MARKS: 150 

TIME: 2½ hours 



  1. This question paper consists of TWO sections, namely SECTION A and  SECTION B. 
  2. Answer ALL the questions in the ANSWER BOOK. 
  3. Start each question on a NEW page. 
  4. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in  this question paper. 
  5. You may use a non-programmable calculator. 
  6. Show ALL calculations, including formulae, where applicable.
  7. Write neatly and legibly.



1.1 Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions.  Choose the correct answer and write only the letter (A–D) next to the question  numbers (1.1.1 to 1.1.10) in the ANSWER BOOK, for example 1.1.11 D. 

1.1.1 … is a muscular valve that opens to allow food to pass from the  stomach to the top of the small intestine. 

A Cardiac sphincter 
B Pyloric sphincter 
C Urethral sphincter 
D Anal sphincter 

1.1.2 A type of feed has a TDN of 80% and a DP of 18%. The Nutritive Ratio  of this feed will be … 

A 1 : 0,78. 
B 1 : 5,4. 
C 1 : 3,4. 
D 1 : 4,4. 

1.1.3 The succus entericus is secreted by the … 

A glands of Lieberkühn. 
B pancreas. 
C liver. 
D Brunners’ glands. 

1.1.4 The following are the functions of rumen microbes: 

(i) Hydrolyse proteins 
(ii) Digest cellulose 
(iii) Synthesise amino acids 
(iv) Synthesise vitamin C 

Choose the CORRECT combination: 

A (i), (ii) and (iii) 
B (i), (iii) and (iv) 
C (i), (ii) and (iv) 
D (ii), (iii) and (iv)

1.1.5 A … is an example of a three-host tick. 

A blue tick 
B red legged tick 
C Bont-legged tick 
D bont tick 

1.1.6 A long flat ribbon shaped worm, whose body consist of hundreds of segments. 

A Roundworm 
B Liver fluke 
C Tapeworm 
D Wire worm 

1.1.7 A roofless enclosure where livestock are temporarily confined. 

A Holding shed 
B Holding pen 
C Furrowing pen 
D Feed shed 

1.1.8 … is when animals lose body heat through contact of the animal’s  body with a cold surface. 

A Conduction 
B Excretion 
C Convection 
D Heat radiation 

1.1.9 The correct temperature to store semen that will be used after a long time: 

A 37 °C 
B 42 °C 
C 5°C 
D -196 °C 

1.1.10 … is the hormone responsible for the milk release reflex. 

A Oestrogen 
B Progesterone 
C Prolactin 
D Oxytocin  (10 x 2) (20)

1.2 Indicate whether each of the descriptions in COLUMN B applies to A  ONLY, B ONLY, BOTH A AND B or NONE of the items in COLUMN A.  Write A only, B only, both A and B or none next to question numbers (1.2.1 to 1.2.5) in the ANSWER BOOK, for example 1.2.6 B only. 







Movement of nutrients down  the concentration gradient


Passive uptake 



Create ideal pH or  

enzymes pepsin and renin 

Functions of hydrochloric acid  in a glandular stomach


Destroy bacteria absorbed  with food




Disease that is persistent or long lasting in its effects


Per acute 



Pinned ears 

Sign of aggression in cattle





Foetal period 

Stage of pregnancy  characterised by differentiation  of cells to form tissues, organs  and systems



Embryonic period

(5 x 2) (10) 


1.3 Give ONE word/phrase for each of the following descriptions. Write ONLY  the term next to the question numbers (1.3.1 to 1.3.5) in the ANSWER  BOOK. 

1.3.1 A type of fodder made from green foliage crops which have been  preserved by fermentation to the point of acidification 

1.3.2 A restricted area where a large number of animals are kept for optimal production purposes 

1.3.3 The stage of mating during which bulls display the flehmen reaction 

1.3.4 A method of increasing the numbers of oocytes that are released  at ovulation and are available to increase fertilisation 

1.3.5 The fusion of male and female gametes to form a zygote (5 x 2) (10)

1.4 Change the UNDERLINED WORD(S) in each of the following statements  to make them TRUE. Write only the answer next to the question numbers  (1.4.1 to 1.4.5) in the ANSWER BOOK. 

1.4.1 The pharynx is a gutter shaped structure which carries milk from  the oesophagus directly into the abomasum in a young lamb. 

