1.1.1 C Remembering, easy (Focus, p.127, Successful, p.145) (1)
1.1.2 D Remembering, easy (Focus, p.174, Successful, p.194)(1)
1.1.3 B Understanding, easy (Focus, p.174, Successful, p.192)(1)
1.1.4 C Remembering, moderate (Focus, p.163, Successful, p.181) (1)
1.1.5 B Understanding, easy (Focus, p.161-162, Successful, p.177-178) (1)
1.1.6 D Remembering, easy (Focus, p.80-81, Successful, p.93-94) (1)
1.1.7 B Remembering, easy (Focus, p.76-77, Successful, p.90-91) (1)
1.1.8 D Remembering, easy (Focus, p.72-73, Successful, p.80-81) (1)
1.1.9 C Remembering, easy (Focus, p.97-98, Successful, p.114) (1)
1.1.10 C Remembering, easy (Focus, p.105; Successful, p.128) (1)
1.1.11 D Remembering, moderate (Focus, p.77, Successful, p.96) (1)
1.1.12 B Remembering, easy (Grade 11) (1)
1.1.13 A Understanding, moderate (Focus, p. 49, Successful, p.51) (1)
1.1.14 A Understanding, easy (Focus, p.64; Successful, p.72) (1)
1.1.15 B Remembering, moderate (Focus, p.122, Successful, p.140- 141) (1)
1.1.16 B Understanding, moderate (Focus, p.128, Successful, p.145- 146) (1)
1.1.17 C Understanding, moderate (Focus, p.131, Successful, p.148) (1)
1.1.18 A Remembering, easy (Focus, p.8; Successful, p.15) (1)
1.1.19 C Remembering, easy (Focus, p.25, Successful, p.17) (1)
1.1.20 B Understanding, moderate (Focus, p.26; Successful, p.26) (1)
1.2.1 E
1.2.2 C
1.2.3 A (3)
Analysing, difficult (Focus, p.50; Successful, p.50)
1.3.1 B C G
1.3.2 A E F (Any order) (6)
Understanding, moderate (Focus, p.36-37; Successful, p.35-36)
1.4 A
K (Any order) (6)
Remembering, easy (Focus, p126-128; Successful, p.144, 147)
1.5.1 Hepatitis A (Focus, p.89; Successful, p.103)
1.5.2 TB/ Tuberculosis (Focus, p.89; Successful, p.104-105)
1.5.3 Dysentery (Focus, p.90; Successful, p.107-108)
1.5.4 Gastroenteritis (Focus, p.91; Successful, p.108-109)
1.5.5 E. coli (Focus, p.90; Successful, p.106) (5)
Understanding, moderate
2.1 Name the body that is responsible for increasing or decreasing of interest rates in South Africa.
(South African) Reserve Bank (1)
Remembering, easy (Focus, p.166; Successful, p.184)
2.2 Identify the types of taxes paid on the following:
2.2.1 Liquor and cigarettes
Excise duty/ sin tax
2.2.2 Petrol and diesel
Fuel tax/ levy/ duty (2)
Remembering, easy (Focus, p.165; Successful, p.182)
2.3 State TWO ways in which electricity can be saved when drying clothes.
- Hang the clothes on the (outside) washing line/ clothes horse to dry.
- Use the correct temperature settings to minimize the amount of electricity used if using a tumbler dryer.
- Do not use a tumble dryer/ use as little as possible to dry the clothes
- Use a gas tumble dryer/ dry buddy instead of an electric one.
- Clean the filter regularly/ use dryer balls/ filter papers for the tumble dryer to work effectively.
- Do not overload the tumbler dryer as it uses more electricity (Any 2) (2)
Remembering, easy (Focus, p.174; Successful, p.194)
2.4.1 Identify the type of imports stated above.
Parallel imports/ grey goods. (1)
Understanding, moderate (Focus, p.158; Successful, p.176)
2.4.2 Discuss the type of imports in question 2.4.1.
- Grey goods/ parallel imports are items/ household appliances that the manufacturer does not want sold in a particular country/ South Africa, but that ends up in the country/ South Africa through unofficial/ unauthorised distribution channels.
- Grey goods/ parallel imports are not illegal/ necessary duties are paid.
