
1.1.1 D decrease of consumers’ disposable income. Understanding Easy (1) 
1.1.2 B Samp Understanding Moderate (1)
1.1.3 D legal stokvel. Understanding Difficult (1)
1.1.4 D Anaemia Understanding Easy (1)
1.1.5 D Tuberculosis Remembering Easy (1)
1.1.6 C starvation out of choice. Remembering Easy (1)
1.1.7 A Fudge, chocolate Remembering Easy (1)
1.1.8 C Retrospective fashion Remembering Easy (1)
1.1.9 B are grown without pesticides and are dyed with natural dyes. Remembering Easy (1)
1.1.10 D body corporate Understanding Easy (1)
1.1.11 D Home owners insurance Understanding Easy (1)
1.1.12 C Elton earns R3500 per month. Applying Easy (1)
1.1.13 A Front loader Understanding Moderate (1)
1.1.14 C mortgage bond. Understanding Moderate (1)
1.1.15 A Pay for water and electricity consumption Understanding Moderate (1)
1.1.16 D Five Remembering Easy (1)
1.1.17 C inspecting products to ensure that it meets the required standard set. Understanding Easy (1) 
1.1.18 C ensure that there is enough stock in the storeroom.  Understanding Easy (1) 
1.1.19 B colourful see-through plastic. Understanding Easy (1)
1.1.20 A cash flow projection. Understanding Easy (1) 


1.2.1 Air passenger tax (1)
1.2.2 Value Added Tax (VAT) (1)
1.2.3 Pay as you earn (PAYE) (1)
1.2.4 Capital gain tax (1)
1.2.5 Estate duty (1)
Remembering, Easy 


1.3.1 Brand pirated (1)
1.3.2 classic (1)
1.3.3 technological (1)
1.3.4 contemporary (1)
1.3.5 fads (1)
Remembering, Difficult 




Maintain a steady level of production and sales


Predicting future available cash


Ability to maintain a steady level of production and sales without  exhausting available cash


Predicting number of products for future sales


Operating costs

Understanding, Difficult (5 x 1) (5)
1.5 From the list below, identify FIVE requirements for a bank to grant a home loan.  Write only the letter (A–H) next to the question number (1.5) in the ANSWER  BOOK. 

B Proof of income 
D Copy of the offer to purchase 
E Evaluation of spending and payment habit 
F Proof of South African Identity Document 
H A credit check (5)
Understanding, Difficult 



2.1.1 A contract is an agreement that is intended to create legal rights ✔ and duties  between parties. ✔(2) 
         Remembering, Easy Successful 169, Focus 155 
2.1.2 Cooling off period is the amount of time the law gives a consumer who has  signed a contract, to cancel  without reason or financial  implications/transactions that resulted from direct marketing/transactions that  the consumer did not start.✔(2) 
Remembering, Easy Successful 173, Focus 157 
2.1.3 Exemption clauses are included in a contract that exonerate/clear a party  from any liability✔should he or she fail to honour the agreement/when the  agreed product does not serve the purpose for which it was acquired. ✔(2) 
Remembering, Easy Successful 173, Focus 156 

2.2 Explain how South African families can use water more responsibly in the  garden. 

  • Plant water wise plants and indigenous plants that require less water. 
  • Use grey water from washing machines/basins/shows/baths to water the garden. ∙ Use mulches to retain water in the soil. 
  • Do not water the garden during the hottest part of the day as most of it will evaporate. 
  • Water plants with a bucket and not a hose/sprinklers.(2) 
    Understanding, Easy Successful 199, Focus 181 


2.3.1 Identity the type of club referred to in this case study. 

    • Stokvel ✔(1)
      Understanding, Easy Successful 177-178, Focus 161 

2.3.2 Explain how this club operates 

    • Every member contributes R1 000 per month. ✔
    • This money will be saved in a bank at compound interest ✔
    • All members will receive their contributions and interest at the end of  October ✔ (Any 3 x 1) (3)
      Applying, Easy Successful 177-178, Focus 161 

2.4 Compound interest 

  • With compound interest the members will receive interest on the original amount plus the interest to date✔ With simple interest the members will only receive interest on the original amount. (Any 4 x 1) (4)
    Understanding Successful 185, Focus 167-168) 

