1. Owing to the nature of this practical examination, it is important to note that, even if you complete the examination early, you will NOT be permitted to leave the examination room until all the administrative functions associated with the examination have been finalised. During the examination, the normal rules regarding leaving the examination room apply.
  2. If you are working on the network, or the data files have been preloaded, you must follow the instructions provided by the invigilator/educator. Alternatively, the invigilator will give you a CD/DVD/flash drive containing all the files needed for the examination. If a CD/DVD/flash drive has been issued to you, you must write your examination number and centre number on the CD/DVD/flash drive.
  3. At the end of the examination, you must hand in the CD/DVD/flash drive given to you by the invigilator with ALL your answer files saved onto the CD/DVD/flash drive, OR you should make sure that ALL the answer files are saved on the network/computer as explained to you by the invigilator/educator.
  4. Make absolutely sure that all files can be read. Do NOT save unnecessary files/folders and do NOT hand in duplicate answer files/folders. Do NOT delete any original files that you did not work on.
  5. The information sheet that has been provided with the question paper MUST BE COMPLETED AFTER THE THREE-HOUR EXAMINATION SESSION. Hand it to the invigilator at the end of the examination.
  6. A copy of the master files will be available from the invigilator. Should there be any problems with a file, you may request another copy from the invigilator.
  7. This question paper consists of SEVEN questions. Answer ALL the questions.
  8. Read through each question before answering or solving the problem. Do NOT do more than is required by the question.
  9. Read the question carefully as accuracy will be taken into account.
  10. Ensure that you save each document using the file name given in the question paper. Save your work at regular intervals as a precaution against possible power failures.
  11. You may NOT use any resource material.
  12. Ensure that the regional settings are set to South Africa and that date and time settings, number settings and currency settings are correctly set.
  13. In all questions involving word processing, you should set the language to English (South Africa). The paper size is assumed to be A4 Portrait, unless instructed otherwise. Use centimetres as the unit of measurement.
  14. Formulae and/or functions must be used for ALL calculations in questions involving spreadsheets. Use absolute cell references only where necessary to ensure that formulae are correct when you copy them to other cells in a spreadsheet.
    NOTE: All formulae and/or functions should be inserted in such a manner that the correct results will still be obtained even if changes are made to the existing data.
  15. You may NOT use a word processing program such as Word to answer the HTML question.
  16. The examination folder/CD/DVD/flash drive that you receive with this question paper contains the files listed below. Ensure that you have all the files before you begin with this examination.
    • 1Pyramids - Word processing file
    • 1Structure - Word processing file
    • 2Building - Word processing file
    • 3Tourists - Spreadsheet
    • 4Visitors - Spreadsheet
    • 5Andrews - Image
    • 5Egypt - Database
    • 6_1NatGeo - HTML file
    • 6_2Facts - HTML file
    • 6Group - Image
    • 7Invitation - Word processing file
    • 7Mail - Database
    • 7Years - Spreadsheet

The pyramids at Giza, Egypt, is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
You are required to assist with documents about the pyramids.

Open the 1Pyramids word processing document that contains information about the pyramids and insert your examination number in the header or the footer.
1.1 Change the picture found at the top of the first page as follows:

  • Set the width of the picture to 21 cm.
  • Move the picture to the top edge of the page so that it extends over the top, left and right margins of the page, as shown below.
  • Remove all the empty paragraphs below the picture. (3)

1.2 Edit the heading 'Amazing Facts about the Great Pyramids of Giza' below the picture as follows:

  • Remove the strikethrough.
  • Expand the character spacing by 1.5 pt.
  • Centre the heading. (4)

1.3 Use the author and the date given in the text below the heading 'Amazing Facts about the Great Pyramids of Giza' to add a website source in the APA style to the document.(4)
1.4 Use a word processing feature to replace all the nonbreaking spaces in the document with normal spaces.
Ensure that only ONE normal space appears in the place of a nonbreaking space. (2)
1.5 Change the indentation settings on the ruler of the paragraph that starts with 'One of …' as follows:

  • Set the first line indent to 2 cm.
  • Set the right indent to 14 cm. (3)

