1. Owing to the nature of this three-hour examination, it is important to note  that you will NOT be permitted to leave the examination room before the end  of the examination period. 
  2. Insert your surname and name in the header of EVERY document that you  create or save.
  3. The invigilator will give you a disk containing ALL the files needed for the  examination OR you will be told where the files can be found on the network  or computer. If a disk has been issued to you, you must write your centre number and examination number on the label. If you are working on the  network, you must follow the instructions provided by the invigilator. 
  4. A copy of the master files will be available from the invigilator. Should there  be any problems with a file, you may request another copy from the  invigilator. 
  5. This question paper consists of SIX questions.
  6. Answer ALL the questions.
  7. Ensure that you save each document using the file name given in the  question paper. Save your work at regular intervals as a precaution against  possible power failures.
  8. Read through each question before answering or solving the problem. Do  NOT do more than required by the question. 
  9. At the end of the examination you must hand in the disk given to you by the  invigilator with ALL the files saved on the disk, OR you should make sure that  ALL the files are saved on the network/computer as explained to you by the  invigilator/teacher. Make absolutely sure that ALL files can be read.
  10. During the examination you may make use of the help functions of the  programs which you are using. You may NOT use any other resource  material. 
  11. If data is derived from a previous question that you cannot answer, you  should still proceed with the questions that follow. 
  12. Unless instructed otherwise, you must use formulae and/or functions for ALL  calculations in questions involving spreadsheets. Use absolute cell references  only where necessary to ensure that formulae are correct when you copy them  to other cells in a spreadsheet. 
  13. In all questions involving word processing, you should set the language to  English (South Africa). The paper size is assumed to be A4 Portrait, unless  instructed otherwise.
  14. In Annexure A the HTML Tag sheet is provided. 
  15. The examination folder/data disk that you receive with this question paper  will contain the folder and files listed below. Ensure that you have the folder  and all the files before you begin this examination. 
    q15 ajtfgda


Land pollution is a serious problem that impacts on humans, animals and the earth.  Without taking measures now to reduce pollution levels, permanent changes to the  land can occur. The adverse changes to the environment due to land pollution are  subtle, but the problem is much bigger than it appears. It is therefore important to  Save our Land. The school asked the Grade 12 learners to assist in a campaign to  promote sustainable living. 

A document was created to give an insight about what land pollution is. Edit the  document as requested. 
Open the 1LandPollution word processing document. 
1.1 Insert a cover page in the document. The cover page must display the  following: 
1.1.1 A “Facet” cover page at the beginning of the document. (1) 
1.1.2 Type Land Pollution in the title field, Save our Land in the subtitle field  and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in the email field. Delete the abstract field. (3) 
1.2 Insert an automatic table of contents below the heading “Table of Contents” as  follows: 
1.2.1 Use the “Title” style for the level 1 headings. (1)
1.2.2 Use the “Heading 1” style for the level 2 headings. (1)
1.2.3 Use the “Heading 2” style for the level 3 headings. (1) 
1.3 Apply automatic page numbering to the document as follows: 
1.3.1 Insert the Accent Bar Right page numbers in the document. (1)
1.3.2 Start the page numbering from the second page of the document,  numbering the pages from page 1 onwards. (2) 
1.4 Format the first paragraph under the heading “Land Pollution”, starting with the  text “What’s beneath …” and ending with “… closer look”. as follows: 
1.4.1 Change the paragraph spacing to 6 pt before and 6 pt after the  paragraph. (1)
1.4.2 Change the line spacing to exactly 16 pt. (2)
1.4.3 Expand the character spacing by 1.5 pt. (1) 
1.5 The word “Contaminate” appears twice in this document. Replace the two  occurrences of this word with the word “infect”. (2)
1.6 Locate the word ‘In factories and offices’ in the text under the heading ‘Waste  disposal’. 
Add a hyperlink to this text as follows: 

  • The hyperlink must link to the website pollution.html.
  • he text “HowStuffWorks” must display when the mouse hovers (is  moved) over the hyperlink. (3) 

1.7 Attach a footnote to the word “Radioactive Waste” under the heading “Waste  Disposal”. Use the symbol (Wingdings character 83) as a custom symbol and  type in ‘by-product of nuclear power’ as the footnote text. (3) 
1.8 Justify and automatically hyphenate the whole document. (2) 
1.9 Add the source displayed at the end of the document to the other sources of  the document. (3) 
1.10 The bibliography at the end of the document does not display any records.  Format the bibliography so that it shows at least ONE source. (1) 
1.11 Insert a field next to the text “Date Created” to display the date that this  document was created. (1) [29]

You are requested to modify the brochure that was created in Word. This  brochure will be distributed to people as a form of awareness. 
Open the 2LandPollutionBrochure word processing document and modify it as  follows: 
2.1 Change the page orientation to landscape. (1)
2.2 Place a 2¼ pt wide, red double-line page border around the document. (3)
2.3 Place the highlighted text of the document into three columns. 

