This question paper consists of THREE sections: SECTION A: Comprehension (30) SECTION B: Summary (10) SECTION C: Language (40)
Answer ALL the questions.
Read ALL the instructions carefully.
Start EACH section on a NEW page.
Leave a line between answers.
Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this question paper.
For multiple-choice questions, write only the question number and the letter (A–D) of the correct answer.
Pay special attention to spelling and sentence construction. 9. Use the following time frame as a guideline: SECTION A: 50 minutes SECTION B: 30 minutes SECTION C: 40 minutes
Write neatly and legibly.
SECTION A: COMPREHENSION QUESTION 1 Read BOTH TEXT A and TEXT B and answer the set questions. TEXT A
South Africans just love fast foods. Many believe that there is nothing wrong with fast foods and that too much of a fuss is made about nutrition.
A study by Taylor Nelson Sofres (TNS) Surveys shows that half of South Africans treat their health casually and that 62% are not interested in health or nutrition issues. South Africans would rather buy fast foods than cook fresh meals.
Fast foods are generally processed and have a high salt content. A recent international survey by World Action on Salt and Health (WASH) was conducted on leading fast food outlets. The findings suggest that children could at times be consuming three times more salt in fast foods than is actually required.
Salt is regarded as the main factor contributing to high blood pressure, strokes, heart attacks and kidney failure. The survey by WASH, which analysed salt content in children's meals in 37 countries, has ranked South Africa among the top ten nations for having the saltiest children's fast food meals.
Popular franchises like KFC, McDonald's, Burger King and Subway were among those surveyed. Conducted in partnership with the Heart and Stroke Foundation of South Africa, the survey found South Africa's KFC chicken burger and chips to be the saltiest globally, with a salt content of 2,91 grams. This is more than half a teaspoon per meal, and about three times more than the one gram of salt recommended for each meal. South African McDonald's chicken nugget meal also had a high amount of salt, with 1,67 grams. This was ranked the third saltiest chicken nugget meal in the world after Turkey and Venezuela.
In addition, the survey showed that the salt content in fast foods varied significantly from country to country. Legislation on salt content was introduced earlier in some countries. The United Kingdom (UK) and the United States of America (USA) consistently had low salt content in most of their children's meals, less than one gram. The McDonald's chicken nugget meal in the UK had the lowest salt content at 0,78 grams.
The above study has raised concern, prompting the South African Health Department to call for the country's fast food outlets to reduce their salt content in food. Regulations that were recently introduced in South Africa would hopefully reduce the amount of salt in fast foods. It is important that the fast food outlets take a lead in reducing the amount of salt used during food preparation.
Christelle Crickmore from the Heart and Stroke Foundation, who helped to collect data from fast food outlets in South Africa, also raised concerns about the amount of salt in the country's fast foods. 'With South Africans having one of the highest rates of high blood pressure worldwide – and with one in ten children suffering from the disease – we simply cannot afford to allow such high levels of salt in popular children's meals,' she said.
What is also cause for concern is the fact that 63% of parents admit that they have problems convincing their children to eat healthily. Most children choose food on taste, rather than on its perceived healthiness, and think healthy food does not taste good.
Salt Watch, a non-governmental organisation, was launched to educate South Africans on healthy foods and on the dangers of high salt consumption. The group will complement the work done at government level. The South African Department of Health has been supportive of salt reduction campaigns for some time, stating in Parliament that the diet of South Africans has been shown to be very high in salt. Legislation was recently signed to make salt reduction in the food industry mandatory over a period of time.
Legislation alone is not going to lower salt consumption in South Africa and improve health. It will have to be a collaborative effort of government, the food industry and organisations such as the Heart and Stroke Foundation. The people of South Africa also have a role to play. They have to start choosing products with a lower salt content and use less salt at the table and when cooking. Children need to be taught to eat healthily from an early age.