1.6 Change the line and paragraph spacing of the second paragraph that starts with 'The grand …' as follows:

  • Set the paragraph spacing after to 8 pt.
  • Set the line spacing to multiple at 1.4. (3)

1.7 Use a paragraph setting to ensure that the heading 'Insert here' will always appear as the first line of a new page. (1)
1.8 Find the heading 'Insert here'.
Insert the 1Structure word processing document found in your examination folder below the heading so that it appears as an icon. (3)
1.9 Find the picture below the heading 'Dimensions' and do the following:

  • Format the picture so that the text below the picture does not display.
  • Change the caption 'Dimensions of the Great Pyramid' so that the caption label displays as 'Structure'.
  • Set the caption label numbering to the a,b,c, … numbering format. (3)

1.10 Insert a text watermark as follows:

  • Use the text 'Ancient'.
  • Display the watermark only on the first page.(3)
    Save and close the 1Pyramids document.


Open the 2Building word processing document, which contains information about the mysteries of the pyramids, and insert your examination number in the header or the footer.
2.1 Edit the cover page as follows:

  • Carry out the instruction in the Author form control.
  • Remove the Abstract form control. (2)

2.2 Remove page borders from the document. (1)
2.3 Use Styles and insert a table of contents on the second page as follows:

  • Change ALL headings formatted with the 'Heading 2' style to the 'Heading 1' style.
  • Insert a two-level table of contents by setting the 'Title' style as level 1 and the 'Heading 1' style as level 2. (3)

2.4 Insert automatic page numbering of your choice in the Page Margins position on the left side of the page.
The page number after the Table of Contents page must start as 'Page 1'. (3)
2.5 Find the table below the heading 'The overall precision of the Great Pyramid is breathtaking' and convert the table to text to display as follows:
Take note of the following:

  • The tab setting is set at 4 cm.
  • The indent settings
  • The alignment
  • The paragraph border
Topic Facts
Base length 750 feet long at each base
Four corners  Situated along the four cardinal points: north, south, east and west
Circumference The ratio of its circumference to its original height is equal to the value of pi: 3.14. This is something that's not supposed to have been known for more than another millennium. Their mathematical and astronomical knowledge, and the acquisition of it remains a complete mystery to modern-day scholars. 
Geography  They were also amazing geographers, perhaps one of the greatest mysteries is the fact that the Great Pyramid is positioned exactly at the latitude and longitude lines that contain more land and less sea than any other place on Earth. It's right in the 'geographical' centre of the Earth. This fact alone (out of many) suggest that the builders also knew a great deal about the geography of our planet. It's hard to imagine they could complete all of this without some sort of aerial view. The manner that this knowledge was obtained remains a mystery. 
Position on earth There is a meridian running through the pyramids that divides the continents and oceans into two equal halves.
Ratio The Great Pyramid's base is at 1:43,200 which is a mathematical representation of the Northern Hemisphere. 

2.6 Find the citation to the source 'Hancock' and edit the citation to display only the author's name and the page number as 433. The source must NOT be changed. (2)
2.7 Find the picture of the pyramids at the top of the last page and format the picture to display as shown below.
NOTE: The text surrounding the outline of the pyramids may display differently.
"It's the precise configuration for 10,450 BC that we see on the Giza plateau – as though a master-architect came here in that period and decided to lay out a huge map on the ground using a mixture of natural and artificial features. He used the course of the Nile Valley to depict the Milky Way, as it looked then. He built the three pyramids to represent the three stars, exactly as they looked then. And he put the three pyramids in exactly the same relationship to the Nile Valley as the three stars then had to the Milky Way. It was a very clever, very ambitious, very exact way to mark a period – to freeze a particular date into architecture if you like." – Robert Bauval (Reference) (3)
2.8 Insert a cross reference on the text 'Reference' to the bookmark 'ForEver'.
Display only the page number. (2)
Save and close the 2Building document.


  • Use formulae and/or functions for ALL calculations in the spreadsheet.
  • Use absolute cell references ONLY where necessary to ensure that formulae are correct when you copy them to other cells in the same column (copy down).
  • Insert formulae and/or functions in such a manner that the correct results will still be obtained even if changes are made to the existing data.
  • Should you need to use building blocks, use the allocated space in the spreadsheet.