  • Insert a 1 cm/0.39 inches space between the columns.
  • Insert a line between columns.
  • Headings must be at the top of each column. (4) 

2.4 Change the heading “What is land pollution?” by using a WordArt with a  gold colour Accent 4 Soft Bevel. (4) 
2.5 Locate the bulleted list under the heading “How to prevent land pollution?”.  

  • Change the format of the bullets to the picture 2Bullet.jpg found in the  data folder. 
  • Set the indentation of the bullets at 0 cm and the paragraphs must be  hanging at 1.5 cm. (4) 

2.6 Insert an Oval Callout Shape at the bottom of the first column with the text  “Save Our Land!” (3) 
2.7 Use the image 2LandPollution.jpg as a watermark WITHOUT any  washout effect and set the scaling to 120%. (4) [23]7 

A spreadsheet file containing results of the event has been stored in the  3_LandPollution spreadsheet. 
Open the 3_LandPollution spreadsheet and work in the Stats per Province worksheet. 
3.1 Format the worksheet as follows: 
3.1.1 Change the tab colour of the Stats per Province worksheet to any  colour other than the original. (1) 
3.1.2 Merge and centre cells from cell A1 to cell T1. (1) 
3.1.3 Apply a thin diagonal stripe pattern style fill effect with a red colour to  the merged cell. (2) 
3.1.4 Format Row 4 so that all contents is visible without enlarging the cells. (1)
3.2 Freeze the pane in column A so that all columns display when you scroll right. (2) 
3.3 The date the land pollution report was created is stored in cell A3. Format the  date to display as follows: (28)-(02)-(2019). (3) 
3.4 Use suitable functions to create a code in cell A5. The code is created by  combining the following: 

  • First two letters of the province.
  • A hyphen (-).
  • Number of characters of the province.
  • All these in capital letters. (5) 

3.5 Insert a function in cell C3 to determine the position of the space in the name  ‘Eastern Cape’ in cell B5. (3) 
3.6 Use a spreadsheet feature to force the user to enter a whole number that  cannot be greater than 999 999 in column D. Add a suitable error message  that the user will receive if invalid data is entered. (4) 
3.7 Some provinces are densely populated than others; this creates a lot of land  pollution. 
Insert a function in cell E3 to determine the number of provinces that are bigger  than 100000 (Square metres) (column D) AND whose population density is  less than 55 (column E). (5)
3.8 The population density of each province is recorded in column E and is  expressed in percentages. The percentages can be translated as follows: 

Population Density 



Less Dense

51 to100 



Highly Dense

Insert a suitable function in cell F5 to determine the density of the Eastern  Cape. (4) 
3.9 In column O, daily inflows per province are recorded. Use an appropriate  spreadsheet feature to apply a red data bar to represent the value in the cell.  The higher the value, the longer the bar. (3) 
3.10 Insert a function in cell Q15 to determine the total budget of all the “Cape”  provinces. (4) 
3.11 The amount budgeted by each province is in column P and expenditure in  column Q. Calculate in cell R5 the amount that is left after the expenditure of  the province has been paid. Copy the result for all provinces. (3) 
3.12 Some provinces used their whole budget for Waste Management. Some have  money left in their budget. Use a function in cell S5 to determine whether the  province(s) need a Top Up or not. Insert “Top Up” for those provinces that  need Top Up and leave cell blank for province(s) that do not need a Top Up.  Copy the answer to the rest of the column C. (4) 
3.13 A town per province was identified for the study of land pollution. These towns  are stored as worksheet Towns. 
Insert a function in cell T9 to identify the town in the province of Limpopo. (5)

Work in the Graph worksheet. 
3.14 Create a graph using the data in the ranges B5:B13; L5:L13 and M5:M13.  The chart/graph must resemble the chart/graph below. Adhere to the  instructions that follow. 

