1.1.1 D √√
1.1.2 B √√
1.1.3 B √√
1.1.4 A √√
1.1.5 C √√ (5 x 2) (10)
1.2.1 tertiary √√
1.2.2 Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases √√
1.2.3 management control √√
1.2.4 job analysis √√
1.2.5 quality assurance √√ (5 x 2) (10)
1.3.1 F √√
1.3.2 E √√
1.3.3 J √√
1.3.4 A √√
1.3.5 I √√ (5 x 2) (10)
Mark the FIRST TWO answers only.
2.1 Types of defensive strategies
- Retrenchment √
- Divestiture/Divestment √
- Liquidation √
NOTE: Mark the first TWO (2) only. (2 x 1) (2)
2.2 Role of SETAs
- Develop sector skills plans in line with the National Skills Development Strategy. √√
- Draw up skills development plans for their specific economic sectors. √√
- Approve workplace skills plans and annual training reports. √√
- Allocate grants to employers, education and training providers. √√
- Pay out grants to companies that comply with the requirements of the Skills Development Act. √√
- Monitor/Evaluate the actual training by service providers. √√
- Promote and establish learnerships. √√
- Register learnership agreements/learning programmes. √√
- Provide training material/programmes for skills development facilitators. √√
- Provide accreditation for skills development facilitators. √√
- Oversee training in different sectors of the South African economy. √√
- Promote learnerships and learning programmes by identifying suitable workplaces for practical work experience. √√
- Collect levies and pay out grants as required. √√
- Report to the Director General. √√
- Any other relevant answer related to the role of SETAs in supporting the SDA.
Max. (8)
2.3 Developing a strategy
1. Formulate strategies √√ | The management of SSM devised a strategy that will assist them to respond to this challenge. √ |
2. Implementing strategies √√ | Thereafter they put the strategy into action by using action plans. √ |
Sub-max. (4) | Sub-max. (2) |
- Award marks for the steps in developing a strategy even if the quote is incomplete.
- Do not award marks for the motivation, if the steps in developing a strategy was incorrectly identified.
Max. (6)
2.4 Positive impact of BBBEE on businesses
- Businesses that comply with BBBEE regarding the pillars √ will be rated high on the BEE scorecard/may get government tenders/may attract other BBBEE business partners/-suppliers. √
- Encourages businesses to address the demands √ for redress/ equity directly. √
- Provides a variety of business codes √ to improve employment equity. √
- Provides for human resources development √ through training and development. √
- Promotes enterprise development, √ by developing entrepreneurial skills of previously disadvantaged/designated people to start their own businesses. √
- Businesses will have a good overview on how it is performing √ in comparison to other businesses in the rest of the country. √
- A good BBBEE rating √ will improve the image of the business. √
- By focusing on BBBEE, the business will show commitment √ towards the social/education/economic developments in the community/ country. √
- Once rated, the business will understand how to develop BBBEE strategies √ that will increase its BBBEE ratings on an annual basis. √
- Fronting is discouraged, √ as it may lead to the disqualification of a business's entire scorecard/BBBEE status. √
- Share prices of BBBEE compliant businesses are likely to increase √ as they attract more business. √
- Businesses that support Small, Micro, Medium Enterprises (SMMEs), √ may increase their own BBBEE ratings. √
- Complying with BBBEE requirements gives businesses experience/exposure √ to be able to provide better employment opportunities/staff development. √
- Any other relevant answer related to the positive impact of BBBEE on businesses.
Max. (6)
2.5 Provisions of BCEA
2.5.1 Hours of work/Working hours
- Workers may not work for more than 45 hours √ in any week. √
- Workers may work nine hours a day √ if they work five days or less per week √/eight hours a day √ if they work more than five days a week. √
- Night work performed after 18:00 and before 6:00 the next day by agreement, √ must be compensated by allowance/reduction of work hours. √
- Ordinary work hours may be extended by agreement √ by a maximum of 15 minutes per day √/maximum of sixty minutes per week √ to complete duties when serving the public. √
- Ordinary work hours may be reduced √ to a maximum of 40 hours per week/8 hours per day. √
- Any other relevant answer related to hours of work as a provision of the BCEA.
