• Should the candidate exceed the number of responses, only the required responses will be marked.
  • The remaining responses should be struck out and the following abbreviation should be written: ENRR (exceeded number of required responses).


1.1.1 D (✓)
1.1.2 B (✓)
1.1.3 A (✓)
1.1.4 B (✓)
1.1.5 C (✓) (5)
1.2.1 Learnership (✓)
1.2.2 Flexibility (✓)
1.2.3 Impact studies(✓)
1.2.4 Censorship (✓)
1.2.5 School Based Assessment (✓)(5)
1.3.1 Give TWO reasons why it is important to analyse questions while writing examinations.
Marks should be awarded as follows:
ONE mark each (✓)for each of the TWO ways.
It may enable you to …

  • focus on the key instructions of a question. (✓)
  • determine if there is more than one part or sub-questions to the question. (✓)
  • plan your answers more effectively. (✓)
  • determine the depth of your answers as per the mark allocations.(✓)
  • answer to the correct topic/content as required in the question. (✓)
  • determine what the format of your answers should be, e.g. short or extended answers.(✓)
  • not waste your time by writing more than what is expected from the question. (✓)
  • determine the time you should spend to answer the question.(✓)
    (2 x 1) (2)

1.3.2 Explain what is meant by tax obligation.
Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO marks () for a well-explained response.
Tax obligation means…

  • having a duty to pay tax (✓) if you are receiving any form of taxable income. (✓)
  • paying your entire tax as specified for you (✓) and not cheating on tax returns in an attempt to avoid your tax responsibility. (✓)(1 x 2)(2)

1.3.3 Discuss ONE reason why one should respect different knowledge perspectives when communicating with others.
Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO marks (✓) for a well-explained response.
Respecting different knowledge perspectives may help one to …

  • broaden one's mind(✓) which could help one to understand both sides of a situation/every story.(✓)
  • break down barriers that could limit how one views something(✓) which could help one to grow in one's way of thinking.(✓)
  • open up a new world(✓)thereby allowing one to discover new things about oneself/one's life/reality.(✓)
  • see things from a different viewpoint (✓) which could help one to embrace/appreciate different perspectives.(✓)
  • acknowledge the fact that we are all thinking in different ways(✓)which could help one to be more tolerant towards others.(✓)
  • find new things to consider (✓) which could help one to confirm some important decisions one has to make in life.(✓)
  • not be prejudiced about/influenced by what is regarded to be good/bad by some (✓)thereby allowing one to form one's own opinion about something.(✓)
  • communicate back effectively (✓) when considering the information given by others. (✓)(1 x 2) (2)

1.3.4 Assess why it is important for the media to follow a balanced approach when reporting within a democratic society.
Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO marks (✓✓) for a well-explained response.
Following a balanced approach is important because it may …

  • encourage all citizens to embrace diverse opinions (✓) through open discussions held within society through the media. (✓)
  • allow for a continuous circulation/flow of new/innovative ideas/opinions through society (✓) through the media stimulating on-going informal discussions. (✓)
  • ensure that the conservative voice that is also needed in society is not suppressed (✓) as preference will not be given to the liberal/open-minded opinions only. (✓)
  • ensure that all people regard their voices as significant to discussions on specific public matters (✓) as the media encourages all groups of people to share their views/ opinions. (✓)
  • help promote diversity/differences (✓) through the media encouraging tolerance amongst citizens. (✓)
  • develop a growth mind-set with all in society (✓) through the media allowing on-going constructive debates about public matters. (✓)
  • help people to feel free to form their own opinions about any issue (✓) by the media allowing a free flow of ideas in public debates. (✓)
  • ensure objectivity at all times (✓) and in that way the media avoids biasness in favour or against certain groups. (✓)
    (2 x 2) (4)



  1. In this section, candidates' answers must be written in full sentences as far as possible. Hence, within a 3- or 4-mark question, candidates could and should be awarded 4, 3, 2 and 1 or a 0 (zero) depending on the level of answers given.
  2. It must be noted that in each category of the candidates' efforts, a distinction must be made between excellent, good, satisfactory and poor responses.
  3. The phrase 'or any other relevant response' should be marked as follows:
    • The learners' responses MUST show that they have answered the question.
    • These responses MUST also LINK to the responses in the marking guideline.