- The official company/ supplier abroad will not honour the warranty if the television set breaks because it has been imported through unofficial/unauthorised distribution channels. (Any 2) (2)
Understanding, moderate (Focus, p.158; Successful, p.176)
2.5 Write a paragraph to discuss the negative effect of rising inflation on South African households.
The price of goods and services is increased and families have less disposable income/ are struggling to meet their basic needs/ expenses. The increase in petrol/ electricity prices causes prices of goods and services to rise. There is an increase in production cost of goods and services therefore there is an increase in job losses. People are becoming unemployed as most companies are unable to afford the increase in salaries. The debt burden of families will increase. This will result in the quality of life/ lifestyle decreasing/ changing/ is not able to improve/ poverty therefore people are unable/ struggling to support their households. People on fixed/ investment incomes/ pensions suffer the most because their income does not keep up with inflation. (Any 6) (6)
Understanding, moderate (Focus, p.167; Successful, p.184 -185)
NOTE: Deduct ONE mark if not in a paragraph.
2.6.1 Name the TWO schemes above.
2.6.2 Differentiate between the TWO schemes.
Tabulate the answer as follows:
2.6.1 Multi-level marketing scheme/ Tiered-level scheme/ Legal pyramid scheme(1) | (Illegal) pyramid scheme (1) |
2.6.2 - They are legal
- More than one person can be at the top/initiators
- Individuals sell the products
- Recruits receive compensation/ payment for the number of sales
- Worth getting involved in this type of scheme
(Any 2) | - They are illegal
- There is one person at the top/ initiator
- No products are sold/ only money is invested
- Recruits receive compensation/ payment for the number of people recruited by them
- Not worth getting involved in this type of scheme
(Any 2) |
Understanding, moderate
Analysing, difficult (Focus, p. 162 Successful, p.178-179)
NOTE: Deduct ONE mark if not in a table
No marks to be awarded for statements taken directly from text.
3.1 Name the soft, white, waxy, fatty substance that occurs naturally in the blood.
Cholesterol (1)
Remembering, easy (Focus, p.74; Successful, p.84)
3.2.1 Identify the food-related health condition illustrated above.
Osteoporosis (1)
Understanding, easy (Focus, p.75; Successful, p.89)
3.2.2 Define the food-related health condition above.
Osteoporosis means porous bones the bones are thinner and less dense/ brittle/ fragile/ weak and break easily. (Any 2)
Occurs when calcium and minerals are lost/ withdrawn from the bones more quickly than they are replaced. (Any 2) (2)
Remembering, easy (Focus, p.75; Successful, p.89)
3.2.3 State FOUR factors that can contribute to the food-related health condition above.
- Low oestrogen levels in females especially after menopause.
- Lack of calcium/ phosphorus/ vitamin D in the diet.
- Body shape/ short, small framed people with a low body mass have less bone to lose than people with larger body frames.
- A family history of osteoporosis.
- Smoking.
- Long term use of certain medicines/ cortisone.
- Excessive alcohol/ tea/ coffee/ protein intake.
- Lack of exercise throughout the lifecycle.
- Diseases of the hormone-producing glands, such as an overactive thyroid gland
- Anorexia (nervosa).
- Some people are more prone to develop osteoporosis as they grow older. (Any 4) (4)
Remembering, moderate (Focus, p.75; Successful, p.89)
3.3 Compare the eating disorders anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa with reference to the following aspects:
3.3.1 Eating Habits | Restricted food intake/ eat very little/ starve themselves excessively to the point of dangerous and excessive weight loss(2) | - Consumes large amounts of food in a short period of time and gets rid of the food by vomiting/ purging/ laxatives/ drugs.
OR Repeated episodes of binge eating followed by inappropriate compensation methods to prevent weight gain. - Fasting may form part of the eating habit. (2)
3.3.2 Kilojoule intake | Consumes very little kilojoules/ restricted/ very restricted kilojoule intake less than the body needs (1) | - Excessive kilojoule intake/ more than what the body needs/ requires.
- Most of the food will leave the body, before being digested, therefore not all the kilojoules will be absorbed (Any 1)
Understanding, moderate (Focus, p.83; Successful, p.94-95)
NOTE: Deduct ONE mark if not in a table.
3.4 Explain the nutritional benefits of the meal for a person suffering from HIV/AIDS.
- Chicken is rich in protein/ zinc/ iron/ vitamin B6 which strengthens the immune system. Proteins builds muscle tissue.
- Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C which helps with the recovery from infections as a person suffering of HIV/AIDS are prone to infections.
- Carrots are rich in vitamin A which keeps the lining of the lungs/ intestines intact, to make it difficult for germs to enter the body and cause infections.
- Selenium in the chicken/ vitamin A/ C act as an anti-oxidant which protects cells from damage and helps in preventing infections/ slows down the progression of the disease by keeping the immune system healthy.
