• This marking memorandum is intended as a guide for markers. 
  • It is by no means prescriptive or exhaustive.  
  • Candidates' responses should be considered on merit. 
  • Answers should be assessed holistically and points awarded where  applicable in terms of decisions taken at the standardisation meeting. 
  • The memorandum will be discussed before the commencement of marking.

Marking the comprehension: 

  • Because the focus is on understanding, incorrect spelling and language errors in  responses should not be penalised unless such errors change the  meaning/understanding. (Errors must still be indicated.)
  • If a candidate uses words from a language other than the one being examined,  disregard those words, and if the answer still makes sense, do not penalise.  However, if a word from another language is used in a text and required in an  answer, this will be acceptable. 
  • For open-ended questions, no marks should be awarded for YES/NO or I AGREE/ I DISAGREE. The reason/substantiation/motivation/justification is what should be  considered. 
  • No marks should be awarded for TRUE/FALSE or FACT/OPINION. The  reason/substantiation/motivation/justification is what should be considered. 
  • When one-word answers are required and the candidate gives a whole sentence,  mark correct provided that the correct word is underlined/highlighted.
  • When two/three facts/points are required and a range is given, mark only the first  two/three. 
  • Accept dialectal variations. 
  • For multiple-choice questions, accept BOTH the letter corresponding with the  correct answer AND/OR the answer written out in full.


1.1 Under normal circumstances, a major international event would attract a wide  audience, showing how popular extreme sport has become./The jump was  not the usual type of event to attract mass attention/People love to see how  far boundaries can be pushed. 
[Award 2 marks for any of the above alternatives.] (2)
1.2 It is an event that is unusual and defies logic. 
[Accept synonymous words and phrases, e.g. strange/weird.] (2) 
1.3 The rhetorical questions probe the core issues of why people engage in  extreme sports. 
The rhetorical questions elicit a response from the reader./Encourage the  reader to become directly involved. 
Rhetorical questions elicit a response. [Award 1 mark only.] (2) 
1.4 There is a contradiction in people’s response to danger: in order to survive,  some will fight for their lives, but others will run away (fight-or-flight). Both  groups see their actions as essential for survival. (3) 
1.5 The repetition of 'more' supports the notion that human beings readily adapt  to dangerous situations when they regularly participate in risky activities./ Human beings have an insatiable need for the thrill of danger. (2) 
1.6 The writer uses a foreboding tone to reiterate how an individual's choices  determine his/her destiny/fate.  
[Accept synonyms for ‘foreboding’, e.g. ominous/harsh.] (2) 
1.7 The direct speech creates a celebratory tone and it has dramatic effect. It  makes the speaker's achievement more real. He feels reaffirmed. The reader  is invited to identify with the positive experience and envision a sense of  accomplishment. (3) 
1.8 Taking risks is a life-changing experience and it allows the individual to  reassess his/her value system. Facing death makes people surer of what they  believe in/they become more spiritual and they see their own position among  others and on the scale of eternity more clearly. 
[Award a maximum of TWO marks for mere lifting.] (3)
1.9 There is a distinct link between the introductory paragraph and the conclusion  of the text. In both paragraphs Felix Baumgartner's famous risky jump is  mentioned. Paragraph 10 brings about cohesion in the text as a whole because it is thematically linked with the preceding paragraphs. The  concluding paragraph creates a sense of anticipation in the reader; it  suggests that the writer wants to challenge the reader to explore 'the limit'.  
[Credit cogent alternative responses.] (3) 
1.10 The child stares directly at the reader and draws the reader into the situation  being focused on. The child appears to be vulnerable; this is intended to elicit sympathy/concern from the reader. 
[Award 2 marks for two points or 2 marks for any single idea well discussed.] (2) 
1.11 The emotive statement, 'Promise you will buy me …' introduces an innocent  plea for safety by a vulnerable child. The use of personal pronouns like 'I',  'you' and 'me' makes the message more personal. The diction in Text B  reinforces the message – the natural need for protection.  
'A helmet when … promise me' emphasises the responsibility of the adult in  promoting development in the child and protecting her from any possible  injury and safe-guarding her future. The use of 'promise you will' and 'promise  me' emphasise the child's trust in the adult. 
[Award 3 marks for any three distinct ideas OR 3 marks for any two well discussed ideas.] (3) 
1.12 YES 
Text B is relevant to the information in Text A because it focuses on the  natural need for protection in risky activities. This need is debunked in Text A.  In Text B, an innocent child makes a plea to her parents or guardians for  protection – the helmet. In Text A, the individual takes responsibility for  his/her own risky action. In contrast with the girl in Text B, Text A presents the risk-taker as fearless and one who seeks an adrenaline rush, irrespective of  the consequences. Text B is thus relevant in the sense that it highlights the  importance of most-needed safety features when one participates in extreme  activities.  