  • The graph must have two series points plotted correctly.
  • Series 1 (Waste Recovery Facilities) must be a column graph and Series 2  (Waste Treatment Facilities) must be a line graph.
  • Legends must be correctly placed and edited.
  • Both axes must be renamed.
  • Format chart area to picture.
  • Use a spreadsheet feature to move the chart to the graph worksheet. (7) [57] 

A database of all waste management facilities is created. Modify the database and  work in the design view. 
Open the 4_LandPollution database. 
4.1 Edit the Waste Pollution table as follows: 
4.1.1 Remove the ID field. (1)
4.1.2 Add a new field named Image after the province field:  

  • This field must be able to store a picture.
  • Provide the field with an appropriate data type. (3)

4.1.3 Set the primary key to a more appropriate field type. (1) 
4.1.4 Change the field properties of Hazardous Waste field so that the user  is forced to enter a value. (1) 
4.1.5 Change the Own refuse dump field so that: 

  • The user can only enter values greater than 2 or less than 99.
  • Appropriate validation text is inserted. (3)

4.1.6 Set the default value of the Budget field to R10 000. (1)
4.2 Create the form frm4_2 based on the LandPollution table. 

  • Insert only the following fields: Province; Hazardous Waste; Budget and  Expenditure.
  • Change the background colour of the form header to red. 
  • Change the content of the label in the form header to Waste.
  • Insert the date as a field in the header of the form. 
  • Insert a calculation in the form footer to determine the total number of  provinces. (7) 

4.3 Open the query qry4_3 and modify it as follows: 

  • Edit the qry4_3 to show only Province, Population served by Municipality  and Own Refuse dump.
  • Only show those who are 50% and above of population served by municipal  waste collection. 
  • Also show those who have a Hazardous Waste.
  • Sort them from smallest to biggest of the Own Refuse Dump field. (5)

4.4 Open query qry4_4. 
Modify the query so that it displays the total of the provinces whose budget for  waste management is R50 000 and more, as shown below. (3) 



Eastern Cape 

R 105 740.00

Free State 

R 50 314.00


R 236 324.00


R 209 726.00

Western Cape 

R 291 920.00 

4.5 Open query qry4_5. 
Create a calculated field called Balance in the query qry4_5. Calculate which  province(s) spend more than their budget and have a Hazardous Waste. (6)
4.6 Create a report from the LandPollution table. 

  • Show all fields other than the ID field.
  • Group according to the Licensed facilities and then by Hazardous Waste. 
  • Sort from the smallest to the biggest budget. 
  • Page orientation must be landscape.
  • Calculate the total amount used in the Licensed Facilities footer.
  • The total amount must be in a suitable format.
  • Insert the picture 4LandPollution.jpg in the header of the report.
  • Save as Report. (10) [41]

A web page has been created to create an awareness about land pollution. 
Open the incomplete 5_LandPollution.html web page in a web browser and in a  text editor e.g. Notepad. 

  • Question numbers are inserted as comments in the coding as guidelines to  show approximately where the answer(s) should be inserted.
  • An HTML tag sheet has been attached for reference. 

Your final web page should look like the example below.
land pollution

5.1 Insert tags to ensure that the text “Land Pollution” displays in the browser  tab. (1) 
5.2 Adjust the heading “Land Pollution” as follows: 

  • The heading “Land Pollution” must be centred.
  • Change font colour to brown. (2) 

5.3 Change the size of the horizontal line under the heading “Triathlon” to 7 and  colour red. (2) 
5.4 Change the information under the heading “Sources of Land Pollution” to a  bulleted list by using capital Roman figures as shown in the example of the  website. (3) 
5.5 A table has been created but does not show correctly. Correct it as follows: 

  • Change the first row as table headings.
  • Set the table border to 2.
  • Set the space between text and the cell borders to 25.
  • The heading row must be shaded in pink colour.
  • Merge the cells in the last row of the table and insert the picture  5LandPollution.
  • The picture height must be 200 and width 300.
  • The picture must be in the centre of the cell.
  • The word “Dump” must show if the picture does not display. (9) 

5.6 Insert a link on the word Home below the table, to link to the Top of the  website. (3) [20]

A community member of Waterfall Park has written a letter to the mayor of the city to  complain about the land pollution. 
Open and edit the file 6Letter.docx. 
6.1 The following changes must be done to the letterhead: 
6.1.1 There are two pictures in the letterhead. Use a word processing  feature to combine the two pictures to appear as one. Move the  picture below the heading “Waterfall Community”. (2) 
6.1.2 Add a cross reference next to the highlighted “my” in first paragraph  that links to the endnote found in the letter. (2) 
6.1.3 The graph created had an error where the values of the Plastic  pollutants were swapped with Broken Metal pollutants. Correct the  graph to show the correct percentages. (2) 
6.1.4 Use a paragraph setting to ensure that the lines in the paragraph  starting with “There” and ending with “earth” will stay together and not  split if the paragraph runs over to another page. (2) 
6.1.5 A poster called 6Poster.docx has been created to educate people  about land pollution.  
Insert 6Poster.docx as an icon in the space provided in the letter. (2) [10] 

