1. This question paper is divided into THREE sections. Candidates must answer  ALL THREE sections.
  2. The duration of this examination is three hours. Because of the nature of this  examination it is important to note that you will not be permitted to leave the  examination room before the end of the examination session. 
  3. This question paper is set with programming terms that are not specific to any  particular programming language (Delphi/Java (using the Netbeans IDE)). 
  4. Make sure that you answer the questions according to the specifications that  are given in each question. Marks will be awarded according to the set  requirements.
  5. Answer only what is asked in each question. For example, if the question does  not ask for data validation, then no marks will be awarded for data validation.
  6. Your programs must be coded in such a way that they will work with any data  and not just the sample data supplied or any data extracts that appear in the  question paper.
  7. Routines, such as search, sort and selection, must be developed from first  principles. You may NOT use the built-in features of a programming language  for any of these routines.
  8. All data structures must be defined by you, the programmer, unless the data  structures are supplied. 
  9. You must save your work regularly on the disk/CD/DVD/flash disk you have  been given, or on the disk space allocated to you for this examination session.
  10. Make sure that your examination number appears as a comment in every  program that you code, as well as on every event indicated.
  11. If required, print the programming code of all the programs/classes that you  completed. You will be given half an hour printing time after the examination  session.
  12. At the end of this examination session you must hand in a disk/CD/DVD/flash  disk with all your work saved on it OR you must make sure that all your work  has been saved on the disk space allocated to you for this examination  session. Ensure that all files can be read.
  13. The files that you need to complete this question paper have been given to  you on the disk/CD/DVD/flash disk or on the disk space allocated to you. The  files are provided in the form of password-protected executable files.
    • Delphi candidates must use the file DelphiDataENGMarch2017.exe. • Java candidates must use the file JavaDataENGMarch2017.exe. 

Do the following: 

    • Double click on the password-protected executable file.
    • Click on the extract button.
    • Enter the following password: Prof4U@#! 

Once extracted, the following list of files will be available in the folder DelphiDataENGMarch2017/JavaDataENGMarch2017: 

Question1:   Question1:  
Question1_P.dpr Question1.form 
Question1_P.res Type1.PNG
Question1_U.dfm Type2.PNG 
Question2:  Question2: 
DataJanuary2017.txt DataJanuary2017.txt
Question2_P.dpr Question2.form 
Question3:  Question3: 
Question3_P.dpr Question3.form 



Loyalty cards are often used to create profiles for customers. It is also a popular way of motivating customers to visit shops that regularly award loyalty points for purchases  made.


An applicant must complete an application form to obtain a loyalty card.  

Do the following: 

  • Compile and execute the program found in the Question1 folder. The user  interface displays four different sections named QUESTION 1_1 to  QUESTION 1_4. Currently the program has no functionality. 

Example of graphical user interface (GUI): 

232 gui interface

  • Complete the code for each section of QUESTION 1, as described in  QUESTION 1.1 to QUESTION 1.4 on the next page. 

1.1 Button [Question 1_1] 
A label called lblWelcomeMessage has been created and set to be not visible. Write code to validate the information entered by the user as follows: 

  • Name and surname
    The input must contain at least one space to be valid. If the input is not valid,  display a message to indicate the specific error using a dialog box. 
  • ID number
    The asterisk character (*) next to the text box indicates that the field may not  be left blank. An ID number must consist of 13 digits to be valid. If the  ID number field does not contain any information or the ID number that was  entered does not consist of 13 digits, display a message to indicate the  specific error that occurred using a dialog box. 

If the contents in both fields are valid, the label displaying the welcoming  message must be set to visible. 