2.5 Discuss how inflation has a negative impact on Heather’s disposable income

  • Heather’s disposable income will be less due to inflation ✔
  • Prices of goods and services increase 
  •  She will buy less goods ✔
  • She spends more on petrol✔ which reduces her disposable income even more ✔ (Any 4 x 1) (4)
    Applying, Moderate Successful 185, Focus 167-168 [20] 


3.1.1  E-coli infection ✔ 
          Remembering, Easy Successful 106, Focus 90 (1) 


    • Underdone/half-cooked patty 
    • Water in which lettuce and tomato was rinsed could have been  contaminated. ✔ 
    • Lettuce could have been contaminated by the faeces of domestic animals  where it was growing ✔ (Any 2 x 1)  (2)
      Applying, Moderate Successful 106, Focus 90 

3.1.3 Three symptoms 

  • Abdominal pain/cramps✔ 
  • Diarrhoea/bloody diarrhoea/bloody stools✔ 
  • Tiredness✔ 
  • Nausea✔ 
  • Vomiting✔ 
  • Fever ✔ (Any 3 x 1) (3)
    Remembering, Easy Successful 106, Focus 90. 


3.2.1 Explain FOUR reasons why South African farmers may not be  economically eager to produce organic fruit. 

    • Organic farming is more expensive than conventional farming✔ 
    • The start-up cost is higher✔ 
    • Labour is more intensive✔ 
    • Yields are lower and the risk higher✔ 
    • Fruit often have more blemishes which could impact the number of fruit  suitable for selling negatively✔ decreasing profit✔ 
    • The shelve life is shorter therefore fresh produce should sell quicker to  prevent losses✔ (Any 4 x 1) (4)
      Understanding, Difficult Successful 126, Focus 104 

3.2.2 Negative impact  

    • Exported organic food is transported by aeroplane which contributes to air  pollution✔ and global warming. ✔
    • Copper sulphate is a permitted organic pesticide, but is toxic to earth  worms✔ fertilizing the soil and to fish. 
    •  Controlling weeds can lead to greater energy consumption. ✔ (Any 4 x 2) (4) 


3.3.1 Explain how gastroenteritis was transmitted to Bruce 

    • The baker who prepared the cheesecake had gastroenteritis 
    • The baker did not wash his/her hands before she started to work with the  ingredients 
    • The ingredients was contaminated 
    • The water might have been contaminated
    • ∙ Dirty equipment was used. (Any 3 x 1) (3)
      Application               S 91 

3.3.2 Treatment 

    • Replace fluids and electrolytes (body salts) lost in loose stools. 
    • Drink bottled or boiled water, fruit juices and sport drinks. Avoid water of  uncertain quality and dairy products 
    • Easily digested food such as rice, bananas and dry toast will help with  rehydration because they will reduce fluid loss through faeces 
    •  Consult a doctor rather than attempt self-medication if the diarrhoea is  severe or it does not improve within several days. (Any 3 x 1) (3)
      Application S 91 

3.4.1       (4) 

Milk allergy 

Lactose intolerance

When the immune system wrongly thinks  that the milk protein is harmful  and react  against it/build antibodies against it. ✔

When the body has too little or no  lactase (enzyme) ✔ to digest  lactose into glucose. ✔

*Not in Table form: -1 mark 

3.4.2 Explain why the starter will be suitable for a person suffering from  anaemia. 

    • The starter contains liver/lettuce and whole-wheat bread that are sources of  iron ✔ which assists in the formation of red blood cells. ✔
    • Liver contains vitamin B12 that assists with the formation of red blood cells. ✔ ∙ Folic acid  is also found in liver, lettuce and whole-wheat bread. ✔ ∙ Lettuce is a source of vitamin C✔ which promotes the absorption of  iron. ✔ (Any 3 x 1) (3)
      Applying, Moderate Successful 91, Focus 79 

3.4.3 Discuss the suitability of the cheese cake for a person with diabetes

    • The cheese cake is not suitable for a diabetic. The sugar ✔ and starch ✔in  the tennis biscuits will increase the blood glucose level. 
    • Too much fat in the cream✔ creamed cheese/margarine✔ which should be  restricted ✔ as a person with diabetes is prone to heart disease. ✔
      Applying, Difficult Successful 80-88, Focus 72-73(5)

