2 2.2.1 [Interpretation of evidence in Source 2B – L2]
Shows the USA's secretive and covert military involvement in Angola
Depicts that Angola will be destroyed during the conflict (bullet holes, bombs and smoke)
States that the war would cost American taxpayers millions of dollars/ gives a negative perspective
The war would have led to the death of many people
States that the CIA and Henry Kissinger were in favour of the USA's involvement in Angola
Suggests that the American experience in Vietnam would be repeated in Angola
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
2.2.2 [Analysis of evidence in Source 2B – L2]
The statement is sarcastic - America was defeated in Vietnam hence there was a possibility that the USA would be defeated in Angola
Many American soldiers died in Vietnam hence there was a possibility of more soldiers losing their lives in an Angolan war
The war in Vietnam cost millions of dollars and it was expected that the war in Angola would also be expensive
The US losses in Angola would be worse than the one in Vietnam because it involved the Soviet Union, Cuba and South Africa
The CIA was involved in both Angola and Vietnam
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
2.3 [Comparison of evidence in Sources 2A and 2B – L3]
In Source 2A the USA donated 300 000 US dollars to FNLA and UNITA and this is supported in Source 2B which states that the US involvement will cost millions
Source 2A mentions that the CIA and Kissinger were in favour of the USA's involvement in Angola while Source 2B portrays Kissinger and the CIA as the two main role players in America's involvement in Angola
Source 2A states that America was defeated in Vietnam which is supported in Source 2B which suggests that another defeat for the USA in Angola was expected
In Source 2A the USA covertly (secretly) funded the FNLA and UNITA and in Source 2B the cartoonist depicts the USA’s involvement in Angola as ‘TOP SECRET’
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
2.4 2.4.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 2C – L1] 'you had to withdraw without achieving your objectives' (1 x 2) (2) 2.4.2 [Extraction of evidence from Source 2C – L1]
'… because they (Cubans) occupied the Calueque Dam site '
'… Russia's and Cuba's support of the MPLA' (2 x1) (2)
2.4.3 [Interpretation of evidence in Source 2C – L2]
The communists supported liberation movements in African countries
The communists believed in total state control and this was against Vorster's belief of a market economy
The communists supported the South African liberation movements such as the ANC which challenged the apartheid regime
The role of the communists in Angola posed a serious threat to Vorster's apartheid regime
The communists wanted world domination
The communists undermined countries in Southern Africa
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
2.4.4 [Determining the reliability of Source 2C – L3] RELIABLE TO A LARGE EXTENT
It contains first-hand information from an interview
The interviewee (BJ Vorster) was the Prime Minister of South Africa and had better insight of the developments in Angola
The date of the interview (1976) corresponds with the date of the civil war
The information is derived from a TV station that has covered major international events
Any other relevant response
The source gives a one-sided view of South Africa's involvement in Angola
The source does not reveal South Africa's alternative motives for their involvement in Angola
The source can be seen as propaganda to win the support of western powers
The source is biased against Russia and Cuba as it amplifies the communist threat
The source contains inaccurate information, e.g. 'we were never involved in the civil war'
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
2.5 2.5.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 2D – L1]
'mainly of a civilian nature'
'sending them technical assistance, especially doctors'
'we sent military advisors, to help organise their armed forces' (any 2 x 1) (2)
2.5.2 [Definition of a historical concept from Source 2D – L1]
Foreign countries that defeat and occupy land and people; they impose their rules, values, language and leaders on these colonised states, e.g. Portugal colonised Angola; the colonisers exploited human and national resources for their own benefit
The leaders of European countries decided to take control of territories for example in Africa
Any other relevant historical response (1 x 2) (2)
2.5.3 [Extraction of evidence from Source 2D – L1]
'… when South African troops invaded Angola on 23 October 1975'
‘… to fight against the South African troops’ (any 1 x 2) (2)
2.5.4 [Interpretation of evidence in Source 2D – L2]
South Africa would have implemented its policy of apartheid in Angola and would have subjected Angolans to racial discrimination (unfair treatment)