Example of message if no space was entered in the name-surname field: 
Example of message if the ID number field was left blank: 
Example of message if the ID number that was entered does not consist of  13 digits: 
 14 marks(14) 
1.2 Buttons with images [Question 1_2] 
A customer must select the preferred type of loyalty card. The images on the  buttons in this section of the GUI show two types of loyalty cards. When a  specific image is selected (button clicked), the program must do the following: 

  • The heading in the label above the selected image must be changed  to bold.
  • A code for the type of loyalty card that was selected must be assigned to  the global variable typeCard that is provided. The code DI represents  immediate discount and the code CH represents a donation towards  charity. 

NOTE: Only the label for the currently selected button must appear in bold. If the user selects the other type of loyalty card, the label of the  previously selected loyalty card must NOT appear in bold. (6)
1.3 Button [Question 1_3] 
The final purchase amount for today must be entered in the text box.  
The program must grant the following benefit towards the holder of the type of  loyalty card selected in QUESTION 1_2: 

  • Immediate discount (DI):
    1,5% discount must be granted on the purchase amount. 
  • Donation towards charity (CH):
    An amount of R3 will be donated to a charity organisation for every R100  or part of R100 spent by the loyalty card holder. 

Display a message describing the benefit granted depending on the type of  loyalty card. 
Example of output if the code of the loyalty card is DI and the purchase amount  R1 200: 
237 jhakj
NOTE: The discount amount must be displayed as a currency with two  decimal digits. 
Example of output if the code of the loyalty card is CH and the purchase amount R230: 


1.4 Button [Question 1_4] 
The customer's ID number entered in QUESTION 1_1 and the type of loyalty  card selected in QUESTION 1_2 are required to compile the customer's  loyalty card number. A loyalty card number consists of three parts. Each part  of the number must be compiled as follows and displayed in the components provided: 
Part 1:  
The first part of the loyalty card number consists of either the letter B if the  business card check box was selected or the letter P if the business card  check box was not selected, followed by the first three digits of the customer's  ID number. 
Part 2:  
A string called charString, which contains the following 10 characters, has  been supplied as part of the code provided: 
 ! @ # $ % ] & * ^ ~ 
Each character contained in the string represents a digit (0–9). This means that the first character (!) represents the digit 0, the second character (@) the  digit 1, and so on. 
This part of the loyalty card number must consist of the last digit from the  customer's ID number, followed by the character from charString that  represents that digit. 
Example of this part of the loyalty card number if the customer's ID number is  8802128756084: 


Part 3: 
This part of the loyalty card number consists of the code representing the type  of loyalty card (DI or CH) established in QUESTION 1_2.  
Example of the loyalty card number of a customer with the following profile: 

  • Application for a business 
  • ID number: 9210140012083 
  • Card type: DI 


  • Enter your examination number as a comment in the first line of the program file
  • Save your program.
  • Make a printout of the code if required.


The local supermarket has a loyalty card system where customers can receive rewards  depending on the number of visits, the number of loyalty points gathered and the  percentage of health food bought. 
Do the following: 

Delphi programmers 

Java programmers

  • Open the incomplete program in the  Question2 folder.
  • Open the incomplete object class CardHolder_U.pas.
  • Add your examination number as a  comment in the first line of both files Question2_U.pas and  CardHolder_U.pas.
  • Open the incomplete program in the  Question2 folder.
  • Open the incomplete object class 
  • Add your examination number as a  comment in the first line of both  classes and
  • Compile and execute the program. Currently the program has no functionality. Example of graphical user interface (GUI): 

239 compile and com

  • Complete the code for this program, as specified in QUESTION 2.1 and  QUESTION 2.2 below. 