1.4.2 Metabolic diseases can be transmitted from one animal to another.  1.4.3 Spermatogenesis is the production of ova. 

1.4.4 Twins formed from one sperm and ovum are called dizygotic twins. 

1.4.5 Maceration occurs when a foetus dies, followed by the formation  of a hard skeleton and skin.   (5 x 1) (5) 




Start this question on a NEW page. 

2.1 The pictures below show the internal structures of the stomach compartments  of a ruminant farm animal. 


2.1.1 Name a farm animal with the stomach compartments shown above. (1)

2.1.2 Name stomach compartments A and C. (2)

2.1.3 Identify an adaptation feature visible on stomach compartment A. (1) 

2.1.4 Explain how the adaptation mentioned in QUESTION 2.1.3 above  results in improved digestion. (2) 

2.1.5 Deduce with a reason, the stomach compartment of a ruminant where  one will expect to find a plastic bag, if an animal mistakenly swallowed it. (2) 

2.2 Below are some minerals and vitamins which are essential for animal growth.

 Zinc; Cobalt; Vitamin D; Vitamin B; Iodine 


2.2.1 Identify the vitamins associated with each of the deficiency symptoms  below: 

(a) An enlarged thyroid gland (1)
(b) Rickets (1)
(c) Skin lesions (1) 

2.2.2 Identify a vitamin that is less likely to be deficient in ruminants. (1)

2.2.3 Motivate your answer to QUESTION 2.2.2 above. (2)

2.3 In a digestibility trial a fowl ingested 1,5 kg of maize grains with a moisture  content of 12%, and excreted 0,5 kg of faeces with a moisture content of  30%. 

2.3.1 Calculate the coefficient of digestibility of the feed above. (6) 

2.3.2 Give TWO factors that could have influenced the digestibility of the  feed in the trial. (2) 

2.3.3 Suggest TWO methods a farmer can use to improve the digestibility  of the feed above. (2) 

2.4 A farmer grows maize and soyabeans on his farm. The farmer is keeping  layers which require a feed with a digestible protein content of 17%. Maize  has a digestible content of 13% while the soyabean contains 38% digestible  protein. 

Use a Pearson square to determine the ratio at which the two feeds must  be mixed, to get the desired digestible protein content. (4) 

2.5 Biological value (BV) is a measure of the proportion of absorbed protein  from a food which becomes incorporated into the proteins of the organism’s  body. 

2.5.1 Compare the biological values of feeds of plant origin to those of  animal origin. (2) 

2.5.2 Explain why it is important to feed non-ruminants with feeds of  higher biological as compared to ruminants. (2) 

2.6 To ensure optimum production, farmers need to ensure that there is enough  feed to meet the needs of the animals for the whole year. 

2.6.1 Identify the plan described above. (1) 

2.6.2 Give TWO reasons why the plan mentioned in QUESTION 2.6.1 is  essential for optimum animal production. (2)


Start this question on a NEW page. 

3.1 The picture below shows a chicken housing system. 

3.1.1 Identify the production system associated with the housing system  above. (1) 

3.1.2 Motivate the answer to QUESTION 3.1.1 above by giving TWO visible  reasons in the picture. (2) 

3.1.3 Assess whether the production system above can be implemented by  resource poor farmers? Justify your answer. (2) 

3.1.4 Identify TWO factors that can result in improved production in the  production system above. (2) 

3.2 The table below shows the recommended temperature for chicks: 










3.2.1 Translate the information in the table above into a line graph. (6) 3.2.2 Deduce the trend shown in the graph. (2) 

3.2.3 Suggest TWO pieces of equipment that can be used by farmers to  regulate temperature in animal housing systems. (2)

3.3 Study the picture below. 

3.3.1 Identify the parasite shown above. (1)

3.3.2 Classify the parasite above as an ecto or endoparasite. (1)

3.3.3 Describe ONE symptom of infestation by the parasite above in sheep. (1) 

3.3.4 Give THREE financial implications of infestation by the parasite  shown above. (3) 

3.3.5 Recommend a chemical control measure that can be used by  farmers to deal with parasite shown above. (1) 

3.4 Below is a list of examples of animal diseases.  

 Mastitis; Rabies; Lumpy wool; Red water 

Identify a disease from the list above that matches each of the statements  below: 

3.4.1 It is a zoonotic disease (1)

3.4.2 Transmitted by a one host tick (1)

3.4.3 Causes inflammation of the udder (1)

3.4.4 Is an example of a fungal disease (1)

3.5 Study the picture below. 

3.5.1 Identify the poisonous plant shown in the picture above. (1) 

3.5.2 Recommend with a reason a treatment strategy for an animal that has  consumed the poisonous plant shown above. (2) 

3.5.3 Give TWO measures farmers can use to prevent their livestock from  being poisoned by poisonous plants like the one shown above. (2) 

3.5.4 Describe TWO roles that the state play in animal protection. (2)



Start this question on a NEW page. 

