QUESTION 1: MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS (GENERIC) 1.1 A ✓(1) 1.2 D ✓ (1) 1.3 A ✓ (1) 1.4 C ✓ (1) 1.5 B ✓ (1) 1.6 B ✓ (1) [6]
QUESTION 2: SAFETY (GENERIC) 2.1 Work procedures on machine: Switch off machine. ✓ (1) 2.2 The horizontal band saw:
No adjustments to machine or work piece✓
Ensure sufficient coolant on work piece and blade. ✓
Do not leave machine unattended while in operation. ✓
Do not lean on machine.✓
Keep hands clear from blade. ✓ (Any 2 x 1)(2)
2.3 Surgical gloves:
Prevent contamination of wound✓
To prevent transmission of HIV/AIDS or any blood related diseases to the first aid helper. ✓(2)
2.4 Personal protective equipment (PPE) during arc welding:
Welding helmet / Helmet✓
Safety goggles / Face shield ✓
Leather apron / Apron✓
Leather gloves / Gloves ✓
Leather spat / Spats ✓
Safety boots / Safety shoes ✓
Over-all ✓
Skull cap✓
Neck protection ✓
Ear plugs / Ear muffs. ✓
Respirator ✓ (Any 2 x 1) (2)
2.5 Responsibility of the employer regarding the health and safety:
Sufficient lighting ✓✓
Sufficient ventilation✓✓
Provide first-aid equipment✓✓
Provide a safe / clean working environment ✓✓
Provide personal protective equipment (PPE) ✓✓
Provide safety training to employees ✓✓ (Any 1 x 2) (2)
2.6 Responsible for administering first aid: A qualified / trained first aid person ✓(1) [10]
QUESTION 3: MATERIALS (GENERIC) 3.1 Tests to identify various metals: 3.1.1 Sound test:
Tapping the metal with a hammer (any metal object) ✓ and identify the sound. ✓
Dropping the metal on the floor ✓and identify the sound.✓ (Any 1 x 2) (2)
3.1.2 File test: File the metal and pay attention to the bite of the file into the metal.✓The bigger the bite the softer the metal. OR The smaller the bite the harder the metal.✓ (2) 3.2 Purpose of heat treatment of steel:
To change ✓ the properties ✓ of steel.
To change ✓the grain structure ✓ of steel. (Any 1 x 2) (2)
3.3 Purpose of case hardening on steel: To create a hard / wear resistance surface / case ✓ with a tough core. ✓ (2) 3.4 The tempering process for steel:
Heat the steel to a temperature (temper colour) below the critical temperature. ✓
Soak it at that temperature for a period.✓
Quench / cool in an appropriate quenching agent. ✓ (water, brine, or oil) (3)
3.5 THREE factors for heat treatment of steel:
Heating temperature / Carbon content ✓
Soaking (Time period at temperature) / Work piece size✓
QUESTION 4: MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS (SPECIFIC) 4.1 B / D ✓ (1) 4.2 A ✓ (1) 4.3 C ✓ (1) 4.4 D ✓ (1) 4.5 B ✓ (1) 4.6 D ✓ (1) 4.7 A ✓ (1) 4.8 C ✓ (1) 4.9 D ✓ (1) 4.10 C ✓ (1) 4.11 B ✓ (1) 4.12 C ✓ (1) 4.13 A ✓ (1) 4.14 D ✓ (1) [14]
QUESTION 5: TERMINOLOGY (TEMPLATES) (SPECIFIC) 5.1 Advantages of templates:
Quicker to use to improve mass production ✓
Accurate production ✓
Cheap to manufacture ✓
Unskilled labour will be able to use it ✓
Avoid unnecessary wastages / cost effective ✓
Uniformity in production ✓
Can be reused. ✓ (Any 2 x 1) (2)
5.2 Use of templates: 5.2.1 Thin metal is used for profile cutting machines ✓ (1) 5.2.2
Hardboard templates is used for templates for gussets. ✓
Hardboard templates are used for checking sizes. ✓
Hardboard templates is used for marking of holes. ✓ (Any 1 x 1) (1)
5.3 Components of a roof truss:
Rafter ✓
Purlin ✓
Internal bracing members / strut ✓
Gusset plate ✓
Main tie / Tie beam / Beam ✓ (5)
5.4 A mild steel ring material: Calculate the dimensions of the required material: Mean θ = Outside θ - plate thickness = 280 - 12 = 268 mm
Mean circumference = π x meanθ = π x 268 = 841,95mm = 842 mm (5)
5.5 Abbreviation 'SANS': South African ✓ National Standards ✓ (2) 5.6 Resistance weld: 5.6.1 Foil seam ✓ (1) 5.6.2 Flash or resistance butt ✓ (1) 5.7 Weld dimensions:
5 – size (width) of weld ✓
25 – length of weld ✓
50 – pitch of welds ✓ (3)
5.8 Position of the weld: 5.8.1 Weld on the arrow side ✓ (1) 5.8.2 Weld on both sides✓ (1) [23]
QUESTION 6: TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT (SPECIFIC) 6.1 Pedestal drill machine:
6.2 Operating principles: 6.2.1 Horizontal band saw:
The blade is tensioned around two pulleys. ✓
The machine is driven by an electric motor.✓
The blade is fitted so that it cuts in a continuously forward motion.✓
The blade assembly is raised and lowered by hand or by hydraulic controls. ✓
The metal being cut is held firmly in the stock clamp during the cutting process.✓ (Any 4 x 1) (4)
6.2.2 Punch and cropper (shear) machine:
It is an electrically driven machine. ✓
It makes use of a flywheel and clutches ✓ to engage various shearing blades or punches. ✓ (3)
6.3 Primary function of flashback arrestors: It prevents ✓ back-feeding/backfiring. ✓✓ (3) 6.4 Use of taps and dies:
