History Paper 2 Errata - Grade 12 September 2021 Preparatory Exams

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The History P2 Grade 12 September was written on Tuesday, 14 September 2021. We were made aware of certain amendments and omissions that were discovered during the marking process.

In order to address this and to ensure that learners are not disadvantaged, the following standardised approach to marking must be adopted across the Province. The following guidelines regarding marking was prepared in conjunction with the examiner and moderator.




2.3.1 The rights of all human beings to be treated equally and with dignity
  • He could be killed
  • Feared for his life /safety
  • Was threatened by the security police
  • Did not want to put the Security Branch in a negative light
  • The Security Police was notorious for concealing their atrocities
  • Any other relevant response
2.3.4 To pursue criminal prosecution


Source 2C should be changed to Source 2D and Source 2B changed to Source 2D
(Markers should exercise discretion in terms what influence it had on the learners in terms of their ability to answer the question.)


The TRC offered full amnesty .. (Source 2C) TRC provided a platform..... (Source 2C) Deetlefs revealed ......             (Source 2C) Jill Burger revealed .....         (Source 2D) The family had no choice (Source 2D)
The two main torturers ......          (Source 2D) Supporters wanted the .......        (Source 2B) Supporters took to the streets .. (Source 2B and 2D)


  • To secure the safety of South Africans
  • To prevent more people becoming infected with the virus
  • To prevent an increase in the death toll of South Africans


Remove the bullet: the unemployment rate increased to 1,7 million

Last modified on Friday, 11 March 2022 07:49