Max. (4)
2.5.2 Overtime
- Workers must agree √ to work overtime. √
- Workers cannot work more than three hours overtime √ per day √/10 hours √ per week. √
- Overtime must be compensated as follows:
- One and half times the normal rate of pay √ for overtime worked on weekdays and Saturdays. √
- Double the normal rate of pay √ for overtime worked on Sundays and public holidays. √
- Overtime must be paid either at the specified rate for overtime √ or an employee may agree to receive paid time off. √
- Minister of Labour may prescribe the maximum permitted √ working hours, including overtime, for health and safety reasons for a certain category of work. √
- Any other relevant answer related to overtime as a provision of the BCEA.
Max. (4)
2.6 Employment Equity Act
2.6.1 Ways of non-compliance with the EEA
- The management of Blue Berry Farm does not employ young women to work on the farm. √
- They also do not appoint people with disabilities. √
NOTE: Mark the first TWO (2) only. (2 x 1) (2)
2.6.2 Ways in which businesses can comply with the EEA
- BBF/A business should guard against discriminatory appointments. √√
- Assess the racial composition of all employees, including senior management. √√
- Ensure that there is equal representation of all racial groups in every level of employment. √√
- Promote equal opportunities and fair treatment. √√
- Clearly define the appointment process, so that all parties are well informed. √√
- Use certified psychometric tests to assess applicants/employees to ensure that suitable candidates are appointed. √√
- Ensure that diversity/inclusivity in the workplace is achieved. √√
- Implement affirmative action measures to redress disadvantages experienced by designated groups. √√
- Prepare an employment equity plan in consultation with employees. √√
- Implement an employment equity plan. √√
- Submit the employment equity plan to the Department of Labour. √√
- Assign one or more senior managers to ensure implementation and monitoring of the employment equity plan. √√
- Eliminate barriers that have an adverse impact on designated groups. √√
- BBF/A business should accommodate people from different designated groups. √√
- Retain/Develop/Train designated groups, including skills development.√√
- Regularly report to the Department of Labour on progress in implementing the plan. √√
- Any other relevant answer related to ways in which businesses may comply with the EEA.
Max. (8)
3.1 Examples of employee benefits
- Medical Aid Fund/Health Insurance Fund √
- Pension Fund √
- Provident Fund √
- Funeral benefits √
- Car/Travel/Housing/Cellphone/Clothing allowance √
- Performance based incentives √
- Issuing of bonus shares √
- Staff discount/Free or low-cost meal/Canteen facilities √
- Any other relevant answer related to examples of employee benefits.
NOTE: Mark the first FOUR (4) only.
(4 x 1) (4)
3.2 Types of salary determination methods
1. Mandisa | Piece meal √√ | Mandisa gets paid R600 for each door she completes. √ |
2. Suki | Time-related √√ | Suki, the cleaner, gets paid R40/hour for performing her duties. √ |
| Sub-max. (4) | Sub-max. (4) |
- Award marks for the type of salary determination method even if the quote is incomplete.
- Do not award marks for the motivation, if the type of salary determination method was incorrectly identified. Max. (6)
3.3 Link between salary determination and the BCEA
- BCEA outlines legalities, such as the employment contract, √ which may affect salary determination. √
- Payment of salaries should be based on whether the employee √ is permanent or employed on a fixed contract. √
- The BCEA sets out conditions that ensure √ fair labour and human resources practices. √
- According to the BCEA, businesses may use different remuneration methods √ to pay their employees. √
- Businesses are supposed to deduct income tax (PAYE) √ from the employees' taxable salaries. √
- Any other relevant answer related to the link between salary determination and the BCEA.
Max. (4)
3.4 Advantages of external recruitment as a method of recruitment
- New candidates bring new talents/ideas/experiences/skills √ into the business. √
- It may help the business to meet affirmative action √ and BBBEE targets. √
- There is a larger pool of candidates √ to choose from. √
- There is a better chance of getting a suitable candidate √ with the required skills/qualifications/competencies who does not need much training/development which reduce costs. √
- Minimises unhappiness/conflict √ amongst current employees who may have applied for the post. √
- Any other relevant answer related to the advantages of external recruitment as a method of recruitment.
Max. (4)
3.5 TQM elements
3.5.1 Continuous skills development/Education and training √√ (2)
3.5.2 Total client/customer satisfaction √√ (2)
3.6 Meaning of total quality management
- TQM is an integrated system/methodology applied throughout the organisation, √ which helps to design/produce/provide quality products/ services to customers. √
- It is a thought revolution in management, √ where the entire business is operated with customer orientation in all business activities. √
- TQM enables businesses to continuously improve on the delivery of products/ services √ in order to satisfy the needs of customers. √
- Management ensures that each employee is responsible √ for the quality of his/her work/actions. √
- Any other relevant answer related to the meaning of total quality management.
