SECTION A: SHORT QUESTIONS QUESTION 1 1.1 1.1.1 Audit trail ✔ (1) 1.1.2 Destructor ✔ (1) 1.1.3 Smartwatch ✔ (1) 1.1.4 Robotics ✔ (1) 1.1.5 Compiler ✔ (1) 1.1.6 BitTorrent ✔ (1) 1.1.7 Internet of Things ✔ (1) 1.1.8 Transaction Processing System/TPS ✔ (1) 1.1.9 Green Computing ✔ (1) 1.1.10 Webinars ✔ (1) 1.2 1.2.1 B ✔ a sequence of logical steps that will solve a problem (1) 1.2.2 D ✔ 9 (1) 1.2.3 B ✔ A dynamic link library file (1) 1.2.4 D ✔ Denial-of-service attack (1) 1.2.5 B ✔ Encapsulation (1) TOTAL SECTION A: 15
Cache is a small amount of high speed memory ✔ where data and instructions likely to be used next by the CPU is stored, eliminating the need to fetch it from the slower RAM. ✔ Concepts:
High speed memory
Saving time in fetching instructions (2)
Cache is embedded on the processor / It is built on the processor and is not removable. ✔ Concept:
not removable / embedded (1)
Any TWO ✔✔
Faster at boot up time / faster access time
No moving parts and is less easily damaged/longer life span /lasts longer/more reliable
Uses less power
Generates less heat
Smaller dimensions (2)
Any TWO ✔✔
Provides a user interface
I/O management
Process management
File management
Manages system memory
Optimises efficiency/speed (2)
Android is designed for mobile devices ✔ such as smartphones and tablets. (1)
Linux Ubuntu is designed to be used in a network or server or desktop environment (not by mobile devices). ✔ (1)
2.2 2.2.1 Any ONE ✔ (1)
Manage/Maintain/Control computer resources
Adds more functionality for specific management tasks
Performs routine maintenance and administration tasks in a computer (1)
2.2.2 Any ONE ✔
Internet filters
Spam blockers
Pop-up blockers
Anti-spam programs
Phishing filters
Any other filtering tool (1)
2.3 2.3.1 Fast and reliable Internet connection ✔ (1) 2.3.2
Cloud application – is software where most of the processing of the software is done in the cloud by one or more servers on the Internet. ✔
Local application – is the software/program that is stored and runs on a computing device. ✔ (2)
2.3.3 Any THREE ✔✔✔
Ubiquity (Anywhere/Anytime)
Enables collaboration
Outsources maintenance and upgrades of hardware
Outsources software and installation and upgrades (3)
Cloud-based apps ✔ – software that runs on remote servers on the internet ✔
Downloadable, local installed apps ✔ – software that you rent is downloaded and runs on your local computer✔
Integrated products ✔ – combine cloud-based software and locally installed software ✔ (6) TOTAL SECTION B: 23
High level of expertise is needed to set it up
Need a high level of security
Malware can spread very easily
If network develops a problem, no one can work
A central problem with server could lead to loss of connection to network/ non-availability of resources if the server is down/offline
Cost of hardware (2)
3.2 3.2.1
Switch/Central connection point ✔
Computers/nodes ✔
Separate connection to the switch ✔ (3)
3.2.2 Any TWO: ✔✔
Easy to troubleshoot
Easy to set-up
Easy to add new devices
Faster transmission of data to correct computer through a switch
Can remove any computer that does not work without affecting the network (2)
3.3 3.3.1 Any ONE ✔
Cheap to install
Easy to install
Flexibility of cables
High bandwidth over short distances (1)
3.3.2 Any TWO ✔✔
Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI)
Eavesdropping (2)
3.3.3 Any ONE ✔
Amplifier can be used to boost the signal quality
Multiple Access Points added to increase the accessibility radius (1)
3.4 3.4.1 HTTPS ✔ (1) 3.4.2 3.4.1 Any ONE ✔
Making video/audio/video calls over the Internet/network
Provides a two-way multimedia communication over the Internet (1)
3.5 3.5.1 Video on Demand ✔ (1) 3.5.2 Hotspot ✔ (1) 3.5.3 To provide Internet access / to provide internet connection ✔ (1) 3.5.4 Wi-Fi / Wireless connectivity ✔ (1) 3.6 3.6.1