Open the 3Tourists spreadsheet which contains data about the number of tourists to Egypt.
Work in the Data worksheet.
3.1 Format row 1 as follows:

  • Merge and centre cells A1:I1.
  • Increase the font size of the text to 13. (2)

3.2 Insert an appropriate date function in cell C3 to extract the month from the date in cell A3. Ensure that the number of the month displays correctly. (2)
3.3 Enter a function in cell C4 to determine the average number of tourists who visited Egypt (column H) per month.
Format the answer to NO decimal places. (3)
3.4 The peak tourist season in Egypt is from October to May and the off-peak season is from June to September.
Use the SUMIF function in cell C5 to determine the total number of tourists who visited Egypt during the peak season (column B) in 2019 (column G). (3)
3.5 The totals in column H should calculate the total number of tourists per month from 2015 to 2019; however, this does not happen as expected for all the months.
Insert a formula in cell I8 to display the text 'Correct' if the total in column H corresponds with the total number of tourists from 2015 to 2019, or else the text 'Error' must display.
Copy the formula down to the other cells. (7)
3.6 Use a spreadsheet feature to apply a fill colour of your choice to the cell range C8:G19 when the number of tourists is lower than the average for the five years (2015 to 2019). (3)
Work in the Chart_Grafiek worksheet.
3.7 Edit the chart to appear as follows: (7)
Save and close the 3Tourists spreadsheet.


  • Use formulae and/or functions for ALL calculations in the spreadsheet.
  • Use absolute cell references ONLY where necessary to ensure that formulae are correct when you copy them to other cells in the same column (copy down).
  • Insert formulae and/or functions in such a manner that the correct results will still be obtained even if changes are made to the existing data.
  • Should you need to use building blocks, use the allocated space in the spreadsheet.

Open the 4Visitors spreadsheet which contains data about visitors to the pyramids.
Work in the Pyr_Pir worksheet.
4.1 Format the worksheet as follows:

  • Change the page orientation to landscape.
  • Ensure that row 2 will be repeated at the top of each page when you print the worksheet. (2)

4.2 Use a combination of text functions in cell D3 to extract ONLY the text after the '@' sign from the e-mail address in column C.
Example: If the e-mail address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., then ONLY must display. (5)
4.3 Use an appropriate lookup function in cell F4 to determine the location of the pyramid in row 4 by using the code in column E and the lookup table in the Code_Kode worksheet.
Ensure that this function will return the correct results if copied to the other cells in column F.
NOTE: Do NOT copy the function to the other cells. (5)
4.4 Use a formula in cell H5 to determine the age of 'Gabriel Wilmar' in completed years by using the date of birth in column G and the current date. (6)
4.5 Insert a nested IF function (formula) in cell I14 to display 'Yes' if a visitor is under the age of 60 (column H) AND visited Giza (column F), or else 'No' must display. (5)
Save and close the 4Visitors spreadsheet.

A database was created to store data about tourists and the pyramids they choose to visit.
Open the 5Egypt database.
5.1 Change the tbl5_1 table as follows:
5.1.1 Change the Indexed field property of the TSurname field to allow for duplicate values. (1)
5.1.2 Display the date in the TBirthDate field in the Short Date format. (1)
5.1.3 Change the TAge field properties to display the age without decimals. (1)
5.1.4 Set the field properties of the EContact field so that the user can only enter text that contains an '@' sign. (3)
5.1.5 Set the TType field to an appropriate field size. (1)
5.1.6 Create an input mask for the user to enter data in the following format:

  • Lowercase letters
  • The first character is a full stop (.), followed by
  • TWO compulsory letters, followed by
  • ONE optional letter

NOTE: The full stop must display when a record is selected. (4)
5.1.7 Centre the content of the PyramidCode field. (1)
5.1.8 Create a combo box for the PyramidSite field by using the tblSites table. (2)
5.1.9 Switch to Datasheet View.
Insert the 5Andrews picture found in your examination folder in the TPhoto field for the traveller 'Andrews Peter'. (2)
Save and close the tbl5_1 table.
5.2 Open the form called frm5_2 in Design View and do the following:

  • Change the order of the fields to TSurname, TName, EContact, TPhoto.
  • Replace the heading in the form header with your examination number.
  • Insert the Date field in the form header.
  • Shade the EContact field to any light colour of your choice.

