This question paper consists of THREE sections: SECTION A: Comprehension (30) SECTION B: Summary (10) SECTION C: Language (40)
Answer ALL the questions.
Read ALL the instructions carefully.
Start EACH section on a NEW page.
Leave a line after each answer.
Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this question paper.
For multiple-choice questions, write only the letter (A–D) next to the question number in the ANSWER BOOK
Pay special attention to spelling and sentence construction.
Use the following time frame as a guideline: SECTION A: 50 minutes SECTION B: 20 minutes SECTION C: 50 minutes
Write neatly and legibly.
SECTION A: COMPREHENSION QUESTION 1 Read BOTH TEXT A and TEXT B and answer the set questions. TEXT A
It was mostly athletics that played a major role in high school sport for decades. Today, the field of sport has grown, with a great variety of competitive options for male and female learners alike. Many learners get involved in high school athletics for the love of it, but there are important benefits from extramural activities that learners and parents may not even realise.
According to recent studies, learners who participate in high school sports learn the benefit of representing their community on the field or court. These athletes learn the fun of competition and enjoy the praise of a job well done for their school. This feeling of community and the honour of representing the home team may lead to great success as professional clubs are always looking for new players.
The fitness level of athletes in high school sports programmes cannot be underestimated. According to a 2006 study it was found that when female learners participate in athletics in high school, their weight and body mass improve. A 2001 survey found that learners agreed they would not spend as much time sitting, watching television and playing video games if they played sport.
Studies also suggest that learners who play sport are less likely to participate in unhealthy or risky behaviour. A 2002 study found that learners who did not take part in extramural activities in high school were 49 percent more likely to use drugs and 37 percent more likely to become teen parents. The survey also showed that learners who do not play sport stayed absent from school more.
Another study published in the journal, Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise in August 2007, found that learners who were active in sports like soccer, football and even skateboarding performed ten percent better in core subjects like Mathematics, Science and Languages.
Athletes learn lessons that go beyond the classroom like determination, patience and practice. Team members learn that practice is required, even when they would prefer to be spending time with friends. They learn the harder they work, the better they perform. They also discover that by never giving up, they are more likely to achieve their goals. These life lessons benefit learners long after the high school years, helping them succeed after school.
In team sport everyone is working towards a common goal, so learners learn first-hand how their performance affects the rest of the team.
Sports teams have many positive mentors, from the coaches on the side lines to the leaders on the team. Learners learn to work with a wide range of expert figures, who teach them important lessons about hard work, respect and good sportsmanship. Early experiences with mentors like these help shape athletes in positive ways for the rest of their lives.
Learners who participate in sports often form close friendships with others on the team. These relationships are essential for mental, emotional and physical health throughout the high school years. Learners bond together over a common passion, and the time they spend together at practice and games builds tight bonds that often last long after high school is over.
As learners advance through the ranks of the high school team, they learn valuable leadership skills. Senior athletes are expected to encourage younger team members and hold them accountable. They set an example and often provide advice and guidance both on and off the field.
A mindset for success is instilled through time management skills among other things. Learners who play sport must find creative ways to improve and strengthen their internal skills for handling pressure. They must learn when to take risks and take responsibility for individual performance. To improve on the sports field, they need to develop their focus and concentration.
Practice and games take up plenty of a learner’s time, leaving much less for schoolwork and other activities. Athletes must learn time management skills if they are to get everything finished. One learner said, “It definitely helps with time management. I know when I must do my schoolwork, and when I must practice.”