2.1 The given incomplete object class (TCardHolder/CardHolder) contains the  declaration of five attributes, the toString() method and an incomplete  isCorrect() method.
The given attributes of the CardHolder object: 







A unique number for the card holder



The cellphone number of the card holder



The number of times the card holder  visited the shop during the month



The total number of loyalty points received  on this card up to now



A character indicating the health level of  the card holder, based on the amount of  health food bought during the month:

S – Silver (Lowest level) 
G – Gold 
P – Platinum (Highest level)

Complete the code in the given CardHolder class (TCardHolder/CardHolder)  as described in QUESTION 2.1.1 to QUESTION 2.1.6 below. 
2.1.1 Write code for a constructor method to receive the card number,  cellphone number and loyalty card points already received, as  parameter values. Assign these values to the relevant attributes. The lowest code for the health food level (S) must be assigned to the  attribute for the health level. The attribute for the number of visits must  be set to 0. (5) 
2.1.2 Write a mutator method to be able to set the attribute for the number of  visits to a value received as a parameter. (2) 
2.1.3 Write code for a method called increaseLoyaltyPoints that receives  the total amount spent for this month as a parameter and increases the  current number of loyalty points based on the amount received. 
Use the following criteria:  

  • For every four rand (R4) spent, one loyalty point is awarded. (5) 

2.1.4 Write code for a method called updateHealthLevel that will receive the  total amount spent for this month and the amount spent on health food for this month as parameters. Calculate the percentage that was spent  on health food and set the attribute for the health level according to the  criteria provided in the table below. 

Level code 

Percentage indication

Less than 10%

10% or more, but less than 40%

40% or more 


2.1.5 An access code is required to be able to update a customer's loyalty points. The customer's cellphone number has been used to compile the  access code. 
Write code to complete the isCorrect method provided. The method  must test whether the access code received as a parameter is correct  by applying the following instructions on the attribute for the cellphone  number: 

  • Remove all zeros (0) from the cellphone number. 
  • Determine the sum of the remaining digits as follows:
    • If the number of remaining digits is even, every two consecutive  digits starting on the left-hand side must be regarded as a two digit value. Add all these two-digit values.
      If the original cellphone number was 082 340 2113, the  remaining digits without any zeros would be 82342113. The sum  of the two-digit values is:
      82 + 34 + 21 + 13 = 150
    • If the number of remaining digits is odd, the first digit must be regarded as a one-digit value, and thereafter every two  consecutive digits must be regarded as a two-digit value. Add all  these values.
      If the original cellphone number was 082 034 2101, the  remaining digits after removing the zeros are 8234211. The sum  of the values is:
      8 + 23 + 42 + 11 = 84 (13) 

2.1.6 Write code for a method called identifyStarShopper that will return a  string to indicate whether the card holder is a STAR shopper or not. A card holder is a STAR shopper if the following applies: 

  • The card holder earned more than 2 000 loyalty points and the  shop was visited more than 10 times during the month.
  • The health level of the card holder is platinum. 

The string to be returned must either be 'STAR shopper' or an  empty string. (6)
2.2 Information on the visits and purchases of card holders is saved for one month  only in a text file. The text file called DataJanuary2017.txt contains the  transactions made by four of the card holders during January. 
The contents of text file is as follows: 

  • Every three lines represent a transaction for a specific loyalty card holder:
    • Line 1: The card number of the card holder, for example B921-3$-DI
    • Line 2: The total amount of the purchases for this visit, for example 1459.30
    • Line 3: The amount spent on health food during this visit, for example 72.30 

Example of the first 12 lines of the text file DataJanuary2017.txt: 


Do the following to complete the code for each button in the main form unit  (Delphi)/GUI class (Java), as in the section that follows. 
NOTE: The object objCardHolder has been declared globally as part of the  provided code. 
2.2.1 Button – [2.2.1 – Check access code] 
The user is required to select a card number from the four card  numbers provided in the combo box. 
Once a card number has been selected in the combo box, the  cellphone number of the card holder and the number of loyalty points  already earned from previous purchases are displayed with the  provided code.  
The user must enter the correct access code for the selected card  number to allow the program to process the data of the card holder  saved in the text file.  
Write code to do the following: 

  • Use the card number, cellphone number and loyalty points of the  card holder to instantiate a card holder object.
  • Use the method isCorrect to determine whether the access code  that was entered is the correct access code for this card holder or not. 

