The Life Sciences P2 Grade 12 September was written on Tuesday, 07 September 2021. We were made aware of certain amendments and omissions that were discovered during the marking process.
In order to address this and to ensure that learners are not disadvantaged, the following standardised approach to marking must be adopted across the Province. The following guidelines regarding marking was prepared in conjunction with the examiner and moderator.


2.3.3 Due to the question being printed on the next page (i.e. page 12), learners may have ignored the diagram on the previous page (i.e. page 11) which they needed together with the table on page 12 to get the correct answer, a concession has been made to accept the following answers:

  1. UAC √
  2. Leucine √

3.1.3 (√√) Two marks will be awarded as question was not stated correctly.
Question should have read: Using evidence from the graph, explain why the herbicides are NOT the only factor that has caused the decrease in the monarch butterfly colonies.

Last modified on Monday, 14 March 2022 07:29