These skills go far beyond the sports field or even beyond high school. Learners who play sport reap the benefit of their training for the rest of their lives. [Adapted from, 2019]
1.1 Refer to paragraph 1. 1.1.1 State ONE reason why it is important to play sport in high school. (1) 1.1.2 Explain the difference between high school sport in the past and high school sport today. (2) 1.2 Refer to paragraph 3. What would learners do if they did not play sport? Mention ONE fact. (1) 1.3 Refer to paragraph 4. 1.3.1 Explain why the writer mentions 37 percent and 49 percent. (2) 1.3.2 Why do you think that ‘learners who do not play sport stay absent from school more’? (2) 1.4 Refer to paragraph 5. 1.4.1 Why are the words ‘Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise’ written in italics? (1) 1.4.2 Quote FOUR consecutive words which show that playing sport improves learners’ marks. (1) 1.5 Refer to paragraph 6. 1.5.1 What does the writer mean by, ‘lessons that go beyond the classroom’? (1) 1.5.2 How can learners use ‘determination, patience and practice’ to perform better at school? (2) 1.6 Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentence. Mentors (paragraph 8) are people who … others.
abuse (1)
1.7 Refer to paragraph 9. Why is the following statement FALSE? Learners who play for the same team are competitive and never become friends. (1) 1.8 Refer to paragraph 10. Explain how learners can use their leadership skills on the sports field. (2) 1.9 Using your OWN words, explain what is meant by ‘time management skills’. (1) 1.10 Why does the writer refer to studies that have been conducted? (2) 1.11 Do you agree that taking part in sport will advantage you for life? (2) 1.12 Discuss the suitability of the title, ‘HIGH SCHOOL LEARNERS PLAY SPORT’. SHOULD (2)
Currently 1124 volunteers deliver Shine Literacy Programmes to 7 413 children at 77 schools across four of the nine provinces. In 2019, 17,8% of children were on Level One at the start of Grade Two. After six months’ participation in the Shine Literacy Hour 64,5% improved their reading.
[Adapted from]
1.13 Which word tells us that people do not get paid to work for the Shine Literacy Organisation? (1) 1.14 How many more provinces can be reached through this programme? (1) 1.15 ‘Words can change worlds’. Do you think this can be said about the boy in the picture? Give reasons for your answer. (2) 1.16 Discuss whether the Shine Literacy Programme is an important one for South African children. (2)
SECTION B: SUMMARY QUESTION 2 Cell phone manners is important but ignored by many. Read TEXT C below and list SEVEN tips on cell phone manners. INSTRUCTIONS
Your summary must be written in point form.
List your SEVEN points in full sentences, using no more than 70 words.
Number your sentences from 1 to 7.
Write only ONE point per sentence.
Use your OWN words as far as possible.
Indicate the number of words you have used in brackets at the end of your summary.
Do not be caught committing cell phone sins. Follow these rules to avoid being rude and annoying. If your phone rings while having dinner explain to your dining companions if it is urgent, otherwise ignore it. End phone conversations when paying for purchases. Just because you may not know the cashier does not mean you can keep chatting away while being helped. Unless it is an emergency, it is rude to stay on the phone. If someone cannot hear you, call them back later. It is not good phone etiquette to raise your voice while on the phone. Avoid texting in work meetings. You do not want your boss looking up and seeing you ignoring what is going on. If you are the boss, it is setting a bad example for your workers. There are certain places where cell phones should be off. Turn off the phone in places such as a church, temple, or theatre. There are no exceptions to this rule. Checking your phone and having it light up in a dark theatre is rude. Cell phones can destroy your interpersonal relationships. Do not take a call in the middle of a face-to-face conversation. If it would bother you when someone does it, then you should not do it to someone else. Waiting rooms can be crowded and noisy – not exactly conducive to a phone call. If you must talk on the phone, rather leave the area instead of being a disturbance. Be smart and watch your cell phone manners.
[Adapted from]
SECTION C: LANGUAGE QUESTION 3: ANALYSING AN ADVERTISEMENT Study the advertisement (TEXT D) below and answer the set questions. TEXT D [Adapted from] 3.1 At which target audience is the above message aimed? (1) 3.2 What do the words ‘Fatal Accidents’ show? (2) 3.3 Choose the correct answer: Which government department is responsible for spreading this message?