- Sufficient energy is provided by the brown bread as it is rich in starch.
(Any 5) (5)
Understanding, moderate (Focus, p. 84 - 85; Successful, p.100)
NOTE: Only ONE can be awarded per ingredient/nutrient with the function to obtain the full 5 marks.
3.5 Discuss how genetically modified foods can assist with food security.
- Crops are resistant to disease/ droughts/ pests which makes it possible for crops to be grown in areas with low agricultural activity/ dry areas.
- The crop yield is greater and more people can be fed.
- Production costs are lower so more food can be produced at a cheaper price/for the same amount. People can buy food at a lower price.
- Foods that have been genetically modified have a longer shelf life/ food will last longer/ will not perish too quickly. The eating quality/ safety of food will be maintained people will have food over a longer period.
- The nutritional value of genetically modified foods can be improved to make food more nutritious. Therefore less people will suffer from malnutrition/ diseases. (Any 4 x 2) (8)
Understanding, difficult (Focus, p.103; Successful, p.123)
3.6.1 Explain why the word allergens appears on the label above.
To warn/ inform a consumer who is allergic to fish that the product contains fish/ must not be consumed/ avoid this product as it can cause an allergic reaction.
It is a legal requirement/ legislation. (Any 3) (3)
Understanding, moderate (Focus, p.23, 97,196; Successful, p.92)
3.6.2 Explain the meaning of the term sustainable on the label.
The sustainability fishing/ endangered species logo means leaving enough fish in the ocean respecting habitats and ensuring that people who depend on fishing can maintain their livelihoods.
Resources/fish are not depleted or permanently damaged when the product/tuna is manufactured/ sourced.
Using fish in such a way that the natural environment is protected/ not harmed for future generations. (2)
Applying, moderate (Focus, p.61; Successful, p.26)
3.6.3 The tuna is suitable for a person suffering from high blood cholesterol.
Evaluate the validity of this statement.
- Total fat is low, tuna is canned in brine with no added fat which helps to keep the energy/ kilojoule levels down/ reduce the risk of high blood cholesterol.
- It contains monounsaturated/ polyunsaturated/ unsaturated fats that will help to decrease the LDL/ bad cholesterol levels/ increase the HDL/ good cholesterol.
- The tuna contains no trans-fat and is low in saturated fat. These fats raise the blood cholesterol levels.
- It is low/ moderate in cholesterol.
- Low in fibre therefore will not assist in lowering of cholesterol levels.(Any 7)
Conclusion: The tuna is suitable for a person suffering from high blood cholesterol. (1) (8)
Evaluating, moderate (Focus, p.35; Successful, p.84, 119)
4.1 Define retrospective fashion.
Fashion that imitates the style of a previous era. Designers look to the past/history for inspiration but always reinterprets / represent it with a modern twist. (Any 2) (2)
Remembering, easy (Focus, p.51; Successful, p.53)
4.2 State THREE requirements that a company must meet to be able to use this Fairtrade logo on its' products.
- Pay fair wages.
- Provide good working conditions.
- Fair/ decent working hours.
- Does not use child labour/ does not employ children as workers.
- Complies with labour and safety laws.
- Supports environmental sustainability/ friendliness. (Any 3) (3)
Remembering, moderate (Focus, p.61; Successful, p.69)
4.3 Explain the relationship between fashion and style.
- Fashion is based on a (specific) style.
- A style refers to the silhouette/outside characteristics of a clothing/ fashion item.
- Fashion is a style accepted by the majority of people./ Fashion is the style of clothing that the majority of people in a country, age group or area wear now.
- A style only becomes a fashion when the majority of people accept the style.
- A style only remains in fashion for as long as the majority of people still accept it.
- Style is very seldom accepted by everyone but fashion is accepted by the majority. (Any 2) (2)
Understanding, moderate (Focus, p.48; Successful, p.48-51)
4.4 Discuss how social factors influence the use of African prints in South African fashion.
- People tend to copy celebrities. Celebrities/ role models that wear African prints will increase the use of African prints in fashion.
- Social media/ social factors such as current social and cultural events have provided inspiration for fashion designers to use African prints.
- Travelling and socialising with people from all over South Africa/ other African countries has also led to an increase in the use of the African print in fashion. (Any 3) (3)
Applying, moderate (Focus, p. 49; Successful, p. 54)
4.5.1 Explain why this outfit is suitable for the world of work as well as a cocktail party after work.
- The outfit is versatile can be worn during the day and night.