2.1 Identify the labour law that has been violated in the extract and explain how it is relevant to this scenario.
Marks should be awarded as follows:
ONE mark (✓) for the labour law and TWO marks (✓✓) for a well-explained answer.
The relevant labour law:

  • The Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA), 75 of 1997 (✓) (1)

It is relevant to the scenario in that the employer is contravening the law which…

  • regulates/ensures that the remuneration of workers and the job contract is according to the labour law, (✓) thereby protecting workers from being underpaid as indicated in the scenario. (✓)
  • makes rules and regulations about the rights of workers to fair labour practices (✓) thereby holding the employer accountable to comply to the regulation and not do 'as he sees fit'. (✓)
  • allows for workers and employers to settle arguments and disputes outside of court (✓) thereby promoting labour peace and fair labour practices. (✓). (1 x 2) (3)

2.2 Explain what the role of trade union representatives/shop stewards could be with regard to the scenario.
Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO marks (✓✓) for a well-explained response.
The trade union representatives/shop stewards could…

  • assist/represent co-workers in grievances/labour disputes (✓) and in this way they may ensure that employers are held accountable for any unfair labour practices. (✓)
  • ensure that proper reporting procedures for co-workers are in place(✓) so as to enable them to report unfair labour practices without the fear of intimidation/loss of jobs. (✓)
  • encourage co-workers to familiarise themselves with their employment contracts (✓) as this may ensure that they may be aware when their rights are being violated. (✓)
  • use mass media such as social media/radio/television/newspapers etc. (✓) to inform and update employers and workers on labour regulations. (✓)
  • encourage co-workers to join trade unions through advocacy meetings (✓) so that they may be represented by a trade union if needed. (✓)
  • create awareness on the role of trade unions, i.e. the policies and services that are available to members (✓) so that they may know where to get advice/assistance. (✓)
  • check whether employers are keeping to the law by the way they treat their workers (✓) in order to help avoid possible strike actions by workers. (✓)
  • get the relevant information regarding disputes from their employers (✓) which may allow the representative to assist/represent co-workers with labour issues. (✓) (1 x 2)(2)

2.3 Discuss ONE way in which the Employment Equality Act (EEA), 55 of 1998 provides for redress in the work place.
Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO marks (✓✓) for a well-explained response.

  • The Employment Equality Act allows for…
  • affirmative action which addresses injustices experienced by disadvantaged groups in the past (✓) and in this way it eliminates past unfairness. (✓)
  • unfair discrimination to be eliminated (✓) so that it creates equal opportunities in employment for all people. (✓)
  • the right to take your grievance to the various labour platforms (✓) so that the unfairness is addressed and taken up with the relevant parties.(✓)
  • the law to make right a current wrong (✓) so that unfair labour practices may be eliminated. (✓) (1 x 2) (2)

2.4 Assess TWO possible reasons why there are still some workers who are being exploited and not being paid according to the rates in the National Minimum Wage Act.
Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO marks each (✓✓) for TWO well-explained responses.
Possible responses could be:

  • Many workers may not understand their rights (✓) and as a result, they are vulnerable to exploitation by the employers. (✓)
  • Many workers are living and working in social isolation (away from the broader community) (✓) and they may therefore not be aware of their rights. (✓)
  • There is often no formal job description or employment contract between employers and their workers (✓) hence the workers may be exposed to unfair labour practices.(✓)
  • Some workers might be illegal immigrants who may be desperate for money (✓) and therefore they may accept any job for a low salary.(✓)
  • Many people are living in poverty (✓) which may force them to accept unfair labour practices/any working conditions to improve their standard of life. (✓)
  • Many workers may not know about the National Minimum Wage/National Minimum Wage Act (✓) therefore employers continue to underpay them.(✓) (2 x 2)