4.1 The diagram below shows the reproductive system of a cow. 


4.1.1 Identify parts labelled A, B and D. (3)

4.1.2 Identify the part associated with each of the statements below:

(a) The primary reproductive organ (1)
(b) The copulatory organ (1)
(c) Site of fertilisation (1)

4.1.3 Describe TWO functions of part C. (2) 


 Millions of cows throughout the world are bred by artificial insemination (AI) each year and the number are increasing. Most cows inseminated worldwide  are dairy cows, but increasingly AI is being used in the beef industry. AI is the  cheapest, safest and most effective means of spreading superior genetic  material and both the beef and dairy cattle industries depend on it for their  genetic advancement schemes. The most recent advances are in the area of  synchronisation of oestrous. 

4.2.1 Explain why artificial insemination is considered cheap. (1) 

4.2.2 Name TWO pieces of equipment that are key in the process described  above. (2) 

4.2.3 Define the underlined phrase in the passage above. (2)

4.2.4 Give TWO hormones that can be used to synchronise oestrus. (2)

4.3 The diagram below shows a foetal presentation that causes dystocia during  parturition.  

4.3.1 Name the presentation shown in the diagram above. (1)

4.3.2 Identify the stage of parturition shown above. (1)

4.3.3 Describe TWO other causes of dystocia. (2) 

4.3.4 Give TWO signs shown by cows approaching parturition that farmers  should look out for. (2)

4.4 The graph below shows the changes in levels of various hormones that control  the oestrus cycle. 


4.4.1 Identify hormones X and Y. (2)

4.4.2 Give the letter of the stage that shows the oestrus stage. (1) 

4.4.3 Give TWO reasons to support your answer to QUESTION 4.4.2  above. (2) 

4.4.4 Recommend TWO aids farmers can use to detect animals on oestrus. (2) 

4.5 The diagram below shows a modern technique used in animal breeding.

4.5.1 Identify the technique shown above. (1)

4.5.2 Deduce whether the offspring C will have the genes of sheep A or B. (1)

4.5.3 Name process D. (1)

4.5.4 Describe the main purpose of the reproductive technique above. (1) 

4.5.5 Give THREE disadvantages of this reproductive technique. (3)






MARKS: 150 




1.1.1 B ✓✓ 

1.1.2 C ✓✓ 

1.1.3 A ✓✓ 

1.1.4 A ✓✓ 

1.1.5 D ✓✓ 

1.1.6 C ✓✓ 

1.1.7 B ✓✓ 

1.1.8 A ✓✓ 

1.1.9 D ✓✓ 

1.1.10 D ✓✓ (10 x 2) (20) 


1.2.1 A Only ✓✓ 

1.2.2 Both A and B ✓✓ 

1.2.3 None ✓✓ 

1.2.4 Both A and B ✓✓ 

1.2.5 B Only ✓✓ (5 x 2) (10) 


1.3.1 Silage ✓✓ 

1.3.2 Feedlot ✓✓ 

1.3.3 Courtship ✓✓ 

1.3.4 Superovulation ✓✓ 

1.3.5 Fertilisation ✓✓ (5 x 2) (10) 


1.4.1 Oesophageal groove ✓ 

1.4.2 Infectious/contagious ✓ 

1.4.3 Oogenesis ✓ 

1.4.4 monozygotic ✓ 

1.4.5 Mummification ✓ (5 x 1) (5)





2.1.1 Identification of farm animal 

Cattle/sheep/goat ✓ (1) 

2.1.2 Name of stomach compartment 

A – Rumen ✓ 

C – Omasum ✓ (2) 

2.1.3 Adaptation visible on stomach compartment A 

Papillae ✓ (1) 

2.1.4 Role of digestion in cellulose digestion 

It acts as a heating rod ✓ creating ideal temperatures for rumen microbes ✓ (2) 

2.1.5 Deduce with a reason the stomach compartment in which the  plastic bag will be found 

Reticulum ✓, since the plastic bag won’t be able to pass through the omasum which allows only fine particles to pass through. ✓ (2) 


2.2.1 Identification of vitamin or mineral 

(a) Iodine ✓ (1)
(b) Vitamin D ✓ (1)
(c) Zinc ✓ (1) 