South Africa was a capitalist country and therefore intended to exploit Angola's natural resources for its own benefit
South Africa would have ended the communist MPLA rule in Angola
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
2.6 [Interpretation, evaluation and synthesis of evidence in relevant sources – L3] Candidates could include the following in their response:
The USA secretly funded the FNLA and UNITA to prevent the MPLA from taking power in Angola (Source 2A)
The USA became involved in Angola to prevent the USSR from spreading communism in Angola and Southern Africa (Source 2A)
The USA wanted to protect their economic interests (oil) in Angola (own knowledge)
The USSR became involved in the civil war in Angola to advance communism (Source 2A)
The USSR supplied the MPLA with weapons and advisors to ensure communist victory in Angola (Sources 2A and 2C)
South Africa became involved in Angola because they wanted to stop the spread of communism in Angola and in Southern Africa (Source 2C)
South Africa had to protect the Calueque Ruacana hydro-electric power facility that supplied South West Africa/Namibia with electricity (own knowledge)
South Africa wanted to prevent the MPLA from taking power because they allowed the ANC and SWAPO to build military bases in Angola (own knowledge)
Cuba got involved in Angola to protect the MPLA from South Africa (Source 2D)
Cuba became involved in the civil war to prevent the enforcement of racism and discrimination in the event of South Africa taking over Angola (Source 2D)
Foreign powers became involved in the civil war in Angola because of its abundant natural resources and its strategic geographical location as well as its navigable ports for trade (own knowledge)
Any other relevant response
Use the following rubric to allocate a mark:
• Uses evidence in an elementary manner, e.g. shows no or little understanding of why foreign powers got involved in the Angolan Civil War between 1974 and 1976. • Uses evidence partially or cannot report on topic.
• Evidence is mostly relevant and relates to the topic, e.g. shows some understanding of why foreign powers got involved in the Angolan Civil War between 1974 and 1976. • Uses evidence in a basic manner to write a paragraph.
• Uses relevant evidence, e.g. demonstrates a thorough understanding of why foreign powers got involved in the Angolan Civil War between 1974 and 1976. • Uses evidence very effectively in an organised paragraph that shows an understanding of the topic.
(8) [50]
'Public speaking'
‘Organiser’ (any 2 x 1) (2)
3.1.2 [Extraction of evidence from Source 3A – L1]
'To improve recreational facilities'
'To improve the quality of education at African American schools' (any 1 x 2) (2)
3.1.3 [Interpretation of evidence in Source 3A – L2] Candidates need to include both capitalism and socialism in their responses
Capitalism was an economic system based on the exploitation of labour in the pursuit of maximum profits while socialism advocated the sharing of resources and the state had total ownership of the means of production
Fred Hampton favoured socialism because this economic system was based on sharing while capitalism focused on only enriching a few
Fred Hampton believed that the existing system of capitalism was unfair and advocated socialism because he felt it would create a new society which would be based on racial and economic equality
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
3.1.4 [Definition of a historical concept from Source 3A – L1]
Black Power was used to demonstrate unity, self-reliance, pride and strength by African Americans against the US government and its various agencies
Black Power was used to unite African Americans in order to challenge oppression, discrimination and inequality that they faced
Any other relevant answer (any 1 x 2) (2)
3.2 3.2.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 3B – L1]
'Participation' (any 2 x 1) (2)
3.2.2 [Interpretation of evidence in Source 3B – L2]
Hampton called for a revolution because he wanted a radical change in society
To improve the standard of living amongst African Americans
Desired the eradication of wealth differentiation, racism and segregation
To bring about change in the economic system that would ensure opportunities for African Americans
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
3.2.3 [Extraction of evidence from Source 3B – L1]
‘Fight capitalism with socialism’
'Dedicate ourselves to revolutionary political power'
'Teach ourselves the specific needs of resisting the power structure' (any 2 x 1) (2)
3.2.4 [Ascertain the usefulness of the evidence in Source 3D – L3] The source is USEFUL because:
It was a speech delivered by Fred Hampton at the Olivet Church in 1969