2.5 Suggest TWO practical ways that could ensure that employers abide by the labour laws in our country. Motivate EACH answer.
Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO marks each (✓✓) for TWO well-explained responses.
Possible answers could include:

  • Employers undergoing/attending regular training on labour laws (✓) since employers may then be continually up skilled on how to deal with labour matters. (✓)
  • Labour law training of employers by experts in training and labour law (✓) since this may ensure that the content and the necessary learning is successfully passed onto employers to successfully implement the laws.(✓)
  • Regular up skilling of departmental officials who monitor employers (✓) thereby ensuring effective compliance by employers to the law. (✓)
  • Exposing workers to surveys on a regular basis on the implementation of the labour laws in the workplace (✓) thereby ensuring that any unfair labour practices by employers are detected and addressed at an early stage. (✓)
  • Getting practical systems in place to monitor the implementation of labour laws in the work place (✓) thereby ensuring that employers may follow labour regulations more strictly. (✓) (4)
  • Regularly assessing the quality of inspections done by labour officers in the work place (✓) so that corrective measures could be put in place to ensure that these inspections lead to more effective implementation of the labour laws in the work place. (✓)
  • Having regular publications/distribution of information on labour laws that may be easily accessible to employers (✓) and in this way employers may always be aware of the labour laws. (✓)
  • Having self-evaluations done by employers (✓) in order for them to regularly examine whether their labour practices comply with the labour laws. (✓)
  • Ensuring that enough fieldworkers are employed/deployed by the Department of Labour to do regular and proper monitoring on labour practices in the workplace (✓) which may ensure that employers will not compromise on labour laws in any given situation. (✓) (2x2) (4)


3.1 Define the term disaster and state TWO other examples of disasters that may be caused by humans.
Marks should be awarded as follows:
ONE mark (✓) for the definition AND ONE mark (✓) for each example.

  • A sudden accident or natural tragedy that causes great damage or loss of life/limbs/property. (✓)
  • A sudden devastating event that seriously disrupts the functioning of society. (✓)
  • A serious disruption occurring over a short time, leading to great suffering/injury. (✓)
  • An event that results in great harm/damage/death/serious difficulty/ suffering. (✓) (1)

Examples of disasters that may be caused by humans:

  • Starting field fires by throwing around burning cigarettes. (✓)
  • Bombing of buildings/large groups of people gathering at events. (✓)
  • Shootings in public spaces. (✓)
  • Disposing of toxic waste in rivers that are used by local communities. (✓)
  • Reckless driving which may cause death/serious injuries. (✓)
  • Using expired/unwashed food products which may result in food poisoning.(✓) (2x1) (3)

3.2 Explain ONE human factor that may contribute to disasters such as stampedes at social or sports events.
Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO marks (✓✓)) for a well-explained response.
Possible responses could be:

  • Unruly/uncontrolled/'wild' crowd behaviour (✓) which may be driven by group emotions rather than individual reaction. (✓)
  • The selling of fake tickets at lower costs (✓) which may easily attract a large number of interested fans who could not afford to buy the authentic tickets. (✓)
  • Lack of/poor security measures at the venues (✓) which may lead to easy access into the venue, resulting in overcrowding. (✓)
  • Corrupt security personnel (✓) who may allow fans free access into the venue in exchange for monetary gains/bribes. (✓)
  • The use of substances by the spectators/attendants at such events,(✓) which often leads to abnormal/unruly/risky behaviour. (✓)
  • Organisers not making provision for sufficient entrance/exit points at the venue, (✓) which may lead to people panicking/being anxious/ impatient while waiting in the queues. (✓)
  • Unfair refereeing/controversial decisions by a referee (✓) which may cause rowdy behaviour of spectators leading to uproar. (✓)
  • Insufficient security personnel (✓) which may make it difficult to control panicky crowds. (✓) (1x2) (2)

3.3. Discuss ONE possible emotional effect that a disaster such as a stampede could have on people attending social or sports events.
Marks should be awarded as follow:
TWO marks (✓✓) for a well-explained response.
Possible responses could be:

  • People could suffer from post-traumatic stress/depression (✓) due to the unpleasant memories of the scene/sight/bad experience. (✓)
  • Those who lost loved ones could be haunted by feelings of guilt (✓) as they may blame themselves for having failed to prevent the deaths of those who were with them at the time. (✓)
  • Those who suffered injuries could struggle with conflict within themselves (✓) as they may regret attending the event. (✓)
  • Unharmed fans/spectators could suffer from fear/phobia of attending social/sports events (✓) as such events may bring back bad memories/ they may fear going through a similar experience. (✓)
  • Victims could experience nightmares about the happenings of the day(✓) since they may find it difficult to deal with the trauma they suffered.(✓)
  • People could suddenly experience anxiety/get anxiety/panic attacks(✓) as a result of triggers to the bad memories of the disaster. (✓)
  • Some victims could develop claustrophobia (✓) due to the sudden overcrowding they had experienced at the event. (✓) (1x2) (2)

3.4. Assess how attending social and/or sports events may help to develop your social skills to build and sustain positive relationships.
Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO marks each (✓✓) for TWO well-explained responses.
Attending social and/or sports events may enable you to …

  • connect with people and make new friends (✓) which may lead to expanded social circles where you learn more about dealing with different types of people. (✓)
  • meet with friends and socialize (✓) thereby forming long lasting relations with people who may support you when you experience challenges in life. (✓)
  • experience a sense of belonging/feel part of a group with the same team spirit (✓) as such events bring people together and in turn promote social cohesion. (✓)
  • acquire the necessary social skills you may need to work well in a team across different social platforms (✓) thereby ensuring harmonious personal relations and cooperation with other people. (✓)
  • gain new knowledge through introduction to different cultures/thought patterns and ideas (✓) which may help you to better understand people from different backgrounds so as to build positive relationships.(✓)
  • change/improve your social behaviour as you are exposed to people of diverse backgrounds (✓) and in that way you may learn to get along better with people in general, thereby sustaining positive relationships.(✓) (2x2) (4)

3.5 Suggest TWO practical strategies that you could use to prevent yourself from becoming a victim of a disastrous situation at any major sports or social event.
Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO marks each (✓✓) for TWO well-explained responses.
You could…

  • inform family/relatives/friends about the event that you are going to attend (✓) so that they may track you in case of any emergency related to the event you are attending. (✓)
  • make sure that you have emergency numbers at hand/that your phone is fully charged/has enough airtime/data (✓) so that you may be able to make calls in an emergency. (✓)
  • avoid consuming alcohol/illegal substances when attending such events (✓) as this may help you react appropriately in a disastrous situation/since you need to be sober/able to think clearly/rationally when confronted with an emergency. (✓)
  • avoid picking a fight when confronted with a provoking situation(✓) as this may prevent unnecessary conflict situations that could result in a disaster. (✓)
  • stay close to your group all the time whilst in a crowd (✓) and in this way you will not lose track of them and as such you will have support should there be a crisis/will not be isolated should there be a crisis. (✓)
  • when moving around while at the event, make people sitting around you aware of your whereabouts (✓) so that they can notice with concern if you take too long to come back. (✓)
  • be careful of being too friendly to strangers to prevent falling victim to any bad intentions they may have (✓) as not all people can be trusted/since perpetrators may not be identified by their looks.(✓)
  • familiarise yourself with the area/venue of the event (✓) so that you may be able to know where to go should you feel unsafe. (✓)
  • ensure that you have arranged reliable transport to get back home (✓) so that you are not stranded and left an easy target to perpetrators. (✓)
  • ensure that you are aware of all the exit points (✓) so that you may be able to find your way to the nearest/safest exit in case of an emergency. (✓)
  • don't participate in mob mentality (✓) which may cause unruly behaviour leading to chaos/putting yourself in danger. (✓)
  • leave before things get out of control (✓) so that you may not be caught in a dangerous situation. (✓) (2x2) (4)



  1. Candidates must answer any TWO (2) questions in this section. Should the candidate answer all three questions, only the first TWO will be marked. The remaining question should be struck out and the following abbreviation should be written 'ENQR' (Exceeded number of questions required).
  2. Candidates' responses must be in the form of PARAGRAPHS. Marks will only be awarded for responses written in full sentences.
  3. The phrase 'or any other relevant response' should be marked as follows:
    • The learners' responses MUST show that they have answered the question.
    • These responses MUST also LINK to the responses in the marking guidelines.