[Adapted from Daily News, 20 August 2015 and saltwatch.co.za]
1.1 Name TWO beliefs that South Africans have about fast foods. (2) 1.2 Identify the TWO organisations that worked together on a study which surveyed the salt content in children's fast food meals in South Africa. (2) 1.3 Quote a SINGLE word (paragraph 3) to prove that the WASH survey was not conducted only in South Africa. (1) 1.4 Explain what is meant by 'leading fast food outlets' (line 9). (2) 1.5 Explain why is it important for South Africans to take the results of the studies by TNS Surveys and WASH seriously. (3) 1.6 State TWO South African outlets that participated in the international survey on the salt content of fast foods. (2) 1.7 How does the McDonald's chicken nugget meal that is sold in South Africa differ from the one that is sold in the UK? (2) 1.8 State TWO steps that have been implemented by the Department of Health to address the findings of the surveys into salt consumption in South Africa. (2) 1.9 Why are children eating fast foods in the UK and USA probably healthier than South African children who eat fast foods? Give a reason for your answer. (2) 1.10 The passage states that legislation was recently signed to make salt reduction in the food industry MANDATORY over a period of time. Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentence: The capitalised word in the sentence above means that the reduction of salt in the food industry is …
random. (1)
1.11 In your view, is this passage effective in influencing the readers to reduce their salt intake? Substantiate your answer. (3) 1.12 Discuss the suitability of the title, WITH A PINCH OF SALT. (2)
TEXT B [Source: www.weathersa.co.za, 2015] Refer to the illustration above (TEXT B). 1.13 What does the illustration above represent? (1) 1.14 How does the information given for Saturday differ from that given for Friday? Give a reason for your answer. (2) 1.15 Which is the coolest sunny day? (1) 1.16 Discuss whether the visuals accurately convey the message of this text. (2)
SECTION B: SUMMARY QUESTION 2 South Africa is facing a water crisis. You have been asked to write an article for your local newspaper on how to save water. Read TEXT C below and list SEVEN points that you will include in your article on how to save water. INSTRUCTIONS
Your summary must be written in point form.
List your SEVEN points in full sentences, using no more than 70 words.
Number your sentences from 1 to 7.
Write only ONE point per sentence.
Use your OWN words as far as possible.
Indicate the total number of words you have used in brackets at the end of your summary.
South Africa ranks as one of the top thirty driest countries in the world. This knowledge should encourage a new approach towards the way we use our fragile water resources. As South Africans, we have had to change our behaviour to adapt to electricity cuts, so the water crisis demands a change in our habits relating to water usage. South Africa loses billions of rands annually through leaking taps and water pipes. It is important to repair or replace damaged water connections and washers to stop all leaks. Filling a tub to take a bath uses double the amount of water than when one uses a shower. A dual flush toilet system needs far less water than the tank system. Water harvesting involves the collection of rainwater from gutters into a tank. This water can replace or supplement the main source of water when necessary. The grey water system entails diverting water mainly from the bathroom into a tank. This water can be utilised in the garden. Pay attention to the kinds of trees and plants that you have in your garden as some consume more water than others, especially those that are not indigenous. When you have to make a cup of tea or coffee, boil only the required amount of water. We waste water when we leave the tap running while brushing our teeth or washing dishes. However, using a jug or dish will help conserve water. It is critical that all South Africans do whatever they can to reduce the demand for water.
[Adapted from Home Improvers, July 2015]
SECTION C: LANGUAGE QUESTION 3: ANALYSING AN ADVERTISEMENT Study the advertisement (TEXT D) below and answer the set questions. TEXT D [Adapted from Drum Magazine, 13 November 2014] 3.1 Who is the target audience of this advertisement? (1) 3.2 According to this advertisement, how can one avoid hay fever and allergies? (1) 3.3 Discuss the techniques that the advertiser uses to convey the idea of a horror movie. NOTE: In your answer, refer to the visual and verbal techniques. (2) 3.4 Refer to the line, 'Get the tissues ready for …' Explain why ellipsis has been used here. (1) 3.5 Give the singular form of the underlined word in the following: Dr Reddy's Laboratories (1) 3.6 Explain what 'Starts 1 September' refers to. (2) 3.7 Discuss the effectiveness of this advertisement. (2) [10]
QUESTION 4: ANALYSING A CARTOON Read the cartoon (TEXT E) below and answer the set questions. TEXT E 4.1 Refer to FRAME 1.