It outlines the policies of a prominent member of the BPP
It gives new insights on Fred Hampton e.g. he did not support suppression of the African Americans
It highlights Hampton's stance regarding how change could be introduced to uplift all Americans
It highlights how Hampton gives information on the challenges that African Americans faced
Any other relevant answer (any 2 x 2) (4)
3.3 [Comparison of evidence in Sources 3A and 3B – L3]
In Source 3A Fred Hampton advocated that African Americans be educated regarding the philosophy of Black Power and in Source 3B the Black Panther Party ensured that African Americans received an education that would lead to a successful revolution
Source 3A mentions that Fred Hampton was attracted to the BPP's social programmes and Source 3B mentions how a just society could be created in the USA
In Source 3A Hampton promoted a shift away from capitalism to socialism and in Source 3B he advocated the need to teach ourselves to resist the power structures of capitalism
Both Sources 3A and 3B indicate that Fred Hampton was a powerful public speaker who mobilised African Americans
Any other relevant answer (any 2 x 2) (4)
3.4 3.4.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 3C – L1] 'Fred Hampton was successful in bringing about a merger (union) of the Black Panther Party and various political organisations around Chicago including former gang members of the African American, Italian, Latino, and white community' (1 x 2) (2) 3.4.2 [Interpretation of evidence in Source 3C – L2] Fred Hampton:
Was an influential leader within the African American community and shaped their thinking
Propagated ideas for the establishment of a socialist country which was against democratic ideals that the USA represented
Exposed the FBI's treatment of African Americans
Promoted unity among different races/ political organisation and gang members
Wanted to end police brutality against the African Americans
Wanted to bring about change by a 'revolution'
Stored illegal weapons according to the informant
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
3.4.3 [Extraction of evidence from Source 3C – L1]
‘slipped secobarbital (powerful sleeping drug) into Hampton's drink’
'fired about a 100 rounds of ammunition'
'fired two shots at point-blank range' (2 x 1) (2)
3.5 3.5.1 [Interpretation of evidence in Source 3D – L2]
To commemorate the role that Fred Hampton played in the struggle for freedom for African Americans
To remind African Americans of the sacrifices that Fred Hampton made for a free society
To keep Fred Hampton's revolutionary spirit/legacy alive since he was born in Illinois, Chicago
To remind and highlight the role that the police played in undermining the African American community
Any other relevant answer (any 2 x 2) (4)
3.5.2 [Interpretation of evidence in Source 3D – L2]
It shows that his legacy was still alive 'you can never kill the revolution' within the BPP
It shows Fred Hampton was a hero of the struggle for liberation of African Americans
It shows Fred Hampton was a powerful orator
The red colour suggests how Fred Hampton was brutally murdered by the police (bullet holes)
The colour red suggests that Fred Hampton was killed for his socialist (revolutionary) views
Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2 ) (4)
3.6 [Interpretation, evaluation and synthesis of evidence from relevant sources – L3] Candidates could include the following aspects in their response: Fred Hampton:
Organised the youth to improve facilities within the African American communities (Source 3A)
Joined the Black Panther Party (BBP) because of its socialist orientation and the various programmes it held to assist destitute African Americans
Wanted a society based on socialism rather than capitalism (Source 3A)
Supported the education of the masses (Source 3A)
Encouraged African Americans to be involved in BPP programmes (and own knowledge)
Advocated for a revolution in the United States of America to bring about change (Source 3B)
Was instrumental in rising the political consciousness amongst the African American working class (Source 3B)
Exposed police brutality and their disregard for Federal Laws (own knowledge)
Played a role in ensuring a truce was reached amongst the Black Panthers, various political organisations and gang members (Source 3C)
Used his public speaking skills to mobilise African Americans (Source 3D)
Encouraged African Americans to fight for equal rights, justice and freedom (own knowledge)
Any other relevant response
Use the following rubric to allocate a mark:
• Uses evidence in an elementary manner, e.g. shows no or little understanding of the role played by Fred Hampton in mobilising African Americans in the USA in the 1960s. • Uses evidence partially or cannot write a paragraph.