Max. (4)
3.7 Advantages of a good quality management system
- Effective customer services are rendered, √ resulting in increased customer satisfaction. √
- Time and resources √ are used efficiently. √
- Productivity increases √ through proper time management/using high quality resources. √
- Products/Services are constantly improved √ resulting in increased levels of customer satisfaction. √
- Vision/Mission/Business goals √ may be achieved. √
- Business has a competitive advantage √ over its competitors. √
- Regular training will continuously improve √ the quality of employees’ skills/ knowledge. √
- Employers and employees will have a healthy working relationship √ resulting in happy/productive workers. √
- Increased market share/more customers √ improve profitability. √
- Improves business image √ as there are less defects/returns. √
- Any other relevant answer related to the advantages of a good quality management system.
Max. (6)
3.8 Ways in which TQM can reduce the cost of quality
- Introduce quality circles to discuss ways of improving the quality of work/ workmanship. √√
- Schedule activities to eliminate duplication of tasks. √√
- Share responsibility for quality output amongst management and workers.√√
- Train employees at all levels, so that everyone understands their role in quality management. √√
- Develop work systems that empower employees to find new ways of improving quality. √√
- Work closely with suppliers to improve the quality of raw materials/inputs. √√
- Improve communication about quality challenges/deviations, so that everyone can learn from experience. √√
- Reduce investment on expensive, but ineffective inspection procedures in the production process. √√
- Implement pro-active maintenance programmes for equipment/ machinery to reduce/eliminate breakdowns. √√
- Any other relevant answer related to ways in which TQM can reduce the cost of quality.
Max. (8)
4.1 Business environments and extent of control
1. Micro environment √ | Full control √ |
2. Market environment √ | Partial/Some/Limited/Less/Little control √ |
3. Macro environment √ | No control √ |
Sub-max. (3) | Sub-max. (3) |
- Mark the first THREE (3) only.
- The answer does not have to be in tabular format.
- Award marks for the business environment even if the extent of control is not indicated/incorrect.
- The extent of control must be linked to the business environment.
Max. (6)
4.2 Rights of employees according to the LRA
- Employees may join a trade union of their choice. √√
- Request trade union representatives to assist/represent employees in grievance/disciplinary hearings. √√
- Trade union representatives may take reasonable time off work with pay, to attend to trade union duties. √√
- Embark on legal strikes as a remedy for grievances. √√
- Refer unresolved workplace disputes to the CCMA. √√
- Refer unresolved CCMA disputes to the Labour Court on appeal. √√
- Any other relevant answer related to rights of employees according to the LRA.
Max. (6)
4.3 Porter’s Five Forces model
4.3.1 Bargaining power of suppliers/Power of suppliers
- Suppliers that deliver high quality product √ may have power over the business. √
- Assess the power of the suppliers √ in influencing prices. √
- The more powerful the suppliers, √ the less control the business has over them. √
- The smaller the number of suppliers, √ the more powerful they may be as the choice of suppliers may be limited. √
- Identify the kind of power suppliers' have √ in terms of the quality of products/services/reliability/ability to make prompt deliveries. √
- Any other relevant answer related to how businesses could apply the bargaining power of suppliers/power of suppliers to analyse the market environment.
Max. (4)
4.3.2 Power of competitors/Competitive rivalry
- Competitors selling the same/similar products/services √ may have a greater impact on the market of the business. √
- If competitors have a unique product/service, √ then they will have greater power. √
- A business with many competitors in the same market √ has very little power in their market. √
- Businesses should draw up a competitor's profile of all competitors √ so that they can determine their own strengths as well as those of competitors. √
- Some businesses have necessary resources to start price wars √ and continue selling at a loss until some/all competitors leave the market. √
- Any other relevant answer related to how businesses could apply the power of competitors/competitive rivalry to analyse the market environment. Max.(4)
4.4 Sources of internal recruitment
- Internal e-mails/Intranet/web sites to staff √
- Word of mouth √
- Business newsletter/circulars √
- Internal/management referrals √
- Notice board of the business √
- Internal bulletins √
- Recommendation of current employees √
- Head hunting within the business/organisational database √
- Any other relevant answer related to the sources of internal recruitment.