Text B is not relevant to the information in Text A; while Text A concentrates  on extreme activities that are more risky than ordinary sporting codes, Text B focuses on a child's need for protection when he/she participates in sports.  The child in Text B displays a natural need for protection and safety. In  contrast with this, the adults in Text A are willing to compromise the natural  need for safety by participating in life-threatening and extreme sports.  
[Credit cogent alternative responses.] (3)


Use the following main points that the candidate should include in the summary as a  guideline. 
Any 7 valid points in paragraph-form are to be credited. 
(Sentences and/or sentence fragments must be coherent.) 





'instead of pleasing others, simply  expect to be treated with respect.'

You deserve to be treated with respect:  expect it. 

'The real path to success can  come only through your belief in  yourself.'/'they are confident  enough in themselves'

Self-confidence/Self assurance leads to  success. 

'the only way to get what you  want in life, is to say what you  want and go after it.'

Verbalise your goals and commit yourself  to achieving them. 

'trusting your own abilities, which  you garner through risk-taking'

Risk-taking allows you to build confidence  in your own abilities. 

'learn to grow from feedback  rather than to shrink from it.'

Understand that constructive criticism  promotes growth. 

'they do not fear to be brutally  honest when necessary.'

Absolute honesty is beneficial. 

'to commit to what you believe in  and to speak out.'

Do not fear to express your beliefs and  thoughts. 

'You don't need to apologise for  your existence'

Be unapologetic about your actions. 

'you need to be bold enough to  make mistakes.'

Be courageous enough to accept that you  will make mistakes. 

NOTE: What follows is merely an example. It is not prescriptive and must be used very  carefully.

You deserve to be treated with respect. Because self-confidence leads to success, it is  imperative to verbalise your goals and commit yourself to them. Furthermore, risk-taking  allows you to build confidence in your own abilities. However, understand that  constructive criticism promotes growth. Moreover, successful people are self-assured and  they know that absolute honesty is beneficial. They also never fear to express their beliefs  and they are unapologetic about their actions. Lastly, it is imperative to be courageous  enough to accept that human beings are not flawless.  

(86 words)

Marking the summary: 
The summary should be marked as follows: 

  • Mark allocation:
    • 7 marks for 7 points (1 mark per main point)
    • 3 marks for language
    • Total marks: 10
  • Distribution of language marks when candidate has not quoted verbatim:
    • 1–3 points correct: award 1 mark
    • 4–5 points correct: award 2 marks
    • 6–7 points correct: award 3 marks
  • Distribution of language marks when candidate has quoted verbatim:
    • 6–7 quotations: award no language mark
    • 1–5 quotations: award 1 language mark 


  • Format: 
    Even if the summary is presented in the incorrect format, it must be assessed.
  • Word Count:
    • Do not deduct any marks if the candidate fails to indicate the number of  words used or if the number of words used is indicated incorrectly.
    • If the word limit is exceeded, read up to the last sentence above the  stipulated upper limit and ignore the rest of the summary.
    • Summaries that are short but contain all the required main points should not be penalised. 