- It has a formal appearance.
- It is elegant/ stylish/ smart.
- It has a professional appearance.
- The jacket can be mixed and matched with other colours/ skirts/ shirts/ blouse/ dresses.
- Red and black colours are suitable for both work and cocktail function.
- The pants can be mixed and matched with other colours/ jackets/ shirts.
- The outfit is not too revealing/ tight.
- The black leather handbag is a classic style.
- The black leather handbag is suitable for both the world of work and a cocktail party. (Any 4) (4)
Applying, moderate (Focus, p. 53-60; Successful, p. 57-66)
4.5.2 Analyse the optical illusions created by the outfit.
- The waistline of the wearer will appear narrower/ slimmer because of the figure hugging jacket.
- The cut of the jacket will hide/ camouflage a broad/ wide waistline because of the flared jacket.
- The upper body of the wearer will appear slender/ slimmer/ narrower because the jacket is a close fitting/ tight fitting style
- The V-shape of the neckline will create the illusion of a longer neck because it draws the eye down the diagonal line of the right lapel.
- The hemline of the jacket will make the hips appear broader/ wider because of the flared style over the hipline. The length of the jacket sleeves will make the arms appear shorter
- The contrast in colour (red from the jacket and black from the pants) make the woman appear shorter.
- The black colour of the pants has a slimming effect. The red jacket makes the upper body appear larger.
- The pants will make the legs appear longer due to the vertical line and the narrow style of the pants, however the hemline creates a horizontal line which make the bottom part of the leg appear shorter. (Any 6) (6)
Analysing, difficult (Grade 11)
5.1 Define the term title deed.
Title deed is a document that reflects the ownership details/ proves you are the legal owner of the property and details of the property.(2) (2)
Remembering, easy (Focus, p.117, 128; Successful, p.137, 146)
5.2 Give the purpose of the National Home Builders Registration Council/ (NHBRC).
- To assist and protect home owners.
- To ensure adequate standards of construction and responsible behaviour by contractors. (Any 2)(2)
Remembering, moderate (Focus, p.119; Successful, p.139)
5.3 Differentiate between full-title ownership and sectional-title ownership.
- Full-title ownership: The buyer of the property becomes the legal owner of the entire property, meaning the land and all the structures on it. (2)
- Sectional-title: The buyer becomes the legal owner of a section of a housing complex and have shares in the individual lot on which it stands./ Sectional title holder/ buyer owns a share of all common property, (including lifts/ passages/ stairways/ garden areas/ pool) and becomes the legal owner of the unit. (Any 2) (4)
Remembering, moderate (Focus, p.121; Successful, p.139)
5.4.1 Name THREE financial responsibilities that John will have as a landlord.
- He must pay the bond repayments.
- He must pay the rates and taxes.
- He must pay homeowners insurance.
- He must pay bond/ mortgage protection insurance.
- He is responsible for the general maintenance of the property. (Any 3) (3)
Remembering, easy (Focus, p.119; Successful, p.139)
5.4.2 Explain to John the possible disadvantages of renting out his property.
- The tenants may damage his property/ not look after the property as it does not belong to them.
- The tenants may pay the rent late/ not pay the rent at all and his bond may fall into arrears.
- Tenants may not pay their municipal accounts.
- The tenants may leave/ move out without notice or rent payment.
- The property may be without tenants for some time.
- The tenant may not comply with the conditions of the rental contract/ running a business/ having sub-tenants.
- The deposit paid for the rent may not be enough to cover the damages if the damages are excessive
- The tenants may not move out once the lease has expired.
(Any 6) (6)
Understanding, moderate (Focus, p.118; Successful, p.137)
5.4.3 Explain why it would be best for John to take a fixed interest rate on the home loan.
Fixed interest rate:
- If the repo/interest rate goes up, his bond repayments will remain unchanged/the same. The interest rate will not change over the agreed period of time.
- The monthly repayments will remain the same over the agreed period of time.
- He will then be able to stay within his budget more easily/his financial situation will be more predictable.
- With a variable interest rate, he runs the risk of increased bond repayments if the interest rate/ repo rate increases. This may lead to financial insecurity/ instability.(Any 3) (3)
Understanding, moderate (Focus, p.128; Successful, p.145)
5.5 State FOUR factors to consider when shopping for a vacuum cleaner to ensure that is easy to operate.
- Must reduce your workload/ the cord must retract automatically/ long enough.
- Cordless vacuum cleaner/ robotic vacuum cleaner.