NOTE: Mark the first FOUR (4) only. (4 x 1) (4)
4.5 Reasons for the termination of an employment contract
- The employer may dismiss an employee for valid reasons, √ e.g. unsatisfactory job performance, misconduct, etc. √
- Employer may no longer have work for redundant employees √/cannot fulfil the contract/is restructuring. √
- The employer may retrench √ some employees due to insolvency/may not be able to pay the employees. √
- Employees decided to leave √ and resign voluntarily. √
- An employee may have reached the pre-determined age √ of retirement. √
- Any other relevant answer related to the reasons for the termination of an employment contract. Max.(6)
4.6.1 Roles of quality circles as part of continuous improvement of processes and systems
- The employees of Williams Motor Manufacturers meet regularly to investigate problems and suggest solutions to the management. √
- They also monitor strategies to improve the smooth running of business operations. √
NOTE: Mark the first TWO (2) only. (2 x 1) (2)
4.6.2 Application of PDCA model/cycle in improving the quality of products
- Plan
- Williams Motor Manufacturers/WMM should identify the problem and develop a plan for improvement to processes and systems. √√
- Answer questions such as 'What to do'/ 'How to do it'. √√
- Plan the new method and approach in order to improve the quality of their products. √√
Sub-max. (2)
- Do
- WMM should implement the change on a small scale. √√
- Implement the processes and systems as planned. √√
Sub-max. (2)
- Check/Analyse
- Use data to analyse the results of change. √√
- Determine whether it made a difference and what needs to be improved. √√
- Check whether the processes are working effectively. √√
- WMM should assess/test and establish if it is working/if things are going according to plan. √√
Sub-max. (2)
- Act as needed
- Implement the improvement to meet the needs of the business. √√
- Devise strategies on how to continually improve. √√
- If the change was successful, implement it on a wider scale. √√
- WMM should continuously revise the process until they get it right the first time. √√
Sub-max. (2)
- Any other relevant answer related to how WMM can apply the PDCA model/cycle to improve the quality of their products.
- The steps could be integrated in the application.
- Award a maximum of FOUR (4) marks for only mentioning the steps of the PDCA model.
Max. (8)
Mark the FIRST question ONLY.
5.1 Introduction
- Businesses should always conduct the strategic management process as they operate in a dynamic environment that pose many challenges. √
- The implementation of business strategies enables businesses to respond to challenges presented by business environments. √
- Diversification and intensive strategies enable businesses to remain sustainable in the market environment. √
- PESTLE analysis is used to identify and evaluate the factors in the external environment that can influence the business. √
- PESTLE analysis enables businesses to have a better understanding of the external environment and the industry in which it operates. √
- The effectiveness of business strategies must be evaluated so that best strategies are used to overcome challenges. √
- Any other relevant introduction related to intensive strategies/ diversification strategies/PESTLE/strategy evaluation.
Any (2 x 1) (2)
5.2 Types of intensive strategies
Market penetration √√
- New products penetrate an existing market at a low price √, until it is well known to the customers and then the prices increase. √
- It is a growth strategy where businesses focus on selling existing products √ to existing markets. √
- Focuses on gaining a larger share of the market √ by reducing prices to increase sales/increasing advertising and promotion. √
- Any other relevant answer related to market penetration as a type of intensive strategy.
Type (2)
Description (2)
Sub-max. (4)
Market development √√
- A process of exploring/finding/searching new markets √ for existing products. √
- Businesses sell their existing products √ to new markets √/Involves targeting consumers in a potential market √ that is outside its normal target market. √
- Business must research √ the market it wants to enter. √
- They change the way the products are distributed √ to reach a different market. √
- Any other relevant answer related to market development as a type of intensive strategy.
Type (2)
Description (2)
Sub-max. (4)
Product development √√
- Businesses generate new ideas √ and develop a new product or service. √
- The introduction of a new product or service √ into existing markets. √
- A business may need to acquire new technology √ to develop new products. √
- They improve/change the packaging of current products √ so that they look and seem different and appeal to the market. √
- Any other relevant answer related to product development as a type of intensive strategy.
Type (2)
Description (2)
Sub-max. (4)
NOTE: Mark the first THREE (3) only. (3 x 4) (12)
5.3 Advantages of diversification strategies
- Increase sales √ and business growth. √
- Improves the business brand √ and image of the business. √
- Reduces the risk √ of relying only on one product. √
- More products can be sold to existing customers √ and additional more new markets can be established. √
- Businesses gain more technological capabilities √ through product modification. √
- Diversification into a number of industries or product line √ can help create a balance during economic fluctuations. √
- Business produces more output using less inputs √ as one factory may be used to manufacture more products. √
- Any other relevant answer related to the advantages of diversification strategies.