3.4.4 Analyse the cheese cake for a person suffering from osteoporosis.
This cheese cake is suitable for a person with osteoporosis. ✔ It consists of  food rich in calcium such as cream cheese/condensed milk that will strengthen  the bones. ✔ Margarine is a good source vitamin D and phosphorus that assist  the absorption of calcium. ✔ Water could be fluoridated that makes the bones  strong. ✔ Too much protein in the cheese cake/cream/cream  cheese/condensed milk. ✔ The body releases aids into the bloodstream when  digesting proteins✔ and draws calcium from the bones to neutralise the acids ✔ which makes the bones weak. ✔
Analysing, Difficult Successful 89-90, Focus 75-76 (8)



4.1.1 Style: is the specific characteristic that makes one product or item different  from another product of the same type. (2) 
4.1.2 Fashion trends: The direction in which fashion moves. (2)
Remembering, Easy Focus 48 

4.2 Clothing – purchasing patterns 

When inflation ✔ rises, the price ✔ of goods and services also rises. ✔ The consumer has less to spend on clothing. (4) 
Remembering, Moderate Successful 53, Focus 49 

4.3 Brand piracy has a definitive impact on the sales of legally protected brand  names. Justify this statement. 

  • The image of this brand name could be harmed and it could lead to less sales.
  • Consumers may lose faith in brands. 
  • The original manufacturers lose income.
  • It prevents the registered trademark owners. (4)
    Remembering, Moderate 

4.4 Cotton is a very popular fabric for clothing, but it is not eco-friendly. Discuss the  impact that cotton production have on the natural environment. 
Cotton are produced from crops that require pesticides ✔ or chemicals to grow. The  use more energy ✔ and more water to be produced and creates more waste.✔ Cotton  also has a high carbon footprint.✔(4) 
Application, easy Focus 59 
4.5 Evaluate the suitability of this outfit for a formal occasion. 

  • Not suitable
  • It is suitable for an informal occasion 
  • The outfit is too open (4)



5.1.1 Initiation fee: the once-off fee the bank charges✔ for preparing and  processing the loan application.✔ (2) 
Remembering, Easy Successful 145, Oxford 
5.1.2 Occupational rent is paid to the seller, when the buyer occupies the  property ✔ before the bond is registered. ✔ (2) 
Remembering, Moderate Successful 146, Focus 120 

5.2 (4) 

Full-title ownership 

is a form of tenure in which the buyer is  legal owner of the entire property✔ consisting of the land and the structure  built on it✔

Sectional-title ownership 

is a form of tenure in which the buyer is  legal owner of section of a housing  complex✔ and have shares in the  undivided plot on which it stand✔

*Not in Table form: -1 mark Remembering, Easy 


5.3.1 Full-title ownership 
         Remembering, Easy Successful 139-140, Focus 121-122 (1) 
5.3.2 Advantages 

    • The buyer is the legal owner of the entire property. ✔
    • The property can be left in the will for your children. 
    • Changes can be made to his or her property. ✔
    • The owner has a sense of security and independence✔
    • The property can be used as security and independence. ✔
    • The property can be used as security for a bank loan. ✔
    • It is a sound investment because the value of the property increases over  time.✔
    • You can see the furnished house before you buy. ✔
    • The property can be sold to make a profit. ✔
    • A business can be run from the home. ✔ (Any 5 x 1) (5) 

5.4 Bond/mortgage protection/home owner’s comprehensive insurance (2) 
      Understanding, Easy Successful 145, Focus 128 


5.5.1 Lease contract ✔ (2) 

A lease is a written document that states the rental conditions✔ and the rights  and responsibilities of both the tenant and landlord✔
A lease is a rent agreement between the property owner and the tenant in  which the tenant✔ commits him-or-herself to renting the property for a minimum period at a fixed rental amount ✔ (Any 2 x 1) 
Understanding, Easy Successful 137, Focus 118 (2)

5.6 Freezer 

5.6.1 Height, adjustable racks✔ (2) 
         Applying, Moderate Successful 159, Focus 145 

    • Energy rating A ✔
    • Sound warning when door is open✔
    • Even distribution of air and electricity ✔
    • Optimal temperature control ✔
    • Automatic door close function ✔
      Applying, Difficult Successful 159, Focus 145(5) 

5.6.3 Self-defrost/No frost option (1) 
         Applying, Difficult Successful 159, Focus 145 


  • Ralton will pay a deposit. ✔
  • The remaining balance is paid in instalments. ✔
  • Ralton can use the freezer while paying instalments✔
  • Ralton gets a guarantee. If the freezer breaks within the guarantee period the  seller will repair the freezer.✔
    Applying, Moderate Successful 162, Focus 148 (4) 