• Evidence is mostly relevant and relates to the topic, e.g. shows some understanding of the role played by Fred Hampton in mobilising African Americans in the USA in the 1960s. • Uses evidence in a basic manner to write a paragraph.
• Uses relevant evidence, e.g. demonstrate a thorough understanding of the role played by Fred Hampton in mobilising African Americans in the USA in the 1960s. • Uses evidence very effectively in an organised paragraph that shows understanding of the topic.
(8) [50]
SECTION B: ESSAY QUESTIONS QUESTION 4: CASE STUDY – CHINA [Plan and construct an original argument based on relevant evidence using analytical and interpretative skills] SYNOPSIS Candidates are expected to critically discuss Mao Zedong's policies of the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution in transforming the People's Republic of China from an agricultural to a modern industrial society between 1957 and 1969.
MAIN ASPECTS Candidates should include the following aspects in their response:
Introduction: Candidates should critically discuss if Mao's policies of the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution transformed the People's Republic of China from an agricultural to a modern industrial society between 1957 and 1969. They should also indicate how they intend supporting their line of argument.
ELABORATION In critically discussing the statement, candidates could include the following points in their answer:
Mao's policies of the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution which were meant to transform communist China economically and politically.
The Great Leap Forward (focused more on economic transformation)
The intentions of China's Communist Party (practical policies to improve economy; authoritarian form of government; empower landless peasant farmers; land reform process; nationalisation of heavy industries)
Classless society (focused on improving conditions of peasants and workers; educated all Chinese to work together for a better China)
The success of the First Five Year Plan from 1953 and the 100 flowers campaign (background information)
Mao Zedong's Second Five Year Plan in 1958 focused on:
Aimed to industrialise China to overtake capitalist countries
To end privatisation
Led to the introduction of backyard industries
Dependent on unskilled human resources (peasants)
Poor (inferior) quality of steel and other products
Workers should stay next to their places of work to ensure maximum use of time
To increase agricultural production so that it matches the production of the West
Rural cooperatives were amalgamated into 'People's Communes' (collectivisation)
Forceful amalgamation of farmers into 'people's communes'
Poor planning and delivery
High taxation on farm products
Propaganda used to promote production
Gradually China's economy was in a state of bankruptcy
'Bitter Three Years' led to starvation
This resulted in the Great Leap forward being a dismal failure
In 1962 he handed over responsibility of the economy to President Liu Shaoqi and CCP General Secretary Deng Xiaoping and withdrew from the political scene
Any other relevant response
The Cultural Revolution (focused on political transformation rather than agrarian and industrial transformation of the country):
Mao Zedong launched the Cultural Revolution in 1966 to regain power he lost after the failure of the Great Leap Forward
Aimed to recover his authority as the leader of the Chinese Communist Party
He set up the Red Guards who studied and spread the ideas of the Little Red Book; educated peasants on principles of communism; taught reading and writing skills; set up the purges (opponents of communism & moderates were eliminated and millions of opponents to communist rule were killed); destroyed anti-communist art and books
The Little Red Book contained Mao's philosophies about communism; all citizens expected to memorise principles of communism; a source of communist propaganda in China
The Role of the Red Guards (Campaign to attack the 'Four Olds': changing of old ideas, traditional culture, customs and habits)
Huge demonstrations were held in Tiananmen Square, Beijing and posters and pictures of Mao were put up everywhere
Elimination of officials such as Deng Xiaoping and Liu Shaoqi were removed from office; got rid of professionals (engineers, scientists, educators etc.)