Max. (8)
5.4 PESTLE elements/factors posing challenges to businesses
- Customers may not be able to afford products √ due to low income levels/ high unemployment. √
- Businesses may not be conversant √ with the language of their customers. √
- Some customers may prefer to spend their money on medical bills √ for the treatment of chronic illnesses. √
- High crime rate may affect the trading hours of businesses √ resulting in decreased profit. √
- Any other relevant answer related to how the social factor as a PESTLE element may pose a challenge to businesses.
Sub-max. (6)
- Businesses may not keep up with/be aware √ of the latest technology. √
- Employees may not be skilled √ to operate/maintain new technology/ equipment. √
- Businesses may not be able to afford √ new technology. √
- May not be able to cater for/afford √ online transactions/e-commerce. √
- Any other relevant answer related to how the technological factor as a PESTLE element may pose a challenge to businesses.
Sub-max. (6)
- Certain Acts may have a direct impact √ on a business, e.g. the CPA/ BCEA. √
- Legal requirements for operating certain types of businesses √ are time- consuming. √
- High legal costs involved in obtaining a license/trade mark/patent √ may prevent some establishments. √
- Legalities of business contracts √ may limit business operations. √
- Any other relevant answer related to how the legal factor as a PESTLE element may pose a challenge to businesses.
Sub-max. (6)
Max. (16)
5.4 Steps in evaluating a strategy
- Examine the underlying basis of a business strategy. √√
- Look forward and backwards into the implementation process. √√
- Compare the expected performance with the actual performance. √√
- Measure the business performance in order to determine the reasons for deviations and analyse these reasons. √√
- Take corrective action so that deviations may be corrected. √√
- Set specific dates for control and follow up. √√
- Draw up a table of the advantages and disadvantages of a strategy. √√
- Decide on the desired outcome. √√
- Consider the impact of the strategic implementation in the internal and external environments of the business. √√
- Any other relevant answer related to steps that businesses should consider when evaluating strategies.
NOTE: Accept steps in any order.
Max. (10)
5.6 Conclusion
- The strategic management process enables businesses to stay ahead of competitors and increase their market share. √√
- Businesses must develop/formulate or change their current strategies in order to remain competitive. √√
- Businesses that apply the PESTLE analysis are able to respond quickly to the external pressures and adapt to them. √√
- The implementation of diversification and intensive strategies may allow businesses to recover from unstable economic conditions. √√
- Strategy evaluation enable businesses to keep abreast with changes in the business environments. √√
- Any other relevant conclusion related to intensive strategies/diversification strategies/PESTLE/strategy evaluation.
(Any 1 x 2) (2)
6.1 Introduction
- The human resources manager (HRM) is responsible for selecting and appointing competent and skilled employees. √
- The HRM can appoint the best candidate if the selection and interviewing procedures are properly applied. √
- The aim of induction is to introduce the new employee to the job/the new environment. √
- Some businesses offer fringe benefits in addition to the salaries to employees. √
- Any other relevant introduction related to selection procedure/roles of the interviewer when preparing for an interview/advantages of induction/impact of fringe benefits. (Any 2 x 1) (2)
6.2 Selection procedure
- Businesses should determine fair assessment criteria on which selection will be based. √√
- Use the assessment criteria to assess all CVs/application forms received during recruitment/preliminary screening is done by sorting the applications received according to the criteria for the job. √√
- Check that applicants have not submitted false documents such as forged certificates/degrees. √√
- Make a preliminary list of all applicants who qualify for the post. √√
- Screen and check references, e.g. check applicants' criminal records/credit history/social media √√, etc.
- Conduct preliminary interviews to identify suitable applicants. √√
- Inform all applicants about the outcome of the application. √√
- Compile a shortlist of approximately five people. √√
- Invite the shortlisted applicants/candidates for an interview. √√
- Shortlisted candidates may be subjected to various types of selection tests, e.g. skills test. √√
- A written offer is made to the chosen candidate. √√
- Any other relevant answer related to the selection procedure/steps as an activity of the human resources function.
- Receive documentation, e.g. application forms and sort it according to the criteria of the job. √√
- Evaluate CVs and create a shortlist/Screen the applicants. √√
- Check information in the CVs and contact references. √√
- Conduct preliminary sifting interviews to identify applicants who are not suitable for the job, although they meet all requirements. √√
- Assess/Test candidates who have applied for senior positions/to ensure the best candidate is chosen. √√
- Conduct interviews with shortlisted candidates. √√
- Offer employment in writing to the selected candidate(s). √√
- Any other relevant answer related to the selection procedure/steps as an activity of the human resources function.