Save and close the frm5_2 form. (4)
5.3 Open the qry5_3 query in Design View.
Modify the query so that it displays the total number of pyramids at the Giza site.
Save and close the qry5_3 query. (3)
5.4 Open the qry5_4 query in Design View and do the following:

  • Sort the query first according to the Surname field and then according to the Name field.
  • Display the records of those visitors who were born before 1960 and whose domain type is 'org' or 'edu'.
  • Tourists receive a 15% discount on the visitors' cost (VisitorsCost).
  • Insert a calculated field called Payable to determine the amount payable after the discount has been deducted.
    Save and close the qry5_4 query. (9)

5.5 Create a report named rpt5_5, based on the tblVisitors table, to display the records as follows:
Take note of the following:

  • The fields that display
  • Grouping
  • A calculation
  • The format of the VisitorsCost field

Save and close the rpt5_5 report. (8)
Save and close the 5Egypt database.


  • An HTML tag sheet has been attached for reference.
  • All files needed to complete this question are found in the examination folder.
    ONE mark will be allocated for the correct use of tags, triangular brackets and correct nesting for both the web pages. (1)

6.1 Open the incomplete 6_1NatGeo web page in a web browser and also in a text/HTML editor (NOT a word processing program such as Word).
NOTE: Question numbers appear as comments in the coding to guide you where to insert the answer(s). DO NOT delete these comments.
NOTE: Use the example on the previous page as a guide for answering this question.
6.1.1 Insert HTML tags to centre the text that starts with 'PYRAMIDS …' and ends with '… other features'. (2)
6.1.2 Locate the heading 'PYRAMIDS' and format it as follows:

  • Apply the 'Heading 1' style to this heading.
  • Set the font of this heading to 'Papyrus'. (3)

6.1.3 Insert the image 6Group.jpg below the first paragraph that ends with the text '… complex mortuary temple'. (2)
6.1.4 An attempt was made to create a link on the heading 'The Future of the Pyramids' to the website ''.
Modify the link so that the website '' will open in the web browser.
NOTE: Do NOT click on the link. (2)
Save and close the 6_1NatGeo web page.
6.2 Open the incomplete 6_2Facts web page in a web browser and also in a text/HTML editor (NOT a word processing program such as Word).
HINT: Use tags given in the attached HTML tag sheet.
Complete the web page to appear as follows:
Save and close the 6_2Facts web page. (10)

References to pyramids are found in many other places.
7.1 Open the 7Years spreadsheet.
7.1.1 Copy the data from cells A1:B6 in the Chart worksheet to cells A2:F3 in the Data worksheet.
The copied data in the Data worksheet must appear as follows:

Tourists in Egypt from 2015 to 2019
Year 2015 2016 2017  2018 2019
Number of tourists per year 11532 9464 9878 9328 4847

7.1.2 Work in the Chart worksheet. Modify the chart to display as follows: (3)
7.1.3 Save the pyramid chart as a 7Chart.jpg image file in your examination folder. (2)
Work in the Visitors worksheet.
7.1.4 A named range has already been created for the amounts in column F.
Insert a function in cell J3 that uses the named range to determine how many of the amounts in the named range are greater than R14 000. (3)
7.1.5 A validation rule has been set on cells E2:E194 to obtain data from the list in cells M4:M9. However, there are errors and omissions in the validation list (cells M4:M9), which cause data in column E to be invalid.
Correct the Validation List AND update the Validation Rule so that the data in column E becomes valid.
HINT: To identify the invalid data in column E, use the Circle Invalid Data option from the Data Validation icon in the Data Tools group. (3)
Save and close the 7Years spreadsheet.
7.2 Open the 7Invitation word processing document.
Complete a mail merge as follows:

  • Use the 7Mail database as a data source for the 7Invitation mail merge document.
  • Edit the data source recipient list to include ONLY the data of those visitors who have an edu domain type AND who are born after 1960.
  • Replace the text <<Name>> with the merged field Name.
  • Add a field in the footer of the document to show the date and time when the document is opened. (6)