If the correct access code has been entered, use the data in the  DataJanuary2017.txt text file to determine the following regarding  the purchases of the card holder: 

  • The total amount spent for the month 
  • The amount spent on health-related products 
  • The number of times the user visited the shop and made  purchases 

Use this information and the relevant methods from the object class to  update the number of loyalty points, the health level code and the  number of times the card holder visited the shop for purchases.  
Enable the button for QUESTION 2.2.2. 
If the access code is NOT correct, display a message to indicate that  the login was not successful and clear the access code text box. 
The data in the table below can be used for testing purposes. 

Card number 

Access code










2.2.2 Button – [2.2.2 – Display card holder details] 
Write code to use the toString method to display the card holder  object data in the output area provided. 
The method created in QUESTION 2.1.6 must be used to indicate if  the card holder is a STAR shopper. 
Example of output for card number B921-3$-DI:

240 card no

Example of output for card number B870-4%-CH: 

  • Enter your examination number as a comment in the first line of the class and  the form.
  • Save all the files.
  • Print the code contained in the class and the form (Delphi)/both classes (Java) if  required.




A social media companion app called Dine-Is-Fine has been designed specifically for  the 10 restaurants at your local mall. You and your friends are registered users of this  app. The app can be used to share your location with other registered users.

Do the following: 

  • Compile and execute the program in the Question3 folder. Currently the program  has no functionality. 
  • Complete the code for each question, as described in QUESTION 3.1 to  QUESTION 3.3. 

Supplied GUI: 
supplied gui
Supplied data: 
You are provided with a two-dimensional array called arrMall filled with characters that  represent the layout of the mall. The characters A to J represent 10 restaurants that  you and your friends regularly visit.
Output area: 
Decide on a suitable output component to be placed in the output area provided to  display the content of the two-dimensional array. 

  • You are NOT allowed to modify supplied data manually. Code must be written to  manipulate the supplied data according to the requirements. 
  • Good programming techniques and modular design must be applied in the design  and coding of your solution. 
  • NO marks will be assigned for hardcoding. Use control structures and variables  where necessary. 

3.1 Button [Display layout] 
The program must display the layout of the mall. Write code to use the data  supplied in the two-dimensional array to display the layout in neat columns. 
Example of output: 
binary jgv(5) 
Explanation of the data in the array: 

  • The characters A to J represent the position of each of the 10 restaurants in  the mall. 
  • The character X is a placeholder indicating that none of your friends are  currently in a restaurant. 
  • The character O indicates the open area where one can move around.
  • The asterisk character (*) indicates your position (first row and fourth  column). 

NOTE: You will always remain in the same position for the purpose of this  question. 
3.2 Combo box with restaurant codes 
You are requested to select a restaurant from the combo box where one of  your friends will dine.  
Write code to replace the X placeholder at the selected restaurant with a  hashtag symbol (#) to indicate that a friend is at the restaurant and display an updated layout of the mall.
Example of output if two of your friends are dining at restaurant C and F respectively: 
binary 2ds(13) 
3.3 Button [Locate nearest friend(s)] 
The program must determine at which restaurant(s) in the mall your friends  currently are and how far they are from where you are. Every vertical or  horizontal movement on the matrix represents a distance of 4,5 metres. From  the restaurant(s) where your friends are, determine and display the  restaurant(s) closest to where you are. 
Example of output if your friends are dining at restaurants C and F: 
Example of output if your friends are dining at restaurants C, F and H: 
NOTE: You cannot move diagonally on the matrix. 

Locate the friends 


Determine the name of the restaurant 


Calculate the distance 


Find the nearest friend(s) 


Output to indicate position of friend(s) and distance 


Correct format of output for the nearest friend(s) 





  • Enter your examination number as a comment in the first line of the program file.
  • Save your program. 
  • Make a printout of the code if required.


Last modified on Monday, 16 August 2021 11:22