NOTE: Accept the procedure/steps in any order. Max. (10)
6.3 Roles of the interviewer when preparing for an interview
- The interviewer should develop a core set of questions √ based on the skills/knowledge/ability required. √
- Check the application/verify the CV of every candidate √ for anything that may need to be explained. √
- Book and prepare the venue √ for the interview. √
- Set the interview date √/Ensure that all interviews take place on the same date, if possible. √
- Inform all shortlisted candidates about the date √ and place of the interview. √
- Notify all panel members conducting the interview about the date √ and place of the interview. √
- Allocate the same amount of time √ to interview each candidate on the program. √
- Any other relevant answer related to roles of the interviewer when preparing for an interview.
Max. (12)
6.4 Advantages of an induction programme for businesses
- Increases quality √ of performance/productivity. √
- Allows new employees to settle in quickly √ and work effectively. √
- Ensures that new employees understand rules √ and restrictions in the business. √
- New employees may establish relationships √ with fellow employees at different levels. √
- Employees will be familiar with organisational structures √, e.g. who are their supervisors/low level manager. √
- Make new employees feel at ease in the workplace √, which reduces anxiety/ insecurity/fear. √
- New employees will understand their role/responsibilities √ concerning safety regulations and rules. √
- Minimises/Decreases the need √ for on-going training and development. √
- The results obtained during the induction process √ provide a base for focussed training. √
- Opportunities are created for new employees to experience/explore √ different departments. √
- New employees will know the layout of the building/factory/offices/ where everything is √, which saves production time. √
- Learn more about the business so that new employees understand their roles/responsibilities √ in order to be more efficient. √
- Company policies are communicated √, regarding conduct and procedures/safety and security/employment contract/conditions of employment/working hours/leave. √
- Realistic expectations for new employees √ as well as the business are created. √
- New employees may feel part of the team √ resulting in positive morale and motivation. √
- Employees may have a better understanding of business policies √ regarding ethical/professional conduct/procedures/CSR, etc. √
- Any other relevant answer related to the advantages of an induction programme for businesses.
Max. (14)
6.5 Impact of fringe benefits on businesses
- Attractive fringe benefit packages √ may result in higher employee retention/reduces employee turnover. √
- Attracts qualified/skilled/experienced employees √ who may positively contribute towards the business goals/objectives. √
- It increases employee satisfaction/loyalty √ as they may be willing to go the extra mile. √
- Improves productivity √ resulting in higher profitability. √
- Businesses save money √ as benefits are tax deductible. √
- Fringe benefits can be used as leverage √ for salary negotiations. √
- Any other relevant answer related to the positive impact/advantages of fringe benefits on businesses.
- Fringe benefits are additional costs √ that may result in cash flow problems. √
- Administrative costs increase √ as benefits need to be correctly recorded for tax purposes. √
- Decreases business profits, √ as incentive/package/remuneration costs are higher. √
- It can create conflict/lead to corruption √ if allocated unfairly. √
- Workers only stay with the business for fringe benefits, √ and may not be committed/loyal to the tasks/business. √
- Businesses who offer employees different benefit plans may create resentment √ among those who receive fewer benefits resulting in lower productivity. √
- Businesses who cannot offer fringe benefits √ fail to attract skilled workers. √
- Businesses have to pay advisors/attorneys √ to help them create benefit plans that comply with legislation. √
- Errors in benefit plans √ may lead to costly lawsuits/regulatory fines. √
- Any other relevant answer related to the negative impact/ disadvantages of fringe benefits on businesses.
Max. (10)
6.6 Conclusion
- The goals and objectives of businesses cannot be achieved without qualified and skilled employees. √√
- Businesses should have suitable/effective selection procedure in place. √√
- Employees are the most important resource in any business and its success is strongly influenced by a good selection process which includes a fair and well-planned interview. √√
- A well prepared and organised interview process will result in identifying and appointing the most suitable and deserving candidate. √√
- A good induction programme enables new employees to have a basic understanding of what is expected in the new job/position. √√
- Businesses should plan carefully for fringe benefits so that potential candidates can consider the advantages and disadvantages of joining the business. √√
- Any other relevant conclusion related to selection procedure/roles of the interviewer when preparing for an interview/advantages of induction/impact of fringe benefits.
(Any 1 x 2) (2)