Save the 7Invitation document.
7.2.2 Complete the mail merge and save the merged document as 7InvitationMerge. (1)
TOTAL: 180


Basic Tags
Tag Description
<body></body> Defines the body of the web page
<body bgcolor="pink"> Sets the background colour of the web page
<body text="black"> Sets the colour of the body text
<head></head> Contains information about the web page
<html></html> Creates an HTML document – starts and ends a web page
<title></title> Defines a title for the web page
<br/> Inserts a line break
<!-- --> Comment
Text Tags
Tag Description
<hl></hl> Creates the largest heading
<h6></h6> Creates the smallest heading
<b></b> Creates bold text
<i></i> Creates italic text
<font size="3"></font> Sets size of font, from "1" to "7"
<font color="green"> </font> Sets font colour
<font face="Times New Roman"></font> Sets font type
Link Tags
Tag Description
 <a href="/URL"></a>  Creates a hyperlink
 <a href="/URL"><img src="/name"></a>  Creates an image link
 <a name="NAME"></a>  Creates a target location in the document
 <a href= "#NAME"></a>  Links to a target location created somewhere else in the document
 Formatting Tags 
Tag Description
 <p></p> Creates a new paragraph
 <p align="left"> Aligns a paragraph to the "left" (default), can also be "right" or "center"
 <br/> Inserts a line break
 <ol></ol> Creates a numbered list
 <ol type="A","a", "I","i","1"></ol> Defines the type of numbering used
 <ul></ul> Creates a bulleted list
<ul type="disc", "square","circle"> </ul> Defines the type of bullets used
<li></li> Inserted before each list item, and adds a number or symbol depending on the type of list selected
<img src="/name"> Adds an image
<img src="/name" align="left"> Aligns an image: can be "left", "right", "center", "bottom", "top", "middle"
<img src="/name" border="1"> Sets the size of the border around an image
<img src="/name" width="200" height ="200"> Sets the height and width of an image
<img src="/name" alt="alternative text"> Displays alternative text when the mouse hovers over the image or when the image is not found
<hr/> Inserts a horizontal line
<hr size="3"/> Sets size (height) of a line
<hr width="80%"/> Sets the width of a line, in percentage or absolute value
<hr color= "ff0000"/> Sets the colour of the line
Table Tags
Tag Description
<table></table> Creates a table
<tr></tr> Creates a row in a table

Creates a cell in a table

<th></th> Creates a table header (a cell with bold, centred text)
<table width="50"> Sets the width of the table
<table border="1"> Sets the width of the border around the table cells
<table cellspacing="1"> Sets the space between the table cells
<table cellpadding="1"> Sets the space between a cell border and its contents
<tr align="left"> Sets the alignment for cell(s) ("left", can also be "center" or "right")
<tr valign="top"> Sets the vertical alignment for cell(s) ("top", can also be "middle" or "bottom")
<td colspan="2"> Sets the number of columns a cell should span
<td rowspan="4"> Sets the number of rows a cell should span


 0  Digit (0 to 9, entry required, plus [+] and minus [–] signs not allowed)
 9  Digit or space (entry not required, plus [+] and minus [–] signs not allowed)
 #  Digit or space (entry not required; spaces are displayed as blanks while in Edit mode, but blanks are removed when data is saved; plus [+] and minus [–] signs allowed)
 L  Letter (A to Z, entry required)
 ?  Letter (A to Z, entry optional)
 A  Letter or digit (entry required)
 a  Letter or digit (entry optional)
&  Any character or a space (entry required)
C  Any character or a space (entry optional)
. , : ; - /  Decimal placeholder and thousand, date and time separators (The actual character used depends on the settings in the Regional Settings Properties dialog box in the Windows Control Panel.)
<  Causes all characters to be converted to lower case
>  Causes all characters to be converted to upper case
!  Causes the input mask to display from right to left, rather than from left to right. Characters typed into the mask always fill it from left to right. You can include the exclamation point anywhere in the input mask.
\  Causes the character that follows to be displayed as the literal character (for example, \A is displayed as just A)
Last modified on Friday, 18 March 2022 06:43