Taps are used to cut / clean✓ internal / nut screw threads ✓
Dies are used to cut / clean ✓ external / bolt screw threads ✓ (4)
QUESTION 7: FORCES (SPECIFIC) 7.1 Frameworks: 7.1.1 Force diagram: Markers need to draw the diagram to scale. (10) 7.1.2 Magnitude and nature of the members:
Incorrect polarity for electrode type✓ (Any 4 x 1) (4)
8.2 Gas cutting: 8.2.1 Nozzle too high from surface:
Excessive melting of the top edge. ✓
Undercut at the top of the cut face with lower part square and sharp bottom corner. ✓ (2)
8.2.2 Nozzle too close to the surface:
Top edge slightly rounded and heavily beaded.✓
Cut face usually square with fairly sharp bottom corner.✓ (2)
8.3 Causes of weld defects: 8.3.1 Porosity:
Dirty weld surface ✓
Wet welding electrodes ✓
Rust in the MIG wire electrode✓
Interruption of shielding gas supply✓
Welding in windy conditions where effectiveness of shielding gas is compromised ✓
Wrong gas used on the specific metal✓
Weld ability of parent metal not good ✓
Wrong electrode used on the specific metal ✓
Too high temperature ✓ (Any 2 x 1) (2)
8.3.2 Poor penetration:
Welding current is too low ✓
Travel speed is too fast ✓
Incorrect electrode angle ✓
Poor edge preparation✓
Insufficient root gap✓
Gas flow too low (gas welding) ✓(Any 2 x 1) (2)
8.4 Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) Cracks:
Excessive hydrogen ✓
High residual stress levels (work piece cooled too fast) ✓
High carbon content on the base metal ✓ (Any 2 x 1) (2)
8.5 Visual inspection:
Shape of the profile ✓
Uniformity of the surface ✓
Overlap ✓
Penetration bead ✓
Root groove ✓
Surface cracks ✓ (Any 3 x 1) (3)
8.6 Ultrasonic test:
Gel should be put on the surface of the work piece.✓
The sender/receiver is moved in a zigzag motion across the weld to broaden its detection range. ✓
A high frequency sound wave is send into the metal. ✓
When the wave is stopped, the sender serves then as a receiver. ✓
The receiver monitors the waves as it is reflected through the metal. ✓
Each wave is visually represented on an oscilloscope.✓
The calibrated oscilloscope will then indicate the deviations in the waves which represents the defects in the metal.✓ (Any 6 x 1) (6)
QUESTION 9: JOINING METHODS (STRESSES AND DISTORTION) (SPECIFIC) 9.1 Residual stress: Residual stresses are stresses that exist in a metal ✓after cooling✓ (2) 9.2 Effect of hot working on steel:
In hot working, deformation and recrystallization occur simultaneously so that the rate of softening is greater than work hardening. ✓
Hot-working should be finished at a temperature just above the recrystallization temperature. ✓
To obtain a fine grain structure.✓
If the finishing temperature is too high, grain growth will occur while the metal is cooling above the recrystallization temperature and inferior properties will develop. ✓ (4)
The metal sets up internal and external stresses. ✓
Causes cracks on the surface of the metal. ✓
Causes deformation.✓
Hardness increases.✓
Martensite forms. ✓ (Any 2 x 1) (2)
9.5 Quenching media:
Water ✓
Oil ✓
Air ✓
Metal / Molten salts ✓
Sand ✓
Ash ✓ (Any 4 x 1) (4)
QUESTION 10: MAINTENANCE (SPECIFIC) 10.1 Types of maintenance:
Reliable centred ✓
Routine ✓
Corrective ✓
Condition based ✓
Reactive maintenance ✓ (Any 2 x 1) (2)
10.2 Lockout on machines: To ensure that nobody can turn on ✓the machine while maintenance is being carried out.✓ (2) 10.3 Rules to be observed before machine start up:
Check if there is lock out tag✓
Confirm that the machine is safe and operational.✓
Check that all guards and safety devices are in position and operative. ✓
Inform workers that the machine is being brought back into service. ✓
Check that the area surrounding the machine is clear and that turning it on will not endanger anyone.✓
Check that all relevant fasteners have been properly tightened.✓
Check that all lockout devices have been removed.✓
Turn on the machine's power supply. ✓
Know where the stop switch or emergency switch is located. ✓ (Any 2 x 1) (2)
10.4 Factors to be observed when selecting the cutting speed of a drilling machine:
Type of material ✓
Diameter of drill bit ✓
Material of which the drill bit is made ✓
Type of drill bit ✓
Firmness with which the work is clamped ✓
Condition of the machine ✓
Use of cutting fluids ✓
Rate of feed ✓ (Any 3 x 1) (3)
QUESTION 11: DEVELOPMENT (SPECIFIC) Square-to-round transition: 11.1 The true length FG: IK = 300(2units) IH = 150(1unit) HK = 1√3 (1unit √3)
The true lengthFG: Plan lengthFG = FK - GK = 400 - 300 = 100mm
11.3 JI is one-twelfth of the circumference: True Length of JI Circumference = π x MD/12 1/12 Circumference = 1884,9 12 = 157,08 mm (3) [20] GRAND TOTAL: 200