4.1.1 Where does the conversation between Blondie and her neighbour take place? (1) 4.1.2 State ONE visual clue which has made the neighbour conclude that there is a problem with the lawnmower. (1) 4.1.3 State the TWO meanings of 'the starter' that Blondie is referring to. (2)
4.2 Complete the following tag question. The lawnmower is broken, ... ? (1) 4.3 Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentence: In FRAME 3, Dagwood is sleeping in a …
cot. (1)
4.4 Identify the clues which indicate that Dagwood is fast asleep. (2) 4.5 Is Blondie's calm tone an appropriate reaction to what is happening in FRAME 3? Discuss your opinion. (2) [10]
QUESTION 5: LANGUAGE AND EDITING SKILLS 5.1 Read the passage (TEXT F) below, which has some deliberate errors, and answer the set questions. TEXT F
Few things in life say relaxation like a bunch of good books and a beach blanket on a sunny afternoon. However when you are packing the beach bag, you may have second thoughts about throwing your cellphone into it.
You're right to hesitate. Sand, surf and sun are good for the soul but their horrible for your cellphone.
You need something substantial to keep it save from the elements. A strong case should have two lines in defence. There should be an inner shell to cradle the device, and a stronger outer layer of protection, often made of foam.
Regardless of the case you choose, if waterproofing is your primary need, get a shockproof, water-resistant case. If you cannot afford these cases, there's another method: a clear, airtight plastic bag. Low-tech? Sure. It's cheap but it gets the job done.
None of these cases, though, will protect your cellphone against the perils of heat and direct sunlight. Heat can cause serious damage. Keep your device in the shade is the best defence.
[Adapted from Daily News, 16 July 2015]
5.1.1 Correct the SINGLE error in each of the following sentences. Write down ONLY the question numbers and the words you have corrected.
Sand, surf and sun are good for the soul but their horrible for your cellphone. (1)
You need something substantial to keep it save from the elements. (1)
A strong case should have two lines in defence. (1)
Keep your device in the shade is the best defence. (1)
5.1.2 Replace 'bunch' in the following sentence with a more suitable collective noun. Few things in life say relaxation like a bunch of good books and a beach blanket on a sunny afternoon. (1) 5.1.3 Rewrite the following sentence as a question. You're right to hesitate. (1) 5.1.4 Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentence: Sand, surf and sun (line 5) is an example of …
metaphor. (1)
5.1.5 Rewrite the following sentence in reported speech: She said, 'Tomorrow I will spend the day at the beach.' (4) 5.1.6 Rewrite the following sentence in the passive voice: Heat can cause serious damage. (1) 5.1.7 Study the following sentence and use a homonym for the word 'case' in a sentence of your own: Regardless of the case you choose, if waterproofing is your primary need, get a shockproof, water-resistant case. (1) 5.1.8 Study the following sentence and give a synonym for the word 'perils' in the following sentence: None of these cases, though, will protect your cellphone against the perils of heat and direct sunlight. (1)
5.2 Study the text (TEXT G) below and answer the questions. TEXT G
Why eye examinations are important World Sight Day is on 8 October and National Eye Care Awareness Month is taking place until 18 October. It's worth making time to take proper care of your eyes. Prioritise your eye health, not just this month, but throughout your life.
[Source: Indwe, October 2015]
5.2.1 Complete the following sentence by filling in the missing word: 'Eye Spy' is an example of a pun. The writer has used the word 'eye' instead of ... (1) 5.2.2 Provide an antonym for the underlined word in the following sentence: Eye examinations are important. (1) 5.2.3 Rewrite the following sentence in the simple future tense: National Eye Care Awareness Month is taking place until 18 October. (1) 5.2.4 Remove the contraction in the following sentence: It's worth making time to take proper care of your eyes. (1) 5.2.5 Rewrite the following sentence by giving the correct form of the word in brackets: Make your eye health a (prioritise). (1) 5.2.6 Provide the correct degree of comparison in the following sentence: It is (health) to have your eyes tested once a year than every second year. (1)