- The instructions must be easy to understand and follow.
- General maintenance/ cleaning of the vacuum cleaner should be easy/ consider buying a bag-less vacuum cleaner.
- Should not be too heavy/ big.
- Should be safe to use.
- Should be used by any family member except children. (Any 4) (4)
Remembering, easy (Focus, p.133; Successful, p.153)
5.6 Discuss the advantage(s) of the following universal design features of the microwave oven:
5.6.1 Stainless steel finish
- Does not rust (if it is thoroughly dried after use).
- It is easy to clean/ save human energy.
- Durable/ hard-wearing. (Any 2) (2)
5.6.2 Clear display text
Easy to operate/ use/ read/ interpret. (Any 1) (1)
5.6.3 Automatic programming based on the weight of the food
- Will use only the required time to cook food, so food cannot be overcooked.
- Saves non-human energy/ electricity.
- Saves human cognitive/ mental energy as the time calculation will be done automatically. (Any 2) (2)
Applying, moderate (Focus, p.141-142; Successful, p.159-160)
5.7 Compare the financial aspects of buying household appliances using a bank credit card and an instalment sale transaction.
Tabulate the answer as follows.
- No deposit is paid.
- It is regarded as a cash sale in the store where the appliance is bought.
- The consumer/credit card holder repays the bank in instalments over a period of time.
- Interest is paid to the bank.
- No insurance charges are paid to the store.
(Any 2) | - A deposit is paid (in some cases).
- It is regarded as a credit transaction in the store where the appliance is bought.
- The consumer repays the store in instalments over a period of time.
- Interest is paid to the store.
- Insurance charges are paid to the store until the outstanding balance is paid. (Any 2) (4)
Understanding, moderate (Focus, p.148; Successful, p.162)
NOTE: The same points must be compared in order to get 4 marks.
Deduct ONE mark if not in a table.
5.8 Predict the possible financial consequences for homeowners who have lost their homes due to floods or fires.
- They would be left homeless. They need to rent while the house is being rebuilt. They would then be paying off someone else’s bond/contributing towards someone else's wealth.
- Even though they were not staying in the home they will still be liable for repayment on existing loans.
- Homeowners who have adequate (household contents/ homeowners) insurance will suffer fewer financial losses.
- If household content insurance was not up to date/ if the contents were under insured, homeowners would not be able to replace the household contents easily.
- If the house was under insured/ not insured for the correct value, they may not get the full value back from the insurance.
- Homeowners must pay an excess fee when an insurance claim is paid out.
- Homeowners whose houses were paid off but not insured will not have the capital/ money to rebuild their homes.
- In most cases homeowners, will have to borrow money/ increase their bond/ take out a new bond and pay interest to fix/ rebuild their homes.
- The homeowners still had to meet their commitments to the municipality with regards to rates and taxes/ still have to pay rates and taxes.
(Any 7) (7)
Analysing, difficult (Focus, p.118; Successful, p.137)
6.1 Name TWO examples of electronic media that can be used to advertise a product or service.
- TV
- Radio
- Cinema
- Internet/ email
- Social media/ Facebook/ Twitter/ WhatsApp/ Instagram/ Chat
- Cell phone/ SMS
- Electronic billboards (Any 2) (2)
Remembering, easy (Focus, p.31; Successful, p.30)
6.2 Define each of the following terms:
6.2.1 Quality control.
It is the process of inspecting products to make sure that they meet the required standards that have been set. (2)
Remembering, easy (Focus, p.16, 17; Successful, p.22)
6.2.2 Worst sale scenario.
- If a business sold less goods/ services than its break-even point and then made a loss.
OR - It is a forecast of what could happen if your product/ service does not sell well/ sell less than its break-even point. (2)
Remembering, easy (Focus, p.39; Successful, p.41)
6.3.1 Give THREE requirements that they had to consider when they chose suitable packaging for the homemade ginger beer.
- The packaging must be suitable for the ginger beer.
- Packaging must be of a suitable size/ volume.
- Packaging must keep the ginger beer hygienic/ safe.
- Convenient for distribution/ handling/ stacking and display.
- Packaging must be strong enough for transportation.
- It must be easy for the customers to handle/ open and close.
- The packaging had to be environmentally friendly.
- Packaging must be airtight/ seal well. (Any 3) (3)
Understanding, moderate (Focus, p. 97-98; Successful, p.117-118)
6.3.2 Explain how FOUR of the five Ps of the marketing mix were achieved by the small-scale business.
- Promotion: They advertised on their WhatsApp/ social networks, word of mouth around the community.