Closure of schools, colleges & universities (for being critical, liberal & elitist)
Industry suffered and production dropped drastically by 1968
Impacted negatively on China's development
Any other relevant response
Conclusion: Candidates should tie up their argument with a relevant conclusion
QUESTION 5: INDEPENDENT AFRICA: COMPARATIVE CASE STUDY – THE CONGO AND TANZANIA [Plan and construct an original argument based on relevant evidence using analytical and interpretative skills]
SYNOPSIS Candidates should state whether they agree that the leaders of the Congo (Mobutu Sese Seko) and Tanzania (Julius Nyerere) both implemented different political and economic policies after they attained independence from colonial rule. Candidates need to demonstrate how they intend supporting their line of argument.
MAIN ASPECTS Candidates should include the following aspects in their response: Introduction: Candidates should state whether they agree that the leaders of the Congo and Tanzania implemented different political and economic policies after they attained independence from colonial rule.
ELABORATION Credit should also be given to candidates that structure their essay comparatively
Implementation of political policies The Congo:
Attaining independence through democratic elections (the Congo (1960): J Kasavubu became President and P Lumumba became Prime Minister (background)
After the coup Mobutu Sese Seko established a one-party state in the Congo (background)
Implemented a policy that emphasised African beliefs and practices (background)
Mobutu Sese Seko remained as 'president for life' until his death in 2007
Mobutu Sese Seko created a Kleptocracy were a group of appointed public officials abused their position for financial gain
Mobutoism led to autocratic state and personality cult
Mobutu became a military dictator
Strong centralised government
Political stability was based on authoritarianism
Any other relevant response
Attained independence through democratic elections (Tanzania 1961, J Nyerere becomes Prime Minister) amended the constitution to become President (1962)
Smooth transition (peaceful change/racial harmony/commitment to promotion of equality and dignity)
After holding multi-party elections at independence Tanzania became a one-party state
Nyerere remained as 'president for life' after independence was attained
Nyerere introduced the 'Leadership Code' in the Arusha Declaration which demanded high levels of integrity from public officials
African Socialism/Ujamaa was appropriate for inhabitants
Establishment of the United Republic of Tanzania (1964)
Centralised and unitary state
Political stability was based on the Swahili language and the policies of TANU
Any other relevant response
Implementation of economic policies: The Congo:
Inherited a capitalist economy from Belgium
Initially left the economy in the hands of white settlers and foreigners
Relied heavily on agriculture and mineral extraction (one product economy)
Used profits from copper industry to finance his 10 year industrialisation plan
Nationalised foreign owned companies
Introduced Zaireanisation (replacing foreigners with Zairean nationals)
Zaireanisation led corruption and mismanagement
Economy characterised by nepotism and elitism (large gulf between the rich and the poor emerged)
Decline in the state of infrastructure such as roads etc.
Application of Retrocession (reversal of Zaireanisation)
Received foreign aid and investment, e.g. from the World Bank
Any other relevant response
Inherited a capitalist economy from Britain
Economy was based cash crops for export markets
Cash crops for export markets led to food shortages in the country
Nyerere moved away from cash crops for exports to growing food for the people
Replaced capitalist economy with an African socialist economy (Ujamaa)
Arusha Declaration (abolished exploitation/reduction of income gap between the poor and the rich/ownership of the country's resources)
Villagisation (collective villages) improved service delivery/created a stable society that was free from economic inequalities)
However, farmers refused to leave their ancestral lands/agricultural production fell dramatically
Ujamaa failed because of forced collectivisation/selling crops at low prices to the state
Foreign owned businesses and banks were nationalised
Most companies that were nationalised became bankrupt
Exports declined, e.g. coffee
Dependent on foreign aid e.g. from the World Bank
Any other relevant response
Conclusion: Candidates should tie their argument with a relevant conclusion [50]
QUESTION 6: CIVIL SOCIETY PROTESTS FROM THE 1950s TO THE 1970s: THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT [Plan and construct an original argument based on relevant evidence using analytical and interpretative skills]
SYNOPSIS Candidates should explain to what extent the various forms of protests by the Civil Rights Movement played a significant role in ending discrimination against African Americans in the 1960s. Candidates must select examples of mass-based, non-violent protests that were embarked upon, such as sit-ins, mass demonstrations and marches until the passing of the Civil Rights Act in 1964 and the Voters Act in 1965.