State THREE ways in which participation in traditional games could promote achievement of one's fitness goals.
Marks should be awarded as follows:
ONE mark each (✓) for each of the THREE answers.

Participation in traditional games may…

  • encourage long-term engagement in physical activities to keep fit. (✓)
  • be done together with others who may share the same fitness goals. (✓)
  • make it easier to stay committed to achieving one's fitness goals. (✓)
  • offer one the opportunity to discuss one's fitness results/achievements with others. (✓)
  • help one to work with others to persevere through challenges. (✓)
  • inspire one not to quit even though one may not seem to show progress. (✓)
  • be experienced as a more pleasant way to become/keep fit. (✓)
  • be a less burdensome way to stay physically active. (✓)
  • assist one to get advice from others on how to improve one's strategies to get fit. (✓)
  • help one to exercise more effectively and reach one's fitness goals easier. (✓)
  • give one an opportunity to get support from more experienced people in setting fitness goals. (✓)
  • assist one in getting support to monitor one's progress to achieve one's fitness goals. (✓)
  • help one to set realistic fitness goals. (✓)
  • be a cheaper alternative to a gym/not require any equipment in achieving your fitness goals. (✓)
  • be modified to suit anyone's fitness goals. (✓) (3x1) (3)

Discuss THREE possible benefits of youth participation in traditional games that could reinforce traditional values within today's society.
Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO marks each (✓✓) for each of the THREE well-explained responses.
Youth participation in traditional games may…

  • help young people to have a better understanding of their cultural traditions (✓) which could reinforce their cultural identity. (✓)
  • teach them the importance of traditional community engagement on a social level (✓) and thereby bringing them back to the wholesome principles within that culture. (✓)
  • expose them to traditional gaming/sporting skills (✓) so that essential life skills gained through these gaming/sporting skills may not be lost to their culture. (✓)
  • help to maintain the cultural views with regard to masculinity/femininity within a specific culture (✓) and thereby reviving important value systems/rebuilding morality in a culture.(✓)
  • ensure that the knowledge of indigenous games get passed on from one generation to the next (✓) through which they may develop positive/good/noble traits that are true to their culture. (✓)
  • teach them the importance of obeying rules (✓) which may restore respect for elders/parents which may have been lost along the way. (✓) (3x2)

Recommend TWO ways to promote gender equality in traditional games. In each response also indicate how these ways could be used to promote gender equality in all competitive sporting codes. .
Marks should be awarded as follows:
THREE marks each (✓✓✓) for TWO well-explained responses.


  • In this question, candidates' answers must be written in full sentences as far as possible. Hence, within the 3- mark question, candidates could and should be awarded 3, 2 and 1 or a 0 (zero) depending on the level of answers given.
  • To be awarded the full three marks candidates must give a statement, (✓) qualify the statement (✓) and give an outcome. (✓)

Possible answers could be:

  • The structure of existing male-/female dominated games could be modified (✓) so that female/male participation in any traditional game may be encouraged (✓) and this may expose all genders to skills that could better prepare them for competitive sports. (✓)
  • Certain rules to certain games could be changed/adapted (✓) so that the physical abilities of different genders may be accommodated/considered (✓) and this may enhance their abilities to eventually become more competent to take part in competitive sports. (✓) (6)
  • Female/male coaches/referees could be used in female/male-dominated games(✓) so as to convey the message that different genders do possess the necessary knowledge and skills to enter a male/female-dominated field (✓) and in this way it may prove that leadership qualities in competitive sports should not be based only on gender. (✓)
  • Rituals/procedures/formalities to certain games could be modified to fit the current/modern/present-day setting (✓) which may make it more inviting to all genders to participate (✓) and in this way all genders may want to compete in all different types of competitive sports as well. (✓)
  • Encourage females to participate in traditional games that require physical strength (✓) as this may help them to feel less intimidated (✓) and in this way they may feel confident to also compete in sports that may be considered more 'masculine' in nature. (✓)
  • Change the traditional games to include mixed genders in a team (✓) which may generate more interest with all genders to participate/show that any gender could participate in any game (✓) and in this way they may develop a desire to partake in other competitive team sports of mixed genders/it may inspire inclusivity of mixed genders in current male or female-dominated competitive team sports.(✓) (2x3) (6)


Define the term unemployment and state ONE negative effect that it may have on a country.
Marks should be awarded as follows:
ONE mark (✓) for the definition and ONE mark each (✓) for each of the TWO effects.
Unemployment means that someone…

  • is jobless/actively searching (✓) and available to take a job. (✓)
  • wants to work (✓) but is unable to find a job. (✓) (1x2)

Negative effect:

  • The unemployed are not able to contribute productively to the economy of a country. (✓)
  • More people may become dependent on social grants due to their inability to obtain gainful work. (✓)
  • Persistent unemployment places the economy under serious strain. (✓)
  • Increased unemployment could lead to social disruptions/crime that endangers law and order in a country. (✓)
  • Unemployment may cause political instability that may hamper economic development. (✓)
  • There is no constructive use of the country's labour force. (✓)
  • The country may lose valuable human resources to other countries. (✓)
  • Unemployment causes an increase in poverty. (✓)
  • The unemployed do not have money to spend that would boost the economy of a country. (✓)
  • Unemployment may put a strain on the public health system as more unemployed people who experience various health issues may require medical attention. (✓) (1)

Discuss THREE possible reasons why the government should consider it important to support young upcoming entrepreneurs.
Marks should be awarded as follow:
TWO marks each (✓✓) for each of the THREE well-explained responses.

It is important for the government to support young entrepreneurs, as it could be…

  • used as an opportunity to promote self-employment opportunities for the youth to counteract unemployment (✓) since entrepreneurship has a high growth potential for labour absorption of the many unemployed people in the country.(✓)
  • seen as a means to boost the local and national economy of the country (✓) since it may be an opportunity to use local human capacity to do the jobs/generate more revenue for the country. (✓)
  • used as an opportunity to encourage young people to become farmers so as to ensure food security for a fast growing population (✓) thereby guaranteeing sustainable production of our country's staple food. (✓) (3)
  • seen as an opportunity to encourage young people from all walks of life to enter sought-after industries (✓) thereby promoting inclusivity in such industries at the same time. (✓)
  • regarded as a means to encourage people to create jobs (✓) so that less people may rely on the government to create job opportunities. (✓)
  • an opportunity to direct young people into skills development (✓) thereby promoting much needed scarce skills in the country. (✓)
  • a means to provide training opportunities (✓) in order to meet the demands of the 4th Industrial Revolution. (✓) (3x2)

Recommend TWO practical strategies that you could use to determine whether entrepreneurship would be the best career option for you. In each response, also indicate how these strategies may assist you in ensuring that entrepreneurship is your best option.
Marks should be awarded as follow:
THREE marks each (✓✓✓) for TWO well-explained responses.