- Place: They produced the homemade ginger beer in the back room at Buhle's aunt's house /backyard room.
- Product: They were producing homemade ginger beer.
- People: They sell to friends/ neighbours/ municipal officials/ local community/ people outside their community.
- Price: Affordable ingredients therefore the price may be affordable. (Any 4) (4)
Understanding, moderate (Focus, p.29-34; Successful, p.29-33)
NOTE: No marks are allocated to the naming of the 4 Ps. Marks are only allocated to the explanations.
6.3.3 From the scenario, quote the statement that indicates that market research (feasibility study) has been conducted.
“Before Buhle and his friends started their business, they visited their neighbours, friends and local municipal officials, enquiring if they were interested in buying the homemade ginger beer they would be selling.” (1)
Understanding, easy (Focus, p.8; Successful, p.10)
NOTE: Learners can start the answer from “visiting/ enquiring”
6.3.4 Discuss TWO factors that Buhle and his friends had to consider before choosing the product for their small-scale business.
- The product appeal to the neighbours/ friends/ local municipal officials.
- Availability of human skills they learnt to make ginger beer.
- Availability of workspace working from his aunt's backyard room.
- Availability of raw materials the ingredients were locally available/ affordable. (Any 2 x 2) (4)
Applying, moderate (Focus, p.22; Successful, p.16-20)
6.3.5 Discuss factors that could contribute to the sustainable profitability of the homemade ginger beer small-scale business.
- They conducted market research therefore knew they had a large target market.
- Raw materials are locally available so they save on transport costs.
- Production will not be interrupted because raw materials are locally available.
- Raw materials are not expensive therefore it is cheap to produce the ginger beer.
- Very little/ no/ almost no start-up costs are needed for the business.
- They have enough workspace/ work from home/ yard which makes them save on rental costs/ keep costs low.
- They learnt how to make ginger beer, therefore they had sound knowledge and skill to make the product- the product is successful.
- The business has a competitive edge because they also deliver their product/ attract more customers.
- They will not have to purchase bottles/ they use recycled bottles so this will keep their costs down.
- It is a green business therefore it will attract environmentally conscious customers.
- They do the marketing on WhatsApp and other social media networks. (Any 6) (6)
Applying, moderate (Focus, p.36; Successful, p.21)
6.3.6 The costs of ingredients to produce 30 litres of homemade ginger beer is R120,00. They added 75% to the production costs to cover overheads.
Calculate the production cost of 1 litre homemade ginger beer.
Show ALL the calculations.
R120 x 75 = R90 OR 120,00 = R4/ litre
100 30
R210 ÷ 30 = R7 R4 x 75 = R3
R4 + R3 = R7 (4)
Applying, moderate (Focus, p.38; Successful, p.38)
NOTE: The monetary value (R) must be indicated to the final amount to be awarded the final mark.
Calculate the profit of 60 litres of homemade ginger beer if the mark up is 30%
R210 x 30 = R63 OR R7 x 60 = R420
R420 x 30 = R126
R63 x 2 = R126 (4)
Applying, moderate (Focus, p.38; Successful, p.38)
NOTE: The monetary value (R) must be indicated to the final amount to be awarded the final mark.
If a learner made an error in (a) continue marking with the error.
6.3.7 Using the recycled plastic bottles as packaging (containers) for the homemade ginger beer has a positive impact on the natural environment.
Evaluate the validity of this statement.
- There will be less littering in the community and the environment will not be unsightly/ untidy as fewer plastic bottles will be lying around.
- Less plastic ends up in the local landfill site so less plastic will pollute the soil/ rivers/ streams/ dams/ oceans/ less harm to sea-life.
- Easy to recycle/ easy to clean will use less water than producing more/ new bottles.
- There are many used plastic bottles available/ lying around using these bottles will reduce the need for the production of new plastic bottles.
- If fewer new plastic bottles are produced less natural resources will be used.
- If plastic bottles are incinerated/ burnt to reduce waste, toxic waste is released into the atmosphere.
- Therefore, if fewer plastic bottles are incinerated/ burnt this will reduce air pollution/ greenhouse effect/ carbon footprint.
Conclusion: Based on the facts above it is evident that the use of recycled plastic bottles as packaging has a positive impact on the natural environment. (Any 8) (8)
Evaluating, difficult (Focus, p.26-28 Successful, p.26)
NOTE: The need to produce no new bottles can only be awarded a mark once.
TOTAL: 200