TOTAL: 180


Basic Tags 




Defines the body of the web  page

<body  bgcolor="pink">

Sets the background colour  of the web page

<body text="black"> 

Sets the colour of the body  text


Contains information about  the document


Creates an HTML document  – starts and ends a web  page


Defines a title for the  document

<!-- --> 


Text Tags 




Creates the largest heading


Creates the smallest  heading


Creates bold text 


Creates italic text



Sets size of font, from "1" to  "7"

<font color="green"></font>

Sets font colour 

<font face="Times New Roman"></font>

Sets font type 

Link Tags 



<a href="/URL"></a> 

Creates a hyperlink 

<a href="/URL"><img src="/URL"></a>

Creates an image link 

<a name="NAME"></a> 

Creates a target location 

<a href="#NAME"></a> 

Links to a target location  created somewhere else in  the document

Formatting Tags 




Creates a new paragraph 

<p align="left"> 

Aligns a paragraph to the  "left" (default), can also be  "right", or "center"


Inserts a line break


Creates a numbered list 

<ol type="A","a", "I","i","1"></ol>

Defines the type of  numbering used


Creates a bulleted list 

<ul type="disc", "square","circle"></ ul>

Defines the type of bullets  used

Formatting Tags continued




Inserted before each list  item, and adds a number or  symbol depending upon the  type of list selected

<img src="/name"> 

Adds an image

<img src="/name" align="left">

Aligns an image: can also be  "right", "center"; "bottom",  "top", "middle"

<img src="/name" border="1">

Sets size of border around an image

<img src="/name" width="200"  height ="200">

Sets the height and width of  an image

<img src="/name" alt="alternative text">

Displays alternative text  when the mouse hovers over  the image or when the image  is not found


Inserts a horizontal line

<hr size="3"/> 

Sets size (height) of line

<hr  width="80%"/>

Sets width of line, in  

percentage or absolute value

<hr  color="ff0000"/>

Sets the colour of the line

Table Tags




Creates a table


Creates a row in a table


Creates a cell in a table


Creates a table header (a  cell with bold, centered text)

<table  width="50">

Sets the width of the table

<table  border="1">

Sets the width of the border  around the table cells

<table cellspacing="1">

Sets the space between the  table cells

<table cellpadding="1">

Sets the space between a  cell border and its contents

<tr  align="left">

Sets the alignment for cell(s)  (can also be "center" or  "right")

<tr  valign="top">

Sets the vertical alignment  for cell(s) (can also be  "middle" or "bottom")

<td colspan="2"> 

Sets the number of columns  a cell should span

<td rowspan="4"> 

Sets the number of rows a  cell should span




Digit (0 to 9, entry required, plus [+] and minus [–] signs not allowed) 


Digit or space (entry not required, plus [+] and minus [–] signs not  allowed)


Digit or space (entry not required; spaces are displayed as blanks while  in Edit mode, but blanks are removed when data is saved; plus [+] and  minus [–] signs allowed)

Letter (A to Z, entry required)

Letter (A to Z, entry optional)

Letter or digit (entry required)

Letter or digit (entry optional)

Any character or a space (entry required)

Any character or a space (entry optional)

. , : ; - /

Decimal placeholder and thousand, date and time separators (The actual  character used depends on the settings in the Regional Settings  Properties dialog box in the Windows Control Panel.)

Causes all characters to be converted to lower case


Causes all characters to be converted to upper case  to right. You can include the exclamation point anywhere in the input  mask. 


Causes the input mask to display from right to left, rather than from left to  right. Characters typed into the mask always fill it from left to right. You  can include the exclamation point anywhere in the input mask.


Causes the character that follows to be displayed as the literal character  (for example, \A is displayed as just A)

INFORMATION SHEET (to be completed by the candidate AFTER the 3-hour session)
SCHOOL: .........................................................................................................................
NAME: ............................................................................................................................
WORK STATION NUMBER: ............................................................................................

(Mark appropriate box with a cross (X))

Microsoft Office 2010

Microsoft Office 2013

Microsoft Office 2016

Office 365

(Mark appropriate box with a cross (X))

Mozilla Firefox 

Google Chrome 

Internet Explorer

Other (Specify)


FOLDER NAME: .........................................................................................................................
Tick if saved and/or attempted. 


File name 











1_1Land Pollution 





2_2LandPollution Brochure























Comment (for marker use only)

Last modified on Wednesday, 08 December 2021 06:41