Digital certificate – is an electronic document/ certificate issued by a third party ✔ to verify/authenticate the identity of a person or an organisation ✔ may be trusted for communication of sensitive information. (2)
3.6.2 Certificate Authority/CA ✔ (1) 3.6.3 Any ONE ✔
Investigate and verify that the business or organisation is what it claims to be
Its website exists at the IP address specified
Its public key has not expired (1)
3.6.4 Any FOUR ✔✔✔✔
Owner’s public key
Owner’s name
Expiration date of the public key
Name of issuer (the Certificate Authority that issued the digital certificate)
Serial number of the digital certificate
Digital signature of the issuer (4) TOTAL SECTION C: 25
Boolean (1)
4.1.2 Concepts:
PK ✔ in tblDepartment and PK ✔ in tblEmployees (2)
FK, ✔ DepartmentID ✔ and tblEmployees ✔ (3)
1 ✔ and ∞✔ (2)
4.2 4.2.1
Insert anomaly - the database design prevents a user from capturing data when they want or need to. ✔
Delete anomaly – deleting one piece of data results in the simultaneous removal of other, unrelated data. ✔
Update anomaly – when an item of data changes, it has to be altered/changed in multiple records in the table. ✔ (3)
4.3 4.3.1
Physical integrity – overcoming practical issues such as power failure, mechanical failure, natural disasters and dealing with the physical storage and retrieval of data. ✔
Logical integrity – correctness of data or data making sense in a particular context. ✔ (2)
4.3.2 UPS ✔ and RAID ✔ (2) 4.4 4.4.1 Physical independence ✔ and Logical independence ✔ (2) 4.4.2
The actual data management is left to the DBMS software ✔
Multiple applications can interface to the same data because the physical structure of the database is not a factor. ✔
The use application cannot change the structure or format of the data ✔ (3)
Rollback – happens when the DBMS gets the instruction to reverse a transaction or series of transactions and restores the data back to its previous state. ✔
Record lock – happens when a record is open, either for editing or for inserting, the record is flagged as in use and no other user can make changes to that specific record. ✔ (2) TOTAL SECTION D: 22
The button at the top should be placed at the bottom
The edits should be empty
The order is incorrect – put Name first
Could use SpinEdits for age instead of an Edit (2)
5.2 5.2.1
Type of error
Error Message
Syntax ✔
No semicolon entered at the end of an instruction
Missing semicolon
Logical ✔
The stock amount is calculated incorrectly. The formula is: StockAmount = quantity - ItemPrice
No error message
Runtime ✔
A variable is created as an integer data type to store the number of items. When the program runs, the user enters the word instead of a number in a component
Data-type mismatch
(3) 5.2.2 Debugging is a technique/process of finding/locating ✔ and resolving ✔defects/problems/errors/bugs. (2) 5.3 5.3.1 Creates a link between an external/physical/permanent/textfile ✔ and variable textfile/logical file ✔ in the program (2) 5.3.2 Reset opens ✔ a variable textfile and moves the file pointer/cursor to the start/beginning of the file, ✔ ready to start reading. (2) 5.4 5.4.1
Array – a data structure that contains a group of variables containing values of the same data type ✔
Index – an ordinal value indicating the position of the element in the array ✔ (2)
5.4.2 Subscript ✔ (1) 5.5 5.5.1
Space is created in memory ✔ to keep the attributes of a specific object ✔ OR A constructor is used to create an instance of the object class/a space is reserved in memory which is allocated to the properties of an object class. (2) Constructor ✔ (1)
Auxiliary method – methods (procedures or functions) in the class that can assist with calculations and formatting.✔ OR Methods which perform specific tasks without modifying the state of the object (i.e. the content of any of the instance fields). Example: toOutputString ✔ (2)
iCount > 5?