Marking SECTION C: 

  • Spelling: 
    • One-word answers must be marked correct even if the spelling is incorrect,  unless the error changes the meaning of the word. 
    • In full-sentence answers, incorrect spelling should not be penalised if the error  is in the language structure being tested. 
    • Where an abbreviation is tested, the answer must be punctuated correctly.
  • Sentence structures must be grammatically correct and given in full sentences/as  per instruction. 
  • For multiple-choice questions, accept BOTH the letter corresponding to the  correct answer AND/OR the answer written out in full as correct.  

3.1 The advertiser emphasises the fact that this is a reputable brand. Its quality  has stood the test of time. (2) 
3.2 The illustration effectively conveys the advertiser's intention because attention  is drawn to the superior and the unusual characteristics of the product. The  watch's large size and unusual horizontal position accentuate its distinctive  features. (2) 
3.3 The inclusion of the statement was made for a specific reason – to identify a  definite target market, viz. men. The statement in bold could be perceived as  being sexist/stereotyped/biased in favour of men. It highlights the gender specific target market. The word 'engineered' reinforces the sense of the  sophisticated and special qualities of the watch. (3) 
3.4 The advertiser makes a personal appeal by using the second-person  pronoun. Emotive words/phrases, e.g. 'gigantic', 'even more impressive',  'envious glances' reinforce the notion that this product is a cut above the rest.  Jargon, e.g. 'Pellaton winding system', creates the impression that the watch  is technically sophisticated.  
The emotive diction and jargon could be perceived as elitist. 
[Award full marks only if candidate gives a critical evaluation of the diction.] (3) 
[Credit valid alternative responses.]  


4.1 The boy is marginalised to the far left of frame 1./He is voiceless./The  speaker's tone and the girls' facial expression show hostility./The bold 'YOU' shows the speaker's domineering attitude. 
[Award 2 marks for TWO valid points.] (2) 
4.2 In frame 2, the boy's head is moving from side to side and this illustrates his  reaction to the overbearing assault. Both girls are verbally abusing him. He is  left completely confused. 
In frame 3, the boy's slumped shoulders show that he is completely defeated.  He is left depressed because he is rejected. The speech bubble illustrates his  state of mind.  
[Award 2 marks only if candidate makes reference to both frames 2 and 3.] (2) 
4.3 The bold font effectively highlights the authoritarian/demanding/domineering  tone. The use of several exclamation marks shows that the girls raise their  voices and shout at the boy in unison. The repetition of the command, 'GO  ON HOME' underlines how adamant the girls are.  
[Award 3 marks for any three points OR 3 marks for any two well-discussed  points.] (3) 
4.4 The last frame is grimly ironic. The girls blame the boy for his dejection, while  they are wholly responsible for his lack of humour. The girls take no  responsibility for their abusive actions. They are utterly insensitive.  
[Accept responses that discuss the nature and effects of bullying, with  reference to the cartoon.] 
[The explicit use of the word irony or its derivatives is not necessary for full  marks.] 
[Credit cogent alternative responses.] (3)


5.1 B adjective (1)
5.2 It is a book/film title. (1)
5.3 I thought he was attractive/good-looking. 
[Accept appropriate formal English synonyms.] (1)
5.4 perfect singing voice/flawless singing voice (1) 
5.5 I thought that those crushes were incomprehensible (1), the ones to which  one/you could assign no sense or meaning (1). 
[Award 1 mark for the first and second pair of words respectively.] (2) 
5.6 You will never meet someone who is the ideal crush object. (1) 
[Accept ...someone that…] 
5.7 would have together/would have had together 
[If the candidate changes are to would be, the second verb must be would  have had together.] (1)
5.8. stationery (1)
5.9 it exists 
Crashes … they exist (1)


Last modified on Monday, 28 June 2021 08:45