2.2.2 Identification of vitamin less likely to be deficient in ruminant

Vitamin B ✓ (1) 

2.2.3 Motivation of answer to QUESTION 2.2.2 

Ruminants have rumen microbes ✓ which manufacture vitamin B ✓ (2) 


2.3.1 Calculation of the co-efficient of digestibility 

Dry matter intake = (100% –12%) of 1,5 kg  = 88% of 1,5 kg  = 1,32 kg ✓ 

Dry matter excreted = (100% – 30%) of 0,5 kg  = 70% of 0,5 kg  = 0,35 kg ✓ 

Coefficient of digestibility =Dry matter intake – Dry matter excreted 
                                                         Dry matter intake                         x 100 ✓  

= 1,32 kg – 0,35 kg 
      1,32 kg x 100 ✓ 

 = 73,5 ✓ % ✓ (6)

2.3.2 TWO factors that could have influenced the digestibility of the  feed in the trial. 

    • Type of animal ✓ 
    • Quantity of feed taken in ✓ 
    • Feed composition ✓ 
    • Ration composition ✓ 
    • Preparation of feed ✓ 
    • Individuality ✓ 
    • Age of plant (Any 2 x 1) (2) 

2.3.3 TWO methods a farmer can use to improve the digestibility of  the feed above. 

    • Grinding ✓ 
    • Pelleting ✓ 
    • Boiling ✓ 
    • Roasting ✓ 
    • Crushing / rolling ✓ (Any 2 x 1) (2) 


2.4.1 Pearson Square to determine the ratio at which the two feeds  must be mixed 


Ratio of Maize meal : Soyabean meal  

 21 : 4 ✓ (4)  


2.5.1 Comparison of the biological values of feeds of plant and animal  origin 

Feeds of animal origin have higher biological values ✓ than those of  plant origin ✓ (2) 

2.5.2 Importance of feeding non-ruminants with feeds of higher  biological value 

Non ruminants do not have rumen microbes ✓ which can convert proteins of lower BV to higher BV ✓ (2)


2.6.1 Identification of plan 

Fodder flow plan ✓ (1) 

2.6.2 TWO reasons why the plan mentioned in QUESTION 2.6.1 is  essential for optimum animal production 

    • Cost effectiveness ✓ 
    • Safe use of natural resources ✓ 
    • Fully meet the animals requirements ✓ (Any 2 x 1) (2)




3.1.1 Identification of production system 

Intensive production ✓ (1) 

3.1.2 Motivation to answer in QUESTION 3.1.1 

    • High stocking density ✓ 
    • Provision of shelter ✓ 
    • Provision of food ✓ (Any 2 x 1) (2) 

3.1.3 Assessment of whether the production system above can be  implemented by resource poor farmers. 

No, ✓ it is capital intensive. ✓ (2) 

3.1.4 Identification of TWO factors that can result in improved production.

    • Nutrition ✓ 
    • Environment ✓ (2)


3.2.1 Recommended temperature for chicks of different ages 


Criteria for marking 

    • Correct heading ✓ 
    • x-axis correctly calibrated with label (Age) ✓ 
    • y-axis correctly calibrated with label (Temperature) ✓ 
    • Graph type (Line graph) ✓ 
    • Correct units (°C and weeks) ✓ 
    • Accuracy ✓ (6) 

3.2.2 Deduction of trend 

As chicks grow, ✓ they can survive on lower temperatures. ✓ (2) 

3.2.3 Equipment that can be used by farmers to regulate temperature

    • Fans ✓ 
    • Heaters ✓ 
    • Ventilators ✓ (Any 2 x 1) (2)



3.3.1 Identification of parasite 

Nasal worm ✓ (1) 

3.3.2 Classification of parasite 

Ecto-parasite ✓ (1) 

3.3.3 ONE symptom of nasal worm infestation 

    • Sneezing ✓ 
    • Thick, yellow nasal discharge ✓ 
    • Shaking of head in an attempt to get rid of the parasite ✓
      (Any 1 x 1) (1) 

3.3.4 THREE financial implications of infestation by the parasite  above 

    • Cost of remedies ✓ 
    • Loss of production ✓ 
    • Loss of income ✓ 
    • Poor quality meat and wool ✓ (Any 3 x 1) (3) 

3.3.5 Chemical control of nasal worm 

Dosing ✓ (1)

3.4 Disease that matches with the statement: 

3.4.1 Rabies ✓ (1)

3.4.2 Red water ✓ (1)

3.4.3 Mastitis ✓ (1)

3.4.4 Lumpy wool ✓ (1)


3.5.1 Identification of poisonous plant 

Thorny apple ✓ (1) 