  1. In this question, candidates' answers must be written in full sentences as far as possible. Hence, within the 3- mark question, candidates could and should be awarded 3, 2 and 1 or a 0 (zero) depending on the level of answers given.
  2. To be awarded the full three marks candidates must give a statement, (✓) qualify the statement (✓) and give an outcome. (✓)

You could…

  • undergo psychometric tests/do online career exploration tests (✓) in order to ensure that you match the interests/aptitude/personality traits needed for an entrepreneur (✓) and this may give you a clear indication whether you have the suitable attributes to become an entrepreneur. (✓)
  • job shadow other entrepreneurs/small business enterprises in your immediate community (✓) which may expose you to the everyday issues an entrepreneur has to face (✓) and in this way it may help you to determine whether you will be able to cope with the reality of this career. (✓)
  • go for specialized informal training sessions/attend expos and small business indabas (✓) where you may gain the necessary background knowledge about entrepreneurship (✓) which may help you to determine whether being an entrepreneur is in fact your niche/resonates with you. (✓)
  • do beginner courses on financial/basic resource/risk/natural resource management/record-keeping (✓) in order to decide whether you have the ability to manage these critical aspects (✓) and in this way you may determine whether you will be able to deal with the challenges and successes of entrepreneurship in this regard. (✓)
  • do tests on a range of scarce skills/critically assess your skills, e.g. particular marketing/computer skills (✓) which are essential to succeed in this field (✓) and in this way you may ensure that you have what it takes to effectively manage a business. (✓) (6)
  • have one-on-one conversations with your possible target market (✓) which may help you to uncover obstacles in your niche market (✓) and in this way you may have an opportunity to experiment in dealing with these realities beforehand. (✓)
  • find out about small business forums that you could attend (✓) which may be related to the services that you plan to offer (✓) and in this way you may gain valuable information to help confirm whether this is your calling. (✓) (2x3) (6)


Define the term unsafe sexual behaviour and state TWO reasons why this type of behaviour is still prevalent amongst the youth.
Marks should be awarded as follow:
ONE mark (✓) for the definition and ONE mark (✓) for each of the TWO reasons.
Unsafe sexual behaviour could include…

  • having unprotected sex with one/multiple sex partners. (✓)
  • high-risk sexual behaviour that may cause unplanned pregnancies. (✓)
  • put people at risk of attracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs). (✓)
  • unprotected sexual practices/contact. (✓)
  • engaging in sexual activities before being emotionally mature enough to deal with the consequences thereof. (✓) (1)


  • Males may want to show that they are macho/manly/masculine/fearless/brave/bold/ daring/always in control. (✓)
  • Females may still feel that they have to be submissive to males (especially older males)/the dominant gender. (✓)
  • People may agree to unsafe sex in order to 'keep'/not lose their partners/keep their partners happy/not aggravate their partners/avoid conflict. (✓)
  • Traditional/religious beliefs may still play a huge role. (✓)
  • Sexual partners may blindly trust each other/refrain from talking about the issue of safe and unsafe sex. (✓)
  • Parents who are not taking responsibility/feeling comfortable to have open discussions with their teenage boys/girls about the topic. (✓)
  • Adults/people who are regarded as role models in today's society who are failing to uphold the moral values. (✓)
  • Young people may not feel comfortable to access the available services/resources in support of safe sexual activity. (✓)
  • Young people may want to experiment/be under peer pressure to conform with the 'norm'. (✓)
  • Young people may be under the influence of substances which may be a contributory factor to risky behaviour. (✓)
  • Unfriendly/unavailable/inaccessible teenage health services. (✓)
  • Young people trapped in relationships with older men or women where they are unable to negotiate safer sex. (✓)
  • Youth involved in transactional relationships where money is used as a bargaining chip. (✓) (2x1) (3)

Discuss THREE negative effects (other than unplanned pregnancy/contracting STIs) that unsafe sexual behaviour may have on the life of a young person.
Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO marks each (✓✓) for each of the THREE well-explained responses.
Unsafe sexual behaviour could…