MAIN ASPECTS Candidates should include the following aspects in their response: Introduction: Candidates should state to what extent the various forms of protests by the Civil rights Movement played a significant role in ending discrimination against African Americans. Candidates should take a stance by indicating either to a greater or lesser extent and indicate how they will support their line of argument.
The Rosa Parks incident and Montgomery bus boycott in1955/School desegregation (1957) (Background – briefly)
Sit-Ins (from 1960) – (Greensboro, North Carolina, four students staged a 'sit-in' at a 'whites-only' lunch counter; In summer 1961 businesses in Greensboro desegregated; Sit-ins spread across the segregated south; Black and white students formed the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) to support the Civil Rights Movement; Concept of 'sit-in' spread to other segregated facilities such as 'pray-ins', 'read-ins', 'wade-ins')
'Freedom Riders' (non-racial/non-violent) - ('sat-in' buses and travelled from north to deep south to test new federal laws prohibiting segregation on national bus system attacked by mobs, bombed, thrown in jail and not protected by local police – thousands volunteered and President Kennedy was forced to order federal marshals to protect Freedom Riders; tough new legislation was introduced by a federal order; on 1 November 1961 all interstate public facilities were officially desegregated)
Birmingham 1963: (Mass demonstrations, including a children's march were met with violent and vicious reaction from police (water cannons, dogs, etc. all used to terrorise non-violent protestors) President Kennedy stated on TV that 'racial segregation' was a 'moral issue' which 'had no place in American life'. On 10 May 1963 the city's businesses and municipality announced that municipal facilities would be desegregated. Attacks and murders of African Americans in the city continued (Medgar Evans, Bombing of 16th Street Baptist church)
March on Washington 28 August 1963: (250 000 people took part in a non-racial, non-violent march on Washington to demand full equality and jobs; Martin Luther King Jnr. gave 'I have a dream speech')
Freedom Summer (1964) – A thousands of activists and volunteers (more than 70 000 students many from northern states, local SNCC, CORE and NAACP activists) worked to register African Americans in Mississippi and teach in Freedom Schools (literacy, history); Activists and volunteers were met with violence from white segregationist mobs and police officers;
1964 (2 July) Civil Rights Act passed - it barred discrimination and segregation in employment and all public facilities
Selma-Montgomery marches (March 1965): To demand that African Americans be allowed to register to vote (only 2,5% of black people were registered voters due to intimidation and racist attacks)
First attempt: On Sunday 7 March 1965, 600 marchers were beaten and tear- gassed (Bloody Sunday)
Second attempt: On Tuesday 9 March 1965 the federal judge banned a second attempt of the Selma Montgomery March. More than 2000 marchers were blocked at the Edmund Pettus bridge
Third attempt: On 21 March 1965 the number of marchers increased along the way to above 25 000. The march was declared legal and the marchers were protected by the federal troops
The impact of the marches: it led to the passing of the Voting Rights Act in 1965
1965 (6 August) Voting Rights Act passed - It outlawed obstacles (such as literacy tests, poll taxes) to voting which had been put in place to prevent black people registering as voters;
The CRM was successful in achieving equality for African Americans before the law but it was not fully implemented
Any other relevant response
Conclusion: Candidates should tie up their argument with a relevant conclusion [50]