3.5.2 Treatment strategy to deal with an animal that has consumed  thorny apple 

Administering charcoal ✓ to absorb the poison ✓ (2) 

3.5.3 TWO measures to prevent plant poisoning of animals 

    • Areas containing toxic plants must be camped off ✓ 
    • Avoid overgrazing ✓ 
    • Eradicate poisonous plants ✓ 
    • Do not feed animals mouldy hay ✓ (Any 2 x 1) (2) 

3.5.4 TWO roles of the state in animal protection 

    • Legislation ✓ 
    • Quarantine services ✓ 
    • Notifiable diseases ✓ 
    • Imports bans ✓ 
    • Veterinary services ✓ 
    • Research ✓ (Any 2 x 1) (2) 




4.1.1 Identification of parts A, B and D 

A – Vulva ✓ 
B – Vagina ✓ 
D – Uterus ✓ (3) 

4.1.2 Identification of the parts associated with each of the statements

(a) H ✓ (1) 
(b) B ✓ (1)
(c) F ✓ (1) 

4.1.3 TWO functions of part C 

    • Acts as a reservoir for semen ✓ 
    • Isolates the uterus from the external environment ✓ 
    • Facilitates sperm transfer into the uterus ✓ 
    • It secrets a thick mucus which acts as a barrier during pregnancy ✓ (Any 2 x 1) (2) 


4.2.1 Explanation of why artificial insemination is considered cheap

No need to buy bulls ✓ (1) 

4.2.2 TWO pieces of equipment that are key in artificial insemination

    • Artificial vagina ✓ 
    • Electro ejaculator ✓ 
    • Pistolette ✓ (Any 2 x 1) (2) 

4.2.3 Definition of underlined phrase. 

Manipulation of the female’s oestrus cycle ✓ so they can breed at  about the same time. ✓ (2) 

4.2.4 TWO hormones that can be used to synchronise oestrus • Melengestrol acetate ✓ 

    • Prostaglandin ✓ 
    • Synthetic progesterone (progestin) ✓ 
    • Oestradiol ✓ (Any 2 x 1) (2)


4.3.1 Presentation shown in the diagram 

Posterior presentation ✓ (1) 

4.3.2 Identification of parturition stage 

Expulsion of the foetus ✓ (1) 

4.3.3 TWO other causes of dystocia 

    • Multiple births ✓ 
    • Premature or late birth ✓ 
    • Incorrect presentation of the calf ✓ 
    • Incomplete cervical dilation ✓ 
    • Hydrocephalus ✓ (Any 2 x 1) (2) 

4.3.4 TWO signs of a cow approaching parturition 

    • Isolating herself from other animals ✓ 
    • Nesting behaviour ✓ 
    • Restlessness ✓ 
    • Signs discomfort ✓ 
    • Attempts to urinate often ✓ 
    • Milk leaks from the teats ✓ (Any 2 x 1) (2) 


4.4.1 Identification of hormones X and Y 

    • X – Oestrogen ✓ 
    • Y – Luteinising hormone ✓ (2) 

4.4.2 Letter showing oestrus stage 

C ✓ (1) 

4.4.3 TWO reasons to support the answer to QUESTION 4.4.2 

    • Oestrogen is at its peak ✓ 
    • It is the shortest stage of the oestrus cycle ✓ 
    • Coincides with ovulation ✓ (Any 2 x 1) (2) 

4.4.4 TWO aids that can help to detect oestrus 

    • Pedometer ✓ 
    • Tail-chalking ✓ 
    • Androgenised females ✓ 
    • Heat watch system ✓ 
    • Chin-ball markers ✓ (Any 2 x 1) (2)


4.5.1 Identification of technique 

Cloning / Nuclear transfer ✓ (1) 

4.5.2 Sheep that is identical to offspring C 

A ✓ (1) 

4.5.3 Name of process D 

Enucleation ✓ (1) 

4.5.4 Main purpose of technique 

To make an exact copy of a living organism ✓ (1) 

4.5.5 THREE disadvantages of reproductive technique 

    • It is expensive ✓ 
    • Dystocia problems can arise because clones can be very large  at birth ✓ 
    • Cloned animals seem to age prematurely ✓ 
    • It is a fairly new and developing technology that requires specific  skills ✓ (Any 3 x 1) (3)



Last modified on Thursday, 25 July 2024 17:46