1 ✔
1 ✔
2 ✔
No ✔
4 ✔
4 ✔
3 ✔
No ✔
9 ✔
9 ✔
4 ✔
No ✔
16 ✔
16 ✔
5 ✔
No ✔
25 ✔
25 ✔
6 ✔
Yes ✔
(21÷3) = (7) TOTAL SECTION D: 26
SECTION F: INTEGRATED SCENARIO QUESTION 6 6.1 6.1.1 ✔ (1) 6.1.2 Classen Jim and Breeze Kelly ✔ (1) 6.1.3 Spoofing ✔ (1) 6.2 6.2.1 Secure Sockets Layer is an encryption protocol ✔ for managing the transmission of sensitive data over the Internet ✔ (2) 6.2.2 Any TWO ✔✔
DRM (Digital Rights Management)
Internet browsers
Skype calls
Online storage devices (2)
6.3 Any TWO ✔✔
Network engineer
Network architect
Network administrator
Network analyst (2)
6.4 6.4.1 Biometrics refers to the use of personal characteristics ✔ to authenticate the identity of a person. (1) 6.4.2 Any ONE suitable example ✔
Voice recognition
Facial recognition
Palm readers (1)
6.4.3 Any TWO ✔✔
Cards can be cloned
Cards can be stolen/lost
Inconvenience of carrying cards around
Cots of manufacturing cards
Cards do not validate the identity of the user
RFID cards can be read from a distance that can trigger the unlocking of the room even when not required (2)
6.5 6.5.1 Computer drone – is an unmanned aerial vehicle or is an aircraft without a human pilot aboard. ✔ (1) 6.5.2 It is used to gather information especially where the environment may be dangerous for humans. ✔ (1) 6.5.3 Any THREE ✔✔✔
Aerial surveying
Law enforcement
Search and rescue
Scientific research
Conservation and surveying
Military purposes
Mapping /Urban planning
Emergency response
Disaster management
Waste management
Weather forecasting
(3) 6.6 6.6.1 Distributed database refers to parts of the database ✔ that are spread over multiple servers in different locations. ✔ (2) 6.6.2 Any TWO ✔✔
Eliminate congestion on a single server
Can handle a large number of simultaneous users
The branches of a company can be spread over a large geographical area
If one server is down, other databases can be used
Lower cost of communication as less data is being communicated. (2)
6.7 6.7.1 Wiki – a web application that allows people to add to and modify the content of an online knowledge resource. ✔ (1) 6.7.2 Any TWO ✔✔
Free access or low cost access to information
Publish and share documents
Flexible tool which can be used for a wide range of applications
Knowledge centre (2)
6.7.3 Any TWO ✔✔
Poor quality
Poor standard
Information not properly researched and approved (2)
6.8 Click farms refer to businesses that use groups of low paid workers whose work is to repetitively click on links ✔ to fake high web traffic. ✔ (2) 6.9 6.9.1 Any TWO ✔✔
Limit time on the web
Turn off notifications when doing important work
Remove yourself from FOMO
Refrain from insulting other people/bullying
Be aware that all posts are public
Do not befriend strangers
Do not share personal information e.g. ID number, bank account numbers, address etc.
Be aware that the Internet never forgets information/cannot delete information from the Internet. (2)
6.9.2 Piggybacking ✔ (1) 6.10 Telecommuting – working in decentralised locations e.g. from home, ✔ but using modern communication ✔ to check in at a physical office. (2) 6.11 Virtual office refers to a fixed physical address, ✔ containing minimal office setup which is used as a shared space ✔ by people who work from a mobile office. (2) 6.12
Fix errors or bugs in our existing programs ✔
Close/seal security loopholes that hackers and malware might try to exploit ✔
Add new features and improvements to existing software ✔ (3)