  • Ralton will pay fixed rental amount monthly. ✔
  • The property has a braai area/swimming pool to entertain friends and family. ✔
  • It’s a three-bedroomed house/enough space for friends and family to sleep over. ✔
  • Ralton can run his taxi business from the property with the landlord’s  permission.✔
  • The property has a big backyard to extent the house later if Ralton decide to buy.
  • The property has electric fencing/alarm system✔ for the safety of Ralton and his  taxis. ✔
  • The landlord is responsible for security and paying the rates and taxes (Any 8 x 1) (8)
    Evaluation, Moderate. Successful 137, Focus 118



6.1.1 Target Market  

A target market is a specific group of people ✔ with common needs and  interest who may want to purchase a product. ✔ (2) 

6.1.2 Target market 

    • Community ✔ 
    • Married couples ✔ 
    • Teenagers ✔ (Any 2 x 1) (2)
      Understanding, Easy Scenario 

6.2 Stock control 

  • Stock control helps to minimise the cost of storing the final product. ✔ 
  • Ensures that enough raw materials are available for production. ✔ 
  • Ensures that the right quality raw materials are purchased ✔ for the product.
  • Wastage of raw materials/final product is reduced. ✔ 
  • Money invested in stock is limited. ✔ (Any 4 x 1) (4)
    Remembering, Moderate Successful 23, Focus 19 

6.3 Product specifications (advantages) 

  • Product specifications ensures that customers’ needs are met. ✔ 
  • The product will always be the same in quality/appearance, size, and  weight/colour/style. ✔
  • ∙ Zelda will not lose profit because of failure. ✔ (Any 4 x 1) (4)
    Remember, Moderate Successful 21, Focus 16 

6.4 Training of workers 

  • Training of workers will improve the quality of work 
  • Lead to reduced wastage of atchar/ingredients 
  • Improve the workers’ morale/feel more confident/job satisfaction 
  • Help to reduce maintenance and repair costs of sewing machine/food  processor. (Any 2 x 1) (2)
    Understanding, Moderate Successful 26, Focus 25 


  • Zelda will not have to purchase unnecessary stock that cannot be found. ✔ (thread/fabric/ingredients) because she has effective storage procedures 
  • Fish moths/ mildew will not destroy the fabric. ✔ 
  • Zelda will not lose any money/profit✔ due to ineffective storage procedures.
  • There will be no wastage/spoilage of raw atchar ingredients/raw materials. ✔ 
  • Atchar ingredients can be preserved. ✔ (Any 2 x 1) (2)
    Applying, Difficult Successful 27, Focus 22 



    • Through flyers ✔ 
    • Telling friends and family ✔ (2)
      Applying, Moderate Scenario 


    • Zelda only uses coloured, recycled paper for the flyers. ✔ 
    • She uses peanut butter bottles✔ collected from family and friends. 
    • She applies the reuse✔, recycle✔ and reduce principle of sustainable production and consumption effectively. ✔ 
    • She creates less waste to dispose of ✔ therefore helps to reduce the  negative impact on the environment/carbon footprint.  (4)
      Applying, Difficult Successful 26, Focus 26-27 


  • Zelda makes sure that her customers’ needs are met. ✔ 
  • Zelda makes them feel important. She gets regular feedback✔on the atchar and  repaired clothes and use this to improve her atchar and services. ✔ 
  • She gives them clear information about the products and services. ✔ 
  • Listen to customer complaints and try to solve them. ✔ 
  • Return calls if she promised to do so. ✔ 
  • She trains her family and friends that come into contact with her customers on  good customer relations. ✔ (8)
    Applying, Moderate Successful 25, Focus 25 


6.8.1 Selling price per bottle atchar 

R12,40 + R7,36 = R19,76✔ 
R19,76 x 65/100  = R12,84✔ 
R19,76 + R12,19 = R32,60✔ 
=R32,00/R33 (4) 


R32,60 x 15 = R489 ✔
-R19,76 x15 = R296,40 ✔
= R192,60 ✔
R32 x 15 ✔ = R480 
-R19,76 x 15 = R296,40 
= R184,80                                     (6) 
Applying, Difficult Successful 38-39, Focus 36-37

TOTAL: 200

Last modified on Friday, 11 June 2021 08:21