  • negatively impact on one's ability to make effective choices with regard to one's life goals (✓) which may (one of the following qualifiers):
    • infringe on/delay the plans that one may have had for one's future career.(✓)
    • prevent one from taking action to pursue one's career goals. (✓)
    • cause one to miss one's actual purpose in life by not aspiring to your full potential. (✓)
  • pose serious consequences to a person's emotional and physical health (✓) which may (one of the following qualifiers):
    • cause one to not be able to lead the fulfilling/happy and healthy life as desired/planned/foreseen. (✓)
    • impact on one's ability to achieve the desired quality of life as hoped for. (✓)
    • lead to one having a much shorter life span than the norm. (✓)
    • impact on one's ability to be a productive worker as per societal expectations.(✓)
  • impede/hinder one's chances of meeting one's proposed life partner (✓) due to the fact that one is living a promiscuous life. (✓)
  • jeopardise one's opportunities to build and sustain positive relationships with the most important people in one's life (✓) since we need family and friends as support systems to help us moving forward in life/achieve our life goals.(✓)
  • prevent one from taking control of one's own life (✓) which may make it difficult for one to manage one's life in the best possible way. (✓)
  • tarnish your image (✓) thereby causing you to lose respect for yourself/ self-worth. (✓)
  • damage your reproductive system (✓) thereby jeopardizing your prospects of having children in the future. (✓)
  • put your future children at risk of being born with STIs/HIV and AIDS (✓) which may put unnecessary financial/emotional/physical strain on you as a parent. (✓)
  • taint your image in society (✓) as people may see you as having no/loose morals.(✓)
  • open you up to abuse (✓) because people may see you as being cheap and available for sexual favours. (✓) (3x2) (6)

Recommend TWO practical strategies that the media could introduce to discourage unhealthy sexual behaviour amongst the youth. In each answer, also indicate how each strategy could promote healthy sexual behaviour.
Marks should be awarded as follow:
THREE marks each (✓✓✓) for TWO well-explained responses.


  • In this question, candidates' answers must be written in full sentences as far as possible. Hence, within the 3- mark question, candidates could and should be awarded 3, 2 and 1 or a 0 (zero) depending on the level of answers given.
  • To be awarded the full three marks candidates must give a statement, (✓) qualify the statement (✓) and give an outcome. (✓)

The media could:

  • Refrain from posting/airing advertisements/films/film series which might promote improper sexual activities/behaviour in general (✓) and in this way young people may have less exposure to ideas that may spark immoral behaviour (✓) thereby reinforcing the awareness of healthy sexual behaviour instead. (✓)
  • Place stronger restriction on the printing/posting/airing of explicit pictures/ statements/scenes (✓) so that young people may not exposed to provocative material (✓) and in this way they may not be influenced into thinking that such behaviour is the norm. (✓)
  • Cease from sensationalising/creating a hype on the immoral behaviour of people/celebrities (✓) but rather place emphasis on condemning it (✓) and in this way it may inspire ethical behaviour amongst the youth. (✓)
  • Block/not allow people on social media platforms who continue to violate sexual moral codes (✓) which may send out a strong message that such appalling conduct will not be tolerated by all in society (✓) and in this way young people may be encouraged to follow people who display more decent/virtuous/honourable behaviours. (✓)
  • Do more stringent screening of offensive sexual material/information that are being allowed to go viral/be spread (✓) which may then protect young people from being exposed to such indecent information/material (✓) and in this way they may not be confused by conflicting messages by the media that may encourage risky behaviour.(✓)
  • Do away with pornographic websites that fuels the ongoing dreadful activities of people (✓) so that young people may know that such actions are indefensible (✓) and in this way young people may be certain about acceptable sexual behaviour.(✓)
  • Restrain advertisers from sexualizing any particular gender as sexual objects to sell a product (✓) so that sexual violations against any gender may be prevented (✓) and in this way they may know that it is wrong to be sexualized/sexually abused.(✓)
  • Introduce abstinence campaigns (✓) whereby young people may be encouraged to abstain from sexual activities as long as possible (✓) and in this way they may enjoy a healthier youthful life for a longer time. (✓)
  • Support condom campaigns (✓) in order to encourage safer sexual behaviour amongst those who are already sexually active (✓) and in this way young people may be encouraged to take responsibility for their actions. (✓)
  • Introduce programmes on sexuality and reproductive health (✓) thereby educating the youth on how to take care of their health (✓) and in that way encourage them to make informed decisions regarding sexual behaviour. (✓)
    (2x3) (6)


Last modified on Friday, 11 February 2022 07:51