The Department of Education
The Department of Agriculture
The Department of Transport
The Department of Labour (1)
3.4 Give TWO reasons why it is not a good idea to drink and drive. (2) 3.5 Why do you think the message above is an important one for our country? (2) 3.6 Do you think the advertisement is successful in conveying its message? (2) [10]
QUESTION 4: ANALYSING A CARTOON Read the cartoon (TEXT E) below and answer the set questions. TEXT E 4.1 Write the word ‘Math’ in FRAME 1 in full. (1) 4.2 Describe Calvin’s body language in FRAME 2. (2) 4.3 How do you think Calvin is ‘going to pay’ for not doing his homework? Mention TWO facts. (2) 4.4 Suggest TWO reasons why Calvin is no longer worried about not doing his homework in FRAME 4. (2) 4.5 Which word does Susie use to indicate that Calvin panics? (1) 4.6 Do you find this cartoon humorous? Substantiate your answer. (2) [10]
QUESTION 5: LANGUAGE AND EDITING SKILLS 5.1 Read the passage (TEXT F) below, which has some deliberate errors, and answer the set questions. TEXT F
We belief that there is no greater experience than donating shoes. We also provide our donors with the opportunity to experience the impact that their donations have made possible. That is why we invite and strong encourage our donors to take part in this life-changing experience. Gifting a brand-new pair of school shoes to a young underprivileged child is heart-warming.
Our vision is to gift millions of children in South Africa, that have never owned a pair of shoes, with their first ever pair. By doing this, we restore hope, proud and dignity. We want to reach each of our countries neediest learners.
Shoes give confidence to young learners knowing that they can walk to school in comfort, as opposed to barefoot. The organisers said, ‘Shoes are vital to these children and it makes them happy.’ Africa’s rough and unforgiving terrain is tough on the children’s soles.
We believe that a new pair of shoes should be tough enough to protect a young child’s feet whether it be on the playground, on the sports field or even walking home in the snow, on a gravel road in the middle of winter.
[Adapted from]
5.1.1 Correct the SINGLE error in EACH of the following sentences. Write down ONLY the question numbers and the words you have corrected.
We belief that there is no greater experience than donating shoes.(1)
That is why we invite and strong encourage our donors to take part in this life-changing experience.(1)
By doing this, we restore hope, proud and dignity. (1)
We want to reach each of our countries neediest learners. (1)
5.1.2 Give the correct form of the underlined word. The children are provided with comfort shoes. (1) 5.1.3 Complete the following tag question. Write down ONLY the missing words. Donors physically place shoes onto the feet of every child, … …? (1) 5.1.4 Combine the following sentences into a single sentence by using neither … nor. Donors drop the shoes. Donors leave immediately. (1) 5.1.5 Provide a homophone for the underlined word: Africa’s rough and unforgiving terrain is tough on children’s soles. (1) 5.1.6 Rewrite the following sentence in the future continuous tense: The children’s eyes light up when they receive their shoes. (1) 5.1.7 Rewrite the following sentence in the negative form: A donor ensures that every child’s shoe fits. (1) 5.1.8 Rewrite the following sentence in reported speech: The organisers said, ‘Shoes are vital to these children and it makes them happy.’ (4) 5.1.9 Rewrite the underlined words as a contraction. They have enriched many lives through their donation of shoes. (1) 5.2 Study the text (TEXT G) below and answer the set questions.
TEXT G [Source:] 5.2.1 Rewrite the following sentence in the passive voice: We should help those in need. (1) 5.2.2 Study the following sentence: If you cannot give money or goods, give of your time. State the part of speech of the underlined words. (2) 5.2.3 Rewrite the following sentence in the singular form. Giving unwanted items to the needy should be a priority. (1) 5.2.4 Give the correct degree of comparison in the following sentence: Giving to others is the (satisfying) feeling. (1)